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1.With your readings above, what aspect of self-confidence struck you most?

What are
your thoughts of feelings about it? What insights did you get out of this reading?

As what discussed above, self confidence is a vital aspect in everybody’s lives. What
really struck me about self-confidence is that some aspects of it are things which I already
know. The problem is, I find it real hard to apply to myself. Though I tried some of it, it will
just come apart and I’m being caught up again in the same behavior I was once in.
Sometimes, I really think that people don’t really change or no matter how hard they do
they will just be brought back again to the things they used to be with or the person they
truly are. I am not saying that we cannot train ourselves to be a better person. The aspects
that have discussed above should be made as a habit. If we really want to be a better
person today than yesterday, we should not think that only having a bright day and a
straight path will lead us to the goals we want to achieve or should I say that rainy days
are what really waters the plants. We must have a firm goal and mindset with a strong
willpower. We should not trust the future however pleasant and let the dead past, bury its
own dead. We should act in the living present. Also, I think that we can achieve this
through consistency, because for me without consistency we cannot achieve great things
are achieving great things requires great amount of self confidence in one self.
2. Self-confidence is an everyday process of building and rebuilding. Were there are days
that you feel you are less confident of who you are and your potentials? What made you
feel that way during those times? How did you handle it?

I know its hard for someone to honestly say that they don’t really have it, or they don’t
have the confidence and sometimes even when they don’t tell their act proves it. Well, as
what the question tells that self confidence is an every day process of building and
rebuilding and couldn’t agree more. There are times that we really don’t care about
ourselves completely because maybe we feel helpless or being frustrated and it is normal
because everyone should feel it. In my days, well, there are some that I am completely at
loss to myself and those were the times that I convinced myself that shyness or the lack
of confidence is a companion of mine. There are many times, that I just don’t care
anymore because I could not see how could possibly help myself and sometimes, I just
keep drowning in sorrow, of being helpless. I could not think logically about my situations.
I could not even ask someone for help, because sometimes I just want to be drowned in
melancholy. But I know I could not possibly be in this situation, not for a whole week or
for a whole month, whole year or for whole life. When those cloudy days comes, I just lay
in bed and sleep and try not to worry. That is the thing I do when that time come, I know
I should not let my sorrows overwhelmed me and I should face them. I do this because
somehow, I know that it will just pass out and hopefully after I wake up it will completely
be gone. Sometimes they do, other times they don’t. I know deep inside myself I have
false perceptions of what I can possibly do cannot do and now I am working on that.
3. What things that are within your controls and you can start with at present that can help
you strengthen your self-confidence? How would you do it? When will you start doing it?
What will make it effective for you?

The only thing that is within my control is on how I react to situations, either good or not
so good. That, is for me, the most vital aspect in life you can teach in yourself. Imagine
you cannot react totally in what others tell you either good or not so good because your
feelings or emotions will not be the one who will dictate what you should react but instead
your mind, your logical reasoning or thinking reasonably will set your emotions right. I
think in that way we can avoid being frustrated or feeling neglected about the actions we
see and hear from others or I think, the better way to put it is that we can think for
ourselves. And the best day to practice it a make it a habit is no other day than today
because today, is what we only really have. History is lost and the future in uncertain.
People (that includes me) doesn’t realize that the peace they are finding in their lives are
in the present. Why do people anticipate things and feel bad about it or even if they get it
in the future, they seem frustrated and brokenhearted because they fell there are missing
piece and also, remember the past and also feels bad about it and regret. What is regret?
Humans are complex animals and we know that, but what we don’t know is that all these
things are in the mind which for me is the best defining element of being a human, and
we don’t know that we can control it we can overcome it. What we need is the present if
we set our minds right.

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