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I was born in Milan in 1992 and I grew up in Marche, a region in central Italy, where I got my

diploma at the Istituto d'Arte (Art school) O. Licini.

In 2012 I moved to Florence where I studied foreign languages (German ad Spanish) and literature.
In particular, I studied German, Spanish and Scandinavian literature. It gave me a lot of inspiration
which I try to use in my art.
I am really passionate about Scandinavia: for its nature, history, literature, art and languages.They
live in darkness for six months a year and we can feel this darkness in their art. Sometimes I use this
feeling, this kind of “dark negativism” to express myself. I have a project where I'm collecting my
nightmares and other people's to draw them (for one of this drawings, I've been selected for a horror
festival in Rome!).

In 2015 I graduated in Entertainment Design at the Nemo Academy, where I learnt a variety of
techniques such as digital painting and photo editing.
From 2012 to 2018 I worked for several clubs throughout the center of Italy (Marche, Abruzzo and
Toscana) as a Vj. A VJ is something like a Dj, but aVj mixes video following the music. At firs I
used to remix video from the chino's history, starting from Lumiere brothers. Trying to give a new
vision and life to all that black & white film that now are not so easy to watch.When I worked in the
big disco I can't use this type of video because my public was not ready to all this type of imagine,
so I had to work more with grafic and colors.In contemporary I started to organized party with more
underground music where people loves, and understand more my video anche my imagines.
2018 she startst to work as an illustrator, publishig three different books.
2019 Matilda founded “Dhakkan” a multidisciplinary group where she was practicing a new
tecnique “the visual live panting” for create interactive performance.
She collaborates with reality as: Accademia di belle Arti di Firenze, Tenax, and Comune di Firenze.

2020 she was drawing a simple “quarantine diary”, she performed at Tiziano Terzani's house.

Matilda loves to use concept from the literature, she loves to use complex concept and transform it
in something easier that everyone can understand, she loves to give emotion her self and to other
She loves the nature, the montains, she needs to walk.
Nature is Matilda biggest inspiration.
For getting inspired she needs to walk, sometimes alone, sometimes with someone.

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