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Home sweet home

Fuente: SENA

“I don't care if we have our house, or a cliff ledge, or a cardboard box. Home is
wherever we all are, together.”

James Patterson

Introductory material

Dear learner,

This material will help you study the topics related to learning activity 2.

You will learn about:

1. Phrasal verbs.
2. Furniture.
3. Idiomatic expressions.

Let’s begin!
1. Phrasal verbs

A. Basic introduction

Even if you don’t know what phrasal verbs are, you can be sure you have been
seeing them in English. Just remember what you have to do every morning after
the alarm clock wakes you up: Get up.

Get up is a phrasal verb. But what is a phrasal verb?

A phrasal verb is a compound verb composed of verb + a preposition / adverb

which creates a meaning different from the original verb.

Let’s take a look at our original example: Get up.

This phrasal verb has two parts: Get (1) + Up (2)

When you combine these two parts, you have the meaning you are familiar with: to
get out of bed after sleeping*.

If you use a different preposition, the meaning of the verb changes. For example, if
you use the preposition down, the new verb get down means* to feel a little

Phrasal verbs are divided into two categories: intransitive and transitive. By reading
the explanation below, you will be able to tell the difference.

B. Intransitive verbs

In order to understand what an intransitive verb is, you need to remember what a
subject and what an object are.

A subject is the performer of the action.

An object is the receiver of the action.

Let’s take a look at the following example:

Subject Verb Object

Jaime loves pizza

* You need to remember that verbs can have different meanings depending on the context. For
simplicity’s sake, we are going to use the meaning you are familiar with.
Now that we have clarified this point, let’s continue with the definition.

An intransitive verb doesn’t need to be followed by an object. Here are some

examples of intransitive phrasal verbs:

Wake up: Pat woke up early.

Take off: Rocío’s plane took off at three after a very long delay.
Show up: Magdalena finally showed up, but she didn’t say where she was.

C. Transitive verbs

A transitive verb needs an object in order to acquire meaning. Before illustrating

this with a phrasal verb, let’s take a look at the following example with a regular
transitive verb:

Transitive verb: Buy.

Example: She bought. (Incorrect)

If you read that sentence, you might think, “she bought what?”. It sounds
incomplete. It requires an object in order to have full meaning.

Example: She bought a cake. (Correct)

Here are some examples of intransitive phrasal verbs:

Hand in: Nicole handed in her proposal. Object = her proposal.

Look for: I am looking for my pipe. Object = my pipe.

If a phrasal verb is transitive, it can either be separable or inseparable.

 Separable: The object goes either after the particle or between the verb and the


o Turn in: Jim turned the homework in.

Jim turned in the homework.

o Take off: She took her glasses off.

She took off her glasses.
Important: If you use a direct object pronoun (me, you, him/her/it, us, them), it
MUST go between the verb and the particle.

Correct: Jim turned it in. She took them off.

Incorrect: Jim turned in it. I took off them.

 Inseparable: The object must go after the particle.


o Bump into: She bumped into an old friend.

o Look at: I spent hours looking at that painting.

TIP: Deciding if a phrasal verb is transitive (separable or inseparable) or

intransitive might be challenging for some people. However, when you look up
a word in a dictionary, it will clarify the doubt for you. Take a look at the
following example extracted from the online version of MacMillan Dictionary

Fuente: Macmillan Publishers (s.f.)

Fuente: Macmillan Publishers (s.f.)

D. Some useful phrasal verbs

To pretend to learn every single phrasal verb is unrealistic. You can, however, get
familiar with some we will use in this learning activity. The list below contains
definitions and examples to help you understand them more easily. (“S” stands for

Verb Meaning Example

to place on oneself Put your jacket on before
to put on
(usually clothes) (S). you leave the house.
to remove (usually Luis took off his shoes as
to take off
clothes) (S). he entered the temple.
to start or cause to Please turn on the heater;
to turn on
function (S). it's too cold in here.
to cause something to
Turn off the computer
stop functioning (also: to
before you go to bed.
switch off, to shut off) (S).
to turn off
Are you watching TV, or
Turn on and turn off are
should I turn it off?
also used for things that
flow, such as electricity,
water, gas, etc.
to go and meet someone
that you have arranged to Can you pick me up after
to pick up take somewhere often in class? I don’t want to take
a car or any other vehicle the bus.
to leave someone at a Can you drop the kids off
to drop off
place often in a car (S). at school this morning?
You should definitely
to dress up to wear formal clothes. dress up to go to the
Daniel isn't getting along
to have a good
to get along with with his new roommate;
relationship with.
he wants to move out.
I usually throw away the
newspaper after I read it.
to throw away to discard, to get rid of.
I threw away all my old
furniture before moving
into my new house.
to become familiar and/or They have settled in
to settle in comfortable with a new quickly in their new
way of life, place, or job. neighborhood.
Erik moved into his new
to move into to start living in a place.
apartment last Sunday.
to put things into a
They simply packed up
container so that you can
to pack up their belongings and left
take or send them
the city.
to give someone
to give something away Since I lost a lot of weight,
something that you no
or I had to give away all my
longer want or need at no
to give away something clothes.
Please put away the book
to put in the proper place
to put away when you are finished with
Gustavo got back from
to get back to return (S).
Pereira this morning.
Don’t put off doing your
to put off to postpone (S).
work until the last minute.
Let's put the party off until
next weekend, okay?
Do you want me to hang
to place clothes on a
to hang up up your jacket in the
hook or hanger (S).
I can always count on my
best friend. He’s been
to count on to trust someone.
there for me in my times of
to use something until it My children wear out their
to wear out has no value or shoes too quickly. I don’t
usefulness anymore. know what to do.
If you want to make some
room for new clothes in
your closet, you have to
to eliminate, to discard, to
to get rid of get rid of the old ones.
throw away.
I had to get rid of my old
I had to keep my dog out
not to enter, not allow to
to keep out of the restaurant while I
enter (S).
had lunch.
Andrea bought a new car
last week and it has
already broken down.
to break down to stop functioning.
The washing machine
broke down, so I had to
wear some dirty clothes.
Don’t give up, man. I know
to give up to stop trying.
you can do it.
Joseph will look after my
to watch, to supervise, to
to look after house while I go to the
Eliana had to stop by the
professor's office to
to visit or stop
submit her report.
to stop by somewhere for a short
time to do something.
Let's stop by the bakery
and buy some bread.
to carry out to accomplish, to execute It's easy to think about
(S). going to the gym, but
much harder to carry it
My mom tried to cheer up
my sister when she
started to cry.
to cheer up to make happier (S).
After his best friend
moved to Europe, it was
difficult to cheer him up.
to enter (a house,
They broke into her house
to break into apartment, etc.) illegally,
while she was away.
especially by force.

2. Furniture

“No furniture is so charming as books.”

Sydney Smith

A. The living room

Fuente: SENA
Now you will become familiar with some vocabulary about furniture and some
household objects that will allow you to navigate easily through the exercises in
this learning activity.

Fuente: SENA
1. Ceiling fan 11. Banister 21.Speaker
2. Ceiling 12. Staircase 22.Bookcase
3. Wall 13. Step 23.Drapes
4. Frame 14. Desk 24.Cushion
5. Painting 15. Wall-to-wall carpeting 25.Sofa
6. Vase 16. Recliner 26.Coffee table
7. Mantel 17. Remote control 27.Lampshade
8. Fireplace 18. Television 28.Lamp
9. Fire 19. Wall unit 29.End table
10. Log 20. Stereo system
B. The bedroom

Fuente: SENA
1. Hook 12. Blinds 23. Bedspread
2. Hanger 13. Tissues 24.Footboard
3. Closet 14. Headboard 25. Light switch
4. Jewelry box 15. Pillowcase 26. Phone
5. Mirror 16. Pillow A. Cord
6. Comb 17. Mattress B. Jack
7. Hairbrush 18. Box spring 27. Nigth table
8. Alarm clock 19. (Flat) Sheet 28. Rug
9. Bureau 20.Blanket 29. Floor
10. Curtain 21. Bed 30. Chest of drawers
11. Air conditioner 22.Conforter
3. Idiomatic expressions

What would a native English speaker say if you told her, “pongámonos la casa de
ruana”? Do you think she would understand what you mean? What would you do?
Would you translate the statement into English? “Let’s wear the house like a
poncho.” Well, that wouldn’t help either. Do you want to know why?

“Pongámonos la casa de ruana” is an idiomatic expression. The meaning of an

idiomatic expression cannot be understood by the individual words that compose it.

Idiomatic expressions are peculiar phrases that sound perfectly natural to native
speakers, but might confuse foreigners. Take a look at some other examples of
idiomatic expressions used in Colombia:

o Estar en la olla.
o Tomarse hasta el agua del florero.

As you might imagine, every country has its own idiomatic expressions. Now you
will get familiar with some of them in English. The following list has expressions
related to furniture and household objects.

Idiomatic expression Meaning Example

To pay attention to your Get your own house in
To get your own house in
own problems before order before telling me
criticizing other people. what to do.
To be free (in a The next round of drinks
To be on the house
restaurant). is on the house.
She took everything but
Everything but the To take a lot of things
the kitchen sink when we
kitchen sink when you go somewhere.
went on vacation.
To have a skeleton in the Alvaro has a lot of
To have a horrible secret.
closet skeletons in his closet.
Someone who sits in the
Instead of just being an
safety of their own house
armchair critic, you
and criticizes people even
Armchair critic should try to do things
though they haven't
and see if they are as
experienced what they are
easy as you think.
Adrian will turn into a
Basket case A crazy person. basket case if he doesn’t
get a job soon.
Don’t invite Ricardo to
Someone who spoils other
Wet blanket the party. You know he’s
people's fun.
a wet blanket.
Robert’s been burning
Burn the candle at both To exhaust yourself by the candle at both ends
ends doing too much. lately. He’s working three
My parents are going to
To give special treatment roll out the red carpet for
Roll out the red carpet
to an important or visitor. the visit of my brother,
the Hollywood actor.
An invisible discriminatory I knew I would never
barrier that prevents shatter the glass ceiling
Glass ceiling women and minorities at my old job. That’s why
from achieving positions of I quit and became a
power or responsibility. freelancer.
The last thing most
Someone who spends too
people want to do is to
Couch potato much time sitting at home
share a place with a
watching television.
couch potato.
When I tried to argue
about my fine for a traffic
violation, the police
Out of the frying pan into To go from one difficult
officer charged me with
the fire situation to a worse one.
disrespect for authority. I
really went out of the
frying pan into the fire.
I know every aspect is
The general situation
Big picture important, but we cannot
rather than the details.
forget the big picture.
Don’t tell her you
To be extremely busy or to
crashed her car yet. She
A lot on your plate have a lot of problems to
has a lot on her plate at
handle at the same time.
the moment.
After being disqualified
This expression is used in
for not obeying the rules,
a situation where a person
The pot calling kettle the player accused
with a fault criticizes
black another competitor of
someone else for having
cheating; it was the pot
the same fault.
calling the kettle black!
The evidence was on
To try to hide something
film and the thief couldn't
To sweep under the rug because it is
just sweep it under the
He has never worked a
To be born with a silver A person who is born into day in his life. He was
spoon in one's mouth a very rich family. born with a silver spoon
in his mouth.
My brothers had a big
An unnecessary concern argument about the
A storm in a teacup about something remote control
unimportant. yesterday, but it was just
a storm in a teacup.
Taking care of a
A comfortable situation; an
A bed of roses newborn baby is not bed
easy life.
of roses.
Working for that
A situation that is difficult
A bed of nails company was a bed of
or unpleasant.
Don’t pay attention to
To get up on the wrong To feel angry or upset on him. He just got up on
side of bed a particular day. the wrong side of the
I thought it was time I
To openly tell someone laid my cards on the
To lay one's cards on the
what you think or what you table, so I told her that I
plan to do. had no intention of
selling my company.
To change a situation so It was a tough bid, but
To turn the tables on
that you now have an fortune turned the tables
advantage over someone and we won.
who previously had an
advantage over you.

I hear your wife has a

To have a bun in the
To be expecting a baby. bun in the oven. Is it
I don’t think this is the
To put something on the right time to talk about
To postpone something.
shelf that. Let’s put it on the
shelf for now.
After the corruption
To go down the toilet To be spoiled. scandal, her career went
down the toilet.
To cushion the blow, tell
To do something that
her that even though you
To cushion the blow mitigates the effects of
are not buying her a new
something that might be
car, you are taking her to
perceived as harsh.
There was a meeting
scheduled for Sunday
To be freed from an
To be off the hook morning, but it was
cancelled, so I’m off the
We all know that the
It is a metaphor for
president was just using
fraudulent explanation or
Smoke and mirrors smoke and mirrors to
description intended to
make things less serious
deceive people.
than they really were.
I believe in my project
To go to the mat (for To support someone or
and I’m willing to go to
somebody/something) something intensely.
the mat for it.


A. Go to the multimedia, listen to Laura talk about a problem she is dealing with.
Do you know anybody with the same problem?
The tortured life of a hoarder

Fuente: SENA

I am a 32 year old mother and wife. I didn’t know about hoarding until 2 days
ago when I turned on the TV and it was accidentally brought to my attention via
the Psychology channel. I almost hit the roof when I saw that this was a type of
disorder. I knew there was something wrong with me, but I pretended I lived in a
bed of roses.

I’ve always had trouble throwing things away. Magazines, newspapers, toys, old
clothes, you name it. My logic is, “what if I need them one day?” I don’t want to
get rid of something that might be valuable. Used to think I was just a pack rat,
you know, someone who save things a bit compulsively, but that doesn’t have a

But watching this show made me think otherwise. There is too much evidence.
For example, the big piles of things in our house keep growing and I never put
them away. There’s no room for it. It’s getting difficult to move around.

Also, my husband feels worried and embarrassed. I know he has a lot on his
plate and I don’t want to become another burden. I’m afraid he’s going to move
My children won’t invite friends over, and now I know why. I have so much stuff
that our apartment is totally unlivable. There's no place to sit down. I can't even
get to the kitchen.

But I don’t know what to do. I get extremely anxious when I try to throw anything
away. I wish I could turn off the part of my brain that is making me do this. Now I
know I’m suffering from an extreme hoarding problem that is negatively affecting
my relationship with my family. Neither my parents nor my parents-in-law can
visit us because there is no place for them to sleep and honestly, the mess
stresses them out.

I know I need to look for professional help. It’s so humiliating to come to terms
with that. I had always thought I was strong enough to deal with this by myself.
Anyway, I know that if I don’t do it, I might lose my family.


A. Go to the multimedia, listen again and decide if the following statements are true
or false:
True False
1. She has always been aware of her problem.

2. She got to know about her problem through a TV program.

3. She keeps flowers on her bed.

4. She doesn’t throw away things that are valuable.

5. She has an effective organization system.

6. She puts a lot of food on his plate.

7. Her parents don’t seem to mind her behavior.

8. She has realized she has a serious problem.

B. Read the following questions and choose the best answer:

1. Because she watched the TV show,

a. she realized she had a condition.
b. her husband learned about her disorder.
c. she decided to get into psychology.

2. She’s running out of room because

a. she’s been growing her own food lately.

b. her kids are growing up too fast.
c. the amount of clutter has increased.

3. She gets uneasy when

a. her children don’t help her in the kitchen.

b. when she attempts to get rid of something.
c. when she throws things away.

Practice 1

A. Read the following sentences and complete each sentence with the right phrasal
verb from the box. Make sure you use the right form of the verb according to the
context. Some of the verbs may need to be in the negative form to make sense
in the sentence. The first example is done for you.

wear out stop by put off get along with cheer up

put away count on throw away break into give away

1. I think I’m moving out. I don’t get along with my roommate.

2. If you don’t ____________ your clothes, you’re not going to the party.

3. You have a lot of clothes in good condition, yet you don’t wear them
anymore. Why don’t you _____ them _____?

4. I’m sick and tired of your procrastination. You have to stop __________ your
5. Yesterday I had to run some errands near Pablo’s, so I decided to ________
and say hi.

6. Carla has been a little under the weather lately. We should do something to
______ her ____.

7. When my parents went on vacation, I ____________ all the clutter they had
been collecting for years. I think they were becoming hoarders.

8. While Sandra was away, some burglars _________ her apartment and stole
all her European furniture.

9. I bought my daughter new shoes last month and she already _____ them

10. You can never _______ Jaime. He’s only there for you when you have

B. Choose the correct particle to complete the following phrasal verbs.

1. Nobody is watching TV. I’m going to turn it ________.

a. in
b. on
c. off

2. If you plan to go out, put_____ your raincoat. I think it’s about to rain.

a. away
b. on
c. off

3. I’ve just bought a new car. I’ll pick you _______ in ten minutes to go for a

a. on
b. in
c. up
4. If it means that I have to dress _______, I’d rather not go to that fancy

a. out
b. up
c. down

5. You’d better keep _____ of my property if you don’t want to get into trouble.

a. on
b. out
c. up

6. I need you to look _______ my baby while I go grocery shopping.

a. away
b. up
c. after

7. Mario’s just come ________ from Germany. Let’s throw him a welcome

a. back
b. off
c. on

8. After trying to stop smoking for three weeks, Louise gave _______. It was
too hard for her.

a. away
b. up
c. after

9. Could you drop me ______ at work? My car broke down and I’m in a hurry.

a. in
b. off
c. away
10. They are very generous. They gave ___________all their furniture when
they moved out of the country.

a. away
b. up
c. into

C. Fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs that means the same as the word in

1. _________ your shoes. (to remove)

2. Somebody has to ___________ your grandmother. (to take care of)

3. For your graduation, you have to __________. ( to wear something elegant)

4. You’ll never read those photocopies again. ______them _____. (to discard)

5. She has ___________ her new job very quickly. (to adapt)

6. Could you please __________ your slippers? (to place something where it

7. I’m moving out and I’ll never __________. (to return)

8. _______________ that awful tank top. (to discard)

9. Once we _______ our new apartment, things will be different. (to start living)

10. We’d better start to _________. The moving truck will be here in an hour. (to
put things in a container)

D. Read the following conversation between a tenant and his apartment manager
and answer the questions below.

Apartment Manager: Good morning, Mr. Moreno. How's your apartment

working out for you?

Tenant: Well Mr. Mr. Cornell. Living here hasn’t been a bed of roses, I must say.
There are many things that are bothering me and that's what I would like to talk
to you about.
Apartment Manager: Can you say that again? I couldn’t hear you.

Tenant: Of course, you couldn’t! That’s our neighbor’s dog that never stops
barking. It’s not my job to tell his owner. I count on you as the manager of this
building to look after your tenants. Also, would you mind talking to the tenant in
105 and ask her to turn her TV down after 9:00 p.m.?

Apartment Manager: I understand, but I think it’s all a storm in a teacup.

Besides, the dog’s owner is my mom. I don’t think the dog is that noisy, anyway.

Tenant: Oh, my god, I can’t believe my ears! So you’re saying you are not going
to do anything about this? I’m done talking to you! I’m taking this to the owner of
the building. Can you tell me his phone number?

Apartment Manager: Wait a second, Mr. Moreno. I don’t think that’s necessary.
Let me talk to my mom and the tenant in 105. I’m sure we can find a way out. Is
there anything else that’s bothering you?

Tenant: Actually, there are many things bothering me. The refrigerator is not
working, the sofa is falling apart, I can’t turn on the light in the bathroom, there’s
a leak in the ceiling, my bed doesn’t have a good mattress, the closet smells like
something has died in there…..You never told me about all this before I signed
the rental agreement. This is a rip-off!

Apartment manager: But you checked out the apartment before signing the
contract and said everything seemed OK. I don’t know why, all of a sudden,
you’re acting so upset.

Tenant: Because it seemed OK! Now I realize it had been temporarily fixed to
have somebody to rent it! You guys are getting sued! I’m going to talk to my
lawyer! (Hangs up the phone).


1. How’s Mr. Moreno’s apartment working out for him?

a. He wants to have more flowers in his apartment.

b. He would like to talk about a rose bush that obstructs the views.
c. He has some complaints he would like to discuss.

2. Why does the manager ask Mr. Moreno to repeat what he said?
a. Because he has a hearing impairment.
b. Because a loud noise prevented him from hearing.
c. Because Mr. Moreno doesn’t speak loud enough.

3. Mr. Moreno asks the manager to tell the man in apartment 105 to:

a. turn off his TV in the evening.

b. turn down the volume of the TV.
c. use headphones when watching TV.

4. What does the manager tells Mr. Moreno about his neighbor’s pet?

a. He says they should have tea and discuss the problem.

b. He says animals are not allowed in the building.
c. He says it’s not a big deal.

5. Why does Mr. Moreno want to talk to the owner of the apartment building?

a. Because he wants to rent a new apartment for his mom.

b. Because the manager is not being helpful.
c. Because the manager doesn’t believe what he says.

6. Which problems is Mr. Moreno not having with his apartment?

a. An electrical problem.
b. A problem with an appliance.
c. A low water pressure problem.

7. How does the manager respond to Mr. Moreno’s complaints?

a. He agrees with Mr. Moreno’s complaints and plans to take action.

b. He thinks Mr. Moreno’s reactions are unfounded.
c. He thinks Mr. Moreno’s reactions were predictable.

8. What is Mr. Moreno going to do next?

a. Start a legal process against the owner.

b. To temporarily fix all the problems in the apartment.
c. To look for a lawyer and sue the manager.
E. Go to the multimedia, listen to the following radio commercial and answer the
questions below.

Whether you are moving or just remodeling, EDW Furniture takes pride in
offering only the best selection of customized furniture and appliances! Look no
further! We have all you need you give your home the look and feel you have
always wanted!

Refrigerators, washing machines, shelves, ovens, dining room tables, closets,

sofas, desks, beds, frames, stereos, you name it! We have it all! If we don’t have
what you are looking for, you get 40% off your purchase! Free delivery on all
major appliances! So you weren’t born with a silver spoon on your mouth?! Don’t
sweat it! With our furnish-now-pay-later plan, you get to take everything you
need now and start paying in three months! You heard me right! Three months!

Now on sale, queen size beds from 300 dollars, TV sets starting at 450, coffee
tables for as low as 120 dollars!

So come visit us in Chapinero just three blocks north of the Shelly Gas Station.
We're open Monday to Sunday from 8:00 AM to 10:30 PM. Our friendly staff will
help you make your dream home a reality!

1. What is the commercial targeted toward?

a. House movers.
b. New and old tenants.
c. Small businesses and homeowners.

2. What kind of furniture can you buy at the store?

a. Personalized furniture.
b. Generic furniture.
c. Used furniture.

3. What things are not mentioned in the ad?

a. Chairs.
b. Desks.
c. Shelves.
4. If you cannot afford what you want to buy,

a. the store will give you a complimentary piece of silverware.

b. the store will provide you with a credit plan.
c. the store will provide you with a lay-away plan.

5. Three months after your credit purchase

a. you will be delivered what you bought.

b. you will have to start paying.
c. you will get a 40 % off.

6. You can get a 40% percent discount if

a. you are willing to buy major appliances.

b. you are willing to pay in three months.
c. they don’t have what you’re looking for.

7. Where is the store located?

a. Three blocks away from Chapinero.

b. Next to the gas station.
c. Near the gas station.

8. Which is not true about the store's hours?

a. They are open 24/7.

b. They open every day.
c. They close after 10 p.m.

F. Read the following article and answer the questions below.

Farewell to the basement

The idea of moving out of their parents’ house might be shocking for a lot of
people on many different levels. In the excitement of moving out, most people
just focus on the idea of freedom they will gain once they have their own space.
However, what they usually don’t consider is all the things they need to buy for
their new home. The list can start with a simple wastebasket and go all the way
to a decent mattress. It is essential to come up with a budget and prioritize the
needs. A good way to do this is to divide this list into four essentials: Bedroom,
kitchen, laundry room, and leisure room. Now, let’s see what to keep in mind in
each of these essentials.


Don’t go cheap when it comes to buying a bed. A good bed is essential if you
want to get a good night sleep. With the bed, you also need to consider an
excellent mattress, pillows, pillowcases, sheets, and blankets. If you are on a
budget, you might want to buy second-hand blankets. Don’t forget to buy
clothing hangers and a wardrobe if there are no closets. It’s also a good idea to
get a night table, a lamp, and an alarm clock. A good way to take advantage of
your bedroom space is to get a box to store things under your bed.


It goes without saying that the most expensive appliances are usually in the
kitchen: fridges, ovens, stoves, food processors, blenders, and the like. If you
rent a furnished apartment, you don’t have to worry too much about this, but if
you are just renting the space, you might want to consider finding a roommate to
be able to afford what your kitchen needs.

The list of things you need might grow shorter and shorter depending on the
amount of time you spend in the kitchen or at home, for that matter. Do you cook
often? Do you usually invite people over?

Among the basic things you need to buy are silverware for four, dishes for four,
a drink set, bowls, large spoons, plastic containers, two frying pans, a chef knife,
a couple of pots, a can opener, and last but not least, a corkscrew.

Laundry room

In the long run, it is cheaper to buy a washer-dryer than to use a laundromat. It

might be a bit pricey, but you won’t regret buying it. It is also important to buy
laundry detergent by the bulk. It’ll save you money. You might also need an iron,
ironing board, two big baskets, a broom, a mop, some rags, kitchen towels, two
wastebaskets, garbage bags, two buckets, and a dustpan.

Leisure room

This room should be the least of your worries. Little by little you can turn it into
an amazing area. Since this is your first apartment, you might want to buy a
futon, a second-hand coffee table, a TV, a used video game console (you can
play DVDs also), a multi-purpose piece of furniture (Google small-living furniture
for ideas), and a medium-sized shelf for books or small pieces of art.

These simple ideas might help you make that important decision: Leaving your
nest and grow your wings on your own terms.

1. Decide if the following statements are true or false according to the text.

True False
a. Moving out is usually a hassle-free experience.
b. It’s smart to move and start buying things as you need
c. A good way to save space is to keep your clothes under
the bed.
d. Depending on your habits, you could end up spending
less money.
e. Even though using a laundromat might sound convenient,
buying a washer-dryer is smarter.
f. You should not pay too much attention to the leisure room
at the beginning.
g. These suggestions are directed to homeowners planning
to rent out their property.

2. Choose the best answer to the following questions:

o What might make people ignore some important considerations when

moving out?

a. The lack of budgeting.

b. The anticipation of potential good times.
c. An incomplete list of priorities.

o When considering to furnish your bedroom:

a. Buy an inexpensive bed. You could later upgrade it.

b. Get a high-quality futon.
c. Spend some extra cash buying a decent bed.

o Why might it be convenient to find a roommate?

a. Loneliness might hit you hard.
b. You can have a less restrictive budget.
c. You can clean up the place more rapidly.

o Why using a laundromat might not be a good choice?

a. Because you end up spending more money in the end.

b. Because you lose time dropping off your clothes.
c. Because your water bill might be too expensive.

o Which of the following statements is closer in meaning to “This room

should be the least of your worries”

a. This room needs special attention.

b. This room is meant to be fun.
c. Cover your basic needs first.

Practice 2

A. Read the tips about essential small-space living and answer the questions

Essential small-space living tips

Fuente: SENA

Space, there is only so much. What if you could do more with the space you
have. What if there were a smarter way to use space. There is! Let’s imagine a
multi-purpose room you could use 24 hours a day. If you used the space over
the sofa, you could turn it into a bedroom. Picture this, a hammock hanging from
the ceiling. It’s about maximizing the space, being a little resourceful about how
you use it. To make the most of the space you have, all you need is an open
mind. It’s about finding and using hidden spaces, and choosing furniture that
serves more than one purpose. It’s about making space do more, which doesn’t
mean you have to live uncomfortably. Here you will find 11 tried-and-tested tips
for maximizing a small space that experienced homeowners have shared with

1. Light colors are useful to make your space feel more spacious and airy.
White walls are the best option to make the space bigger.
2. Find storage in unusual spaces such as the walls and ceiling.
3. Windows with a view to the outside open up the space and make it feel
much larger.
4. Skip cupboard storage at eye level; it makes a space feel tighter and more
closed in.
5. Think of ways in which your space and furniture can suit multiple purposes.
6. Keep it clean and, more importantly, keep it neat.
7. A deck doubles the size of a living space.
8. Use light colored wood for floors.
9. Buy flexible furniture. Something you can fold.
10. Hidden beds in the floor are one of the best features for making the space
11. Large openings are a great alternative to open up the inside space.

Choose the best answer based on what you read:

1. All you need to create a pleasing small place to live is.

a. A little of money to buy new small furniture.

b. Try to adjust your old furniture to the new space.
c. To be broad-minded and creative.
d. Expand the space as much as you can.

2. If you are choosing the colors for the walls of your new small space, the best
option is.

a. Light colors in general.

b. Light wood colors.
c. Yellow and green.
d. White.
3. If you have a large table to place in a small space, you should.

a. Find multiple uses for it and place in a strategic area.

b. Buy a new one that fit in perfectly the living room.
c. Save it in the storage room.
d. Throw the table to the garbage.

4. You have tons of stuff you aren’t using and you need to save it somewhere.
The best option in this case is.

a. Pile up things in some strategic place.

b. Find some room in infrequent places.
c. Put up a stand in a wall to place the stuff.
d. Throw away all these things because it is necessary keep the place clean.

B. Read the following suggestions a game instructor for a virtual video game gives
a new user. Answer the questions below.

Fuente: SENA

You just created a virtual character in a life simulation video game. One of the
first elements you need to get before creating your character is to buy or build
your first house. While this new character get a job or start his activities, he will
spend a great deal of time at home. So, it’s important to make it a pleasing
experience. Now, you need to know that at the beginning of the game you have
only $16,500 to spend in the furniture. Here I will explain how you can optimally
use the money in designing a beautiful house for your character.

There are three essentials for building a good house: sleep, food, and hygiene.
Every character will always need to worry about these three things. Build Cheap!
It's ok to purchase the cheapest version of these items in the beginning; it's
better to have a well-rounded home than just a room with a few top-notch
objects; besides, you'll get plenty of money from raises and opportunities soon

a. Sleep: the basic furniture here is the bed. If you have enough money to
spend at the start, buy a comfortable bed. Once your character gets more
financially stable you can upgrade the bed. Also, you can buy a cheap night
table if you want to.

b. Food: Regarding the food, you will need five basic things, a refrigerator, a
counter, an oven, a sink, and a smoke detector. Have two open counter
spaces if you can, so that when you get a food processor you can have one
counter where your character can prepare food using the processor, and one
counter to prepare foods using his hands (this space will also be necessary
for your character to place group meals on). Upgrade your fridge and oven
after upgrading your bed; a food processor is also recommended. Only get a
microwave if you want to cook hotdogs and coffee.

c. Hygiene: for your character’s bathroom, you need to buy a shower or a tub,
a toilet, and a sink. The sink is optional; your character can use the sink in
the kitchen if he really needs to. Likewise, he can wash dishes in the
bathroom sink if the kitchen does not have one. Your character is only in the
bathroom for 1-3 hours a day tops, so upgrade your bathroom last. Upgrade a
tub or a shower/tub combo and get a ducky and some bubble bath from the

Thanks for watching and get the next video to know how to plan your house

1. According to the game instructor, are the following statements true or false?
Choose the correct option.

True False
a. It is important to build or buy a pleasing place because the
character will spend a lot of time at home.
b. The three essentials in building a house are sleep,
entertainment, and food.
c. The most important piece of furniture after the bed is the
fridge and the oven.
d. The last pieces of furniture and/or appliances you should
buy is the television, a coffee table and the nigh table.
e. It is indispensable to buy a sink for the bathroom so the
character could wash his hands there.

2. What other items do you think your character will need in his new house?
Place each item in the correct column. (Choose the most usual place for each
 Wardrobe
 Dishwasher
 Kettle
 Chest of drawers
 Toaster
 Bath mat
 Bookcase
 Cabinet
 Blender
 Comforter
 Cupboard
 Mirror
 Toothbrush holder
 Desk
 Hair dryer

Bedroom Kitchen Bathroom

C. Read the following phone conversations. Based on the context, choose the
appropriate idiomatic expression.

Conversation 1
Hello! Adriana? How are you? I hope everything is ok with you these days. I
remember you have invited me to a party this Friday. At first I had to say no
because I was going to meet with my girlfriend´s parents that night for dinner.
You see, my relationship is getting serious (laugh). Anyway, they called and
cancelled because they won’t be in the city this weekend. They are going to help
their other daughter, for she said she’d realized she suffers from a hoarding
problem that is affecting her relationship with her family. Personally, I think this
is not a big deal and believe she is just over reacting and being drama queen;
she may have some problems, but hoarding? That’s a real thing. However, this
is not something for me to discuss, that’s their life and I have my own problems
to solve at home. The main point here is that I want to let you know I am now
free to go to your party and that I will be there with my girlfriend.

1. The person who is calling.

a. Is now off the hook from having dinner with his in-laws.
b. Has always gone to the mat for her friend´s party.
c. Went down the toilet with his in-laws for not going to the dinner.

2. The person who is calling.

a. Thinks his sister in law has always swept under the rug her hoarding
b. Thinks his sister-in-law is creating a storm in a teacup.
c. Thinks his sister-in-law is in a bed of roses.

3. The person who is calling.

a. Does not want to be a wet blanket, so he tried as much as possible to

make it to the party.
b. Believes he is not supposed to talk about his sister-in –law’s situation, for
he needs to get his own house in order.
c. Will go to the party instead of meeting her parents-in-law because has a
skeleton in his closet and doesn’t want them to know.

Conversation 2

Good morning, my name is Maria Paula, the guest in room 908. I just woke up
because I was freezing and notices the air conditioner isn’t working: it’s stuck in
the lowest temperature and I cannot turn it off. My vacations in this place have
been hell. First, the room I had was not big enough for me and my three
children; there were only two single beds. I called somebody to help me and that
person said the problem were not the beds, the problem was everything I
brought with me. Can you believe that? The number of bags and things I bring
are not this person´s business. Besides, it does not even have anything to deal
with the beds; I was not going to put on the bed all the bags… I needed a space
to sleep comfortably. And here I must tell you something, your closets are really
small and the drawers are not big enough. Then, you sent me to this new room!
And guess what? It is even worse! I cannot sleep well, for I feel like I am getting
sick. I’m completely sure my kids will get the flu due to this cold temperature.
And I am tired of you telling me “it is not my fault, I am not in charge of this, and
I’m not the one to blame”. Come on, man up and accept this is part of your
responsibilities. Somebody needs to fix this!

1. For Maria Paula, those vacations.

a. Have been a nightmare.

b. Have been a bed of nails.
c. Have made her burn the candle at both ends.

2. After changing the room:

a. Maria Paula thinks she went out of the frying pan into the fire.
b. Maria Paula thinks people in the hotel have been getting up on the wrong
side of bed, so they have not been polite with her.
c. Maria Paula thinks the staff at the hotel has been the turning tables into
her. They said it is not their fault, but hers.

3. The first problem Maria Paula had with her hotel room was regarding the
number of beds, which were not enough for her and her children. What did
the employer of the hotel answer to her?

a. That she had gotten up from the wrong side of bed.

b. That her complain was a storm in a cup of tea.
c. That it was her fault for bringing everything but the kitchen sink to the trip.

D. Read the following conversation and choose the idiomatic expression that best
completes each blank. Use the idiomatic expressions in the box.

skeletons an
a bed of basket a storm in
in his armchair big picture
nails case a teacup
closet critic
lay my put this to sweep it
couch go to the
cards on plan on the under the
potato mat
the table shelf rug

Weird neighbors

Fuente: SENA

 Paula: I Wish I could be invisible for one day. Can you imagine all things we
could discover from others? We could get to spy anyone we would like to. For
real, that would be my perfect 18th birthday gift.

 Felipe: Girl, that idea is awesome! I will definitely take a look into my
adorable Alejandra´s room (laughs).

 Paula: No way, I will use it to get better information. For example, I have
always doubted Alvaro´s integrity. He has always had a creepy look. Pretty
sure he has lots of _____________________ (1). He is always alone and his
wife is dead, you know? He should go outside and try to meet new people.
Try to start his life again.

 Felipe: Paula, stop being _________________ (2); you have never gone
through this and have no idea if she was the love of his life. He was probably
so in love that he cannot imagine being with anybody else.
 Paula: I don’t know, I still have doubts about him. I cannot explain to you the
way he stares at me; it is so weird. You are not a girl, so you don’t
understand! I have always had to deal with this type of discrimination; people
just don’t believe what I say because I AM A WOMAN.

 Felipe: Wait a second, Paula….. Calm down… Don’t be such a ___________

(3); you always overreact.

 Paula: Don’t point fingers at me. I never say you are a _____________ (4)
who loves wasting time watching TV and doing nothing.

 Felipe: Well, if you are going to be here criticizing me, I will actually go home
and watch TV. I hate the fact that you are always so dramatic.

 Paula: (Laughs) my dear Felipe, I promise I would be a better friend from now
on. But, I still have that crazy dream of being invisible. I don’t know; it is just
because of that Alvaro, I hate him! Let me give you the ____________ (5) of
the situation and tell you everything, I will ________________ (6). I wish I
could spy on him because one time I saw him videotaping me, but he
pretended he was not. I would love to get into his house and find the
evidence. As much as he wishes ___________________ (7), he will be
 Felipe: Paula, this is serious, if you believe he was videotaping you, I can
now understand your fear. I was thinking you were making _______________
(8), I thought you were worrying unnecessarily; however, now I agree with
you. It would be great to spy on him and understand what is behind all his

 Paula: Ever since I think about what he did, my life in this neighborhood has
been ___________ (9). Now I never feel comfortable, and I am always afraid.

 Felipe: I will help you for your birthday, I know I cannot make you invisible,
but I will figure something out to help you get into his house. I will
__________ (10) for you. I believe in you and I want you to be fine! You are
one of my best friends, a sister of sorts.

 Paula: Aww, you are so cute. Let’s __________________ (11) for now
because Alvaro is coming over; you just shut up.
Pronunciation practice

Note: This practice must be completed using the multimedia version of the study
material. There you will find the corresponding audio files.

A. Read the following sentences. Write the correct spelling for the word that has
been transcribed.

Sentence Word
The authors handed in a very nice prəˈpoʊ.zəl but
in the end, they couldn’t make it to the conference
this year.

Can you drɑp the cats off at the vet’s this morning?

Mary and Jane tʊk əf their shoes as they entered

the temple.
My mom tried to ˈtʃɪr ʌp my sister when she started
to cry.
The last thing most people want to do is to share a
place with a kaʊtʃ pəˈteɪt̬ oʊ.
I know every aspect is important, but we cannot
forget the bɪɡ ˈpɪk.tʃər.
Although Charles is very rude, his parents don’t
seem to maɪnd his behavior.
I’m sick and tired of your proʊˈkræs.tɪ.neɪ.ʃən.

Now, Go to the multimedia, listen to the sentences and check the stress and
intonation patterns used. Then, practice pronouncing them.
The authors handed in a very nice proposal but in the
end, they couldn’t make it to the conference this year.
Can you drop the cats off at the vet’s this morning?

Mary and Jane took off their shoes as they entered

the temple.

My mom tried to cheer up my sister when she started to


The last thing most people want to do is to share a

place with a couch potato.
I know every aspect is important, but we cannot
forget the big picture.
Although Charles is very rude, his parents don’t seem
to mind his behavior.
I’m sick and tired of your procrastination.

B. Read the following sentences and select the image that matches the
transcribed word. Then, go to the multimedia, listen and practice saying each

a. I hate doing the washing up every day. For that reason I recently got a very
nice and modern ˈdɪʃˌwɑʃ.ər.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

b. Hello, Dear. Can you hear me? I’ll be getting home soon. Could you please
put the ˈket̬ əl on for me? Thanks. Love you!

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

c. I love to have smoothies for breakfast every morning. That’s basically why I
can’t live without a ˈblen.dər.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

d. Hey, Jane. I think our ˈtoʊ.stər just broke. We need to get a new one.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

e. I hate Andrea’s clothes. I seriously believe she needs to build a new

ˈwɔr.droʊb and create a personal style.

Fuente de imágenes: SENA

C. Select one of the options from the box to match the tone or tones used by
speakers in each dialog. Some options can be used more than once.

Indicates definiteness / Shows interest / Suggests uncertainty /

Shows surprise

a. A. I can’t believe you are moving out. This apartment is a bargain.

B. /\Bargain, you said? It is incredibly expensive for its size. I just got a much
better deal for a new place upstairs.

b. A. Look at this beautiful painting Lucy brought me from France.

B. /France? I thought she was in Italy.

A. Not at all. She was visiting her parents in Nice. I \/think she’ll go to Italy
next month.

c. A. Richard. Bobby just invited me to the coast for the weekend but I know
my parents will never let me go.

B. /Yeah?

A. Yeah right. So, I was thinking if you could possibly tell them I’ll be
spending the weekend with you.

B. Absolutely \not.
d. A. Excuse me, madam! Do you know if this Blue Bus takes me to the Gold
Museum at La Candelaria?

B. Per\/haps. We can check the maps routes right here at the tourist office.

e. A. I got wonderful news today at work. I’ve just been named Student
Services Manager!

B. /\Wowǃ I’m very glad to hear about you promotion.

f. A. Hun, I will not be able to make it home before midnight. Please, have
dinner on your own. I’ll make it up for you.

B. A/\ɡain. This is the third time this week this has happened.

 Macmillan Publishers. (s.f.). Bump into. Consultado el 08 de septiembre de

2014, en

 Macmillan Publishers. (s.f.). Turn in. Consultado el 08 de septiembre de 2014,


Document control

Name Position Dependence Date

Theme expert Dirección de
Asesor English formación
Author Mauricio Aldana Dot Works - profesional.
Programa de Dirección
bilingüismo General
Copy editor - Centro
Paola Andrea November
Línea de Agroindustrial.
Bobadilla Gutiérrez 2015
producción Regional Quindío
Copy editor - Centro
Rachman Bustillo November
Línea de Agroindustrial.
Martínez 2015
producción Regional Quindío

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