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Let’s Check

1. In your journey to become fully aware of who you are, what influences did your
role models have had towards the following:

a. Career choice
My role model in my career choice helps we develop the willingness to learn and
examine the properties of life, because my role models in my chosen field are the
inventors and scientist that examine our world with different view. I chose for example
one of my hero, the electrical engineer and mechanical engineer Nikola Tesla, because
he sees the world differently and he has a great insight about the true meaning of the
universe although people won’t appreciate it at that time. And I think in terms of career
or field of work he is the one the I look up, because he is one of the great men who walk
the earth.

b. General attitude towards self and others

The people around me and those who are really close to me are the ones who have the
great impact on how I view myself, how I examine myself and how I treat myself.
Although sometimes they make me upset or feel rejected but then that’s the way it
works, you cannot please everyone. Every thing that people say to us is neutral we are
the ones who give it a meaning and we must be careful of how we must comprehend on
what they tell about us.

c. Your view towards yourself

The ones that I look up high are my role models, and they help me build what can
possibly be made out of me.
Let’s Analyze

1. You can have someone to turn to for advice – it is important to have a role model
for us to know what we want in life, although we cannot or possibly walk in the
same path as theirs but along the way we can also share the fruits of their labor.
Achieving this requires guidance because each one of us must be guided along
our way and then proceed to the ends, fully equip.

2. You will have the knowledge for the mistakes that they made along the way – if
you observe fully to them, then you can truly learn not only to your mistakes but
also to the mistakes your role model.

3. You become a better person – depending on whomever you choose to be a role

model, you must seek to be better of that person and although he or she is your
model you must also think for yourself you must avoid the obvious mistakes they
made and strive to become a better.

1. Your role model may brain wash you – role model is essential depending also on
whom we are looking up so high, there are times that we can forget what we
really want and we lose track because we focus on what they want for us to do,
even it is not the way it should.

2. Your role model may make you feel little – we chose our role model because
they attain or do something or even we see something in them that we cannot or
could not possibly see in ourselves doing it and we must be careful about this,
our role model should not make us feel little, our role model should give us the
courage to grow and the enthusiasm of learning and failing.

3. Your role model may help you lose track of what you really want – although you
have a role model, because you want something like they achieve, but it doesn’t
mean that you will have a straight line in life because sometimes they can be the
reason that you will lose track of what you really want in life, and again you must
be careful of whom you chose to be your role model.
2. As a matured adult, how would you reconcile discrepancy between the influences
your role models have toward you, and your own view and impression of who you are?

I know people have different views toward other people and even sometimes they have
different view of their selves. As a matured person I must gain confidence in people,
respect their views about me (if they have any) and gain insights in what they tell me but
also, I must respect myself, I must develop a strong spirit towards destructive people
and an arms that is wide open toward loving and truly important people that surrounds
me around me.

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