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Dani Date: 12/07/2020

HR Arab Tanker services.

Subject: Overtime request for CF Radar Removal works.

Dear Madam,

I am writing this letter on behalf of my team (Mr. Xavier, Mr. Kauser & Mr. Davis) and for myself
to request your good end for the overtime as 2.5 (two and half) extra full days salary against the
continuous work titled “Removal of Radar from CFP”.

The Summary of the work timing is as follows:

July 05, 2020: 07:30am to July 06, 2020; 08:00am.

Total Hours: 24:30hrs Normal Time: 9:00hrs (5-July-20) Extra Time: 16hrs (Two Days)

July 06, 2020: 12:00pm to July 07, 2020; 09:00am.

Total Hours: 21:00hrs Normal Time: 16:00hrs (6&7-July-20) Extra time: 5Hrs (Half Day)

I hope you understand the situation, working condition and the client’s pressure during that emergency
task. As you can see, the work timeline is continuous 2 days with only 4 hours of rest and it does not
seem like the normal overtime hours.

In this regards, I request you consider as Normal Working day hours and compensate accordingly.

Thank you.


Usama Hamood | ATS Group | 768


Team signatory:

Xavior Roy Mir Kauser Ali Davis



Mr. Tayyab Abbas


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