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Submitted by :- Submitted to :-

Shahil Kashyap Dr. Sukhda Pritam

University of Petroleum & Energy studies Deputy Registrar

Dehradun, Uttrakhand National GreenTribunal, Delhi

3rd year

ACKNOWLEDGMENT .......................................................................................................3

ABSTRACT ...........................................................................................................................4

THE OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ........................................................................4

THE MAIN WATER POLLUTANTS IN RIVER ARE .......................................................5

SOURCES OF WATER POLLUTION .................................................................................6

 Point Sources
 Non-point source
 Urbanization
 Sewage and other Oxygen Demanding Wastes
 Industrial Wastes
 Agro-chemical Wastes
 Nutrient enrichment

IMPACT OF RIVER POLLUTION .....................................................................................8

CATEGORIES OF WATER POLLUTION ..............................................................9

 Ground water
 Surface water
 Ocean water

MOST COMMON TYPES OF WATER CONTAMINATION ...............................11

 Agricultural
 Sewage and waste water
 Oil pillotion
 Radioactive substance

WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS ON WATER POLLUTION ........................................12

 On human health
 On environment

POLLUTION MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL ...........................................................14

HOW POLLUTION AFFECTED RIVER GANGA ...........................................................16

HOW POLLUTION AFFECTED RIVER YAMUNA ........................................................17

PUNISHMENT FOR WATER POLLUTION......................................................................18

CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................19

RECOMMENDATION .......................................................................................................19


This project would not have been able to see the light of the day without the profound interest
shown by my mentor and guide Dr.Sukhda Pritam (Deputy Registrar, NGT Principal Bench, New
Delhi) who had been there to assist me with her commitment and intellectual guidance and made
this work more significant by editing it exemplarily wherever required.

An additional measure of thanks is due to my parents, siblings and pals who have played a very
important role at every stage of this dissertation by contributing their meticulous attention to every
detail and

I would also like to acknowledge the help of N.G.T. vast and rich library and librarian staff without
whose help this dissertation would not been turned this way out.

Last but not the least a sincere thanks to the almighty that had been there with me through this
journey so as to give me enough strength and understanding to go about with this dissertation

Shahil kashyap

When water becomes contaminated by unexpected substances, it is considered as harmful for
human and aquatic lives. This water is termed as polluted water. Various causes are
responsible for polluting water. Some natural causes are mixture of biodegraded portion of
animal and plants to pure water, siltation by erosion of river banks etc. Domestic wastes,
industrial wastes, fertilizers etc. are man-made pollutants of water. The state of surface and
ground water pollution in Bangladesh is alarming. Especially the Yamuna river is largely
polluted by Delhi city. Necessity of water for each and every living beings needs no
description. They intake water directly or indirectly for physiological activities. If this in
taking water is polluted, it will do harm that is for sure. The worst part is, this bad impact
transports to others through food chain. Therefore, we must be aware of the adverse influence
polluted water may have on us. At present, we cannot prevent water being polluted cent
percent, but minimization is very much needed. It is time we took some steps to start working
on it.

The objectives of the study are:

 To identify the causes of water pollution of river

 To know the States of water pollution of river
 To identify the degree of pollution
 To find out a way to mitigate the water pollution of Yamuna and Ganga river.
 The overall status and the quality of water in rivers, lakes and groundwater have been
adequately assessed in India
 Risks of polluted water to health of living organisms and the impact on environment
have been adequately assessed and these risks effectively disseminated to the impacted
target groups;
 Adequate policies, legislations and programmes have been formulated and effective
institutions been put into place for pollution prevention, treatment and restoration of
polluted water in rivers, lakes and ground water;

 Programmes for pollution prevention, treatment and restoration of polluted water in
rivers, lakes and ground water have been planned, implemented and monitored
efficiently and effectively;
 Funds were utilised in an efficient and economic manner to further the aim of
reduction of water pollution
 Have adequate mechanisms been put in place by the government to sustain measures to
tackle water pollution; and
 Programmes for the control of pollution had succeeded in reducing pollution levels in
ground water and surface water and restoring water quality

The main water pollutants in river are:

a) LiquidOrganic wastes
b) Micro-organisms/germs
c) Nutrient substances
d) Synthetic compounds
e) Inorganic chemicals
f) Silt and sediment
g) Hot water
h) Industrial, Municipal and urban waste
i) Eutrophication

Sources of water pollution:

Water pollution can occur from two sources.
1. Point source
2. Non-point source

Point sources of pollution are those which have direct identifiable source. Example
includes pipe attached to a factory, oil spill from a tanker, effluents coming out from
industries. Point sources of pollution include wastewater effluent (both municipal and
industrial) and storm sewer discharge and affect mostly the area near it.

Whereas non-point sources of pollution are those which arrive from different sources of
origin and number of ways by which contaminants enter into groundwater or surface
water and arrive in the environment from different non identifiable sources.1

Examples are runoff from agricultural fields, urban waste etc. Sometimes pollution that enters
the environment in one place has an effect hundreds or even thousands of miles away. This is
known as transboundary pollution.
One example is the radioactive waste that travels through the oceans from nuclear
reprocessing plants to nearby countries.

Water pollutants may be

 Organic
 Inorganic

1.Organic water pollutants: They comprise of insecticides and herbicides, organohalides

and other forms of chemicals; bacteria from sewage and livestocks farming; food
processing wastes; pathogens; volatile organic compounds etc.
2.Inorganic water pollutants: They may arise from heavy metals from acid mine drainage;
silt from surface run-off, logging, slash and burning practices and land filling; fertilizers
from agricultural run-off which include nitrates and phosphates etc. and chemical waste
from industrial effluents

Some of the important sources of water pollution are discussed below:

Urbanization:Urbanization generally leads to higher phosphorus concentrations in

urban catchments (Paul and Meyer, 2001). Increasing imperviousness, increased runoff from
urbanized surfaces, and increased municipal and industrial discharges all result in increased
loadings of nutrients to urban streams. This makes urbanization second only to agriculture as
the major cause of stream impairment.

Sewage and other Oxygen Demanding Wastes : Management of solid waste is not
successful due to huge volumes of organic and non-biodegradable wastes generated

daily. As a consequence, garbage in most parts of India is unscientifically disposed and
ultimately leads to increase in the pollutant load of surface and groundwater courses. Sewage
can be a fertilizer as it releases important nutrients to the environment such as nitrogen and
phosphorus which plants and animals need for growth. Chemical fertilizers used by farmers
also add nutrients to the soil, which drain into rivers and seas and add to the fertilizing effect
of the sewage. Together, sewage and fertilizers can cause a massive increase in the growth of
algae or plankton that facilitate huge areas of oceans, lakes, or rivers creating a condition
known as algal bloom thereby reducing the dissolved oxygen content of water and killing
other forms of life like fish.

Industrial Wastes: Many of the industries are situated along the banks of river such as
steel and paper industries for their requirement of huge amounts of water in manufacturing
processes and finally their wastes containing acids, alkalies, dyes and other chemicals are
dumped and poured down into rivers as effluents. Chemical industries concerning with
manufacture of Aluminium release large amount of fluoride through their emissions to air
and effluents to water bodies. Fertilizer industries generate huge amount of ammonia
whereas steel plants generate cyanide. Chromium salts are used in industrial process for the
production of sodium dichromate and other compounds containing chromium. All such
discharges finally arrive at water bodies in the form of effluents affecting human health and
the organism living there.

Agro-chemical Wastes: In the agricultural sector, water and electricity for

irrigation are subsidized for political reasons. This leads to wasteful flood irrigation rather
than adoption of more optimalpractices suchas sprinkler and drip irrigation. Cropping
patterns and farming practices also do not necessarily encourage the judicious use of water.
There are losses of water due to breaches and seepage resulting in water logging and
salinity. Agro-chemical wastes include fertilizers, pesticides which may be herbicides and
insecticides widely used in crop fields to enhance productivity. Improper disposal of
pesticides from field farms and agricultural activities contributes a lot of pollutants to
water bodies and soils. Some of the pesticides are: DDT, Aldine, Dieldrin, Malathion,
Hexachord Benzene etc. Pesticides reach water bodies through surface runoff from

agricultural fields, drifting from spraying, washing down of precipitation and direct
dusting and spraying of pesticides in low lying areas polluting the water 2
quality. Most of them are non-v and persistent in the environment for long period of time.
These chemicals may reach human through food chain leading to biomagnification.

Nutrient enrichment: The sources of nutrients in surface water will

be divided generally into natural and evolution sorts. Contribution to pollution by
natural supply is low due to balance established by the natural system between the
assembly and consumption of nutrients over the course of your time. evolution sources of
contaminants area unit contributed from agriculture, domestic and industrial wastes. Nutrient
concentrations in streams and rivers are powerfully related with human land use and
disturbance gradients. each N and P enrichment have links with the agricultural and
concrete land uses within the watershed.
Similarly, nutrient enrichment of aquatic systems from evolution sources
includes purpose and nonpoint sources (Table one. tailored from Carpenter et al., 1998).
In distinction to purpose sources of nutrients that area unit comparatively simple to watch and
regulate, nonpoint sources like farm animal, crop fertilizers, and concrete runoff exhibit a lot
of spacial and temporal variability.
What is the impact of stream pollution?
1) stream pollution will affect people, wildlife and the environment. 
2) Loss of chemical element: River creatures and stream plants want oxygen to
survive. once raw (i.e. untreated) sewerage enters
a stream system it's dampened by microorganism within the water to make ammonia.
However, this method uses up an excellent deal of chemical element. an absence of chemical
element will destroy stream life.
3) Eutrophication: This is that the term for a rise in nitrate levels in a very stream, which
may rise thanks to pollution. Too several nitrates (often from agricultural products)
encourage plant growth, significantly protoctist. Algae uses up chemical element and blocks
out lightweight. This affects the number of life within the stream and turns the
water inexperienced.
4) Human health: Can be broken by high nitrate levels in a very stream. In recent years high
nitrate levels are detected in beverage within the GB and alternative components of Europe.
Reducing nitrate levels needs dear water treatment processes. 

Categoriesof pollution
When rain falls and seeps deep into the planet, filling the cracks, crevices, And
porous areas of AN formation (basically an underground depository of water), it becomes
groundwater—one of our least visible however most vital natural resources. Nearly 70-
80 p.c of Indians rely on groundwater, pumped-up to the earth’s surface, for beverage and
irrigation. for a few of us in rural areas, it’s their solely fresh supply. Groundwater
gets contaminated once contaminants—from pesticides ANd fertilizers to waste leached from
landfills and septic systems—make their manner into an formation, rendering it unsafe for
human use. Ridding groundwater of contaminants will be troublesome to not
possible, also as expensive. Once contaminated, AN formation could also be unusable for
many years, or perhaps thousands of years. Groundwater may unfold contamination removed
from the initial polluting supply because it seeps into streams, lakes, and oceans.
Covering about 70 p.c of the planet, surface water is what fills our oceans, lakes, rivers, and
every one those alternative blue bits on the planet map. Surface water from fresh sources (that
is, from sources apart from the ocean) accounts for more than sixty percent of the water
delivered to Indian homes. in line with the foremost recent surveys on national water
quality , nearly 1/2 our rivers and streams and more than third of our
lakes are contaminated and unfit for swimming, fishing, and drinking. Nutrient
pollution, which has nitrates and phosphates, is that the leading kind of contamination in
these fresh sources. whereas plants and animals want these nutrients to grow, they
need become a major pollutant due to farm waste and plant food runoff. Municipal and
industrial waste discharges contribute their justifiable share of poisons also.
There’s additionally all the random junk that trade and people dump directly into waterways.
Eighty percent of ocean pollution (also known as marine pollution) originates on land—
whether on the coast or way landlocked. Contaminants like chemicals, nutrients,
and significant metals area unit carried from farms, factories, and cities by streams and rivers
into our bays and estuaries; from there they travel intent on ocean. Meanwhile, marine debris
—particularly plastic—is blown in by the wind or washed in via storm drains and sewers.
Our seas {are also|also area unit|are} generally spoiled by oil spills and leaks—big and small
—and are systematically absorbing carbon pollution from the air. The ocean absorbs the

maximum amount as a quarter of synthetic carbon emissions.
Point supply
When contamination originates from one supply, it’s called point supply pollution.
Examples embody waste material (also known as effluent) discharged lawfully or illicitly by
a manufacturer, petroleum refinery, or waste material treatment facility, also as
contamination from unseaworthy septic systems, chemical and oil spills,
and outlawed merchandising. The EPA regulates purpose source pollution by establishing
limits on what will be discharged by a facility directly into a body of
water. whereas rootage pollution originates from a particular place, it will have an effect
on miles of waterways and ocean.
Nonpoint supply
Nonpoint supply pollution is contamination derived from diffuse sources.
These might embody agricultural or stormwater runoff or rubble blown into waterways from
land. Nonpoint supply pollution is the leading reason for water pollution in U.S.
waters, however it’s troublesome to manage, since there’s no single, recognizable perpetrator.

It goes while not speech communication that pollution can’t be contained by a line on a map.
Transboundary pollution is that the results of contaminated water from one country spilling
into the waters of another. Contamination may result from a disaster—like AN oil spill—or
the slow, downstream creep of business, agricultural, or municipal discharge.

The Most Common Types of Water Contamination

Not solely is that the agricultural sector the most important client of world fresh resources,
with farming and placental production exploitation regarding seventy p.c of the earth’s
surface water provides, however it’s conjointly a heavy water bad person. round the world,
agriculture is that the leading reason for water degradation. In India, agricultural pollution is
that the prime supply of contamination in rivers and streams, the second-biggest supply in
wetlands, and therefore the third main supply in lakes. It’s conjointly a significant contributor
of contamination to estuaries and groundwater. on every occasion it rains, fertilizers,
pesticides, and animal waste from farms and placental operations wash nutrients and
pathogens—such microorganism and viruses—into our waterways. Nutrient pollution, caused

by excess N and phosphorus in water or air, is that the number-one threat to water quality
worldwide and might cause protoctist blooms, a unhealthful soup of eubacterium that may be
harmful to individuals and life.
Sewage and waste
Used water is waste. It comes from our sinks, showers, and bathrooms (think sewage) and
from industrial, industrial, and agricultural activities (think metals, solvents,
and unhealthful sludge). The term conjointly includes stormwater
runoff, that happens once precipitation carries road salts, oil, grease, chemicals,
and junk from water-resistant surfaces into our waterways
More than eighty p.c of the world’s waste flows back to the setting while not being treated or
reused, in some least-developed countries, the figure A-one ninety five p.c. within
the Bharat, waste treatment facilities method regarding thirty four billion gallons of waste per
day. These facilities scale back the number of pollutants like pathogens, phosphorus,
and N in sewerage, in addition as serious metals and unhealthful chemicals in industrial
waste, before discharging the treated waters back to waterways. That’s once all goes
well. however in line with EPA estimates, our nation’s aging and
simply overpowered sewerage treatment systems conjointly unleash quite 850 billion gallons
of untreated waste every year.
Oil pollution
Big spills might dominate headlines, however shoppers account for the overwhelming
majority of oil pollution in our seas, together with oil and gasolene that drips from scores
of cars and trucks each day. Moreover, nearly half the calculable one million a lot of oil that
creates its manner into marine environments every year comes not from tanker
spills however from land-based sources like factories, farms, and cities. At sea, tanker spills
account for regarding ten p.c of the oil in waters round the world, whereas regular operations
of the shipping trade through each legal and contraband discharges contribute regarding third.
Oil is additionally naturally discharged from underneath the ocean bottom through
fractures called seeps.
Radioactive substances
Radioactive waste is any pollution that emits radiation on the far
side what's naturally discharged by the setting. It’s generated by U mining, atomic
energy plants, and therefore the production and testing of military weapons, in addition as by
universities and hospitals that use radioactive materials for analysis and drugs. radioactive

material will act the setting for thousands of years, creating disposal a significant challenge
What square measure the results of Water Pollution?
On human health
To put it bluntly: pollution kills. In fact, it caused one.8 million deaths in 2015, in line with a
study printed within the Lancet. Contaminated water may cause you to unwell. Every year,
unsafe water sickens regarding one billion individuals. And low-income communities square
measure disproportionately in danger as a result of their homes square
measure usually nighest to the foremost polluting industries.
Waterborne pathogens, within the style of disease-causing microorganism and viruses from
human and animal waste, square measure a significant reason for health problem from
contaminated water. Diseases unfold by unsafe water embody Indian cholera, giardia,
and typhoid fever. Even in affluent nations, accidental or contraband releases
from sewerage treatment facilities, in addition as runoff from farms and concrete areas,
contribute harmful pathogens to waterways. Thousands of individuals across the u. s. square
measure sickened each year by Legionnaires’ malady (a severe style of respiratory
disease shrunken from water sources like cooling towers and piped water), with cases
cropping up from California’s pleasure ground to Manhattan’s higher side.
Even swimming will create a risk. Every year, 3.5 million individuals contract
health problems like skin rashes, pinkeye, metabolism infections, and liver disease from
sewage-laden coastal waters, in line with EPA estimates.
On the setting
In order to thrive, healthy ecosystems believe a posh net of animals, plants, bacteria, and
fungi—all of that move, directly or indirectly, with one another. damage to any of
those organisms will produce a sequence result, imperiling entire aquatic environments.
When pollution causes associate degree protoctist bloom during a lake or marine setting, the
proliferation of freshly introduced nutrients stimulates plant
and alga growth, that successively reduces element levels within the water. This dearth
of element, called eutrophication, suffocates plants and animals and might produce “dead
zones,” wherever waters square measure primarily empty life. In bound cases, these
harmful protoctist blooms may turn out neurotoxins that have an effect on life, from whales
to ocean turtles.
Chemicals and serious metals from industrial and municipal waste contaminate waterways in
addition. These contaminants square measure unhealthful to aquatic life most

frequently reducing associate degree organism’s generation and talent to
breed and build their far the organic phenomenon as predator chuck prey.
That’s however tuna and different important person accumulate high quantities of
poisons, like mercury.
Marine ecosystems also are vulnerable by marine junk, which might strangle, suffocate, and
starve animals. a lot of of this solid junk, like plastic luggage and soda cans,
gets sweptback into sewers and storm drains and eventually resolute ocean, turning our
oceans into trash soup and generally consolidating to make floating garbage patches.
Discarded fishing tackle and different forms of junk square measure accountable
for harming quite two hundred totally different species of marine life.

What Can We Do to Prevent Water Pollution?

With your actions

 Reduce your plastic consumption and reuse or recycle plastic when you can.

 Properly dispose of chemical cleaners, oils, and non-biodegradable items to keep

them from ending up down the drain.

 Maintain your car so it doesn’t leak oil, antifreeze, or coolant.

With your voice

One of the most effective ways to stand up for our waters is to speak out in support of the Clean
Water Rule, which clarifies the object of  The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,

Tell and your local people that you support the Clean Water Rule. Also, learn how you and
those around you can get involved in the policymaking process. Our public waterways serve
every Indian. We should all have a say in how they’re protected.


There are many approaches that could be adopted in water pollution control and management.
It could be through prevention, practice efforts or join a project/program; Regulation and
monitoring or engaging in control measures by reducing or minimizing waste.

Prevention of water pollution.
the following ways are :
 Wash your car far away from any storm water drains.
 Don’t throw trash, chemicals or solvents into sewer drains
 avoid using pesticides and fertilizers that can run off into water systems
 use non-toxic cleaning materials
 clean up oil and other liquid spills with kitty litter and sweep them up don’t wash
paints brushes in the sink.

Another way is to join or get involved with pollution prevention is to practice efforts on your
own or join projects or programme. Some of these are available with the Environmental
Protection Agency website (EPA)3
Regulation and monitoring is an effective way of pollution management. Many nations
worldwide have enacted legislation to regulate various types of pollution as well as to
mitigate the adverse effects of pollution.
Pollution control means to control the emissions and effluents into the air, water and land or
soil. Without pollution control, the waster products from consumptions, heating, agriculture,
mining, manufacturing, transportation and other human activities, whether they accumulate
or disperse, will degrade the environment. Pollution prevention and waste minimization are
more desirable than pollution control. However, pollution could be minimize by adopting
these practices
(i) by recycling
(ii) by reusing
(iii) waste minimization
(iv) by mitigating
(v) by preventing
(vi) by compost.
Apart from all these mentioned above, you can also use pollution control devices which
include Dust collection system e.g. bag houses, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators, scrubbers
e.g. baffle spray scrubber, ejector venture scrubber, mechanically aided scrubbers, spray
tower, wet scrubber, sewage treatment e.g. sedimentation (primary treatment), activated


sludge bio filters (secondary treatment, also used for industrial waste water), aerated lagoons,
constructed wetlands (also used in urban runoff); industrial wastewater treatment e.g. ultra
filtration, API oil-water separators, bio filters, dissolved air flotation (DAF), powdered
activated carbon treatment; the last but not the least are vapour recovery system and

Map of river Ganga and Yamuna

HowPollutionaffected watercourse yamuna
River Yamuna is one among the foremost impure rivers of the India. It originates from
Yamunotri glaciers within the lower range at associate degree elevation of roughly 6387
meters. The barrages shaped on the watercourse ar taking part in a significant role in
escalating the watercourse pollution. watercourse may be divided into 5 segments on the
bases of hydrological and ecological conditions. Water quality of only 1 phase (Himalayan
segment) meets the watercourse water quality standards. usually no water is allowed to flow
downstream of the range of mountains phase (Tejewala barrage) particularly within
the summer and winter seasons to meet the demand of water of the encompassing space. no
matter water flows within the downstream of the Tajewala barrage is that the untreated
or partly treated domestic and Industrial waste product contributed through numerous drains.
The discharge of untreated domestic and industrial effluents have severely affected the
standard of Yamuna watercourse and currently it falls below the class E, that makes
it match just for recreation and industrial cooling, fully ruling out the chance for underwater
life and domestic offer. virtually once a year mass death of fishes is rumored. Pollution
levels within the Yamuna watercourse have up. organic chemistry chemical element demand
(BOD) load has accrued by two.5 times between 1980 and 2005: From 117 tonnes per day
(TDP) in 1980 to 276 TDP in 2005. The Yamuna has been reduced to atiny
low stream, debilitating industrial effluents, sewage, dirt and different toxicant substances.
Yamuna watercourse, that is that the lifeline of Old Delhi, is one among the most-
polluted watercourse within the country. regarding eighty five % of the pollution is caused by
domestic and industrial sources. the standard of the watercourse is severely full of the
discharge of untreated domestic and industrial effluents. The water
quality isn't suitable bathing, underwater life and domestic offer. a good vary of
contaminants ar endlessly introduced into the watercourse and their toxicity could be
a drawback of accelerating significance for ecological, biological process, and environmental
reasons. Among these contaminants, significant metals thanks to their toxicity, accumulation
and non-degradable nature, represent one among the
foremost dangerous teams. significant metals viz., Lead (Pb), Copper
(Cu), metal (Cd), Cr (Cr), Zinc (Zn), Nickel (Ni) and Arsenic (As) have adverse effects on
human metabolism and health. Bioaccumulation of
the significant metals might cause injury to the central systema nervosum, lungs, kidneys,
liver, endocrine glands, and bones. The prevailing condition of the watercourse is of

significant concern, associate degreed there's an pressing got to take strict measures to
confirm cleansing of the watercourse and forestall more contamination.
There is associate degree pressing got to take rigorous measures to alleviate these
pollution masses associate degreed save an under the weather watercourse.

Pollutionaffected watercourse Ganga
The largest watercourse in India, poses vital threats to human health and also
the larger atmosphere.[1] Severely impure with excretion and industrial contaminants,
the watercourse provides water to regarding four-hundredth of India's population
across eleven states,serving associate degree calculable population of five
hundred million individuals that is over the other watercourse within the world.
The study was conducted throughout the summer months of 3 consecutive years - 2016 to
2018. Researchers selected a middle reach of the river(518 km) between Kanpur and
Varanasi, that is taken into account to be the foremost impure region.
They additionally checked out downstream regions of 2 drains, Wazidpur drain in Kanpur
that flushes fifty four million liters per day (MLD) of commercial waste and Assi drain at
Varanasi that releases over sixty six MLD of waste material waste into the watercourse.
Establishment of an outsized range of hospitals, industries, textile mills, chemical plants,
distilleries on the bank of watercourse Ganga in Kanpur, Varanasi and Allahabad,
has semiconductor diode to extend within the pollution level within the Ganga watercourse.
Most of the town waste, industrial waste is drop into
the watercourse stupidly double regarding the implications it might wear aquatic life still as
human health.
As per the study undertaken by many researchers, the degree of significant metal viz. Fe, Mn,
Zn, metal and Cd at totally different sites in Ganga watercourse, Varanasi rumored to be
highest. Similarly, the standing of those metals, Mn Cr Cu, Zn, metal and metallic
element concentrations within the Ganga watercourse water numerous sites of Allahabad
region found extraordinary. Another important watercourse of UP, Yamuna at Allahabad is
chosen thanks to its high level of pollution. significant metals (Pb, conductor and As)
concentrations were found high in water from watercourse. The significant metals
concentration in water found that metal and conductor were above the permissible limits
of World Health Organization, that is sign of hazard to the environmental health. In
Gomti watercourse at Lucknow the high traces of all the metals were obtained in water and
deposit in time of year compared to summer and winter thanks to the overflow from
open impure sites, agricultural fields and industries. The concentration of metal was
found over the permissible limits. The watercourse Ramganga a very important tributary to
the Ganga watercourse is additionally facing excessive threat of pollution. The concentration
of significant metals showed increasing trends in summer compared to monsoon and
winter amount. The significant metals contamination altogether the 5 rivers was found to be
influenced by chiefly municipal and industrial waste of cities.

The Indian Penal Code and Pollution

Under the Indian criminal law, provisions have been explicitly laid down to punish the person
who commits an offence in contravention to the Code. Section 277 of the Code provides for
the punishment to be given to the person who commits an offence of fouling of a public
reservoir or a public spring voluntarily shall be liable to be punished with imprisonment of
three months or with a fine of 500 Rupees or with both. The explanation of this situation can
be given through an illustration. A, a resident of Chandigarh, goes near a reservoir and
voluntarily puts a toxic substance with an intention to cause harm to the environment and in
consideration pollutes the water. The reservoir was fit for public use before, but after the Act
of A, the reservoir became unfit for the utilisation of the public. Therefore, A was being held
liable for the offence under Section 277 of the IPC, and he was punished with imprisonment
of up to three months and a fine of Rupees 500.

The River Boards Act, 1956

This act aimed at the establishment of rivers and the regulation of interstate water
disputes.The interest of the public is considered to be the prime concern of this Act. The Act
gives the power to the State Government to establish Boards by issuing a special
notification.The object of this Act is to resolve and regulate the inter-state water disputes.
 Article 262 of the Constitution of India gives the power to the Union to establish and
adjudicate the inter-state water disputes prevailing in the country. Through this Act, awards
and tribunals were being formulated to regulate the interstate dispute prevailing in a
particular country.


Water pollution is associate degree environmental drawback that's of major concern to United

States in India and also the world at giant. Human contribution to pollution is
big by method of defecating; selling of refuse, industrial wastes and laundry of garments etc.
apparently, environmental education is of large importance to
use significantly in faculties and may have an area within the faculty programme. during
this method they're going to be less inclined to begrime our waters.

It is pertinent that environmental education is introduced in faculties and
be created obligatory. Federal, State and native Government ought to establish agencies to
watch our surroundings and equally to make certain that our surroundings is unbroken clean
and free from refuge dumps. Industrial homes or family ought
to equally drill a hygienical atmosphere significantly in their locality, per be proverb that says
charity beings at home. Our industries should go advance in trying to recycle these wastes
instead of dumping them for rain water to sweep these refuse into our rivers and streams
making them undrinkable.


Marine Pollution — Pristine Seas — National Geographic.


National Geographic


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