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Laporan RPH PdPr (2/11/2020 - 6 November 2020)

Name : Jayaselan Govindasamy

Class : 3 maju (22 orang pelajar)

3 Cekap(27orang pelajar)
5 Neuron (19 orang pelajar)
5 Elektron (28 orang pelajar)
2 maju (22 orang pelajar)
2 Dedikasi ( 28 orang pelajar

Mata Pelajaran : Chemistry

Class 3 cekap and 3 maju
Date and Time 6/11/2020
Duration Time:10.00am until 11.30am
(1 hour 30 Minutes)
Title / Standard Chapter 9: Space Weather
Content 9.1 Analysing the structure of Sun
9.2 Analysing the phenomena occur on sun and its effects
9.3. Analysing Earth’s Magnetif field and Magnetosphere
Supporting Microsoft Teams
application telegram

Medium Microsoft Teams , WhatsApp, Notes
Respond Murid 3 Cekap : 19/27 3 Maju : 8/22
19/27 3 cekap students able to justify Structure of the sun and phenomena
occurs.8 students were absent and recording will
be send to them
8/22 3 Maju students able to justify justify Structure of the sun and
phenomena occurs. 14 students were absent and recording will
be send to them
Class 2 Dedikasi and 2 Maju
Date and Time 30.10.2020
Duration Time:12.00pm until 1.30pm
(1 hour 30 Minutes)
Title / Standard Chapter 8: Force and Motion
Content 8.8 analysing Pressure
8.8.1 application of air pressure in our daily life
Supporting Microsoft Teams and telegram
Respond Murid 2 Dedikasi : 8/28 2 Maju :7/22
8/28 2 Dedikasi students able to justify state the meaning of pressure and
its application.20 were absent and will Send the recording to them

7/22 2 Maju students able to justify meaning of pressure and

its application.15 were absent and will
Send the recording to them.

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