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Laporan RPH PdPr (2 Nov – 6/ November/2020)

Name : Jayaselan Govindasamy

Class : 3 maju (22 orang pelajar)

3 Cekap(27orang pelajar)
5 Neuron (19 orang pelajar)
5 Elektron (28 orang pelajar)
2 maju (22 orang pelajar)
2 Dedikasi ( 28 orang pelajar

Mata Pelajaran : Chemistry

Class 5 Neuron & 5 Elektron

Date and Time 3.11.2020
Duration Time:12.00 – 1.30pm
(1 hour 30 Minutes)
Title / Standard Chapter 8: salts Revision for SPM 2021
Content MRSM trial Paper 2019
Soalan Ramalan SPM 2020
Supporting Microsoft Teams
Medium Microsoft Teams , WhatsApp

Respond Murid 5 Neuron : 10/19 5 Elektron :7/28

10/19 students 5 Neuron able to justify the Structure questions and essay
9 were absent and will be send the recording to them
7/28 students of 5 Elektron able to justify the Structure questions and
essay. 21 were absent and will be send the recording to them

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