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The Supple Chain Game – Reflective Report

Group 13
Members: Muhammad Hasan Saeed and Talha Mansoor
When the game started on day 730, we looked at the daily demand leading up to this moment and we
noticed that the demand was around 10 after which we decided that the initial production of 20 was
enough and let the game proceed. At this point we didn’t make any forecast of any future demands
which hurt us in the coming day in the form of lost demand and times when the factory was idle.

Then on day 862 we decided to increase the production to 60 units per day in order to accommodate
the daily demand that we were unable to fulfil owning to low production. This took 90 days to be
implemented and cost $2 Million. Meanwhile, we changed to order point to 200 units which was a
mistake on our part as the demand was high and instead of increasing the order point, we should have
decreased it. Similarly, the demand was seasonal and we failed to act at the right times to ensure
maximum efficiency and demand meeting.

Our decisions lacked rationale at a few places and had we acted at the right times with the right
strategy, we could have managed the game more appropriately.

The decisions that we took were too less and instead of intervening from time to time, we let the game
run its course. The decisions weren’t systematic and most of the decisions were a trial and error method
to get a sense of the game.
All in all, despite our lack of proper decisions, we learnt that timely interventions and the right decisions are the
key to getting the best results.

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