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Victoria Arruda

Dr. Cutter

GEB- 2112


Article response: Sustainable entrepreneurship

Sustainability is an important topic that all entrepreneurs should consider and implement

in their business idea. By applying sustainability, we can create more eco-friendly ways to make

business. More and more customers seek companies that show an interest for sustainable causes

that will protect the environment. It’s not an easy idea to practice depending on the business idea,

but it’s a challenge any entrepreneur should be willing to consider.

By reading the article “26 Green Entrepreneurs Who Are Helping Our Environment”, I

was astonished with how many wonderful ideas entrepreneurs came up with to apply

sustainability to their business. I picked a company called Box Play for Kids LLC. This company

was founded by Janette Eusebio Harwell, and her goal was to make eco-friendly, 100% recycled

stickers for kids. I picked this company because when I was I kid I used to love buying stickers

and finding a company that makes them in a way that doesn’t harm the environment makes me

so happy. The stickers are made from throw-away boxes found in the recycling bin. This

company is so innovative because it took a product loved by many people and made it eco-

friendly. Stickers are a small product that many people might not realize how harmful it can be to

the environment. This company considered this harm and found a way to make them sustainable.

Their stickers help the environment since it’s composed of old boxes that was thrown away by

people. They found a way to recycle and reuse those boxes and make the stickers. I believe this

company was creative to open a business that sells eco-friendly stickers. It’s something new and
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innovative that may attract, any customers. It’s a product many people love and to be able to buy

them without harming the environment is so pleasing.

In all, many companies are now finding a way to make their business sustainable and

eco-friendly. By doing that more and more people are aware of sustainability. Business are being

innovative with their ideas and making their business unique like Box Play for Kids LLC. If

entrepreneurs continue to consider sustainability, our environment will suffer less negative

impacts from the harms.

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