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Name : T.


study program : D-3 TLM

Class : B

On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction to who I am. My name is T. Nurhazlin Azzahra. I
am the second of three children. I was born in lubuk terap, September 19th 2001. Currently, I live in
pangkalan kerinci.

Speaking of a hobby, sing is one of my hobbies. usually I like to sing pop songs, like mellow songs
maybe ?, because I think mellow songs are more relaxed. and there are still many shortcomings in
singing mellow, I hope that in the future I can sing well.

currently I am a student on the campus of the abdurrab university, the faculty of medicine and health
sciences, the TLM D3 study program. The reason I entered the department was that there were still
many job opportunities, the work was not too difficult. my goal to enter the TLM D3 study program
can help find out what disease a patient is suffering from.

I have 1 sister and 1 younger brother, my sister's name T.Aulia Putri Ananda dan my brother is
named T. Said Muhammmad Restu Fitrah. my father passed away a long time ago and now my
mother works at PT as a teacher. I guess that’s all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very
much for your attention.

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