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Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

DOI 10.1007/s40998-017-0015-7


Adaptive Target Detection in Passive Bistatic Radars:

A Theoretical Analysis
Mohammad Zamani1 • Abbas Sheikhi1

Received: 2 January 2016 / Accepted: 10 December 2016

 Shiraz University 2017

Abstract This paper provides a theoretical analysis to 1 Introduction

consolidate the theory of ‘‘adaptive’’ target detection in the
surveillance channel of passive bistatic radars where noise, Passive bistatic radars (PBRs) are known by some char-
strong returns of clutter and target returns are present. It is acteristics and benefits that make them unsubstitutable in
known in the literature that by generating the mixing pro- some applications. They do not require dedicated trans-
duct for each bistatic sample delay in the surveillance mitters and so are inexpensive, invulnerable to jamming,
channel using the preprocessed and multipath-free refer- covert and without frequency allocation requirements.
ence channel signal, adaptivity can be realized. However, Moreover, frequency and space diversity are provided. But
the theoretical background of this idea is not strong. In this as the transmitter’s location and the transmission properties
paper, the statistical characteristics and the distribution of cannot be controlled by the radar designer, processing,
the mixing product are analyzed leading to the hypothesis synchronization and system challenges are increased (Ch-
test applicable to the ‘‘adaptive’’ detection problem. We erniakov 2008).
investigate the iid requirements of secondary data, and a The general geometry of a PBR is shown in Fig. 1. The
suitable scheme for secondary data generation in which transmitter of opportunity is assumed to have a wide beam
these requirements are approximately satisfied is proposed. antenna in azimuth, propagating the transmitting signal in a
Several adaptive target detectors from active pulse radars’ wide sector. The receiver’s antenna is an array antenna
literature based on the derived hypothesis test are gener- with several directional surveillance beams produced by a
alized for use in passive radars and their performances are suitable beamforming method and a separate beam toward
assessed by simulations and theoretical analysis. The the transmitter (reference beam) for the reception of
simulation results indicate that these detectors are generally directly transmitted signal. So, the PBR depicted in Fig. 1
preferred compared to the conventional cross ambiguity has M surveillance channels and one reference channel.
function processing. It is also shown that the simulation- The surveillance channels collect the target echoes.
based and theoretical detection performances validate each Unfortunately, the strong unwanted returns of direct signal
other. and clutter/multipath are also received in the surveillance
channels which degrade or deny the capability to detect the
Keywords Passive bistatic radar  Adaptive detection  targets (Cherniakov 2008; Colone et al. 2009a; Radmard
Mixing product  Ambiguity function and Nayebi 2015). For each surveillance channel, time-
domain signal processing and target detection are done
independently. The algorithms to allow for the detection of
targets can be categorized into ‘‘adaptive’’ and ‘‘non-
& Abbas Sheikhi adaptive’’. For PBRs, the non-adaptive approach has been researched vastly, while the theory of adaptive approach is
1 still immature. The analytical discussion of PBR ‘‘adap-
Department of Communications and Electronics, School of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Shiraz University, tive’’ detection problem is the main subject of this paper.
Shiraz, Iran Before introducing the works which have already been

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

there are several clutter cells corresponding to successive

range cells. The clutter scatterers within a given clutter cell
have different bistatic velocities. If we divide the total
possible bistatic velocity interval into some velocity cells,
the total scatterers whose bistatic velocities belong to each
velocity cell are called ‘‘clutter patch’’. For example, a
zoomed view of the clutter cells of Fig. 2a is given in
Fig. 2b, where each clutter patch is shown with a distinct
dash type. In this illustration, there are three clutter patches
for each clutter cell as depicted in Fig. 2c. The total bistatic
range and velocity intervals covered by the clutter patches
Fig. 1 PBR general geometry
of clutter cells are defined as ‘‘clutter scatterers range-ve-
locity region’’.
presented in the literature and demonstrating our contri- In the non-adaptive category of algorithms, it is assumed
bution, let us explain some required concepts for future that each clutter cell’s complex radar cross section (RCS)
discussions. has a narrow spectrum around zero Doppler frequency and
Throughout this paper as shown in Fig. 2a, the total Doppler frequencies of targets of interest are higher than
clutter scatterers within a given surveillance beam and the bandwidth of this spectrum. Hence, clutter cancellation
between two ellipses of constant range sums (bistatic iso- methods are firstly exploited and then target detection is
range contours) corresponding to Rr and Rr þ DR are performed by forming the cross ambiguity function which
defined as the rth ‘‘clutter cell’’ where DR is chosen acts as a matched filter and provides the necessary inte-
according to the range resolution. The clutter cells adjacent gration gain as well as target bistatic range and Doppler
to the rth clutter cell are also shown in Fig. 2a, b. Hence, estimation (Cherniakov 2008). Transversal adaptive filters

Fig. 2 Categorizing clutter scatterers: a clutter cells, b zoomed view of clutter cells and c clutter patches of clutter cells (scatters and their
velocities are denoted by points and arrows, respectively)

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

such as the least mean squares (LMS) and recursive least and less robust in non-Gaussian interferences than its
squares (RLS) (Cherniakov 2008; Colone et al. 2007), the counterpart. The Doppler domain localized GLR (DDL–
extensive cancellation algorithm (ECA) (Colone et al. GLR) (Wang and Cai 1991) and the per-symmetric GLR
2006), the sequential cancellation algorithm (SCA) (PGLR) (Wang and Cai 1992) have been presented which
(Colone et al. 2006), the multistage processing algorithm require a reduced size of iid training data set by exploiting
(Colone et al. 2009a), the generalized likelihood ratio test localized adaptive processing and by considering a per-
(GLRT) (Zaimbashi et al. 2013) and OFDM-specific symmetric structure for the interference covariance matrix,
methods (Colone et al. 2014; Palmer et al. 2013; Zhao et al. respectively. Through years of studies, there are numerous
2012) are some of the main works presented in the litera- works done in this field, all of which share the same basis
ture. This category of algorithms is generally used for as the mentioned methods and also investigate specific
passive ground-based radars. It is noteworthy to mention problems such as nonhomogeneous secondary data (Gao
that for such radars an alternative approach is using clutter et al. 2014; Melvin 2000; Shahraki et al. 2007).
map for adaptation of threshold to be applied to cross In passive radars, due to the continuous-wave nature of
ambiguity function. transmitting signals, the reflected signals from all clutter
For the situations such as airborne and maritime PBRs cells and targets overlap in the surveillance channel signal.
where each clutter cell’s RCS spectrum overlaps with the Hence, the generalization of adaptive processing concepts
target’s RCS spectrum and its parameters such as band- in active pulse radars to PBRs is not straightforward and
width and center frequency vary rapidly and within a wide has been a subject of recent researches. In this regard (Neyt
range, the slowly varying clutter maps do not provide et al. 2006), the feasibility of PBR adaptive processing is
sufficient adaptation to the environment and also the non- shown through the definition of mixing product for the first
adaptive approach is not feasible. Considering these issues time. The simulation-based and experimental results of
and especially for maritime and airborne passive radars, applying space–time adaptive processing (STAP) based on
there is a vital need for developing data-adaptive methods SMI for a GSM-based PBR have been reported. A similar
based on the estimation of unknown spectral properties of work has been done in (Raout et al. 2007) but for a DVB-T
clutter cell’s RCS. This is the case of interest in this work. (digital video broadcast-terrestrial)-based PBR. A number
Adaptive processing is a fully developed theory for of other spatio-temporal filtering methods such as PC
active pulse radars. In this theory, two sets of data vectors (principal components), JDL (joint domain localized), D3
known as primary and secondary (training) data are (direct data domain) and the hybrid JDL-D3 have also been
exploited. The primary data, which are the output of the investigated by the same authors in (Raout and Preaux
receiver’s matched filter in a given range cell (range cell 2008; Raout 2008a, b). They are implemented based on the
under test), contain the target echoes, returns of its corre- mixing product, too. The mixing product has also been
sponding clutter cell and noise. The set of target-free sec- used in a novel method which does not estimate the
ondary data, which are the outputs of the receiver’s covariance matrix but iteratively rejects the components of
matched filter in range cells adjacent to the range cell under the clutter using the amplitude and phase estimation
test, are assumed to have the same covariance matrix as the (APES) (Raout et al. 2010a) which is later followed by a
primary data. It is satisfied under the assumption that the work which combines the Wiener filtering and the APES
neighboring clutter cells corresponding to the primary and (Raout et al. 2010b). The implementation of STAP in PBRs
secondary data sets are homogenous, i.e., their RCSs have has also been investigated in (Tan et al.
the same spectral properties. In addition, due to the sta- 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014) in which the snapshot modeling
tistical independence of clutter cells’ RCSs, it is readily approach is based on the separate matched filtering of
concluded that the secondary data set are independent of several segments of the surveillance channel signal and
each other and are also independent of the primary data. joint processing of them is proposed. It is also shown that
The unknown covariance matrix of the primary data can be before applying STAP algorithms such as SMI, a prior
estimated using the independent and identically distributed cancellation of direct signal and strong clutter signals of
(iid) secondary data and then target detection proceeds. closer ranges by the ECA leads to a superior performance
While sample matrix inversion (SMI) (Reed et al. 1974) is (Tan et al. 2014).
probably the most basic work in this theory, Kelly’s GLR Most literature about adaptive approach for PBRs, as
(generalized likelihood ratio) (Kelly 1986) replaces this ad- mentioned earlier, is based on designing adaptive weights
hoc procedure by a likelihood ratio test which has the to filter out the interference and maximize the signal-to-
constant false alarm rate (CFAR) behavior. In Robey et al. interference-plus-noise ratio. The aim of this paper is to
(1992), the adaptive matched filter (AMF) has been intro- consolidate the theory of existing methods and, in contrast
duced which is the simplified version of Kelly’s GLR and to them, organize the study based on a detection perfor-
is less computationally intensive, slightly underperformed mance measure. In this regard, the previous works are ad-

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

hoc. So, in this paper, with a detailed statistical analysis of complex conjugate transpose, respectively, and  denotes
the mixing product approach including the distribution and Hadamard product. The symbols used for statistical
also the covariance matrix, adaptive target detection as a expectation and covariance matrix of a random vector are
hypothesis test and modification of the conventional sec- Ef:g and Rf:g, respectively. The operator digð:Þ converts a
ondary data generation which leads to a suitable secondary vector to a diagonal matrix whose main diagonal entries are
data generation scheme to have iid secondary data are the elements of the vector. It must be noted that we have
studied. It is also established that adaptive detectors from attempted to keep the symbols and notations used within
active pulse radar area can be generalized for use in passive this paper consistent with (Raout and Preaux 2008; Raout
radars and their detection performances can be theoreti- 2008a, b; Raout et al. 2010a) for ease of understanding and
cally obtained using the derivations of this paper. In this referral.
regard, the generalizations of Kelly’s GLR, DDL-GLR and
PGLR are presented. The analysis of detection perfor-
mance and performance comparison with cross ambiguity 2 Signal Model and its Statistical Property
function processing is another contribution of this paper.
The adopted detectors estimate the unknown spectral Let us denote the lth sample of the surveillance channel
specifications of clutter cell’s RCS and by using the and reference channel signals after baseband demodulation
spectral differences between the complex RCSs of target by xðlÞ and xref ðlÞ, respectively. The vector representations
and clutter cell make target detection possible even in the of these samples of the surveillance channel signal, x, and
clutter scatterers range-velocity region. This is in contrast the reference channel signal, xref , during the integration
to non-adaptive algorithms like the ECA (Colone et al. time are given by
2006) and the GLRT (Zaimbashi et al. 2013) where the
x ¼ ½xð0Þ xð1Þ. . . xðNi  1ÞT
clutter scatterers range-velocity region should be defined a ð1Þ
priory. In such algorithms, for the purpose of proper clutter xref ¼ ½xref ð0Þ xref ð1Þ. . . xref ðNi  1ÞT
cancellation a high detection loss occurs in the clutter
where the number of samples to be coherently processed
scatterers range-velocity region (Zaimbashi et al. 2013) and
within the integration time is Ni .
no target detection is possible within this region. So, non-
It is assumed that target detection is to be performed in a
adaptive and adaptive algorithms are used in different
given delay (range) interval, and targets, direct signal and
categories of applications and it is not accurate to compare
clutter cells corresponding to previous and forthcoming
them in terms of detection performance. However, in the
delays (outside of detection range interval) have been
PBR literature, a logical solution for the problem of target
canceled using a least square approach such as the ECA
detection in the presence of clutter with unknown clutter
(Colone et al. 2006). In fact, x presents the surveillance
scatterers range-velocity region is known to be the cross
channel signal after this preprocessing. In general, x
ambiguity function processing, without interference can-
includes the signal returns of targets, contributions of
cellation. Hence, the detection performances of the adopted
clutter/multipath and additive white Gaussian noise
detectors are compared to the conventional cross ambiguity
(AWGN) which are symbolized by xt , xc , and w,
function processing with CFAR thresholding, and their
superiority, in most situations, is shown by several
simulations. x ¼ xt þ x c þ w ð2Þ
This paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2, the signal It is assumed that xref is a delayed replica of transmitting
model is described and its statistical properties are intro- signal and is free of multipath (Colone et al. 2009a, b;
duced. The procedure for formulating adaptive detection Zaimbashi et al. 2013). By assuming that the direct signal
problem as statistical hypothesis testing is also given to noise ratio (DNR) in the reference channel is much
through some lemmas. Section 3 discusses some adaptive larger than the DNR in the surveillance channel, the ther-
detectors for the desired hypothesis test. Simulation results mal noise in the reference channel can be neglected
are reported in Sect. 4. Finally, some conclusions are given (Colone et al. 2009a; Zaimbashi et al. 2013). Under these
in Sect. 5. For the purpose of shortening the main body of assumptions, the signal model is developed.
the paper while preserving its integrity, most excess The delayed version of the reference channel signal with
explanations, math expressions, and proofs of the important sample delay n is computed by Dn xref where D is a 0/1
lemmas in Sect. 2 are moved to the appendices. These permutation matrix that applies a delay of single sample
appendices include some of the novelties of this work. and is expressed by (Colone et al. 2009a):
In this paper, superscripts, ð:Þ , ð:ÞT and ð:ÞH are 
1 i¼jþ1
exploited to represent complex conjugate, transpose, and D ¼ fdij gi;j¼1;...;Ni ; dij ¼ ð3Þ
0 otherwise

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

Let us consider Nt targets, xtk , (k ¼ 1; . . .; Nt ) with practically applicable to real scenarios (Zaimbashi et al.
sample delays ntk (with respect to the reference channel 2013). The complex amplitudes of clutter patches, cci;r , are
signal), normalized Doppler frequencies ftk ¼ ftk =fs (ftk is assumed to have complex zero-mean Gaussian distribu-
Doppler frequency and fs denotes the sampling frequency) tions (Skolnik 2005; Theodoridis and Chellappa 2013;
and complex amplitudes atk . The temporal steering vector Stergiopoulos 2009) with variances of Gi;r , and to be
independent and hence uncorrelated. Therefore, we have:
of the kth target corresponding to ftk is denoted by stk . So,
n o 0 i 6¼ j or r 6¼ t
we can formulate xt by (Colone et al. 2006; Zaimbashi 
E cci;r ccj;t ¼
et al. 2013; Raout 2008b): Efjcci;r j2 g ¼ Gi;r i ¼ j and r ¼ t
Nt ð11Þ
xt ¼ xt k ð4Þ
Considering these assumptions, we study the statistical
characteristics of the surveillance channel signal, x, in
where Appendix A. According to this appendix, x has a complex
xtk ¼ atk ðDntk xref Þ  stk ð5Þ Gaussian distribution with mean xt and covariance matrix
Rc þ r2w I where I denotes the identity matrix, r2w is the
and variance of AWGN, and the clutter covariance matrix, Rc ,
h iT is presented in Appendix A (see Eqs. (40) and (41)). The
stk ¼ 1 ej2pftk . . . ej2pftk ðNi 1Þ ð6Þ
representation used for this distribution is
It should be remembered that in this paper, sample x  Nðxt ; Rc þ r2w IÞ.
delays, ranges, velocities and Doppler frequencies are all The mixing product corresponding to sample delay n,
based on bistatic measurements. The clutter, in the detec- which mixes the surveillance channel signal with the
tion range interval, is composed of Nr clutter cells with Nc complex conjugate of the nth sample delayed version of the
clutter patches for each clutter cell and its signal contri- reference channel signal, is defined as (Neyt et al. 2006;
bution, xc , can be expressed as (Colone et al. 2006; Stein 1981):
Zaimbashi et al. 2013; Raout 2008b): x~ðnÞ ¼ x  ðDn xref Þ ð12Þ
Nr X
X Nc
xc ¼ cci;r ðDncr xref Þ  sci It can be considered as a vector of length Ni for each
r¼1 i¼1 sample delay n as follows and is called ‘‘mixed signal’’
" # ð7Þ
Nr X
Nc throughout this manuscript.
¼ ðD xref Þ  cci;r sci
r¼1 i¼1
xð0; nÞ x~ð1; nÞ. . . x~ðNi  1; nÞT ;
x~ðnÞ ¼ ½~
x~ðl; nÞ ¼ xðlÞxref ðl  nÞ; l ¼ 0; . . .; Ni  1
in which the complex amplitude, sample delay (with
respect to the reference channel signal) and normalized The mixed signal can also be decomposed into its
Doppler frequency of the ith clutter patch within the rth components using a similar procedure to Eq. (2):
clutter cell are symbolized by cci;r , ncr and fci , respectively, x~ðnÞ ¼ x~t ðnÞ þ x~c ðnÞ þ wðnÞ
and the temporal steering vector, sci , of this clutter patch X
with normalized Doppler frequency fci is given by x~t ðnÞ ¼ xt  ðDn xref Þ ¼ atk stk  ðDntk xref Þ  ðDn xref Þ
h iT k¼1
sci ¼ 1 ej2pfci . . . ej2pfci ðNi 1Þ ð8Þ X
¼ x~tk ðnÞ
As Eq. (4), xc can also be written based on its Nr X
X Nc
components: x~c ðnÞ ¼ xc  ðDn xref Þ ¼ cci;r sci  ðDncr xref Þ  ðDn xref Þ
r¼1 i¼1
Nr X
X Nc
xc ¼ xci;r ð9Þ ~
wðnÞ ¼ w  ðDn xref Þ
r¼1 i¼1
In Appendix A, it is shown that the distribution of the
xci;r ¼ cci;r ðDncr xref Þ  sci ð10Þ mixed signal is Gaussian with mean x~t ðnÞ, and its covari-
ance matrix which is dependent on the sample delay n is
In the PBR literature, this is the most general modeling given by
used for clutter signal contribution (Colone et al. 2006;
Zaimbashi et al. 2013; Raout 2008b), and is shown to be xðnÞg ¼ ðRc þ r2w IÞ  ððDn xref ÞðDn xref ÞT Þ
Rf~ ð15Þ

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

The adaptive approach is based on the mixed signal pure tone with target Doppler frequency and an ac com-
(Neyt et al. 2006; Raout et al. 2007; Raout and Preaux ponent. Using the idea of constant envelope case, if
2008; Raout 2008a, b), and the mixed signal is then applied Eq. (17) is satisfied, the subsampling can be performed by
to a low-pass filter and subsampled. In the following, we Eq. (18) and the ac component of x~tk ðnÞ after decimation
consolidate the theory regarding why this decimation can be ignored.
maintains the target signal contribution and then statisti- Equation (18) implies that each element of y~ðnÞ is
cally analyze the subsampled mixed signal. proportional to the average of S successive elements of
Using Eq. (14), for any target with index k and sample x~ðnÞ. If the filtered and subsampled versions of x~t ðnÞ,
delay ntk ¼ n, we have x~c ðnÞ, and wðnÞ
~ are represented by y~t ðnÞ, y~c ðnÞ, and z~ðnÞ,
respectively, we have
x~tk ðnÞ ¼ xtk  ðDn xref Þ ¼ atk stk  ðDn xref Þ  ðDn xref Þ
y~ðnÞ ¼ y~t ðnÞ þ y~c ðnÞ þ z~ðnÞ !
y~ðb; nÞ ¼ y~t ðb; nÞ þ y~c ðb; nÞ þ z~ðb; nÞ; b ¼ 0; . . .; Nd  1;
Considering ðDn xref Þ  ðDn xref Þ ¼ eðnÞ, we have: X
eðl; nÞ ¼ jxref ðl  nÞj2 where eðl; nÞ, the lth sample of eðnÞ, y~t ðb; nÞ ¼ x~t ðl; nÞ
is also a sample of the square of envelope of transmitting
signal. To better understand Eq. (16), let us firstly consider X
y~c ðb; nÞ ¼ x~c ðl; nÞ
the special case of constant envelope transmitting signals l¼bS
like phase shift keying (PSK) and frequency modulated X
(FM) signals. For this case, in which eðl; nÞ ¼ cte; 8l; n, z~ðb; nÞ ¼ ~ nÞ
eðnÞ is a scalar multiple of unit vector so that x~tk ðnÞ / atk stk l¼bS

is a pure tone with target Doppler frequency. So, if a target ð19Þ

with sample delay n is present, x~ðnÞ will be a pure tone
It is noteworthy to emphasize that, for instance, y~ðb; nÞ
with target Doppler frequency immersed in a colored
denotes the bth element of y~ðnÞ. Using Eq. (14) in Eq. (19)
Gaussian interference. As a result, it is reasonable to use
and by a change of variable l0 ¼ l  bS, it can be shown
x~ðnÞ as decision data for the detection of targets with
sample delay n. Using this idea, since the Doppler fre-
quencies of targets of interest are noticeably smaller than X
y~t ðnÞ ¼ atk wðn  ntk ; ftk Þ  vtk
the sampling frequency, according to the irrelevance the- k¼1
orem (Proakis and Salehi 2008), the out-of-band Doppler ð20Þ
Nr X
X Nc
components of x~ðnÞ can be filtered and x~ðnÞ can be sub- y~c ðnÞ ¼ cci;r wðn  ncr ; fci Þ  vci
sampled. Let us assume that the magnitudes of Doppler r¼1 i¼1
frequencies of targets, ftk , are at most 2S times smaller than
where vtk and vci are the reduced steering vectors of the kth
the sampling frequency, or more exactly are such that:
    target and the ith clutter patch corresponding to the reduced
ft  fs  fs ; ft  1  1 ð8kÞ ð17Þ
normalized Doppler frequencies ttk and tci , respectively:
 k N  2S  k N  2S h iT
i i
vtk =ci ¼ 1 ej2pttk =ci . . . ej2pttk =ci ðNd 1Þ ;
Then, the mixed signal, x~ðnÞ, can be decimated to Nd ¼
ft =c S ft =c ð21Þ
bNi =Sc samples by the subsampling factor S to yield y~ðnÞ. ttk =ci ¼ ftk =ci S ¼ k i ¼ k 0 i
This can be implemented by an integrate-and-dump filter in fs fs
its simplest form (Raout et al. 2010a, b), i.e.,
and wðn  ntk ; ftk Þ and wðn  ncr ; fci Þ are vectors of
y~ðnÞ ¼ ½~
yð0; nÞ y~ð1; nÞ. . . y~ðNd  1; nÞ ; dimension Nd whose bth elements, b ¼ 0; 1; . . .; Nd  1 are
bSþS1 ð18Þ defined as:
y~ðb; nÞ ¼ x~ðl; nÞ; b ¼ 0; . . .; Nd  1   h  
l¼bS w n  ntk =cr ; ftk =ci ¼ w0 n  ntk =cr ; ftk =ci . . . wNd 1
The sampling frequency is now reduced to fs0 ¼ fs =S. It  iT
n  ntk =cr ; ftk =ci
is noted that Eq. (17) ensures that the mentioned pure tone
is within the low-pass filter bandwidth (1=S in the nor-   XS1  
malized frequency domain). wb n  ntk =cr ; ftk =ci ¼ xref l0 þ bS  ntk =cr xref :
l0 ¼0
In general, since the square of the envelope of any  0
transmitting signal (as a positive function) has a non-zero ðl0 þ bS  nÞej2pftk =ci l
dc component and an ac component, x~tk ðnÞ is the sum of a ð22Þ

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

Suppose that the reference channel signal is divided into y~t ðnÞ ¼ avt ð25Þ
Nd segments of length S, for large enough S (with respect to where vt is the target reduced steering vector corresponding
the maximum sample delay of detection range interval) it to tt , a is a complex scalar proportional to at and 2c  1 is
can be shown that wb ðn  ntk =cr ; ftk =ci Þ is approximately the sample width of main lobe of S-sample complex self-
the S-sample complex self-ambiguity function of the bth ambiguity function in the delay domain.
(b ¼ 0; . . .; Nd  1) segment of the reference channel sig-
Lemma 2 Let k  k0 2c  1 and the clutter patches be
nal, computed in sample delay n  ntk =cr and normalized
range homogenous (Gi;r ¼ Gi ; 8r), then y~c ðkÞ þ z~ðkÞ and
Doppler frequency ftk =ci . For each segment of the refer-
y~c ðk0 Þ þ z~ðk0 Þ (interference plus noise components of y~ðkÞ
ence channel signal, the magnitude of its corresponding S- and y~ðk0 Þ, respectively) will be iid and have zero-mean
sample complex self-ambiguity function generally has a Gaussian distributions with covariance matrix Ry , given by
single correlation lobe peaking at zero delay and zero " !#
Nc X
normalized Doppler frequency. The width of correlation Ry ¼ Gi ðvci vH wðr ; fci ÞwH ðr 0 ; fci Þ þ Rw
þ r2w I
ci Þ 
D i¼1 r0 ¼1c
lobe is 2bfs =ð2BÞc þ 1 ¼ 2c  1 samples in the delay
domain (B denotes the transmitting signal bandwidth) and ð26Þ
1=S in the normalized Doppler frequency domain. Hence, where Gi is the power of the ith clutter patch in each clutter
we have cell and Rw as expressed by Eq. (47) corresponds to the
jwb ðn  ntk =cr ; ftk =ci Þj ffi 0; jn  ntk =cr j c; 8b ! side-lobe region of complex self-ambiguity functions.
wðn  ntk =cr ; ftk =ci Þ ffi 0; jn  ntk =cr j c Regarding Lemmas 1 and 2, if the clutter patches are
range homogenous, the detection problem of a target with
Since y~ðnÞ is the subsampled version of output of an LTI
reduced normalized Doppler frequency tt and sample delay
filter whose input is the Gaussian vector x~ðnÞ, it is also
n, where there are no other targets in the delay interval
normally distributed with mean y~t ðnÞ, and it can be shown
½n  L  c þ 1; n þ L þ c  1 (the sample delay under test
that its covariance matrix is given by
n and its 2L þ 2c  1 surrounding sample delays), can be
Nr X
formulated as the following hypothesis test:
yðnÞg ¼
Rf~ Gi;r ðwðn  ncr ; fci ÞwH ðn  ncr ; fci ÞÞ (
d d
r¼1 i¼1 H0 : y~ðnÞ  Nð0; Ry Þ; y~ðkÞ  Nð0; Ry Þ; k 2 D
 ðvci vH 2
c i Þ þ rw I d d
H1 : y~ðnÞ  Nðavt ; Ry Þ; y~ðkÞ  Nð0; Ry Þ; k 2 D
where without loss of generality we presume that:
wb ð0; 0Þ ¼ jwb ð0; 0Þj ffi 1; 8b.
h iT
As also mentioned before, the idea is to use y~ðnÞ (the vt ¼ 1 ej2ptt . . . ej2ptt ðNd 1Þ
subsampled version of x~ðnÞ) as decision (primary) data for " !#
target detection at sample delay n. In the literature, it is Ry ¼ H
Gi ðvci vci Þ  wðr ; fci Þw ðr ; fci Þ þ Rw
0 H 0
suggested that the subsampled mixed signals with sample i¼1 r 0 ¼1c
delays adjacent to n are exploited as secondary data (Neyt þ r2w I;
et al. 2006; Raout et al. 2007; Raout and Preaux 2008;
Raout 2008a). For adaptive detection which is the subject
of this paper, one may use y~ðkÞ; k 2 D as target-free a is a deterministic and unknown complex scalar, y~ðnÞ and
secondary (training) data provided that the secondary data y~ðkÞ; k 2 D are independent, the training data set D is
set D is generated such that some requirements are met. given by
The secondary data should be iid and have the same dis-  

tribution as the background of the primary data, and be D ¼ kjk ¼ n  ð2c  1Þd; d ¼ 1; . . .; ;
2c  1
independent of it. Hence, by the statistical analysis of this
paper, the following lemmas are demonstrated in which a ð29Þ
suitable secondary data generation scheme is established and the total number of training data is
and the corresponding hypothesis test is formulated. K ¼ 2bL=ð2c  1Þc.
Lemma 1 If a target exists in sample delay n with Proofs See Appendix B.
complex amplitude at and reduced normalized Doppler
frequency tt , and there is no other target in the delay So, using the proposed secondary data generation
interval ½n  c þ 1; n þ c  1, we have scheme of Eq. (29) and under the mentioned assumptions,

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

the theory of adaptive target detection can be generalized K!

to passive radars. In the next section, we continue the Hk ðyÞ ¼
ðK  Nd þ 1Þ!ðNd  2Þ!
investigation of adaptive detection problem in passive Z1 ð34Þ
radars and express the detection tests based on the derived X
r KNd þ1 ð1  rÞNd 2 ery dr
hypothesis test of Eq. (27). n¼0

3 Detection Algorithms
b ¼ jaj2 vH 1
t R y vt ð35Þ
The hypothesis test given by Eq. (27) is the same as the As can be seen, the detection performance depends on
general hypothesis test of adaptive detection problem in Nd , K and the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio
active pulse radars (Kelly 1986). So, all adaptive parameter b, where b is dependent on target Doppler fre-
detectors from active pulse radar theory based on this quency, target power and the true interference covariance
hypothesis test can potentially be generalized for use in matrix, Ry .
passive radars. In this section, we investigate the gen- Since the target Doppler frequency is unknown in
eralizations of Kelly’s GLR, the DDL-GLR and the practical applications, the GLR test is evaluated for a dis-
PGLR. In addition, we can use the theoretical perfor- crete set of Doppler frequencies, forming a Doppler
mance expressions of these detectors using the derived detector bank. For an acceptable performance, we require
covariance matrix (Eq. (28)) to predict their perfor- that (Wang and Cai 1994):
mances in passive radars.
K 2Nd  3Nd ð36Þ
When the interference covariance matrix Ry is totally
unknown and the target reduced normalized Doppler It must be reminded that if Eq. (36) is not satisfied, i.e.,
frequency tt is known (equivalent to known reduced we do not have enough iid training data as required, more
steering vector vt ), the GLR solution of Eq. (27) is the data-efficient implementations such as the DDL-GLR and
same as Kelly’s GLR (Kelly 1986) with the following the PGLR can be utilized.
decision test: The DDL-GLR (Wang and Cai 1991) tries to find the GLR
^1 ~ðnÞj2 solution of Eq. (27) in the Doppler frequency domain. It is
t Ry y H1
LKelly ðnÞ ¼ [ g0 ð30Þ based on applying several GLR processors to the Doppler
(vH ^ 1 H ^1 y~ðnÞ)
t Ry vt )(1 +~
y y frequency domain data, divided into several localized pro-
cessing regions (LPRs), separately (Wang and Cai
^ is the sample covariance matrix using secondary
where R 1991, 1994). The DDL-GLR reduces the required number of
data: training data to K 2Nl  3Nl , assuming that the lth LPR has
X Nl Doppler-bin coverage (Wang and Cai 1994).
^ ¼
R yH ðkÞ
y~ðkÞ~ ð31Þ
y Using Eq. (28), since the elements of Rw are smaller
k2D P
than the elements of rc1 0  H 0 
0 ¼1c wðr ; fc Þw ðr ; fc Þ and if
i i
The presence of a target at sample delay n and with it can be assumed that the complex self-ambiguity func-
known reduced normalized Doppler frequency tt is decided tions of all segments of the reference channel signal are
if LKelly ðnÞ exceeds the threshold g0 . g0 is set to meet the approximately equal in the main lobe region
desired probability of false alarm, pfa , with the following (r 0 2 ½1  c; c  1), it can be shown that the interference
theoretical expression (Kelly 1986): covariance matrix has approximately per-symmetric prop-
erty, i.e.,
g0 ¼ 1  ðpfa ÞKNd þ1 ð32Þ
Ry ¼ JRy J ð37Þ
where K is the total number of training data. The proba-
bility of detection, pd , is expressed by Kelly (1986): where JNd Nd is the permutation matrix with unit cross-
KN d þ1
diagonal entries and zero elements elsewhere. The target
KNd þ1 K  Nd þ 1
pd ¼ 1  ð1  g0 Þ steering vector has per-symmetric property, too:
k¼1 k
k ð33Þ vt ¼ Jvt ð38Þ
Hk ðbð1  g0 ÞÞ The PGLR detector uses this information about the
1  g0
structured form of Ry to reduce the secondary data size
where requirement by a factor of two (Wang and Cai 1992).

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

Table 1 Simulation parameters

Integration time 1s
for the performance comparison
of Kelly’s GLR and the cross Subsampling factor (S) 8000
ambiguity function processing Nd 24
Sample delay of target 50
Different scenarios’ target Doppler frequencies (Hz) 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
Probability of false alarm 10-3
STD of Clutter cell’s RCS spectrum r = 1 Hz

4 Simulation Results algorithm are compared. The comparison depends on the

target Doppler frequency. Hence, several simulation sce-
In the preceding sections, the adaptive detection theory narios with different assumed target Doppler frequencies
has been established for passive radars and it has been are arranged. In all of them, the target is located in the 50th
shown that regardless of the type and modulation of sample delay. Other simulation parameters are listed in
transmitting signal, this theory is applicable. Here, the Table 1.
detection performances of the adopted detectors are In Kelly’s GLR, the subsampled mixed signals corre-
evaluated by Monte Carlo simulations and compared to sponding to the mentioned delay interval are used to gen-
the cross ambiguity function processing with CFAR erate training data according to the proposed scheme of
thresholding. Eq. (29) with 2c  1 ¼ 2bfs =ð2BÞc þ 1 ¼ 2b192=384cþ
It should be remembered that in some derivations of 1 ¼ 1. The size of the training data set is K ¼ 74. For the
Sect. 2, we have made reasonable assumptions such as integration time of 1 s, the Doppler resolution of 1 Hz is
Eq. (23). If these assumptions are approximately satisfied, expected, and the Doppler frequency bins for the GLR
the detection performance of adaptive detectors will obey detector bank are selected as:
the theoretical performance expressions. To investigate ft 2 f11;
these approximations, each simulation of this section also  10; . . .; 11gHz;

1 2 1 ð39Þ
contains a comparison between the theoretical and simu- tt 2 0:5 þ ; 0:5 þ ; . . .; 0:5 
24 24 24
lation-based detection performances of Kelly’s GLR. As
will be seen, the simulation-based and theoretical detection Kelly’s GLR has the embedded CFAR property with
performances validate each other. respect to the level and structure of interference covariance
We suppose that the transmitting signal of opportunity is matrix (Kelly 1986), and a fixed threshold is assigned to the
BPSK (binary PSK) with 192 kbit/s bit rate, and is received whole range-Doppler plane (75 sample delays and Doppler
in the reference channel with DNR of 63 dB (the trans- frequencies up to 11 Hz) for the desired probability of false
mitting waveforms of satellite-based PBR systems (Cris- alarm (pfa ¼ 103 ).
tallini et al. 2010) are based on such digital modulations). In the cross ambiguity function processing, a CFAR
The sampling frequency of 192 kHz (equal to the trans- thresholding algorithm should be applied over the square of
mitting signal bandwidth) is considered. magnitude of the cross ambiguity function (equivalent to
In the first simulation set, the direct signal in the the Fourier transform of the subsampled mixed signals,
surveillance channel is canceled by preprocessing, and the Stein 1981) in the range-Doppler plane (75 sample delays
detection range interval corresponds to 75 sample delays in and Doppler frequencies up to 11 Hz) which is designed
time, containing range homogenous clutter patches. The carefully based on the considered scenario. To do this, the
input clutter to noise ratio (CNR) per sample delay (range square of magnitude of the cross ambiguity function, when
cell) in this interval is assumed to be 15 dB. The power no target is present, is shown in Fig. 3a. As depicted in
spectrum of each clutter cell’s RCS is a Gaussian function Fig. 3a, due to the range homogeneity of the clutter patches
centered at zero Doppler frequency with r ¼ 1 Hz [r in the detection range interval, for every cell in the range-
denotes its standard deviation (STD)], which is frequent in Doppler plane its neighboring cells in the range dimension
maritime and airborne radar applications. To achieve this can be used as reference or training cells. Let us also
spectrum in the simulations, the Doppler frequencies of illustrate a simple case in which the surveillance channel
clutter patches of each clutter cell are very closely spaced contains thermal noise and the return of a strong target at
in the interval of ½6; 6 Hz while their powers, fGi g, sample delay n ¼ 50 with Doppler frequency of 0:25 Hz
change as a Gaussian function with r ¼ 1 Hz. Firstly, the (no clutter) in Fig. 3b. As shown in Fig. 3b, a strong target
detection performances of Kelly’s GLR and the cross can cause false targets around itself in the Doppler
ambiguity function processing with a CFAR thresholding dimension due to the poor side-lobe property of cross

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

Fig. 3 Square of magnitude of cross ambiguity function (CAF) in dB for a target-free and b clutter-free surveillance channel signal

ambiguity function and sampling phenomenon. This issue shaped clutter cell’s RCS spectrum), the performance
happens in the general case of simultaneous presence of improvement of the GLR with respect to the CFAR CAF is
target and clutter, too. To prevent false targets’ detection, maximum (about 10:7 dB). To further investigate this
the cells adjacent to the cell under test in the Doppler observation, simulations are repeated without any change,
dimension should also be used as reference cells. But due except that the STD is selected r ¼ 0:5 Hz. The results are
to the non-uniform spectrum of clutter cell’s RCS (as shown in Fig. 6b which confirms that the most performance
shown in Fig. 3a), the number of these cells should be as improvement is achieved around the edge of clutter cell’s
low as possible. To consider these points, we propose that RCS spectrum. In Figs. 4 and 5, the theoretical detection
the CFAR algorithm be the combination (logical and) of performance of Kelly’s GLR is also plotted which matches
two one-dimensional cell-averaging CFARs (CA-CFARs) well with the simulation-based performance. It is noted that
in the range dimension and the Doppler dimension. The according to Eq. (33), the detection performance is a func-
CA-CFAR in the range dimension for a reasonable and fair tion of b, defined by Eq. (35). To generate each plot, firstly
comparison utilizes the same number of reference cells as Ry is computed by substituting the simulation parameters in
the number of training data used in Kelly’s GLR, which is Eq. (28) in which Rw is derived by Eq. (47) for n ¼ nt ¼ 50.
74 in this simulation. The CA-CFAR in the Doppler Secondly, b and hence pd is evaluated for the assumed target
dimension, when the Doppler bins are selected in the same Doppler frequency and a set of input SCRs using the com-
way as Eq. (39), is composed of only two reference cells. puted Ry . It is also demonstrated that the computation of Rw
The thresholds of these CA-CFARs are chosen such that with different values of n has very little effect on the theo-
each yields approximately the same probability of false retical performance.
alarm, and also the combination of both CA-CFARs leads The cross ambiguity function is the matched filter
to pfa ¼ 103 in the whole considered range-Doppler plane. detector in a white interference scenario. For highly cor-
In each of the considered scenarios (Table 1), the detec- related interferences, its performance degradation com-
tion probability (pd ) of both methods versus input signal to pared to the adaptive detectors is increased. In addition, the
clutter ratio (SCRi ) is depicted in Figs. 4 and 5. From Figs. 4 GLR achieves better false alarm regulation than the CFAR
and 5, it is concluded that for such targets whose Doppler CAF.
frequencies are far enough from the peak of clutter cell’s Let us also investigate the detection performance in
RCS spectrum (at zero Doppler frequency), the performance the presence of a strong interfering target at the range
of Kelly’s GLR (the GLR) is considerably superior to the cell under test for the GLR and the CFAR CAF. It is
cross ambiguity function processing with CFAR threshold- assumed that in the 50th sample delay, there is a strong
ing (CFAR CAF). However, in the strong peak region of target with Doppler frequency of 0:25 Hz and SCRi ¼
clutter cell’s RCS spectrum, the GLR underperforms the 5:6 dB as well as the test target with ft ¼ 4 Hz. The
CFAR CAF to a much lesser extent. To clarify this, the detection probability of both methods versus the input
required input SCRs of these methods (in decibels) for pd ¼ SCR for the test target is plotted in Fig. 7. If compared
0:8 and their difference as a function of the target Doppler to Fig. 5a, the performance of the CFAR CAF in the
frequency are shown in Fig. 6a. An important observation in presence of an interfering target is decreased while the
Fig. 6a is that at ft ¼ 4 Hz (four times the STD of Gaussian- GLR maintains its performance.

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

Fig. 4 Detection performance comparison of Kelly’s GLR and the CFAR CAF for target Doppler of a 0 Hz, b 1 Hz, c 2 Hz and d 3 Hz

Fig. 5 Detection performance comparison of Kelly’s GLR and the CFAR CAF for target Doppler of a 4 Hz, b 5 Hz, c 6 Hz and d 8 Hz

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

Fig. 6 Required input SCR

(dB) versus target Doppler for
pd ¼ 0:8 in the case of a RCS
power spectrum with r ¼ 1 Hz
and b power spectrum with
r ¼ 0:5 Hz

In the next simulation, for the target Doppler frequency

of ft ¼ 4 Hz and the previously considered detection range
interval, the detection performances of the three adopted
detectors and the CFAR CAF for pfa ¼ 103 and pfa ¼
104 are shown in Fig. 8a, b, respectively. The considered
LPR for the DDL-GLR and the number of training data
used by the detectors are given in Table 2. Other simula-
tion parameters are the same as the first simulation. The
DDL-GLR unlike Kelly’s GLR and the PGLR can work
well even in high training-limited case of K ¼ 15. Figure 8
also highlights the fact that the PGLR and the DDL-GLR
outperform Kelly’s GLR for the same number of training
data, lower than the secondary data size requirement of
Kelly’s GLR. Obviously, the performance of Kelly’s GLR
Fig. 7 Detection performance comparison of Kelly’s GLR and the in this simulation with K ¼ 36 is degraded with respect to
CFAR CAF for target Doppler of 4 Hz in the presence of an Fig. 5a with K ¼ 74. The cross ambiguity function pro-
interfering target at the range cell under test with Doppler of 0.25 Hz cessing uses a CFAR algorithm with the same structure as
and SCRi ¼ 5:6 dB

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

Fig. 8 Detection performance comparison of the DDL-GLR, PGLR, CFAR CAF and Kelly’s GLR for target Doppler of 4 Hz a pfa ¼ 103 and
b pfa ¼ 104

Table 2 Simulation parameters

K in PGLR and Kelly’s GLR 36
for the performance comparison
of the adopted detectors LPR in DDL-GLR [3,4,…,7] Hz
K in DDL-GLR for two cases 15, 36
Nl for the considered LPR (in DDL-GLR) 5
The number of reference cells for the CA-CFAR in the range dimension (K) 36

one used in the previous simulations, except that the CA- with ft ¼ 4 Hz is located in the 80th sample delay. Figure 9
CFAR in the range dimension now employs K ¼ 36 ref- depicts the detection probability of Kelly’s GLR with 32
erence cells. It has the worst performance among the training data and the CFAR CAF with 32 training cells in
investigated methods. its range dimension CA-CFAR (corresponding to the
An important model to depict nonhomogeneous envi- sample delay interval [64,96]) versus input SCR in the
ronments is the variation of clutter cell’s RCS power in sample delay under test (the 80th sample delay). The input
range (Gao et al. 2014). In the final simulation set, a CNR in this sample delay is 9 dB. Figure 9 also shows
practical nonhomogeneous scenario in which the input the detection performance in the case of ideally homoge-
CNR per sample delay varies proportional to the inverse of nous detection range interval consisting of 33 sample
target range is considered. The input CNR per sample delays (32 training data) with input CNR per sample delay
delay changes over the interval ½10 dB; 10 dB in the of 9 dB (both theoretical and simulation-based). As we
sample delays between 1 and 100. The clutter cell’s RCS can see, the performance of Kelly’s GLR degrades in the
spectrum is a Gaussian function with r ¼ 1 Hz. A target practical nonhomogeneous environment with respect to the

Fig. 9 Detection performance

comparison of Kelly’s GLR (the
GLR) and the CFAR CAF for a
practical nonhomogeneous case
with and without the prior ECA,
and its corresponding
homogeneous case for target
Doppler of 4 Hz

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

ideally homogenous one. So, the ECA is applied to elim- significantly better detection probability than the cross
inate the first 63 sample delays, where the clutter cells’ ambiguity function processing with CFAR thresholding.
RCSs are stronger and encounter severe non-homogeneity.
These interfering clutter cells degrade the performance of
adaptive detection in the desired detection range interval Appendix A: Statistical Distributions
(sample delays of 64–96). For reducing the computational of the Surveillance Channel Signal and the Mixed
cost of the ECA, the Doppler frequency interval of Signal
½2; 2 Hz is selected for cancellation. Kelly’s GLR in the
nonhomogeneous environment after performing the ECA In this appendix, the distributions of the surveillance
has reasonably good performance, close to its performance channel signal and the mixed signal are investigated. As
in the homogeneous environment. The CFAR CAF, with or complex amplitudes of targets are modeled to be unknown
without the prior ECA, does not perform well. From the deterministic parameters, xt is a deterministic vector with
results of this simulation, we conclude that the sample unknown parameters. w is complex AWGN with covari-
delay under test and its adjacent sample delays usually ance matrix of r2w I with I as the identity matrix and r2w as
correspond to range homogenous clutter patches, and the the noise level. Since xci;r is a vector proportional to cci;r , it
preprocessing of the surveillance channel signal helps to is distributed as a multivariate complex Gaussian distri-
reduce the masking effects of the clutter patches outside of bution with zero mean and covariance matrix Rci;r , given
the detection range interval on the adaptive detection of by
desired targets. Similar conclusion has been made in (Tan n o
et al. 2014) without the analysis of detection performance. Rci;r ¼ E xci;r xH
If after this preprocessing the non-homogeneity is still n o
severe, we could use the DDL-GLR or other detectors ¼ ððD xref Þ  sci ÞE jcci;r j2 ððDncr xref Þ  sci ÞH

especially designed for such cases (Gao et al. 2014; Melvin ¼ ððDncr xref Þ  sci ÞGi;r ððDncr xref Þ  sci ÞH
2000). It is noted that for the simulations of Fig. 9, the    
threshold is set for pfa ¼ 103 in the desired range-Doppler ¼ Gi;r ðDncr xref ÞðDncr xref ÞH  sci sH ci
plane consisting of sample delay interval ½64; 96 and ð40Þ
Doppler frequency interval ½7; 7 Hz. In addition, we
have: Nd ¼ 16, K ¼ 32 and S ¼ 12;000. The symbol used for such a distribution in this manu-
script is Nð0; Rci;r Þ. As xc is a linear combination of inde-
pendent random vectors xci;r , it is a zero-mean Gaussian
vector with the following covariance matrix.
5 Conclusion Nr X
X Nc
Rc ¼ Rci;r ð41Þ
A formulation of adaptive target detection for passive radar r¼1 i¼1

systems as a hypothesis testing problem has been addressed Ultimately, the independence of noise and clutter signals
in this paper. This has been facilitated by a detailed sta- results in:
tistical analysis of the mixing product approach, including
the distribution and also the covariance matrix. We have x  Nðxt ; Rc þ r2w IÞ ð42Þ
presented how the conventional secondary data generation
It is noted that the statistical parameters of the
should be modified based on the properties of the self-
Gaussian distribution of x depend on the reference
ambiguity function of transmitting signal to satisfy iid channel signal.
requirements. It has been established that adaptive detec-
To find the distribution of the mixed signal, defined by
tors from active pulse radar area such as Kelly’s GLR, the
Eq. (12), we note that if every linear combination of
DDL-GLR and the PGLR are applicable to the derived components of a vector is Gaussian, then it is a multivariate
hypothesis test using the proposed secondary data genera-
Gaussian and vice versa (Anderson 2003). Using this the-
tion scheme. We have provided the required information to
orem and Eq. (12), it is concluded that x~ðnÞ is also nor-
use the theoretical performance expressions of these mally distributed. Its mean becomes:
detectors to predict their performances in passive radars.
Simulations have been performed to show the effectiveness xðnÞg ¼ Efx  ðDn xref Þg ¼ Efxg  ðDn xref Þ
of the adopted detectors which in most cases and especially ¼ xt  ðDn xref Þ ¼ x~t ðnÞ; ð43Þ
around the edge of clutter cell’s RCS spectrum exhibit and its covariance matrix can be derived by

Iran J Sci Technol Trans Electr Eng

xðnÞg ¼ Efðx  ðDn xref ÞÞðx  ðDn xref ÞÞH g  x~t ðnÞ~
Rf~ xH
t ðnÞ The summation bounds in Rw correspond to the side-
¼ ðEfxx g  H
xt xH
t Þ  ððDn xref ÞðDn xref ÞT Þ lobe region of complex self-ambiguity functions. It can be
shown that for a large number of terms in Eq. (47), the
¼ ðRc þ r2w IÞ  ððDn xref ÞðDn xref ÞT Þ
dependency on n is negligible and Rw does not depend on
ð44Þ n. Hence, we have:
Nc X
Appendix B: Proofs of the Lemmas D
yðnÞg ¼ Ry ¼
Rf~ Gi ðvci vH
ci Þ  wðr 0 ; fci ÞwH ðr 0 ; fci Þ
i¼1 r0 ¼1c

þ Rw þ r2w I
In the following, the proofs of the lemmas in Sect. 2 are
presented. ð48Þ

Proof of Lemma 1 Considering y~t ðnÞ as expressed by Equation (48) shows that the interference plus noise
Eq. (20) and using Eq. (23), since there is a target at components of y~ðkÞ and y~ðk0 Þ have the same distribution.
sample delay n and other probable targets are outside of the Now, we are going to examine the independence of y~ðkÞ and
delay interval ½n  c þ 1; n þ c  1, only the contribution y~ðk0 Þ. Since every linear combination of components of joint
of the target with sample delay n exists in y~t ðnÞ and the vector of y~ðkÞ and y~ðk0 Þ is a linear combination of compo-
contributions of other targets are zero. Hence, we have: nents of x, they jointly have a multivariate Gaussian distri-
bution and it is sufficient to check whether they are
y~t ðnÞ ¼ at wðn  n; ft Þ  vt ¼ at wð0; ft Þ  vt ¼ avt ;
uncorrelated or not. Using Eq. (20), it can be shown that the
a ¼ at wb ð0; ft Þ ð45Þ cross-covariance matrix of y~ðkÞ and y~ðk0 Þ can be derived by

in which we use: wb ð0; ft Þ ffi cte; 8b (which can be Efð~ yH ðk0 Þ  y~H
yðkÞ  y~t ðkÞÞð~ 0
t ðk ÞÞg

shown since the Doppler frequencies of targets, as formerly Nr X

X Nc
¼ Gi;r ðwðk  ncr ; fci ÞwH ðk0  ncr ; fci ÞÞ  ðvci vH
ci Þ
stated in Eq. (17), are within the width of the correlation r¼1 i¼1
lobe of wb in the normalized Doppler frequency domain, þ r2w digðwðk  k0 ; 0ÞÞ
i.e., 1=S). In fact, the pure tone component of x~t ðnÞ due to
the target at sample delay n which has passed through the
integrate-and-dump filter is equivalent to y~t ðnÞ. Using Eq. (23), it is easy to show that Eq. (49) becomes
Proof of Lemma 2 It is assumed that the clutter/multipath a zero matrix, if and only if:
echoes corresponding to a given delay interval starting from an jk  k0 j 2c  1 ð50Þ
arbitrary sample delay such as n1 are considered in the signal
which is the necessary and sufficient condition of data
model, and the sample delays of clutter cells are expressed by:
independence and the proof is completed.
ncr ¼ n1 þ r  1; r ¼ 1; . . .; Nr . Using the range homogene-
ity of the clutter patches, it can be shown that the covariance
matrix of y~ðnÞ, derived by Eq. (24), can be written as:
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