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CC6052ES Management Support Systems

Asceso Hospitals (Pvt) Ltd
Hospital Management
Final Report

Group Members :
COL/E-009555 Kasuni Indrachapa
COL/E-009837 Shehan Ruberu
COL/E-009838 Risheendra Dissanyake
COL/E-010167 Priyangan Chandrathayan
COL/E-065097 Waruna Ruwan

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In the developing world of technology, overall manual systematic works are emerging to
automated and computerized systems. Therefore, all kind of industries have to move into the
computerized automated systems improve themselves. Here by the healthcare industries also
not an exceptional for emerging world of technology. Especially in hospitals; with the
advancement of the medical equipment and tools they have to improve their approaches into
a computerized automated system where Patient’s appointment and admission management,
Lab and Radiology reports management, Hospital’s pharmacy and patient’s management are
handled. Here by this project has been explored through the problems faced in the hospitals
and their expectations to support them with the computerized technology. Therefore, the
project supports the Asceso Hospitals Pvt Ltd with a management support system to take
decisions from the system generated reports.

In the Asceso Hospitals; their priority of the technology improvement is required at the
academic side. Therefore, to reduce work burden, avoid errors, handling patients, and to
make decisions; a hospital management system is required to be developed. The management
system has been developed with concerning the smart table concept for users like clerks to
availability of doctors to fix appointment.

In the following report; the beginning is a brief introduction and the background of the
system has been explained. By the project, the system development process along with the
diagrams such as use case, class, and ERD. With the help of these diagrams modules of the
system have been explained. The achieved system requirement specifications are then
developed using a development process. The further documentation reveals the work of the
solution that has completed in relevant to the requirement of the Asceso Hospitals explained.
At end of the documentation a critique has been given to check out the project success and
after that reference and bibliographies that used to make the documentation, have been given
for convenience.

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Vision..........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Mission........................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Objectives...................................................................................................................................1
1.4 Hospital Management System for “Asceso Hospitals Pvt Ltd” (Asceso Hospitals
Management System)......................................................................................................................2
1.5 User Groups and Functionalities........................................................................................3
2. Organization structure of “Asceso Hospitals Pvt Ltd”.............................................................6
3. Current Position Analysis.........................................................................................................11
3.1 Strategic Objectives of The HMS System..............................................................................11
3.2 SWOT Analysis........................................................................................................................12
3.3 BCG Matrix.............................................................................................................................13
3.4 Strategic Planning Techniques..........................................................................................18
3.5 Porters Three Generic Strategic Techniques.........................................................................20
4. Requirement Specification and Design....................................................................................22
4.1 Data Dictionary..................................................................................................................22
4.2 ER Diagram........................................................................................................................27
4.3 Normalized Table Structure..............................................................................................28
4.4 Use Case Diagram..............................................................................................................29
4.5 Class Diagram....................................................................................................................30
4.6 Sequence Diagrams............................................................................................................31
4.7 Activity Diagrams..............................................................................................................34
5. Management Decisions..............................................................................................................37
5.1 Decision Making Process...................................................................................................37
5.2 Decisions that are made by using proposed system...............................................................38
6. Implementing Hospital Management System..........................................................................43
6.1 Operating Environment....................................................................................................43
6.2 Login Module...........................................................................................................................44
6.3 Clerk Module...........................................................................................................................45
6.4 Administrator Module.............................................................................................................47
6.5 Doctor Module.........................................................................................................................52
6.6 Pharmacist Module..................................................................................................................53
6.7 Lab Technician Module...........................................................................................................54
7. Group Critique..........................................................................................................................56
7.1 Development Process...............................................................................................................56
7.2 Critical Appraisals...................................................................................................................56

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7.3 Future Improvements..............................................................................................................57
8. Individual Contributions...........................................................................................................58
9. Application Modules..................................................................................................................59
9.1 Login Module...........................................................................................................................59
9.2 Appointment Module...............................................................................................................60
10. Test Plan.................................................................................................................................68
10.1 Test Objectives.......................................................................................................................68
10.2 Test Cases...............................................................................................................................69
11. KPIs In Department..............................................................................................................78
11.1 Hospital readmission rates....................................................................................................78
11.2 Patient wait time....................................................................................................................78
11.3 Average patient age group....................................................................................................78
12. References..............................................................................................................................79

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List of Figures
1. Hierarchy of higher-level management’s organization structure …………………………6
2. Hierarchy of lower level management’s organization structure ………………………….8
3. SWOT Analysis ………………………………………………………………………….13
4. BCG Matrix ……………………………………………………………………………...14
5. Porters Generic Strategies ……………………………………………………………….20
6. Data Dictionary ………………………………………………………………………….26
7. ER Diagram ……………………………………………………………………………...27
8. Normalized Relational Schema ………………………………………………………….28
9. Use Case …………………………………………………………………………………29
10. Class Diagram …………………………………………………………………………...30
11. Sequence diagram for pharmacy module ………………………………………………..31
12. Sequence diagram for lab reports module ……………………………………………….32
13. Sequence diagram for patient history module …………………………………………...33
14. Activity diagram for pharmacy module …………………………………………………34
15. Activity diagram for lab reports module ………………………………………………...35
16. Activity diagram for patient history module …………………………………………….36
17. Test plan of login functionalities ………………………………………………………...68
18. Test plan of clerk’s functionalities ………………………………………………………69

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1. Introduction
Asceso Hospitals Pvt Ltd is a private hospital situated in Sri Lanka. Asceso Hospitals has
some healthcare facilities like Specialist consultant services, OPD, Lab and Radiology unit,
and pharmacy to serve the general public. Asceso Hospitals is using manual appointment and
billing system to follow the patient’s appointment management. And Asceso Hospitals is
having a patient’s management system, but not maintain any patient’s history for the medical
diagnosis. The system used by Asceso Hospitals is very ineffective, prone to errors and
mistakes. Because of the bad system of Asceso Hospitals, the doctors can’t be able to track
their patient’s medical history and the accounting department is struggling to handle the

Asceso Hospitals Pvt Ltd is planned to expand itself to gain the potential to be a major role in
the healthcare industry. And Asceso Hospitals has released a tender to improve itself with a
better-computerized system (Hospital Management System).

1.1 Vision
To be a center of excellent health care to improve the health status of the public with the
support of the latest linked management system.

1.2 Mission
Be excel at provide healthcare through quality, efficient and patient-centered care, by reduce
the work load of the employees and manage the hospital data with their confidentiality.

1.3 Objectives
1. Care the public health with the support of specialists, well-maintained lab and
radiology units.
2. Help the patient to get their medication without the search through the local
apothecary and dispensary.
3. Care the patient's health with the good care of their personal records.
4. Maintain the trustworthy and confidential patient lab reports and the history of
medical diagnosis for doctors.
5. Maintain the stocks in hospital pharmacy supplies without exhausted.
6. Have a well maintained and easily accessible account records to process through the
accounting activities.

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1.4 Hospital Management System for “Asceso Hospitals Pvt Ltd” (Asceso Hospitals
Management System)

Asceso Hospitals Management System is a hospital management system for helps some of
the most important hospital management areas. The hospital management system is a
computerized system to manage:

1. Patient’s appointment management to:

a. Gather and maintain patient’s personal records
b. Assign doctors to consult patients
c. Collect fee from patients
2. Patient’s history management to:
a. Gather and store the patient’s medical history
b. Maintain the security and confidentiality of the patient’s history
3. Lab and Radiology reports management to:
a. Store and maintain the patient’s Lab and Radiology reports securely for
4. Pharmacy management to:
a. Issue medication for patients according to the doctor’s prescription
b. Maintain inventory of medicines, drugs, and equipment
5. Admission management to:
a. Help doctors to assign patients to the wards
b. Assign doctors as in charge of the wards
c. Update the patient’s medical history
6. Hospital administration to:
a. Get reports to make decisions

The objective of the Asceso Hospitals management system:

1. Maintain patient records with their medical history

2. Keep the patient’s medical records confidentially and securely
3. Make appointment with doctor with time and count limitation
4. Helps the doctors to track patient’s history for their medical diagnosis
5. Generate financial supports for the account department to handle accounts easily

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1.5 User Groups and Functionalities

For the Asceso Hospitals Management system there has to be five functional areas covered.
And there are five types of user groups in those areas access the system. The user groups of
the functional areas have some specific functions to handle. Other than the functional area the
administration of the hospital will be the sixth user group for a special purpose. And those
and their user groups’ details and functions are given below.

1. Front office clerk:

Front office clerk is in charge at the front office. In this front office of the hospital is
the place where the patients visit first and last.

Functional requirements

a. Add and update patient details in system

b. Book appointment with doctor for patient
c. Pick the doctor for the appointment booking
d. Collect patient’s fee and other charges

Non-Functional requirements

e. Limit the patient’s appointment with doctor as 15 per hour

2. Doctor at OPD:
The OPD doctors are at the OPD functional area to consult with patients. In the OPD
area is the area for consult with the doctor, after got the appointment with the doctor.
Here the out patients are get consultant and prescription for their diseases.

Functional requirements

a. Record patient’s diagnosis details, symptoms, Diagnosis, change details, lab

reports, and prescription into the patient’s history
b. Review the patient’s diagnosis history
c. Request for lab reports
d. Enter patient fee
e. Admit patients at the ward and assign bed

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3. Lab technician:
Lab technician are at the lab to assist patients with their lab and radiology tests. The
lab area patients are visit to get some tests like blood tests, and x-trays.

Functional requirements

a. View lab report request

b. Record the lab report details
c. Update patient report charges
4. Pharmacist:
The pharmacists are at the pharmacy of the hospital to issue medicines to the patients
according to the doctor’s prescription. And they give instructions for patients about
how to use some sort of medicines if necessary.

Functional requirements

a. Full fill the doctor’s prescription order

b. Issue receipt
c. Add and update inventory drugs and equipment details
d. Update inventory purchase details
e. View inventory details
5. Doctors at ward:
Doctors at the wards are in charge for the whole ward. They observe the patients and
make decisions at any emergency situations. And they decide the medication for the
patients personally.

Functional requirements

a. Record patient’s diagnosis details, symptoms, Diagnosis, change details, lab

reports, and prescription into the patient’s history
b. Review the patient’s diagnosis history
c. Request for lab reports
d. Update patient’s charges with room charges, medicine charged, and report
e. Discharge patients

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6. Administrator:
The administrators are the people to administrate the hospital management system.
The administrators add users into the system and give a temporary password for
access the system.

Functional requirements

a. Add and update the details of doctors and other staff members of the hospital
to access the system
b. View system generate reports and print them

Non-Functional requirements

c. Generate daily and monthly and annually reports of patients’ visit, medication
success, and patients’ charges details reports.

Over all common user functions:

a. Login into the system

b. Update username and password for their user access

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2. Organization structure of “Asceso Hospitals Pvt Ltd”
An organization is an outline of directed activities that included with rules, roles, and
responsibilities to achieve the goals of an organization. The organization structure determines
how information should flows between the different levels of management within the
company. The organization structure helps the employees to find their superior officer to
report at them. The organization structure can be illustrated by a diagram like pyramid, which
holds most powerful members of the organization on the top and least amount at the bottom.
Here is the organization structure of Asceso Hospitals Pvt Ltd:


Hospital Chief Head of Head of

Dean of
attorney Financial human research and
general Officer resource development

Office Clerks Office Clerks Office Clerks Office Clerks

in a Seprate

Figure 1- Hierarchy of higher-level management’s organization structure of Asceso Hospitals

Pvt Ltd

This is the high-level management structure of organization that belongs to Asceso Hospitals.
There are six members in this hierarchy. The Chief Executive Officer is in the top of all of
them. The others are report under the Chief Executive Officer. The high-level management
officers handle a team of management or operational level members to achieve the goal of the

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The officers under the CEO have their own office clerks to conduct their department works.
And a small explanation about them is given below:

1. Attorney general:

Basically, Attorney general is a post of legal advisor for the government. But for the
Asceso Hospitals, attorney general is considered as a legal advisor for the hospital. The
Attorney general will be at the Asceso Hospitals board meeting to offer legal advices on
critical decision and to provide legal protections.

a. Represent the hospital in legal maters

b. Supervise and direct the administration and operation of the office, divisions,
and bureaus that comprise the hospital
c. Furnish advice and opinions, formal and informal, on legal matters to the CEO
and other Executive Officers of the hospital
2. Chief Financial Officer:

Chief Financial Officer is a job regarding finance in companies. For Asceso Hospitals
Chief Financial Officer post is the highest post in financial department. The Chief
Financial officer will be the person who will be a representative of financial
department at the board meeting of Asceso Hospitals.

a. Keep the books records of the hospital’s financial reporting and statutory
b. With the knowledge and the financial position of the industry, drive the
direction and success of the hospital
3. Head of Human Resource Officer:

The Head of Human Resource Officer is the one who in charge for the human
resource department of Asceso Hospitals. The Head of Human Resource Officer also
at the Asceso Hospitals board meeting to take decision regarding the human resources
and to represent the human resource department.

a. Participate in planning and development

b. Provide employees with career assistance
c. Find and recruit employees that advance company objectives
d. Advocate for employee
e. Provide support of domestic violence victims

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4. Head of research and development:

The Head of Research and Development officer is the top-level officer in research and
development department of Asceso Hospitals. The Head of Research and
Development officer will take critical decision regarding the Asceso Hospitals
development activities. So, The Research and Development officer represent the
Research and Development department at the board meeting of Asceso Hospitals.

a. Determine and execute improved technologies used by the leading hospitals

b. Transfer new technologies, medicine and treatment method into the hospital
c. Monitor team metrics and objectives ensuring meeting of goals

[ CITATION USD14 \l 1033 ][CITATION Top20 \l 1033 ][CITATION Hpp19 \l 1033 ][ CITATION Uni71 \l
1033 ]

According to the loosely represented system module; there are five departments in the
hospital. Each department is managed by a deputy directors or Vice Presidents. So, here is the
Hierarchy with the deputy directors and Vice Presidents of each department.

Dean of

Lab and
Front office Pharmacy Admission
OPD VP deputy director Research deputy director deputy director
deputy director

OPD Doctors Clerks Lab Radiology Pharmacists Ward Incharge

Techincians Technician Dorcors

Ward Assistants

Figure 2 - Hierarchy of lower level management’s organization structure of Asceso Hospitals

Pvt Ltd

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In the hierarchy of the management under the dean of medicine, the second layer is
considered as the manager level of Asceso Hospitals. And it holds the Vice President and
Deputy Directors determine by the help of case study modules.

Asceso Hospitals have five management modules to continue its routine activities. And these
modules are the functional areas of Asceso Hospitals and they were managed by deputy
directors and Vice Presidents. These functional areas are working together the conduct the
hospital. The functional area works are simply given in order below:

1. First patients will visit the appointment area to book the appointment with the doctor.
2. Then the doctor attends the patient and records the patient’s diagnosis details into the
3. If it is necessary patients will get the lab and radiology reports too.
4. While consulting with the doctor, the doctor may admit the patient in the hospital.
5. In the hospital admission wards the patient’s medical history will be updated once
6. The patients will get the medication form the pharmacy according to the doctor’s
7. Finally, patients will pay the fee in the appointment area.

Key responsible
1. Upper Management:

The upper management have key responsible of represent their departments at the
Asceso Hospitals board meeting and take decisions regarding their departments. Other
than this common key responsible, their individual key responsibilities are given

a. Attorney general:
i. Represent the hospital in legal maters
ii. Supervise and direct the administration and operation of the office,
divisions, and bureaus that comprise the hospital
iii. Furnish advice and opinions, formal and informal, on legal matters to
the CEO and other Executive Officers of the hospital
b. Chief Financial Officer:

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i. Keep the books records of the hospital’s financial reporting and
statutory compliance
ii. With the knowledge and the financial position of the industry, drive the
direction and success of the hospital

c. Head of Human Resource Officer:

i. Participate in planning and development
ii. Provide employees with career assistance
iii. Find and recruit employees that advance company objectives
iv. Advocate for employee
v. Provide support of domestic violence victims
vi. Ensure no cyberbullying at work
d. Head of research and development:
i. Determine and execute improved technologies used by the leading
ii. Transfer new technologies, medicine and treatment method into the
iii. Monitor team metrics and objectives ensuring meeting of goals

2. Deputy directors and Vice presidents

The Deputy directors and Vice presidents have some common key responsibilities for
Asceso Hospitals like: Supervising their functional areas, train and help new
employee at their functional area, and take miner decisions and solve miner problems
in their management level. Other than this, their individual responsibilities are similar
to the system functional requirements that meant for their module areas. Even though
their key responsibilities are sort our below:

a. OPD Vice President:

i. Provide guidance for doctors to diagnose diseases if necessary
ii. Discuss about critical disease with the fellow doctors
b. Front office deputy director:
i. Monitor front office clerk
ii. Update patient details if necessary

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iii. Divide work load for the clerks
c. Lab and Research deputy director:
i. Monitor the accuracy of the lab reports
ii. Add remarks and suggestions to the lab reports

d. Pharmacy deputy director:

i. Reorder stock at dispensary
ii. Maintain stock level
iii. Update stock details if necessary

e. Admission deputy director:

i. Divide doctors for each ward
ii. Provide guidance on critical cases of treatment
iii. Get the support of specialist for the ward doctors if required
iv. Monitor ward activities

3. Current Position Analysis

Asceso Hospitals pvt Ltd is presently providing facilities such as special consultant services,
OPD, Lab and Radiology unit, and pharmacy. Current manual system in the hospital has lot
of drawbacks such as inefficiency and prone to errors and mistakes. Their goal is to provide a
well-organized healthcare to the patients from specialists and become a major player in the
healthcare industry. Therefore, to reach their goal, it is compulsory to start using a hospital
management system.

Asceso Hospitals pvt Ltd have to work towards several strategic objectives to reach the
company vision and missions.

3.1 Strategic Objectives of The HMS System

 Experience – A patient should have a better reliability service from the
hospital until his requirement met and leave the hospital. Otherwise patient
will lose interest in the hospital and go to a different hospital next time hence
there are lot of competitors out there. Customer satisfactory plays a major role
in this scenario.

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 Safety – Patients take into consider the safety of the hospital when they
choose a hospital to get service. Safety can be defined from security of patient
information to safety of treatments and doctor practices.
 Finance – Cost reduction techniques should be applied to provide a value-
based healthcare system for the patients. Also payment facilities should be
provided to every patient with various levels of income.

 Expand geographically – Currently the biggest hospitals in the industry have

branches around the country. To increase patient volume Asceso Hospitals
will also have to expand the territory of the service they give by enabling
anyone from anywhere to come and get healthcare facilities.

3.2 SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis is a visual study tool that can be used to identify specific strengths and weaknesses
in an organization. It helps with decision making and planning ahead. A SWOT analysis diagram is
formed by a two-by-two grid. Each quadrant has an outline of the subject's strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats (Phadermrod, Crowder and Wills, 2019).

Strengths Weaknesses
 Qualified medical and non medical  Shortage of pharmacy supplies
staff.  Long waiting time for consultation
 24 hour OPD  Miscommunication between
 Specialists to cover every medical departments.
region.  Lack of training to staff.
 Usage of latest technology  Bad attitude of doctors towards
 Quality of patient care patients.
 In house pharmacy and lab &
radiology unit.

Opportunities Threats
 Provide ambulance service.  Unstable laws to health industry by
 Establish more branches. health ministry.

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 Adopt new technical equipments.  Other private hospitals in the area.
 New training programs for staff to  Improper treatments can cause legal
improve. issues which can take up to court.
 Patient feedback gathering.
 Staff feedback gathering.
Figure 3 – SWOT Analysis

3.3 BCG Matrix

The BCG is known as Boston Consulting Group’s Product Portfolio Matrix. Also can know
as the Growth/ Share Matrix. This BCG is mainly used to plan long term strategic planning.
Also, helps to determine growth opportunities when considering to a business by reviewing
portfolio of products or services and it helps to decide where to invest (Hambrick, MacMillan
and Day, 1982).

By using this BCG Matrix can analyze the market position of certain products or services. By
considering the services of a hospital that are provided to the patients can position as below:

1. Dogs: These are products with low growth or market share.

2. Question marks or Problem Child: Products in high growth markets with low market share.

3. Stars: Products in high growth markets with high market share.

4. Cash cows: Products in low growth markets with high market share

Identify BCG location based on the SWOT analysis of the Asceso Hospitals pvt Ltd

According to above details, this helps to evaluate the strategic position of the business brand
portfolio and it’s potential. It allows to classify business portfolio into four categories based
on industry attractiveness (growth rate of that industry) and competitive position (relative
market share). Specially, it can reveal the cash needed to support or cash generated from a
specific unit (Profitability). Mainly, this helps to analysis which services or which product
should be invested and which ones should be divested.

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Figure 4 – BCG Matrix

There are two dimensions used to evaluate the business portfolio. Such as,

 Relative Market Share

A larger market shares of the company results in higher cash returns. This is because a
company that produces more benefits from greater economies of scale and experience curve,
resulting in higher profits. However, it is worth noting that some companies may experience
the same benefits with lower productions and less market share.

 Market Growth Rate

Market growth rate means earnings also can know as profits but it is lot of cash to consumers
which is used as an investment to further growth. Business units operating in fast-growing
industries are cash users and are worth investing only when they are expected to grow or
maintain a market share in the future.

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Analysis current position of Asceso Hospitals pvt Ltd

1. Dog:
Provide in-house lab and radiology unit is law market share compared to competitors
around the hospital because of this hospital is in the entry level position in the hospital
industry. The Asceso Hospital needs to promote their facilities and services they provide
and it can be profitable for long time of period of time. Also it operates in a slowly
growing market by considering the position that held by the hospital currently. Investors
should concern when invest because of it has possibilities to generate low or negative
cash returns. By considering above, it is better to provide other services or SBUs or
simple act as a defense to counter competitors move (, 2017).
However, management might make a decision to hold a Dog for possible strategic
repositioning as a Question Mark or Cash Cow.

2. Cash Cow
Most profitable brands and services can include to this type and it provide cash as much
as possible. By considering about Asceso Hospital, they provide 24 hours OPD service,
allows to channel specialists doctors for every medical region and quality patient care
services. Above mentioned three areas can generate high revenue. Also these three areas
can grow and can make profit for long time of periods without any hassle and stable for
the organization. The cash gained from these three, should invested into “star” (establish
more branches, adopt new technical equipment and new training programs for staff to
improve) to support their further growth. The income that earn from these three services,
should not invest into themselves to induce growth but only for support them. By doing
this, these three services can maintain their current market share.
These three areas have capabilities to innovate new processes which may become new
stars. That means can operates in high growth industries and maintain high market share
among other services or products. As above identification, if there would no support for
these three services, they would not be capable for such innovations. According to the
Asceso Hospital, above mentioned three services can make high revenue and they don’t
need to invest on these three and it require maintain only for keep their current market
share as before. Above mentioned areas are the most important areas for the hospital and
it depends on these three areas.

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3. Stars
This kind of products or services operate in high growth industries and maintain high
market share. According to the hospital they have decided to establish more branches,
adopt new technical equipment and making new training programs for staff to improve
their skills. Above mentioned three areas are both cash generators and cash users. The
organization should invest its money into these three areas to become cash cows.
Especially stars are expected to become cash cows and generate positive cash flows. By
considering, not all the services or products are become cash flows. It happens when
changing industries where new innovative products can soon be outcompeted by new
technologies advancements. Because of this, above mentioned areas often require heavy
external investment to sustain their rapid growth as these areas may not producing any
positive cash flow. But these areas growth will slow and will turn into cash cow product
or service.

4. Question Marks
The products or services that are included into this type, require closer consideration. The
Asceso Hospital provide ambulance service to the patients. But this service hold low
market share in fast growing markets by consuming large amount of cash and incurring
losses. Because of this ambulance service is limited for the short area that means the area
they operate their services. Also the government hospitals also provide ambulance service
to the society without any charge. But this service has potential to gain markets share and
become star, which would later become cash cow product or service. When compared to
others, these kind of services always not succeed and even after large amount of
investments they struggle to gain market share and eventually become dogs.
By considering above situation, these kind of services need lot of financial resources to
increase their share since it cannot generate enough cash investment. Also, need closer
consideration to decide this ambulance service is worth investing in or not. The decision
is to decide which question marks to phase out and which ones to grow into stars.

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Strategic Planning

The Boston Consulting Group’s Product Portfolio Matrix is allowed to reevaluate their
strategic. There have been taken more and more years to plan the future of healthcare practice
to be successful. Specially, from the financial side of running an organization, to structural
decisions within the hospital or clinic, planning is a necessity. The strategic planning allows
to make more efficiency in all aspects of the hospital of running a practice.

Strategic Planning in Asceso Hospitals pvt Ltd

Strategic planning allows to create objectives and setting goals for the hospital. From this can
evaluate, where the hospital would like to go in future and allows to construct a plan to
achieve these objects. Specially, in this hospital industry, healthcare planning must take into
account potential government policy changes, technological advancements and economic
trends that could change an organization’s operations in a significant way. This helps to
achieve all the goals and objectives within short term also long term as well.

Also, reevaluating who controls which aspects of the business, and the hierarchy that follows,
can be beneficial.

Benefits of Strategic Planning

Normally, a hospital is operating at many level from the patient care to financing. Also, it is
need to plan for the future in more ways than one way. It is easy to determine the productivity
by evaluating the strategic planning in health care. Also by taking a closer look at
productivity can provide insight as to where improvements can be made and more specific
plans can be set. Below mentioned areas can improve using suitable strategic plan:

 Company Culture
 Goals and Objectives Operating Budgeting
 Service Line Decisions
 Risk Management
 Capital Planning
 Cost Accounting

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 Long Range Forecasting

3.4 Strategic Planning Techniques

Delivering quality clinical services

Quality of health care is most important. Also it is need to create new models and prioritize
growth areas of health care. This will improve organizational performances related to the
patient care and quality of the service. In-other hand it allows to make partnership with other
healthcare providers in acute and community services to provide integrated care to patients to
improve their quality of life. Below mentioned practices are used by Asceso Hospitals to
improve the quality of clinical services. Such as,

 Provide high quality patient care to avoid injuries that is intended to help them.
 Provide well services based on the best practices and scientific knowledge.
 Provide very respectful and responsive care to each patient.
 Reduce irregularities and delays that can happen for both who receive and provide care.
 Avoid waste of unnecessary including drugs, equipment, waste things and all.
 Providing care that does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics such as
gender, ethnicity, geographic location, and socio-economic status.

Developing the infrastructure

The physical structure (buildings) and services and supporting systems (Power and
Electricity, water and sanitation, telecommunications) are included to the infrastructure of a
hospital. Also, overall service delivery environment of a hospital is influenced by its basic
infrastructure heavily. By considering above, the fundamental operating platform needed to
provide care. This helps to ensure the safe of health service.

By evaluating Asceso Hospitals, the physical layout of the hospital is reconfigured to meet
the new modules that are created to delivery of the care.

ICT Strategy
ICT Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become more important in health
care sector. It allows to operate all the functions in accurate level. Also it increase the quality
of care, patient security and data protection and reduce operating and administrative cost. By

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considering Asceso Hospitals they reached above functionalities by using below mentioned
practices. Such as,

 Improved health services by providing effective customer service form the computerized
system and it allows to make a doctor appointment
 Improved use of telemedicine and provide relevant training and support related to the
ICT strategy.
 Improved the use of mobile messaging and cash transfer by using of latest ICT services.
 Improved use of ICT for decision support using appropriate decision support system.
 Increase the effective use of financial transactions by using appropriate ICT solutions.

In-additionally, by using computerized system Asceso Hospitals achieve below functions,

 Allows to exchange and store healthcare information of patients accurately without any
 Allows to send appointment and care alerts to patients and health workers.
 Allows to maintain and balance stock of medicine and health care equipment accurately
and up-to-date.
 Allows to function financial status quickly and accurately without any mistake.

Enhancing the image and position of the Hospital

By providing best customer service and by using appropriate marketing strategies Asceso
Hospitals have been achieved well reputed name among other competitors.

Research and development

Specially, Asceso hospital decided to promote research and innovation and it will continue to
facilitate clinical education and research by strengthening links with the Research Foundation
and the Universities.

Strengthening financial position

It is needed to serve better customer care from satisfying budget. Because of this, Asceso
Hospitals has been given priority to optimize budget to deliver value for money by reviewing
the financial viability of different models of care.

Strategic planning helps to see the overall picture when it is easier to get lost in the day ‐to ‐
day operational issues. These issues are,

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 Company objects and goals

 Company culture and current conditions

 Company success factors

 Core competencies of the organization

 departmental alignment and functional business models

 Service or technology portfolios  

 Competitive and regulatory pressures and changes

By evaluating above, can create proactive strategies that helps to move from current state to
desired state. Specially, Information Technology has been taken a large part. It is needed to
be familiar with current status of IT and it allows to evaluate what you will need in this area
to meet future goals. This strategic planning process has become more frequent to evaluate
the current position of the organization.

3.5 Porters Three Generic Strategic Techniques

Michael Porter's 1985 book Competitive Advantage has served as the foundation for much of modern
business strategy. In it, Porter explained the different methods by which organisations managed to
develop a niche within any industry (Porter,1985). They are referred to as generic as they can be
applied to products, services across all industries, and in organisations of a variety of sizes. These
initial strategies as described by Porter were: Cost Leadership (cheap, no expenses), Differentiation
(unique or premium products) and Focus (a specialised service or market) (Murray, 1988).

Cost Leadership Differentiation

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Figure 5 – Porters Generic Strategies

1. Cost Leadership
Cost leadership is the system of building up an upper hand by having the most
minimal expense of activity in the hospital. This technique is particularly valuable
in a market where the value is a significant factor.
Cutting of costs will be a harder decision to be done because of the overall
resources need for a fully functional hospital is very high. High end equipment
manufactures and specialist consultant’s charges are expensive and it is affecting
for higher costs.

2. Differentiation
Differentiation strategy centers around providing the healthcare services with
distinctive qualities, in correlation with the challenges, to arrive at a wide market
in the medical industry. As it were, it intends to separate the services or
administration from comparative ones in the market.
This strategy will be the best approach for Ascesco Hospitals when considering
the scenario and factors. Capability to provide unique healthcare services which is
not to be found in every hospital will boost the market attraction increasing

3. Focus
Focus strategy concerns itself with the identification of a niche- market and
launching a unique product or service in to the healthcare industry. A niche-
market is a narrow segment of a total market.

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One of the objectives of Ascesco Hospital is to provide healthcare for every
patient disregarding their background. Hospital is ready to provide financial plans
for the patients who are not financially not stable to settle the hospital bills.
Therefore focus strategy will not be a good strategic approach in this scenario.

4. Requirement Specification and Design

4.1 Data Dictionary

Data dictionary describe the gathering data, data types and structure of database in the
In the following table Primary Keys are in bold and Foreign Keys are in italic font.
Entity Name Attribute Data Type Length Description
Patient NIC_NO Varchar 15 This attribute is the NIC No
of the patient. This is the
primary key of this entity.
Name Varchar 50 This is the first and last name
of the patient.
DOB Date Patients date of birth
Address Varchar 200 Patients residence address
Gender Varchar 10 Gender of the patient
Email Varchar 50 Contains the email of the
Phone Varchar 15 Contains the phone no of the
Doctor_ID Int This is a foreign key to
establish the relationship
with doctor table for

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Administrator Admin_Id Int This is the primary key of the
Administrator entity. This is
auto generated from DBMS
Name Varchar 50 Contains first and last name
of the Administrator
Address Varchar 200 Contains the residence
DOB Date Records the Date of birth in
date format
Username Varchar 50 This is the login username of
the administrator to the
Password Varchar 50 This is the login password of
the administrator to the
Phone Varchar 15 Contains the phone no of the
Email Varchar 50 Contains the email of the
Doctor Doctor_ID Int This is the primary key of the
doctor entity. This is auto
generated from DBMS
Name Varchar 50 First and last name of the
Type Varchar 100 Describes the specialization
of the doctor
Address Varchar 200 Contains the residence
DOB Date Records the Date of birth in
date format
Username Varchar 50 This is the login username of
the doctor to the system
Password Varchar 50 This is the login password of
the doctor to the system
Phone Varchar 15 Contains the phone no of the

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Email Varchar 50 Contains the email of the
Pharmacist Phar_Id Int This is the primary key of the
pharmacy entity. This is auto
generated from DBMS
Name Varchar 50 Contains first and last name
of the pharmacist
Address Varchar 200 Contains the residence
DOB Date Records the Date of birth in
date format
Username Varchar 50 This is the login username of
the pharmacist to the system
Password Varchar 50 This is the login password of
the pharmacist to the system
Phone Varchar 15 Contains the phone no of the
Email Varchar 50 Contains the email of the
Lab Technician LT_ID Int This is the primary key of the
lab technician entity. This is
auto generated from DBMS
Name Varchar 50 Contains first and last name
of the lab technician
Address Varchar 200 Contains the residence
DOB Date Records the Date of birth in
date format
Username Varchar 50 This is the login username of
the lab technician to the
Password Varchar 50 This is the login password of
the lab technician to the
Phone Varchar 15 Contains the phone no of the

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lab technician.
Email Varchar 50 Contains the email of the lab
Pharmacy Item_ID Int This is the primary key of the
Inventory pharmacy inventory entity.
This is auto generated from
DBMS features.
Item_Name Varchar 50 This attribute is the name of
the medicine.
Cost_Price Float Contains the price of the
medicine bought by hospital
from manufacturers.
Sale_Price Float Contains the price of the
medicine sold by hospital to
Stock Int Contains amount of stock of
the medicine.
Phar_Id Int This is a foreign key to
establish the relationship
with pharmacist table.
Lab Report Lreport_ID Int This is the primary key of the
lab reports entity. This is auto
generated from DBMS
LR_Type Varchar 50 Contains the type of the
report. (Blood, Pathology)
SR_Date Date Contains the date of the test
ST_Date Date Contains the date of the test
given to patient.
Fee Float This attribute is the fee
costed to patient.
Remarks Varchar 200 This is a additional comment
provided by lab technician
LTechId Int This is a foreign key to
establish the relationship
with lab technician table.
PID Int This is a foreign key to

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establish the relationship
with patient table.
Diagnosis Diagnos_ID Int This is the primary key of the
Details diagnosis detials entity. This
is auto generated from
DBMS features.
Symptoms Varchar 300 Contains all the symptoms of
the patient updated by the
Diagnosis Varchar 300 Contains all the diagnosis of
the patient updated by the
Prescription Varchar 300 Contains the list of medicine
for the patient prescribed by
Remarks Varchar 300 Additional comment left by
PId Int This is a foreign key to
establish the relationship
with patient table.
DoctorId Int This is a foreign key to
establish the relationship
with doctor table.
Order_ID int This is a foreign key to
establish the relationship
with orders table.
Figure 6 – Data Dictionary

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4.2 ER Diagram

Figure 7 – ER Diagram

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4.3 Normalized Table Structure

Figure 8 – Normalized Relational Schema

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4.4 Use Case Diagram

Figure 9 – Use Case Diagram

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4.5 Class Diagram

Figure 10 – Class Diagram

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4.6 Sequence Diagrams

Figure 11 – Sequence diagram for pharmacy module

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Figure 12 – Sequence diagram for lab reports module

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Figure 13 – Sequence diagram for patient history module

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4.7 Activity Diagrams

Figure 14 – Activity diagram for pharmacy module

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Figure 15 – Activity diagram for lab reports module

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Figure 16 – Activity diagram for patient history module

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5. Management Decisions
5.1 Decision Making Process

Decision Making Process plays a vital role and needed to balance and check all the functions
that are driven inside the organization. Also this helps to ensure the goals of the organization.
Specially, this process is a continuous and dynamic activity that pervades all other activities
pertaining to the organization. Also there can be many obstacles that are included
(administrative & operational domain) in the Asceso Hospitals pvt Ltd. By using appropriate
computerized system, can sort out verity of problems through comprehensive decision
making process.
Decision making process is challenging in healthcare due to its complexity. Because of it is
high stakes. Such as, doctors should be quick and accurate when choosing the correct
pathway and also hospital should deliver quality care and resources within while generating
sustainable revenues.

Organizational Hierarchy
There are many stakeholders that are involved in the healthcare system. A healthcare system
can divide into two sections at the highest level, as providers, suppliers and payers.
Providers and suppliers include hospitals (doctors, nurses, administrators, and allied health
professionals), clinics, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, research organizations,
pharmaceutical companies, educators, and equipment manufacturers. The payers are the
purchasers of healthcare such as, payers include employers, healthcare consumers, the federal
government and insurance companies.

Management Level Allocated Positions

Top Level Hospital Management  Board Members
 Dean of the Hospital
 Hospital Administrator
 Specialist Surgeons
Middle Level Management  Normal Specialists
 The Silent Doctors
 Nursing
Lower Level Management  Physician Assistant

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5.2 Decisions that are made by using proposed system
Jobs allocate to the management Decisions that are made by using the system
Top Level Hospital Management
Board Members Responsible for oversight of the hospital

 Making strategic decisions for the hospital

 Hiring and monitoring an effective CEO
 Ensure to provide quality care within over
 Managing the hospital’s financial status
 Staying educated in healthcare industry
news and best practices
Hospital Administrator Responsible for entire healthcare system

 Taking decision of facilities (physician’s

practices, hospitals, and home health
agencies), departments or units (critical care
units, emergency departments, and cardiac
care units), clinical areas (nursing, physical
therapy, and cardiology) and specific areas
(staffing, facility administration, admissions,
and finances).
 Strategic planning
 Managing and taking decisions about human
resources management
 Managing and controlling hospital financial
management and cost accounting
 Collecting and analyzing the data of all
functions of the hospital
 Making decisions regarding marketing
schedules and campaigns

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 Maintaining and providing basic social
 Serving as patient advocates
 Managing and taking decisions of shortages
of nurses and other healthcare workers.
 Taking decisions of the safety and quality

Specialist Surgeons  Examine and store patients diagnoses details

to determine the need for surgery or
 Review patient medical history making
decisions to plan the best procedure for
 Helps to evaluate and advise patients on the
risk involved with having surgery.
 Helps to perform surgical procedures to
prevent injury, disease, deformities
 Ensuring prescribe preoperative and
postoperative treatment and procedures.
 Verifying all equipment and instruments up
to date.
 Coordinate activities of hospital staff for
proper patient care.
 Allow to identify and access associated risks
according to the prior to and post-surgery.
 Automatically remind to plan and execute
disease/illness prevention and health
promotion programs and coordinate follow
up meetings with patients regarding their
surgery or treatment.
Middle Level Management
Normal Specialists  It allows to operate on patients to improve
or restore functions (repair injuries or treat

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 Allows to follow established surgical
 Allows to coordinate the activities of other
health staff including junior doctors, nurses
and operating department practitioners
 Automatically allows to refer patients to
other medical specialists or other
practitioners when necessary
 Easy to undertake associated administrative

The Silent Doctors  Allow to access and respond to patients’

medical problems by referring their medical
history, diagnosis, treatment and counseling
 Allows to order and store lab tests and
interpret the test results.
 Collect, record and maintain sensitive
patient information (examination results,
medical history and reports)
 Perform minor surgeries
 Explain procedures or prescribed treatments
to patients by referring previous reports
 Keep up-to-date with medical
developments, treatment and medication
Nurse  Allows to assess and plan nursing care

 Provide pre and post operation care to the

patients by accessing to the patients’ details
through the system

 Monitoring and administering medication

and intravenous infusions

 Allows to store and access to the patients’

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samples, pulses, temperatures and blood
pressures reports when necessary

 Supervising junior staff and organizing

workloads by referring the staff details
Lower Level Management
Physician Assistant  Promotes and maintains patient health by
providing medical services under the
supervision of a physician
 Easily allows to access and contribute to a
physician’s efficiency by knowing short-
term and long-range patient care issues.
 Allows to implement physician directives
 Allows to examine, obtain, update, and
study medical histories by referring previous
 Helps to determines abnormal conditions by
administering or ordering diagnostic tests
(X-rays and laboratory studies and
interpreting test results)
 Provides care by developing and
implementing patient-management plans

Following section will explain how each level of management works when decision making
and required data to analyze the decision.

1. Top Level Hospital Management

 Decision: Ensure to provide quality care within over area

It is needed to have a quality environment, equipment, service, food supply
management process, customer service process, reliable payment process and good
working environment process for the employees.

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Top level management can take decision by referring the customer or patients’
feedback about their services including treatments, laboratory facilities, clinical
facilities, parametrical facilities and having an ability to book a reputed medical
officer within day to day functions. To analyze above mentioned feedbacks, there are
many ways to collect those data. Quality data shows how can a department achieves
desired health outcomes for a particular procedure and shows how closely clinical
staff meet standards of care.

Data needed to take decisions:

Inventory/ Stock Control Reports – Allows to take a decision about the standard
status of the medical equipment that are currently used in the hospital and also it
allows to take a decision about the equipment that needed to have and its quality
according to the patient’s feedbacks.
Customer Feedback Forms – Customer feedback forms helps to evaluate the
environment around the hospital. To evaluate this, it is needed to check the status of
the equipment, machines and buildings (wards). By analyzing this form, allows to
determine the current hospital environment status and allows to know the areas that
need to implemented soon to offer a good service.
Specially this allows to determine the service they provide including clinical
facilities, laboratory facilities, parametrical facilities, doctor facilities and payment
facilities. By analyzing theses facilities, it shows the areas that needed to be
improved and modified.

2. Middle Level Hospital Management

 Decision: Allow to access and respond to patients’ medical problems by
referring their medical history, diagnosis, treatment and counseling history
It allows to refer the prior medical details by using proposed system. And also, it
allows to take quick decision about patient’s diagnosis and can take decisions about
the way should start treatments to the relevant patients by analyzing the details.
Also, if there is an emergency, doctors can contact patients through stored data inside
the database quickly and can inform about the situation quickly.
Data needed to take decisions:

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Medical reports – By storing prior medical reports allows to determine the diagnosis
and the patient’s current status. Also, it helps to identify the way that should
treatment start.
Patient History Forms – By having this kind of form it allows to store the data inside
the database.

3. Lower Level Hospital Management

 Decision: Allows to examine, obtain, update, and study medical histories by
referring previous reports
This level operation allows to examine, obtain, update and study medical histories by
preferring the stored data. As above mentioned, point allows to have current medical
update of the patients and can study researches by using these data.

Data needed to take decisions:

Medical reports and personal details – This kind of data allows to take decisions
about various diagnosis and treatment ways.

6. Implementing Hospital Management System

As discussed in the above sections, Asesco hospital staff has different roles and
responsibilities. Following guide is prepared for each user to understand how the function
6.1 Operating Environment

Client computers should installed with these prerequisites.

 Any operating system ( Windows 7 or higher recommended)
 Java Runtime Environment

6.2 Login Module

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This is the first prompt in the
system, when the user open the
system. User need to enter the
relevant username and password
and then relevant interface
according to the user type will be

Click this to go to setup the

database settings

In this window user need to setup

database settings. This needs to be
done only for one time and
settings will be saved.

6.3 Clerk Module

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Click this button to go to
manage patient’s
module. Managing
patients is a clerk’s

Click this button to go to

appointments module.
Clerk can create new
appointments and edit
the current appoinments

Here indicates the name Using this button, user

of the current logged in can logout and go back to
clerk login screen

This view shows all the patients

registered in the hospital

Patients can be searched from the

system using NIC No

To add a new patient into the After editing relevant information

system, click on this button in the details form of the patient,
this button will save the details.

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Save new patient into the system

Search through the current

appointments list

Deletes the selected appointment Prompts a new window to add

from the database new appoinments

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Click this to add a new

 Clerk can select the patient and available consultant from the both lists.
 If the patient is new, only needed to enter new patient details and click appointment.

6.4 Administrator Module

Can manage each type of staff

from here

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This view shows all the doctors
registered in the hospital

Doctors can be searched from the

system using Name

To add a new doctor into the After editing relevant information

system, click on this button in the details form of the doctors,
this button will save the details.

Password should contain more

than 8 characters including Capital
letters, numbers and symbols

Click here to save the new doctor

details into the system

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This view shows all the lab
technicians registered in the

Lab technicians can be searched

from the system using Name

To add a new lab technician into After editing relevant information

the system, click on this button in the details form of the lab
technician, this button will save the

Password should contain more

than 8 characters including Capital
letters, numbers and symbols

Click here to save the new lab

technician details into the system

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This view shows all the
pharmacists registered in the

Pharmacists can be searched from

the system using Name

To add a new pharmacist into the After editing relevant information

system, click on this button in the details form of pharmacist,
this button will save the details.

Password should contain more

than 8 characters including Capital
letters, numbers and symbols

Click here to save the new lab

technician details into the system

Management Support Systems Page | 50

This view shows all the staff
registered in the hospital

Staff can be searched from the

system using Name

To add a new staff member into After editing relevant information

the system, click on this button in the details form of staff
member, this button will save the

Password should contain more

than 8 characters including Capital
letters, numbers and symbols

Click here to save the new lab

technician details into the system

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6.5 Doctor Module

Click the relevant button to go

that feature

Search for the patients in the system

Click this button to print medical


Previous medical reports will appear

here of the selected patient

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 This window will help doctors to check normal patient’s reports

6.6 Pharmacist Module

User can click and go

to the relevant feature

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Search for medicine
stocks using name

Print medicine stock


Update medicine
stock details

6.7 Lab Technician Module

Go to Lab Reports

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Created lab reports will
be shown here

Enter new lab report


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7. Group Critique
7.1 Development Process

After analyzing the scenario multiple times, group was able to identify the challenges faced
by each department in hospital. Complexity of the solutions were at a higher stake because
each and every challenge was interconnected with each department. Initial development was
started with the database designing. As mentioned earlier, many relationships between
entities costed a significant amount of time span to finish creating the database. Time
constraint was the most important factor which was also the least to finish this project.
Development team was learning as the project progress so the development process was a
very slow one. Several requirements in the case study demanded a lot of knowledge and
experience from the developers to provide a proper solution. Group discussions, Study
materials and advices from professionals helped to survive those complex situations. Team
spirit also played a major role to work on schedule to not fall behind and demotivating. In
the development process later stages were easier comparing to the earlier stages because
members had a confidence in knowledge and experience of the project. After developing the
system, a critical analysis was carried out to identify whether all the required functionalities
were there in the system.

7.2 Critical Appraisals

Following issues challenged the group when completing this project.

 Time constraint was very limited.

 Required system demanded high experienced programming knowledge.
 All team members had mediocre knowledge in development.
 Had to drop database several times due to alterations were not allowed in the DBMS.
 As this was a group effort, code standards varied from each member and integration
consumed a significant amount of time.

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Team was able to identify the strengths which were helpful when completing the project.

 Access to online study materials and tutorials helped the team to find solutions to
several issues.
 Some modules work in the same flow and saved a lot of time by not having to
recreate everything from the scratch.
 Being able to design an attractive UI boosted the confidence of team to put more
effort into the project.
 Component testing was carried out after developing each and every module and errors
found were corrected and test cases were made at the beginning of the cording phase
as a result time was saved

7.3 Future Improvements

Executing new functionalities to the framework will be simple as it was developed using
proper OOP standards. Following future improvements should be possible for the system.

 A web application can be developed for patients to request for appointments via
 Mobile app for doctors to keep track of appointments.
 Provide more graphical reports to the top tier management through the system.
 Employee attendance and salary modules can be added in the future.
 Establish more branches and interconnect each branch to provide a reliable service to
 Analyze the developed system performance and find ways to add more features to
increase the reliability of decision making through the system.

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8. Individual Contributions
Project team shared the work between each member after analyzing the case study and the
requirements. Each member requested the tasks they are confident in knowledge and has the
ability to complete in time. After several discussions project work was divided as follows.

Team member name Work Signature

Kasuni Indrachapa  BCG matrix location
 Strategic planning
 Outline management
 Software lab reports module

Priyangan  Introduction
Chandrathayan  Organization background
 User groups and
 Software pharmacy module

Risheendra Dissanayake  SWOT analysis

 Three Porter analysis
 Finalization of final report
 Software Login Module
 Software patient
appointment module

Shehan Ruberu  Designed logical diagrams

 Database design
 Software patient history
Waruna Nuwan  Software patient admission
 Software billing module
Figure 17 – Individual contributions

As per my contributions to the system, firstly the SWOT analysis and three porter analysis
was in the initial stage before starting to develop the system. Thereafter, login module and the
patient appointment module was developed as per the requirements in the case study.

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9. Application Modules
9.1 Login Module

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9.2 Appointment Module

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10. Test Plan
10.1 Test Objectives
Test objectives of the current module are as follows.
 Check whether each staff member type can login to the system.
 Check the functionalities of clerk
 Check the database connectivity

 Login functionalities

Test No Function Date Tester Duration
Administrato Black box Risheendra
1 22/12/2019 10 minutes
r login testing Dissanayake
Expected result : Successfully login to the system and prompt administrator menu
Black box Risheendra
2 Clerk login 22/12/2019 10 minutes
testing Dissanayake
Expected result : Successfully login to the system and prompt clerk menu
Black box Risheendra
3 Doctor login 22/12/2019 10 minutes
testing Dissanayake
Expected result : Successfully login to the system and prompt doctor menu
Pharmacist Black box Risheendra
4 22/12/2019 10 minutes
login testing Dissanayake
Expected result : Successfully login to the system and prompt pharmacist menu
Black box Risheendra
5 technician 22/12/2019 10 minutes
testing Dissanayake
Expected result : Successfully login to the system and prompt lab technician menu

Figure 17 – Test plan of login functionalities

 Functionalities of clerk

Test No Function Date Tester Duration
6 Add new 23/12/2019 Black box Risheendra 10 minutes

Management Support Systems Page | 68

patient testing Dissanayake
Expected result: Successfully register a new patient if all the required information
are correctly entered.
Update Black box Risheendra
7 23/12/2019 10 minutes
patient details testing Dissanayake
Expected result : Successfully update patient details if all the required information
are correctly entered.
Add new Black box Risheendra
8 23/12/2019 10 minutes
appointment testing Dissanayake
Expected result : Successfully add a new appointment
Delete Black box Risheendra
9 23/12/2019 10 minutes
appointment testing Dissanayake
Expected result : Successfully delete an appointment

Figure 18 – Test plan of clerk’s functionalities

10.2 Test Cases

Test case no 1
Function (Administrator login) Enter correct username and password
Test data Username : Admin Password : Admin
Test executed by Risheendra Dissanayake
Expected result Successfully login to the system and
prompt administrator menu
Actual resut Successfully login to the system and
prompted administrator menu
Status Pass

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Test case no 2
Function (Clerk login) Enter correct username and password
Test data Username : Clerk Password : Clerk
Test executed by Risheendra Dissanayake
Expected result Successfully login to the system and
prompt clerk menu
Actual resut Successfully login to the system and
prompted clerk menu
Status Pass

Test case no 3
Function (Doctor login) Enter correct username and password
Test data Username : Doctor Password : Doctor
Test executed by Risheendra Dissanayake
Expected result Successfully login to the system and
prompt doctor menu
Actual resut Successfully login to the system and
prompted doctor menu
Status Pass

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Test case no 4
Function (Pharmacist login) Enter correct username and password
Test data Username : Pharm Password : Pharm
Test executed by Risheendra Dissanayake
Expected result Successfully login to the system and
prompt pharmacist menu
Actual resut Successfully login to the system and
prompted pharmacist menu
Status Pass

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Test case no 5
Function (Lab Technician login) Enter correct username and password
Test data Username : LabT Password : LabT
Test executed by Risheendra Dissanayake
Expected result Successfully login to the system and
prompt lab technician menu
Actual resut Successfully login to the system and
prompted lab technician menu
Status Pass

Management Support Systems Page | 72

Test case no 6
Function (Add new patient) Enter relevant details and click add
Test data Name : Bhanuka DOB : 05/11/1994
Gender: Male NIC: 94500652V Phone:
0779988776 Address: Colombo Email:
Test executed by Risheendra Dissanayake
Expected result Successfully register a new patient to the
Actual resut Successfully registered a new patient to
the database.
Status Pass

Management Support Systems Page | 73

Test case no 7
Function (Update patient details) Enter relevant details and click update
Test data Change phone number : 0751234567
Test executed by Risheendra Dissanayake
Expected result Successfully update patient details
Actual resut Successfully updated patient details
Status Pass

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Test case no 8
Function (Add new appointment) Select a patient and doctor and click add
Test data Patient name: Bhanuka Doctor Name:
Sunil Perera
Test executed by Risheendra Dissanayake
Expected result Successfully add a new appointment
Actual resut Successfully added a new appointment
Status Pass

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Test case no 9
Function (Delete an appointment) Select the relevant appointment and
click delete
Test data Previously created appointment
Test executed by Risheendra Dissanayake
Expected result Successfully delete an appointment
Actual resut Successfully deleted an appointment
Status Pass

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11. KPIs In Department
A healthcare KPI or metric is a well-defined performance measurement that is used to
monitor, analyze and optimize all relevant healthcare processes to increase patient
satisfaction. Many of these metrics are actually specific key performance indicators for

11.1 Hospital readmission rates

The Hospital Readmission Rate provides data on the quantity of patients that arrival to the
hospital inside a brief timeframe in the wake of being discharged. It is one of the most
significant human services measurements as it gives an incredible understanding on the
nature of care controlled in the department concerned — yet can't be utilized as an
independent quality marker.

Management Support Systems Page | 77

11.2 Patient wait time
Patient Wait Time is one of the most important aspect of patient contentment. It measures the
time it takes for anybody visiting the hospital from when they register to when they see a
specialist and get a treatment. It very well may be especially fascinating to analyses it in ER
(Emergency Rooms) to assess how brief is the hospital to convey dire administrations to its
patients. This medicinal services metric is profoundly connected to the patient fulfillment
score, as nobody truly appreciates staying hours in a clinic.

11.3 Average patient age group

Average patient age group provides data on the ages of the patient arriving to the hospital in
both OPD and admissions. Administration can focus on improving the number of healthcare
services provided to frequent age groups and establish a prominent patient satisfactory. It will
also help to cut off extra costs on least used features in the hospital and making more

12. References

Ayers, R. and Ayers, R. (2019). 7 Responsibilities of HR Professionals | Hppy. [online]

Hppy. Available at:
professionals [Accessed 20 Nov. 2019]. (2017). [online] Available at:

us/publications/2014/growth-share-matrix-bcg-classics-revisited.aspx [Accessed 25 Nov.

Management Support Systems Page | 78

Hambrick, D., MacMillan, I. and Day, D. (1982). Strategic Attributes and Performance in the
BCG Matrix—A PIMS-Based Analysis of Industrial Product Businesses. Academy of
Management Journal, [online] 25(3). Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2019].

Manual of the Medical Department. (1971). Washington: Dept. of Defense, Dept. of the
Navy, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.

Murray, A. (1988). A Contingency View of Porter's "Generic Strategies." The Academy of

Management Review, 13(3).

Phadermrod, B., Crowder, R. and Wills, G. (2019). Importance-Performance Analysis based

SWOT analysis. International Journal of Information Management, [online] 44. Available at: [Accessed 25 Nov. 2019].

Toptal Finance Blog. (n.d.). The Role and Responsibilities of the Modern CFO – A Function
in Transition. [online] Available at:
cfo [Accessed 10 Feb. 2020].

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