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Importance of Francisco de Paula Santander

In the history of Colombia, Francisco de Paula Santander stood out as a crucial figure.
Known as 'The Man of Laws' and 'The Organizer of Victory', what was his main role and
contribution during the period of Colombia's struggle for independence?

A) He led the military forces in the Battle of Bogotá.

B) He was the main participant of the Constitution of Cúcuta.

C) He established commercial alliances with foreign powers to finance the war.

D) He founded the first university in Colombia.

Woman in our Independence

"Manuela Sáenz, born in 1795 in Quito, played a crucial role in the history of Latin
America. In September 1828, in the Palace of San Carlos, 12 conspirators attempted to
assassinate Bolivar while he slept, but Manuela tricked them and alerted the Liberator
to escape through a window. This act earned her the title of Libertadora del Libertador.

What was the most significant impact of Manuela Saenz during the period of
the struggle for independence in Latin America?

A) She led the rebel forces in the Battle of Boyaca.

B) She founded a secret society to help against Spanish army.

C) She advocated for women's rights.

D) Saved Bolivar's life by thwarting an assassination attempt at Bolivar´s residence.

The Great Colombia was formed by Simón Bolívar in 1819. It was composed of the
present-day territories of Venezuela, Colombia, Panama and Ecuador.

What was one of Simon Bolivar's main contributions to the formation of Gran

A) He established an absolute monarchy in the region.

B) He created the constitution of each of the member countries.

C) He created a federal system that united the territories into a single state.

D) It implemented policies of isolation and separation among the member countries.

The conquest of New Granada was a colonization process in the history of Colombia. It
corresponds to the period in which the Crown of Castile and Leon discovered the
territory we know today as Colombia and imposed its social, cultural and economic
system. This period extends from 1499 to 1550, when the last major cities were
founded in the country.

What was the main impact of the conquest of New Granada on the history of

A) The preservation of indigenous cultures and the political autonomy of the region.

B) The consolidation of a multicultural society and religious tolerance.

C) The imposition of the Spanish colonial system and the exploitation of natural

D) The promotion of international trade and the economic development of the country.

The Congress of Angostura was a meeting in Venezuela in 1819, organized by Simón

Bolívar. He wanted the countries of South America to be united in order to be stronger
and avoid being controlled by other countries.

What was one of the main objectives of the Congress of Angostura led by
Simón Bolívar?

A) To establish peace with the European colonial powers.

B) To form a military alliance with the United States to protect the region.

C) To proclaim Venezuela's independence from Spain.

D) To design a plan for the political and economic unification of South American
"The Constitution of 1821, also known as the Constitution of Cúcuta, was in force
during the Gran Colombia until its dissolution in 1830. It consisted of 10 chapters and
190 articles.

What was one of the most outstanding aspects of the 1821 Constitution of
Gran Colombia?

A) It established an absolute Spanish monarchy in the region.

B) To offer powers to the president to make decisions.

C) It recognized individual rights and liberties, such as freedom of the press and

D) It divided Gran Colombia into different countries.

The Congress of Cúcuta, held in Colombia in 1821, was a crucial event that lasted from
May to October. In this congress, the union of Colombia, Panama and Venezuela in
Gran Colombia was confirmed. It was also decided to draft a constitution for the new

What was the main objective of the Congress of Cúcuta?

A) To establish a constitutional monarchy in the region.

B) To confirm the independence of Colombia, Panama and Venezuela from Spain.

C) To decide on the distribution of land among landowners.

D) To draft a constitution for Gran Colombia and consolidate the union of the countries.

Observe the image.

When the Spaniards arrived in the American territories, they found numerous
indigenous peoples that can be classified into three large groups made up of the
Mayas, Aztecs and Incas, as well as other groups such as the Taironas, Muiscas,
Zenúes, Tainos and Caribs.
Which of the following options is not one of the indigenous groups mentioned
that were found by the Spaniards in the American territories?

A) Inuit.

B) Mayans.

C) Aztecs.

D) Incas.

E) Tairona.

Look at this image:

The Tayrona, Muisca and Zenú peoples, known as intermediate tribes, exhibited a fairly
elaborate economic, political and cultural development. Although they did not build
pyramids, they had extensive cultivation systems, such as terraces and canals, as well
as a hierarchical political organization.

What mainly characterized the Tayrona, Muisca and Zenú peoples?

A) Construction of pyramids and huge buildings structures.

B) Use of advanced high technologies in agriculture, such as the iron plow.

C) Development of an economy based mainly on hunting different and gathering.

D) Implementation of sophisticated cultivation systems, such as terraces and canals.

E) Political organization based on democratic systems of government.

Columbus' arrival in America at the end of 1492 gave the Crown of Castile the
opportunity to explore and conquer new territories, expanding its borders and wealth.

Which was the first group of Europeans to sail along the coasts of what is now
Colombia, according to history?
A) The expedition led by Christopher Columbus on his third voyage.

B) The expedition led by Alonso de Ojeda near the Guajira peninsula at Cabo de la

C) The expedition led by Hernán Cortés in search of El Dorado.

D) The expedition led by Francisco Pizarro in his search for riches in the Inca Empire.

During the colonial period, the first Spanish colony in what is now Colombia was Santa
Marta, founded in 1525 on the Caribbean coast by Rodrigo de Bastidas. Spanish
conquistadors such as Gonzalo Jiménez de Quesada moved inland across the
Magdalena River and founded Bogotá in 1538. Meanwhile, indigenous groups resisted
invasions while being ravaged by European diseases.

What was one of the main difficulties faced by indigenous groups during
Spanish colonization in Colombia?

A) The lack of natural resources in the region.

B) The lack of resistance from the indigenous communities.

C) The arrival of European settlers who established a peaceful coexistence with the
indigenous people.

D) The devastation caused by European diseases such as smallpox.

During the colonial period in Latin America, indigenous families and communities were
separated because they were displaced to work in different territories. In addition,
there were violent confrontations between indigenous people and Spaniards, which
resulted in a decrease in the indigenous population.

What was one of the main consequences of these actions during the colonial

A) The peaceful and harmonious integration of the indigenous and Spanish


B) The increase of cultural and social ties between the different ethnic groups.

C) The decrease of the indigenous population due to the separation of families and

D) The increase of the indigenous population as they adapted to the new living

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