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Date Filed: 10/22/2020

Psychology Department: Goals Statement Form

Name: Alexia Dye

Advisor: Dr. Francis Craig

Concentration (circle one): Psychology (General) Human Resource Management School

Mind/Body Health Counseling Forensic

Want to graduate in (circle one): May August December

What year? 2023

Want to do a(n) (circle one): Internship Independent Study Research Apprenticeship

What term? (circle one): Spring Summer Fall

What year? 2022

GPA goal over total time at MU: 3.50

GPA goal for this term: 2.75

Preferred psychology (area(s): (circle Clinical Counseling Developmental

all that apply)
School Forensic Experimental

Social Sport Industrial-Organizational

(please identify)

Why interested? I’m currently taking social psychology and I find the topic fascinating even though right now I’m not the best at it. I’m
interested in counseling because throughout my life it’s helped me, so I want to be able to help others the way I was helped.

Preferred work site after Health Care Private Practice Business Elementary/Secondary School
graduation (circle one):
Federal Agency State Agency Law Enforcement

University Drug/Alcohol
Treatment Facility

Other: (please identify)

Why? I choose this one because drugs and alcohol have had a big impact on my life. While I have not done drugs in my life, I know a lot of
people who have, including family and friends. Most of my friends’ smoke cannabis, and my neighborhood is filled with different people
on cocaine, meth, etc. It’s really sad to watch multiple drug addicts almost die every day, especially when you actually get to know those
people. I want to be able to help those people.

Degree needed to qualify for Bachelors Masters Ph.D./Psy.D. Other:

preferred job:

Experiences needed to qualify for preferred job:

Need to complete an internship or a practicum,
some counseling classes, multiple hours of
supervised experience.

Experience goal for this term: I had hopefully planned to take a counseling course in my fall 2021 semester and hopefully do an internship
the summer of 2022.

Knowledge or skills needed to qualify for referred

job: A license is needed; you need to know the
different drug and alcohol addictions and their
Knowledge or skill goal for this term: Over our two
month break I could read up on the different drug
addictions and their treatments.

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