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Use Technology

Modern technology can save you and your employees time, and keep the loss of productivity to a
minimum. When possible, use email to convey a message instead of conducting a special meeting.
Encourage your salespeople to contact you via cell phone to keep you up-to-date on their daily progress.

Diagonal Communication & Communication Barriers in the Business Organization

Email removes traditional barriers to communicating with the organizational hierarchy.

The modern business environment requires organizations to develop effective communication processes
to cope with increased employee involvement, flattened organizational structures, advances in
communication technology and the move toward an economy based more on knowledge than
traditional industrial and service skills. Barriers to communication — such as language differences,
information overload and strained relationships — lead to mistakes, misunderstandings and
interpersonal issues. Diagonal communication offers employees the opportunity to communicate
effectively with the organizational hierarchy.


Messages may be distorted due to language issues, inattention, lack of clarity or cultural differences.
Even when employees share the same first language, word choice may lead to ineffective
communication if an employee uses jargon or emotive language. Listening skills are an important
element of communication. Lack of attention by the message receiver may result in distortion.
Managers may be reluctant to convey bad news, which can lead to vague or unclear communication or
feedback. Cultural differences can also interfere with communication if the originator and receiver don't
share the same cultural context. Some cultures may require a formal written contract to conclude
negotiations, while others proceed on the basis of a verbal agreement and a handshake.

Information Overload

Employees who receive a high level of communication over a short period of time may become
overloaded and struggle to process all of the information. This may result from multiple short messages
or one overly complex message. Advances in communication technology, such as the increased use of
email, have made workplace communication quicker and easier. However, technology has increased
communication to the point where users must adopt self-management techniques to avoid being
overwhelmed by information.


Inconsistency between a person's words and his tone or body language may create barriers to
communication. An employee who receives positive feedback from his manager may not believe the
feedback if the manager avoids eye contact and his body language appears insincere. Conversely, an
employee who receives negative feedback may rationalize it by deciding that his manager dislikes him,
rather than accepting that his performance is below standard. Receivers may interpret communication
based on their past experience of the originator. If a manager known for his workplace banter delivers a
briefing on respect in the workplace, his direct reports may not believe that he's sincere.

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