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Name/NIM: Agfa efendi/18018002

Class : K’5/2018
• George Chilton is an English teacher and writer based in Barcelona,
Spain. He came to the city in 2008 with a plan to stay for 6 months.
Spanish time is a little different to the rest of the world. He’s sharing
some of the ESL lessons he uses in this blog.
• Neil McMillan is an English Teacher and Teacher-Trainer also based in
Barcelona. He also writes, makes music and DJs, and studies Catalan
and Spanish. In between all that he climbs hills and protests a lot.
Perhaps too much.
• We think ESL lessons should be…Fun and inspiring and useful and
relevant and spontaneous and intelligent and unplugged and
sometimes surprising. And they shouldn’t follow the rules.
• Then again…For the most part, the “designer lessons” aim to elicit
natural language in order to create a dialogic relationship between
the teacher and the learner. In other words, we believe that student
motivation is highest in a class where the students have opportunities
to take the lead while the teacher guides, resulting in a co-creation of
language in an environment that encourages both freedom of
expression and the free-flow of student-led questions.We’re not saying
that if you use these lessons your students are gonna leave the class
sounding like something from Emmerdale, but – with a bit of luck –
they’re going to have had something resembling a real-life
• So these lessons…Aim to engage and promote
conversation in a semi-controlled way.
Ultimately, the teacher is responsible for
guiding and correcting the language
production in class. So we hope these ideas
give a decent-enough framework and help to
create an energetic, spontaneous
environment in which to teach.
on this website there is a date on the page to
indicate when the page was written, however when
the page was first placed on the web, and also when
the page was last revised it is not clear what time it
was. there is only written the date of the post

In accessing this website, only

a good internet network and
existing quota are needed

the information obtained from the website is

difficult to see when it was last updated
because the website is rather difficult to

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