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Workshop Social studies

Choose the correct option

1. If we observe a group of people settled in some territories we can say they conform

An army

2. Simon Bolivar and Manuelita Saenz symbolic bodies rests are located in

El panteón de barranquilla
El panteón de Bogotá
El panteón de Caracas
El panteón de Medellín

3. To be recognised as a society we need many different elements,but 2 elements that do not need to be
included are

Territory - people

4. To be born in a different department than the capital was not a problem to be part of the independence
procces of our country

Manuelita saenz-Barranquilla
Policarpa Salavarrieta-Antioquia
Manuelita saenz-Choco
Policarpa Salavarrieta-Aguadas

5. A department is defined after being conformed by


6. Francisco Jose de Caldas was an important heroe in Colombians history,this was because his participation
in .

The invention of a new fire arm

The invention of a new document in science
The invention of mysometer
The invention of hypsometer
7. In a dam as you know,This constructions are important to constantly provide water to the cities or towns.

The materials used in the consruction are from Italy

The water in the dam is used to produce energy
The river is used to provide fish to the city
The water is polluted

8. The proclamation and document that Antonio nariño brought ,translated and printed for Colombian
society was ? and proclaimed first in?

France -human rights

Colombia-citizen/man rights
France-Citizen/man rights
Colombia-Human rights

9. Dignity, fairness, equality, respect and independence are part of .

Topics of a class
Human rights
Words to write a letter to a friend
Title of a movie

10. In the process of independence there was a brave action executed by who ? *( Explosión)

Atanasio Girardot
Antonio Ricaurte
Francisco José de Caldas
Antonio Nariño

11. Children have many different rights ,some of them are

Name and toys

Nationality and television
Name and nationality
Toys and food

12. Freedom ,independence are very important for humans ,so why do you think that was so important for
the leaders of Colombia in its history?

Because they like arms

Because they like kill people
Because is a right for every human
Because we can do everything we want
13. Children rights are promoted in the world by .
14. Napoleon Bonaparte was a famous man in history; born in europe,he had the opportunity to meet a
Colombian heroe ,this character was

Antonio Ricaurte
Antonio Nariño
Simón Bolívar
Atanasio Girardot

15. The constitution of Colombia says ¨the right to life is inviolable¨so the government has the obligation of
guarantee the life of Colombian people. so the word constitution is

A group of laws in a country

Instructions to live better
Rules for a game
Requirements to win an award

16. Based on the Colombian mountain ranges and their positions you could say that the regions in colombia
with less mountains are
Andina -orinoquia

17. Thinking about human rights ,when you see a liitle boy working in a traffic light,you think that the mistake

Is not a goverment problem

The boy likes to make money to buy candies
His parents are working too
The law is not acting right

18. Oil a very important product for countries economy ,in colombia we have a region that covers this product
production, based on the image you could say this region is.

Caribean region
Orinoquia region
Amazon region
Andina región

19. This image shows a situation (poor children) that needs to be solved by:


20. Having different reliefs offer different situations , so if there is a lot of rain is possible to suffer floods, so
the most possible reliefs to suffer this floods are:

Mountain range

21. flat, elevated landforms that rise sharply above the surrounding area on at least one side,are classified like

Snowy mountain
Mountain Range

22. If you like sports like skiing you will need more likely to travel to countries where there are.

Cold hills
Valleys hot
Snowy mountains
Hot deserts

23. The proper definition for a mountain range would be *

An amount of high elevations with high temperatures

A serie of mountains or hills ranged in a line and connected by high ground
A chain of violent rivers

24. A broad area of relatively flat land. could be the definition for

A snowy mountain
A high montain
A low montain
A plain

25. 14.A low area between hills or mountains typically with a river running through it. is the correct definition
of a

Mountain Range
Rocky mountain
26.If we live in city like Bogota, and we could define the reliefs more adecuate to define this city we colud
say that


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