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1.lf you could have three wishes that would come true, what would they be?
(No, you can't wish far more wishes)
1- I wish I had my family healthy forever
2- I wish I had a lot of money to buy a beautiful car
3- I wish I could help poor people without food
2- What do you wish you could change about the world?
R// I wish the money was better distributed among everyone and so everyone
had a house and food
3-Many cultures throw things into water (like a fountain) and make a wish. Why
do people do that?
R// why do people think they are going to fulfill a wish or are going to get lucky
4- What do you wish you could do after this class?
R// I wish I had a delicious coffee and a carrot cake
5- What do you wish you could eat right now?
R// I wish I had a delicious coffee and a carrot cake
6- What do you wish would happen today?
R// I wish I could go out with my friends
7- When do people make wishes in your culture? (far example, when you
see a shooting star)
R// On special occasions, moments of good luck, in colombia at Christmas
8- Have any of your wishes ever come true?
R// Yeah, when my parents gave me my first car
9- Do you ever wish you could travel back in time?
R// No, I like that everything has its order
10-What do you wish you had right now?
R// I wish I had my family together

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