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Unit 5

Next Top Model – Globalization for TV!

p. 51
1. In the running - having a chance of being successful, esp. in a competition or election
1. Host [həust] - ტელე / რადიო წამყვანი
2. Rapidly – სწრაფად
3. Spread – გავრცელება
4. Glamour ['glæmə] – a quality of someone or something that causes excitement and
admiration because of its style or attractive appearance: Who can resist the glamour of
5. Genre [ʒɔŋrə] – ჟანრი
6. Humiliation - დამცირება, შეურაცხყოფა
7. Entire – მთლიანი
8. Crew – გუნდი
9. Change of scene – a move to different surroundings: He decided he needed a change of scene.
10. Climax - კულმინაცია
11. Draw out – to cause something to last longer than is usual or necessary: The director drew
the meeting out for another hour.
12. Humanly possible - able to be done by people: Rescuers are doing everything that is humanly
possible to free the trapped people.
13. Solemnly – საზეიმოდ; ოფიციალურად
14. Desperately ['desp(ə)rətlɪ] – 1) ძლიერ, უსაზღვროდ 2) სასოწარკვეთით, უიმედოდ
15. Pick over – to examine a group of things carefully in order to choose the ones you want:

She picked over the strawberries, selecting the largest ones.

16. Put somebody out of their misery - to stop someone worrying, usually by giving that person
information that they have been waiting for: We try to put our students out of their misery and
give them their exam results as early as possible.

17. Catch a glimpse - თვალის მოკვრა

18. Display – შოუ, ჩვენება, წარმოდგენა

19. Convinced – დარწმუნებული

20. Couturier [ku:'tjuərɪeɪ] – a person or company that designs, makes, and sells expensive
fashionable clothing

21. Trash - უვარგისი /უხარისხო რამ, სისულელე

p. 52
22. Reservations - შენიშვნები

23. Keen – having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm

24. Bandwagon - an activity, group, movement, etc. that has become successful or fashionable
and so attracts many new people: a bandwagon effect
25. Jump on the bandwagon - to become involved in an activity that a lot of others are already
involved in because it is successful

26. Pick up - აიტაცო (იდეა)

27. Tune in – to watch or listen to a particular television or radio programme or station: Be sure
to tune in to next week’s show; Will the millions of viewers who regularly tune in stay loyal, now
that their favourite host is gone?

28. To be drawn to (draw drew drawn) - მიზიდვა (მიგიზიდოს)

29. We get a privileged glimpse – უნიკალური საშუალება გვეძლევა თვალი მოვკრათ

30. Upright - სწორად, ვერტიკალურად

31. Winding – ხვეული

32. Catwalk – პოდიუმი

33. Inch = 2.54 სმ.

34. Assignment – დავალება

35. Hot light – a powerful light used in television production

36. Hot temper - სიფიცხე

37. Escape – თავის დაღწევა

38. Feed into – to have an effect on something or help to make it happen: The report's findings
will feed into company policy.
39. Daydream - ოცნება

40. Fabulous – 1) დაუჯერებელი, განსაცვიფრებელი 2) ლეგენდარული

41. Relate to - to understand a situation or someone's feelings because you have experienced a
similar situation or similar feelings: The culture that he describes is so different from mine that I
sometimes find it hard to relate to.
42. Reckon ['rek(ə)n] – ფიქრი, მიჩნევა

43. Wide range – ფართო დიაპაზონი

44. Damaging – საზიანო, მავნე

The subcontinent = the area of land that includes India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh
Species /ˈspiːʃiːz/ – saxeoba pl. species - saxeobebi
Conservationist = someone who works to protect animals, plants etc; bunebis damcveli
Extinction – gadaSeneba adj. extinct - gadaSenebuli
Temptation – cduneba v. to tempt
Poacher - brakonieri
To trap = to catch an animal or bird using a trap; xafangis dageba
To hand over to sb – (vinmesTvis) gadacema
Middle man - Suamavali
To smuggle – kontrabanduli gziT gatana / Semotana n. smuggler –
Reduction - Semcireba v. to reduce
Habitat – sacxovrebeli adgili v. to inhabit
Prey – nadavli, msxverpli
To breed, bred, bred (with) = to mate; Sewyvileba
To log = to cut down trees n. logger - xis mWreli
Timber ['tɪmbə] = wood used for building or making things; xe-tyis masala = lumber
(Am English)
To carry out a project – proeqtis ganxorcieleba
Collar = a narrow band of leather or plastic that is fastened around an animal’s neck;
A wealth of information = a large amount of information; didZali informacia
Invaluable – fasdaudebeli
To resolve a problem – problemis gadaWra n. resolution
Settlement – dasaxleba v. to settle
To deter from = to prevent or discourage someone from doing something
To approach – miaxl.oveba
To capture – datyveveba
Captive breeding = the breeding of wild animals in places such as zoos, especially animals
which have become rare in the wild
Genetic variability – genetikuri saxecvlileba
To establish – daarseba n. establishment
To coexist – Tanaarseboba n. coexistence
To conserve land – miwis SenarCuneba n. conservation
To ensure – uzrunvelyofa, garantireba
To earn a living – puris fulis Sovna

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