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In your opinión what’s the most important invention ever?

In our live there were much important invention which it was hel us in all

Although there were much invention for example light bulb, motorcycle… I tink that the car is
the most important

Firstly with this you can goa ll sites that you need to go without someone go you, too you can
go or visit so much provinces, places qhich are in other sites tan you. If the car hadn’t invented,
we wouldn’t have discovered other sites that you couldn’t see because it was in other sites of
the world.

In my opinion this was the most important because it is more easy for life.

30 Composición escrita
Criterios Corrección:
6 Presentanción del ejercicio orden, limpieza
6 organización del texto coherencia, cohesión, puntuación - enlaces
6 Riqueza gramatical y léxica vocabulario específico, estructuras gramáticas complejas
Corrección gramatical y
6 ortográfica
límite de palabras, aborda todos los puntos, realiza lo que se
6 Adecuación pide.

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