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Date Filed: 10/14/20

Psychology Department: Goals Statement Form

Name: Tegann Anderson

Advisor: Dr. Nicole Mayo

Concentration (circle one): Psychology (General) Human Resource Management School

Mind/Body Health Counseling Forensic

Want to graduate in (circle one): May August December

What year? 2024

Want to do a(n) (circle one): Internship Independent Study Research Apprenticeship

What term? (circle one): Spring Summer Fall

What year? 2023

GPA goal over total time at MU: 3.75

GPA goal for this term: 3.9

Preferred psychology (area(s): Clinical Counseling Developmental

(circle all that apply)
School Forensic Experimental

Social Sport Industrial-Organizational

(please identify)

Why interested? I am interested in counseling because I like to give advice and help people take burdens off of their shoulders. I am
interested in forensic because I always wanted to work in law enforcement and psychology, and this combines both of them. I am
interested in clinical because mental health has always been a topic that intrigues me, and I would like to study and learn more about
major illnesses.

Preferred work site after Health Care Private Practice Business

graduation (circle one):
Federal Agency State Agency Elementary/Secondary School

University Drug/Alcohol Law Enforcement

Treatment Facility

(please identify)

Why? I would like to work in health care because I would be able to choose between being a basic mental health counselor or being a
psychiatrist like I want to be. I would also consider private practice though because I would like to be a marriage and family therapist with
my own business, but I heard that is pretty challenging.

Degree needed to qualify for Bachelors Masters Ph.D./Psy.D. Other:

preferred job: *for MFT *for Psychiatrist

Experiences needed to quality for

preferred job: You must complete your
four years of undergrad, four years of
med school, at least three years of
internship and specialized residency
Experience goal for this term: For this term I would like to experience what it is like to assess other individuals (since I am in Psychol
assessment) and start to narrow down my career focus.

Knowledge or skills needed to qualify

for referred job: Perception, inductive
and deductive reasoning, oral and
written communication, compassion,
empathy, stress tolerance, emotional
resilience, etc.

Knowledge or skill goal for this term:

For this term/ year I would like to learn
more about differences in the
subcategories of psychology and build my
stress tolerance by finding coping
mechanisms and not getting into my head
too much when I stress out. I would also
like to build my communication skills by
being more verbal and trying to talk to
people I do not know when I am out in an
unfamiliar environment.

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