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Impact of COVID-19 on logistics systems and

disruptions in food supply chain

Sube Singh , Ramesh Kumar , Rohit Panchal & Manoj Kumar Tiwari

To cite this article: Sube Singh , Ramesh Kumar , Rohit Panchal & Manoj Kumar Tiwari (2020):
Impact of COVID-19 on logistics systems and disruptions in food supply chain, International Journal
of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2020.1792000

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Published online: 29 Jul 2020.

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Impact of COVID-19 on logistics systems and disruptions in food supply chain

Sube Singh a , Ramesh Kumar b , Rohit Panchal c and Manoj Kumar Tiwari a,d

a Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur, India; b Department of Industrial
Engineering and Manufacturing System, National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India; c Department of Environmental
Engineering and Management, National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India; d National Institute of Industrial Engineering
(NITIE), Mumbai, India


An outbreak of deadly COVID-19 virus has not only taken the lives of people but also severely crip- Received 24 April 2020
pled the economy. Due to strict lockdown, the manufacturing and logistics activities have been Accepted 29 June 2020
suspended, and it has affected the demand and supply of various products as a result of restrictions KEYWORDS
imposed on shopkeepers and retailers. Impacts of COVID-19 are observed ubiquitously in every type Supply chain disruption;
of units from different sectors. In this study, a simulation model of the public distribution system supply chain resilience; food
(PDS) network is developed with three different scenarios to demonstrate disruptions in the food supply chain; pandemic;
supply chain. Difficulties have been increased in matching supply and demand in a vast network of COVID-19; simulation
PDS because of changing scenarios with the growth of infected cases and recovery. This paper also
highlights the importance of a resilient supply chain during a pandemic. Our proposed simulation
model can help in developing a resilient and responsive food supply chain to match the varying
demand, and then further assist in providing decision-making support for rerouting the vehicles as
per travel restrictions in areas. Paper has been summarised with significant highlights and including
future research scope for developing a more robust food supply chain network.

1. Introduction By observing the gravity of health threats caused due

Supply chain disruptions can occur owing to human- to high intensity of the virus, World Health Organi-
made disasters and natural calamities. Globally, sev- zation (WHO) announced a Public Health Emergency
eral instances occurred in the past such as the Gujarat of International Concern (PHEIC) on 30 January 2020
earthquake (2001), the tsunami in Japan (2011), the (Eurosurveillance Editorial Team 2020). In just a few
Indian Ocean earthquake, and tsunami (2004) (Gou and months of the outbreak of the virus, a substantial degree
Lam 2019). Similarly, the outbreak of infectious disease, of fear and anxiety has been observed among the peo-
Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has brought a ple, and it also causes a psychological impact on men-
global tragedy not only for human lives, but also eco- tal health (WHO 2020c). Further, observing the effect
nomical activities like manufacturing operations, sup- of unpredictable and uncontrolled infection with more
ply chain and logistics, and several other sectors (Dol- than 118,000 cases in 114 countries over the world, the
gui, Ivanov, and Sokolov 2020; Golan, Jernegan, and WHO designated this virus as a COVID-19 Pandemic
Linkov 2020; Haren and Simchi-Levi 2020; Hobbs 2020; on 11 March 2020 (WHO 2020a). To date (June 15,
Ivanov 2020a, 2020c; Ivanov and Dolgui 2020a; Iyengar 2020) 435,600 people have died all over the globe, and
et al. 2020; Linton and Vakil 2020; Remko 2020; Rowan it may also take many more lives as 7.9 million people
and Laffey 2020). COVID-19 pandemic has severely have tested positive and uninterrupted growth has been
impacted the automotive sector, tourism industry, avia- observed in the number of infections of COVID-19. In
tion industry, oil industry, construction industry, telecom India, COVID-19 cases have reached 368,705 in the third
sector, food industry, and healthcare industry (Chamola week of June 2020 (Dong, Du, and Gardner 2020). Grow-
et al. 2020). Initial cases were reported in December 2019 ing cases cause immense pressure on the healthcare sup-
and viewed as symptoms of pneumonia in the Wet Mar- ply chain for an urgent need of personal protective equip-
kets of Wuhan City in Hubei Province, China (Rothan ment (PPE), mask, and pharmaceuticals (Iyengar et al.
and Byrareddy 2020), and later named as COVID-19. 2020).

CONTACT Manoj Kumar Tiwari Director Office, National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, Maharashtra
400087, India

© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group


The focus of the governments of various countries demand, and supply unfulfillment in COVID-19 (Lin-
is to stop and control the community transmission of ton and Vakil 2020). The situation is a learning lesson
COVID-19 such that severe damage can be restrained, for the adoption of resilience and robustness in supply
but a dynamic transmission of coronavirus infection chain to help a shrinking economy (Currie et al. 2020;
makes it an arduous task. Unavailability of clinical cure Ivanov 2020c; Dolgui, Ivanov, and Sokolov 2020). In this
and delay in developing the vaccine further makes the regard, a detailed analysis of the ongoing crisis as well as
situation worse than it has ever been in recent times. necessary measures needs to be highlighted. Therefore,
Meanwhile, the treatment is symptomatic, and oxygen we have discussed the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic
therapy represents the primary treatment intervention and subsequent follow-up of lockdown on the economy
for patients having a severe infection. Mechanical ven- and human lives by evaluating the existing studies and
tilation may be necessary in cases of respiratory failure reports released by several renowned organisations like
to provide oxygen therapy, and similarly, hemodynamic the WHO, the WEF, and the International Monetary
support is essential for managing septic shock (Cascella Fund (IMF). A model of the truck-drone synchronised
et al. 2020). The availability of such facilities is also lim- delivery system is also presented to provide medicine
ited, and it becomes enormously challenging to fulfil and other essential items in case of high-rise buildings.
the requirement, especially when a lockdown is enforced Furthermore, a simulation model of a supply chain net-
around half of the globe. The lockdown was imposed in work of the public distribution system (PDS) is developed
several countries to control the fatalities and loss of physi- by considering three different scenarios under pandemic
cal health, and approximately 2.6 billion people have been circumstances. A phase-wise plan is also discussed to
home quarantined in India, the U.S.A., South Africa, reopen supply chain and manufacturing activities that
Philippines, along with other European countries in the connect various sectors to fulfil the sudden surge of
month of March and April of the year 2020 (Laurent demand for medical facilities, food products, and essen-
2020). Lockdown gives rise to a shortage of labour force tial items.
and logistics disruptions eventually resulted in supply- This article is structured as Section 2 provides details
side shocks to the food supply chain. Moreover, it brings of the relevant literature in this domain. Section 3 high-
a sudden surge in demand-side of food supply chains lights COVID-19 impacts on the economy and elaborate
due to the panic buying and hoarding behaviour of the sector-wise consequences. Sections 4 presents a few mit-
people (Hobbs 2020). Lockdown resembles an essential igating strategies to run supply chain activities smoothly
decision in the short run to slow down the growth of to fulfil the crucial demands. Section 5 introduces a sim-
infection and restrict in a local transmission rather than ulation model on the PDS, and the next section 6high-
community spread. Besides it, lockdown severely crip- lights results and insights of the presented work. Finally,
pled the economy and carries the world at a screeching a conclusion is drawn from the study with future scope
halt scenario. recommendations followed by the references.
All sectors are connected through a complex network
of supply chains and logistics, but hardly any activities
2. Literature review
evidenced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through-
out the world, economic activities reached the lowest In this section, several prominent studies on risk predic-
point, and an economic recession and global financial cri- tion and uncertainty in supply chain are discussed that
sis have been predicted by the World Economic Forum have been conducted during an emergency or pandemic.
(WEF), World Bank, and International Monetary Fund In recent times, researchers have introduced some sig-
(Lucchese and Pianta 2020). Haren and Simchi-Levi nificant model-based studies to tackle COVID-19 prob-
(2020) noticed a high impact of the COVID-19 out- lems. A conceptual model on spread of COVID-19 at
break on supply chain and manufacturing operations the Wuhan City of China formulated by considering
and predicts the consequences of the global supply chain three scenarios based on individual reactions and gov-
during the second quarter of 2020. It brings forth the ernment’s actions such as travel restriction, hospitali-
need of a resilient supply chain and to seek innova- sation, and self-quarantine (Lin et al. 2020). Mehrotra
tive approaches for supply chain recovery (Remko 2020). et al. (2020) presented a multi-period stochastic pro-
The logistics system is critical in managing disruptions gramming model for allocating the inventory of ven-
and recovery of supply chain (Choi 2020). During the tilator in the COVID-19 pandemic for the U.S.A. by
pandemic, the essential items include food and medi- generating four different types of demand scenarios.
cal equipment calling for resilient food and healthcare A mixed-integer programming (MIP) model has been
supply chain. Weaknesses of the current global sup- proposed for controlling the Ebola Virus diseases in
ply chain have been exposed resulted in revenue loss, West Africa by considering the logistics issues over a

multi-period planning horizon to minimise infections expressed the global supply chain problem by simulating
and fatalities within the constrained budget (Büyüktah- the COVID-19 scenario to predict the impact on sup-
takın, des-Bordes, and Kıbış 2018). Similarly, Liu et al. ply chain performance because of disruptions at tier-1
(2019) outlined a mixed-integer non-linear program- suppliers.
ming (MINLP) model to control the spread of the Swine By analysing the literature, we have identified that
flu (H1N1) in China by optimally allocating the emer- impact of the COVID-19 on manufacturing and sup-
gency budget as per infected individuals and available ply chain activities are still not discussed enough, espe-
capacity. From the panorama of a global outbreak, Zlo- cially in the context of the PDS for food grain sup-
jutro, Rey, and Gardner (2019) introduced a decision ply chain. Previously, researchers have demonstrated the
support framework by developing a stochastic model ideas of the emergency supply chain during disrup-
of multi-commodity network flow and passenger move- tions or epidemic, but the COVID-19 pandemic is one
ment through air travel that causes spread of the virus. In of the rare predicaments that occurred in humankind’s
the study, border control strategies have been established history, and it needs urgent attention to develop a
at an immature stage by curbing the travel with needful plan for boosting the economy. Therefore, in the pro-
allocation of the outbreak control resources in a planned posed work, a compendium of existing reports and
manner. introduces conceptual models supported by essential
Earlier, researchers have also performed numerous strategies to combat the dangerous infectious pan-
simulations and optimisation models to conquer the demic, COVID-19. A simulation-based study has also
uncertainties in supply chain network. For example, as been carried out to show the impact of COVID-19
supply chain model has been conceptualised for the pre- on the PDS in fulfilling the requirement of needy
disaster and post-disaster performance based on agility people.
and resilience (Altay et al. 2018). Ivanov and Dolgui
(2020a) discovered a framework of a digital supply chain
twin for managing the risks in pre, during, and post dis-
3. COVID-19 economic impact
ruption stages. Similarly, Olivares-Aguila and Elmaraghy
(2020) proposed a dynamic model for evaluating the Since the outbreak of Corona Virus Diseases – 2019
service level of supply chain in distinct scenarios by (COVID-19), one of the intricate issues is to estimate the
acknowledging partial and full disruptions. An analytical expected damage of human health and the global econ-
model of a flexible production system has been developed omy, and it becomes much more complicated while con-
to examine the sequence of loading or unloading oper- sidering individual parts of the world. Frequent changes
ation using autonomous mobile robots for enhancing are noticed in developing the combating policies and
productivity and flexibility of the system. Study suggested plans because of high growth in cases and ambiguous
a strategic planning of the logistics challenges and sales data of infection rate, mortality rate, and other statis-
loss during strong, medium, and mild scenarios effect tics (Prichep 2020). Due to that, uncertainties have been
(Fragapane et al. 2020). pointed in the concerning statistics and prediction of
In the perspective of the emerging technologies, Dol- losses during COVID-19. For example, the Center for
gui et al. (2020) established a smart contract system for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy (CDDEP) esti-
a logistics service provider. The model studies trade- mated the infection in 300–400 million people in India
off between supply chain lead time and contract costs with COVID-19, but it is a gigantic figure as compared
practising an event-driven dynamic approach. Salem to positive cases reported till June 2020 (CDDEP 2020).
and Haouari (2017) developed a three-echelon stochas- As per existing data, R naught (R0) of the COVID-19 is
tic optimisation model to design a supply chain net- estimated between 1.4 and 6.4 with an average of approx-
work based on uncertainties in expected demand and imate 3.0, and that is higher than Ebola (2) but lesser than
supply. Kumar and Chandra (2010) proposed a sys- Zika (3–6.6), Measles (11–18), and Human Immunod-
tem dynamic model to analyse the impact of avian eficiency Virus (3.6–3.7) (Larsen et al. 2020). Callaway
influenza pandemic for a computer manufacturing com- et al. (2020) claimed that COVID-19 is less deadly than
pany and suggests a strategic planning of the logistics the other outbreaks, like SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory
challenges and sales loss. Ivanov and Dolgui (2020b) Syndrome), MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome),
demonstrated a game-theoretic model to address the and Ebola, but the transmission of the COVID-19 has
intertwined supply network for meeting the demand appeared easier than other infections. Social distance
of society associated with food, communication, and has been recommended by the WHO to control the
logistics. Researchers have also simulated supply chain spread among the public with the imposition of necessary
problem during pandemic COVID-19. Ivanov (2020b) lockdown.

Lockdown cannot be considered as a permanent solu- called as the backbone of a country’s economy (Villa and
tion for a long-run from an economic and social perspec- Taurino 2018) because of a substantial contribution to the
tive, especially when a large segment of the population GDP and employment generation. Furthermore, MSMEs
is dependent on daily wages for sustenance (Block et al. are hugely supported by the logistics and supply chain
2020). Striking consequences have been observed in the sectors, but hardly any activities are seen during lock-
U.S.A. and European Countries regarding the downfall down (OECD 2020). A proposed model of the Inclusive
of the economy leading to severe job loss, within a few Manufacturing System can be a suitable way to empower
days of lockdown. The International Labour Organiza- the MSMEs units that help in enhancing the integra-
tion (ILO) reported an initial estimation that almost 25 tion with the adoption of emerging technologies (Singh,
million jobs could be lost worldwide due to COVID-19, Mahanty, and Tiwari 2019). Furthermore, during a lock-
and it may stretch to 40 Million (ILO 2020). In a report down, all the nonessential travels nationally and interna-
released by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), tionally were banned throughout the world to restrain
52% of CEOs opinioned that 30–40% of employees will the spread of COVID-19, and such travel restrictions
lose their job in India post-lockdown (CII 2020). A col- have harshly affected the aviation sector. Aviation sector
lective report of WHO and World Bank published in contributes USD 70 billion in the country’s GDP (IBEF
September 2019, estimated an impact of pandemics on 2020a), and an initial estimation says 25% shrinkage that
the global GDP from 2.2 to 4.8% (GPMB 2019). Initial will impact 50 million employees (KPMG 2020). In India,
predictions proposed that global cost may touch $4.1 tril- all domestic and international commercial passenger
lion due to COVID-19 (Hutt 2020). The IMF had asserted flights have been suspended, and the planes grounded.
that the impact of COVID-19 on the world economy will Another concerning issue is faced regarding food sup-
be worse than the Great Depression of 1929. Expected ply, and Currie et al. (2020) stated that demands in the
growth of the world GDP will be near −3.0%, much food sector have been changed for various food items
lesser than 0.1% of the financial crisis of 2009 (Gopinath because of varying natures and disruptions in the deliv-
2020). Carlsson-Szlezak, Reeves, and Swartz (2020) dis- ery platform. In recent few years, an enormous amount
cussed the COVID-19 impacts on the global economy of money has been poured by the investors in the food
and recognised it as a recession by making comparison industry, and due to that immense growth of more than
with diseases like SARS (2000), H3N2 Flu (1968), H2N2 10% yearly has been recorded because of entry of the
Flu (1958), and Spanish Flu (1918). By understanding food chains and delivery platforms, like Zomato, Swiggy,
the seriousness, the fight against COVID-19 should be Dominos, and McDonald’s (Dhir 2019). The food indus-
in two-fold, first, save people’s lives, and second, reform try contributes to job creations (0.7 million) as well as the
economic activities without reaching the predicted reces- GDP (USD 70 Billion). Therefore, severe impacts have
sion. Impacts of the COVID-19 are globally visible in been observed in different sectors in the perspective of
all the sectors as highlighted in various reports released job loss as well as a financial crisis because of constrained
by IMF, World Bank, International Labour Organization demand and supply of various items. In such a difficult
(ILO), and the United Nations. time of pandemic, developing a resilient supply chain is
In India, approximately 500 million people rely on one of the essential steps for the survival of the manufac-
agriculture and its related activities that contribute turing as well as logistics businesses to fulfil the customer
approximately 15% of the GDP of the country (Shrestha needs.
et al. 2020). For 2019–2020, the Department of Agri-
culture estimated 291.95 Million Metric Tonnes (MMT)
4. Supply chain mitigation strategies during a
of food grain production which comes from principal
crops (PIB 2020b). The Food Corporation of India (FCI)
procures wheat and rice from grain markets to main- The survival of human beings relies on essential items
tain the stock of the PDS. The food distribution system during the pandemic and that can be satisfied by appro-
has been severely affected during lockdown because of priately utilising the crucial resources, like raw materials,
the unavailability of labourers and truck operators, as employees, and active logistics systems as shown in the
addressed in this paper by simulating a study on the PDS inner circle of Figure 1.
network. Similarly, the MSME sector is also one of the During the pandemic and screeching halt position,
worst affected sectors during the COVID-19. In India, priority of all the countries is to save human lives, but
approximately 111 million people work in 63.2 million a shortage of essential items like food, medicine, diag-
units (Singh, Mahanty, and Tiwari 2019), and they are nostics equipment, clinical cure, and PPE has toughed
severely impacted because almost all the manufactur- the fight against infection. These discussed items can
ing activities have been suspended. The MSME sector is be fulfilled from the services of the primary sectors like

Figure 1. Sector-wise economic activities.

agriculture, healthcare, aviation, and railway, and fast- term impacts due to pandemics like COVD-19 and via-
moving consumer goods (FMCG). In the post-lockdown bility is defined on three perspectives, sustainable prac-
period, the sectors shown in the outer circle of Figure 1 tices, resiliency of supply chain, and agileness. Dam-
can be considered as economic boosters because of the age induced during the COVID-19 pandemic can be
abundant contribution in GDP and employment genera- correlated with the concept of supply chain resilience
tion, for examples, hospitality (7% of GDP and 42 million triangle (SCRT) (Bevilacqua, Ciarapica, and Marcucci
jobs), automobiles (7% and 1.0 million), textiles (2% and 2017), as given in Figure 2.
45 million), IT (7.7% and 4.2 million), and construction In Figure 2, triangles A and B depict SCRT with the
(13% and 60.42 million) (IBEF 2020b). A linkage is pro- severity of the extent of ‘a’ and ‘b’, respectively by consid-
vided by Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), ering the same damping rate because of a halt on supply
and Large Enterprise (LEs) because of their ubiquitous chain and logistics activities. Low and high resilience
involvement in all the sectors. To overcome the disruptive Recovery of supply chain is related to high and low
situation, the manufacturing systems and supply chain resilience that resembles the recovery rate. Total dam-
should be agile and resilient by performing better and age occurred during disruption period is evaluated by the
efficiently. area of the triangle and it can be reduced by adopting
Earlier, Vargo and Seville (2011) delivered a concep- a high resilience strategy. An increment in the damping
tual model by introducing crisis strategies to assist com- time is caused due to lockdown extensions and similarly,
panies in intensifying their resilience. Similarly, Singh recovery time is affected with the adoption of the low
et al. (2019) proposed an ontology-based decision sup- resilience a, and the area of the triangle is expanded by
port framework for gaining resiliency in the supply chain both factors. Moreover, the size of the triangle, damp-
during disruption by applying Semantic Web Rule Lan- ing rate, and depth of the triangle varies with the sec-
guage (SWRL). Ivanov and Dolgui (2020b) discussed the tors/businesses during the same period and accordingly
concept of viability in supply chain to think for long takes time to regain normal state that appeared before

Figure 2. Supply chain resilience triangle in COVID-19 context (A and B).

disruptions. Therefore, a complete plan is needed to million oxygen cylinders, 30 million N95 masks, and
resist against an imminent recession. In this regard, a 25 million PPE kits (PIB 2020a). Automotive manufac-
few immediate actions are discussed in the following turers are shifted towards making medical equipment
subsections. to meet such an enormous demand (Betti and Heinz-
mann 2020). Therefore, surprising transformations have
been noticed in Indian healthcare supply chain during
4.1. Healthcare supply chain and medical the critical time, for example, ventilators, testing kits, and
equipment distribution oxygen cylinders are produced by automobiles manufac-
turers; PPE, masks, gloves, and hospital furnishing prod-
Key strategies to avoid human to human transmission ucts are made by textile and fashion industry; sanitisers,
of COVID-19 infection are via social distancing and use cleansers, and oxygen are provided by chemical facto-
of masks as well as sanitisers. There has been enormous ries; and hospitals beds are developed by transforming
pressure on healthcare supply chains since the general train bogies.
public requires masks and sanitisers. On the other hand,
PPE is required by healthcare staff as well. It caused a
shortage of supply of N-95 masks as the companies were
4.2. Truck-drones delivery system for quarantine
unable to meet the ever-increasing demand. Rowan and
Laffey (2020) deliberated a critical shortage of supply
chain planning for personal and protective equipment Quarantine and isolation are the primary preventions
(PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Republic used to break human to human transmission of COVID-
of Ireland. Jamieson and Kellerman (2016) studied the 19 as declared by the National Centre for Disease Control
challenges of public health system for the HIV Pandemic (NCDC 2020). The curve between the number of cases
in global and local supply chain. The global shortage of and time can be flattened with the support of the public
ventilators and PPEs has become a flourishing concern as to stay in isolation and self-quarantine. By developing a
there is increase in infections across the world. In India, model, Hellewell et al. (2020) suggested that isolation of
the monopoly of a single government-owned agency is infected cases and efficient tracing of their contacts can
the bottleneck in the purchasing process for PPE. Initia- control the COVID-19 outbreak within three months.
tives need to be bolstered by developing efficient trans- However, the success of following the lockdown depends
portation for medical equipment, medicines, and relief on the initial number of cases (Niud and Xu 2020). Dur-
material. Furthermore, WHO has recommended strate- ing quarantine, a concerning issue of delivering essential
gies to optimise the availability of PPEs by using them items in severely affected zones has been observed, espe-
appropriately, better supply chain coordination, and min- cially when the people stay in high-rise buildings. It has
imise the waste (WHO 2020b). In India, enormous needs happened mainly in crowded and most affected cities like
have been forecasted as per the growing cases, for exam- New York in the U.S.A., and Mumbai and Delhi in India.
ple, one million ventilators, 500 million testing kits, one Therefore, in this paper, a truck-drones synchronised

Figure 3. Coordination of drones and delivery trucks for last-mile delivery.

delivery system is recommended that can be utilised in as per their demands. Constraints associated with capac-
highly infected regions, as it helps in maintaining the ity, delivery time, time window, and distance need to
social distance and also drastically reduces the delivery be considered like other optimisation and vehicle rout-
time to fulfil demand (Chamola et al. 2020). In the lit- ing problems. Drone sub-tours, delivery charges, rout-
erature, several other studies have been presented for ing cost, and penalty due to untimely deliveries are the
scheduling the drone delivery system, for example, Jeong, operational and associated costs. Furthermore, the fulfil-
Song, and Lee (2019) formulated a MIP model of a truck- ment of demand in infected areas is ensured by capacity
drone hybrid delivery system by extending the vehicle of delivery truck and drones. A pictorial representation
routing problem with the addition of parcel weight on of paths is depicted in Figure 3 as for TA-C1-C4-C6-
the drone and restrict flying areas. Similarly, Murray and C5-TA and TA-C6-C2-C3-C7-TA for Drone-A (DA) and
Chu (2015) presented a mixed-integer linear program- Drone-B (DB), respectively. Meanwhile, Truck-A (TA) is
ming model for optimal routing and scheduling of the also moved from location L1 to L2 by balancing travel
parcel delivery with the drone, and a heuristic approach time with both drones. Therefore, the presented model
is coded in Python to get the solution. can be helpful in achieving the on-time delivery with-
Figure 3 presents the synchronisation of truck and out any physical contact with customers resided in highly
drones to facilitate last-mile delivery in the highly infected zones.
infected regions known as hot zones. For the supply of
essential items, food and medicine in a hot zone, one
delivery truck with two types of drones is needed as 4.3. Food supply chain
shown in Figure 3. Drone-A (DA) is committed to food All types of food supply chains have been severely
items and Drone-B (DB) for medicines. Drones have affected during COVID-19 pandemic, for example, fresh
been assigned for respective deliveries to customers on vegetables, fruits, bakery items, perishable goods, and
a scheduled path. Customers, C1, C4, C5, and C6 are finally, food grains (Ivanov and Dolgui 2020a; Scheibe
served by Drone-A as per their food requirements, and and Blackhurst 2018). Scarcity of food items is unavoid-
Drone-B is assigned for the medicine to customers, C2, able in such a strict lockdown where most of the logistics
C3, C6, and C7. Customers’ flexibility of ordering both activities had been stopped. Previously, Manning, Baines,
types of items has also been incorporated in the presented and Chadd (2005) addressed the impact of biological
model, for example, C6. Delivery truck and drones are infections in the food supply chain on a regional basis,
supposed to serve all the assigned customers with prede- national and international food contamination prob-
fined time windows in a synchronised manner (Das et al. lems as food terrorism. Due to the threat of getting
2020). The objective of the model is to fulfil the on-time infected, the people have been prevented from ordering
delivery of food and medicine to customers who stay in a the food from an online platform like Zomato and Swiggy
quarantined place by minimising the overall operational (Narayanan et al. 2020).
costs. Customers are served one by one in scheduled For the survival of people, PDS is run by the Govern-
time windows through drones that have been assigned ment of India to ensure food security to approximately

Figure 4. Supply chain network of public distribution system.

800 million people from weaker section at a reasonable been declared as red or containment zones. Difficulties
price, especially wheat and rice, the main ingredients of have been developed in achieving the desired purpose of
the Indian diet. On average, 40–42 million tons of food supply chain because of uncertainties in vehicle availabil-
grain is transported in a year by the FCI (2020). Surplus ity and labour shortage. Furthermore, the evaluation of
states played a significant role in fulfilling the demand diverted routes has been converted as a concerning issue
of deficit states. For wheat, Punjab, Haryana, and Mad- because of changing scenario at warehouse and logistics
hya Pradesh and in rice procurement, Punjab, Haryana, activities. Therefore, a simulation model of the PDS is
Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Chhattisgarh, and Odisha demonstrated in this paper under a pandemic situation
are the surplus states (Mogale et al. 2017). The entire by considering three different scenarios, as given in the
supply chain network of PDSs is constituted by farmers, subsequent section.
grain markets (mandi), central warehouse (CW), state
warehouse (SW), district-level warehouse (DW), and fair
5. Simulation model of public distribution
price shop (FPS) as depicted in Figure 4 (Mogale et al.
system during a pandemic
The food grains are distributed to needy people (cus- In pandemic and strict lockdown period, numerous
tomers) at fair price shops (FPS) located in rural as well challenges are faced by the PDS network at opera-
as in urban areas. In lockdown, several types of con- tional and transportation levels due to travel restric-
cerns related to transportation services (trucks and local tions and labour shortage in the COVID-19 pandemic.
transport), like absence of loading and unloading labour In this study, failure of supply from a PDS facil-
and shutdown of offices are faced by the PDS network. ity because of strict lockdown is considered that fur-
The impact of lockdown can be visualised from opera- ther causes shortages in fulfilling demand at the cus-
tion of 10% trucks out of 1.4 million (medium and long tomer end. Data have been reproduced from a real-
haulage), and similar is the case for light commercial life PDS network of a small part of a north Indian
vehicles (Nandi 2020). Another issue of facility failure is state to carry out this work. In the developed model,
caused due to high infection in some of the areas that have two central warehouses (CW), three state warehouses

Figure 5. Simulated network of public distribution system.

(SW), six district-level warehouses (DW), and 60 fair of the problem. Therefore, Any Logistix software has
price shops (FPS) have been considered as depicted in been utilised to simulate the proposed model for cap-
Figure 5, Three varieties of trucks were being used turing supply chain disruptions (Timperio et al. 2019;
based on their capacities and speed, for example, Truck1 Kinra et al. 2019). Simulation of the designed problem
(four tonnes capacity and 50 km/hour speed), Truck2 was run for a period of six months by varying scenarios.
(eight tonnes capacity and 45 km/hour speed), and Truck3 In this simulation, three scenarios have been developed
(12 tonnes capacity and 50 km/hour speed). In the pro- to demonstrate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
posed simulation model, supply of rice and wheat are and subsequent lockdown on supply chain disruptions of
only examined, otherwise, sugar, tea, mustard oil, and PDS network as mentioned below:
kerosene are also necessary items served by the PDS
(Minten, Reardon, and Sutradhar 2010). Determinis- Scenario-I: Normal operation of the PDS
tic demand of fair price shop, adoption of min–max Scenario-II: PDS network during shutdown of a facility
inventory policy at the warehouse, and unlimited sup- in pandemic
ply from the central warehouses, are a few assump- Scenario-III: Backup facility to attain the required ser-
tions made to carry out this study. Throughout the net- vice level during disruptions
work, transportation cost is constant as 0.29 USD/km-kg
(Mogale et al. 2019a), and it is assumed that no dis- These developed scenarios are defined by different events
ruption occurs during transportation activities. Earlier, in the simulation model as depicted in Figure 6. Initially,
Stewart and Ivanov (2019) proposed a framework for backup warehouse was deactivated because the PDS net-
analysing risk and disruption by studying a dynamic work worked smoothly without any disruption as shown
system in the humanitarian supply chain that considers in Figure 6(a). In Figure 6(b), the occurrence of disrup-
saving lives and relieve suffering by delivering food, shel- tions has been perceived in the area of CW1 because of
ter, medicine, fuel, and other supplies to beneficiaries. the high intensity of cases of COVID-19 and declared as a
Kumar et al. (2020) described several simulation tech- hot zone. Operational and logistics disruptions have been
niques that address uncertainty in the complex nature faced in restricted zones because of labour shortage. Such

Figure 6. Events occurred during pandemic in PDS network, (a) Scenario-I, (b) Scenario-II, (c) Scenario-III.

suspension is depicted in Figure 6(b) when the probabil- o – Order, o = 1, . . . , O ELTSL(p) – Expected lead time
ity of the event becomes 1.0 in the third row. To achieve service level for the product, p D∇ko – Demand fulfilment
the targeted demand, backup facility needs to be activated of product, p within ELT for an order, o by the customer,
and thus the probability changed from 0 to 1.0 in the p
k DΔko – Demand is not fulfilled of product, p within ELT
fourth row of simulated events, as shown in Figure 6 (c). for order, o by the customer, k
During experimentation, 10 replications are developed
for each scenario and evaluated the impact of COVID-
19 on PDS Supply Chain in terms of expected lead time 6. Results and discussions
(ELT) service level. In such a troublesome time of a pan- The present study focuses on mitigation strategies to
demic, maintaining the ELT service level is a top priority manage disruptions in the logistics system of food and
of the PDS to fulfil the need of the people relying on this healthcare supply chain. Disruptions and the mitigating
scheme. ELT service level for a product is calculated by role of a backup facility in the food supply chain dur-
using the formula developed from the literature (Ivanov ing pandemic have been demonstrated using the case of
2018, 2019, 2020a, 2020b), as given in Equation (1): the PDS in India. Key performance indicator to evaluate
 p supply chain performance of PDS is expected lead time.
D∇ko Results of the simulation model under three different
k o
ELTSL(p) =   p  p ∀p (1) scenarios have been discussed in this section.
D∇ko + DΔko
k o k o
As shown in Figure 7(a), the ELT service level of rice
and wheat were 93% and 96% in scenario-I. It depicts
where P – Set of products K – Set of customers O – Num- that in a disruption-free scenario the PDS operated with
ber of total orders p – Product, p ∈ P k – Customer, k ∈ K stable lead time and balanced the inventory. Operation

Figure 7. ELT Service Level for each product (a) Scenario-I, (b) Scenario-II, and (c) Scenario-III.

of the PDS in scenario-I made a profit of USD 34,880 transportation cost as depicted by Figure 8(b). Therefore,
by generating a revenue of USD 261,850 and incurred a significant reduction has been noticed in total revenue
the transportation cost of USD 70,982 with an average generation because of lesser demand fulfilment, and it is
of USD 34.82/ton as per fulfilment received by the cus- calculated as USD 165,435 by making a profit of USD
tomer. In Scenario-II, development of the COVID-19 in 27,642. The PDS incurred an almost similar transporta-
hot zone causes shutdown of a central warehouse (CW1) tion cost of USD 32.37/ton may be due to the accom-
as shown in Figure 7(b). Consequently, there has been a plishment of the same demand of a shortened network.
decline in the ELT service level of wheat and rice to 62% Shortage of supply is fulfilled by the backup warehouse
and 59%, respectively. (BW1) that would become operational after suspension
A significant drop in ELTSL is detected due to the of the central warehouse (CW1). BW1 is a partial dummy
unfilled demands of customers allied to the central ware- created at the central warehouse (CW2) for simulating
house (CW1) through state warehouse (SW1), and that the proposed model. Initially, BW1 was not operational,
are followed by the two district-level warehouses, DW1 and it can be observed in Figure 6(a) where probabil-
and DW2. ities in the first two rows are 1.0. With utilisation of
Other key performance indicators of supply chain per- a backup warehouse (BW1), the ELT service level for
formance are profit, revenue, and total cost (Ivanov 2019). rice and wheat have been significantly improved to 85%
We have obtained similar results for the reduction of the and 92%, respectively, as represented by Figure 7(c).
total cost in scenario-II because lesser quantities were But, a quite downfall is recorded in the ELT service
delivered to customers, and it is directly related to the level as compared to Scenario-I because more distance

Figure 8. Revenue and total cost (a) Scenario-I, (b) Scenario-II, and (c) Scenario-III.

needs to be covered from BW1 to SW1 and SW2 using 7. Conclusion and future scope
Truck3. In scenario-III, an observation has been made
Natural calamities, threatening diseases, or political
that transportation cost has increased to USD 42.65/ton
issues are the key factors that cause supply chain disrup-
due to an extended and integrated network. Otherwise,
tions as observed in the past. But the outbreak of COVID-
revenue generations in scenario-I and scenario-III, are
19 pandemic has been reported as an exceptional case
almost same with the fulfilment of customer’s demand,
that having a pernicious effect globally because of the
as depicted in Figure 8(a,c).
suspension of almost all the manufacturing and logis-
The scope of this paper is to demonstrate a simu-
tics activities. In this paper, an action plan has been
lation of the PDS supply chain network and impact of
proposed to tackle pandemic based disruptions for ful-
disruption on final delivery to the needy people dur-
filling the need of food grains, ingredients, medicine,
ing the COVID-19 pandemic. Simulation model can
PPE, and other essential items. A concept of the truck-
be further extended by creating several other scenar-
drones synchronised delivery system has been described
ios with consideration of failure of individual facility,
to reach out to the customer resided in high-rise build-
loading and unloading operations, and unavailability
ings located in severely infected areas. Disruptions in the
of vehicles and labourers. In the presented work, the
food grain supply chain of the PDS have also been stud-
adoption of a truck-drone synchronised delivery sys-
ied that happened because of not functioning of source
tem has also been emphasised for food and essential
warehouse due to the dearth of labour and truck drivers
medicine services that can be offered in the highly
in infected regions. Therefore, a simulated study is per-
restricted zones. Furthermore, the changing scenario
formed by designing three different scenarios of the PDS
of healthcare supply chain and manufacturers have
to show the impact of the pandemic and its reviving strat-
been discussed to match high demand for the required
egy. Result showed the integration of warehouses helps

in achieving demand fulfilment from a backup ware- Rohit Panchal is pursuing a PhD. in Envi-
house during disruptions at an allotted warehouse. The ronmental Engineering and Management
focus of this paper is confined to investigate COVID- from the National Institute of Industrial
Engineering, Mumbai. He received the
19 situations by emphasising essential activities of sup- BTech in Civil Engineering from Poorn-
ply chain and logistics systems, especially in case of the ima College of Engineering, Jaipur, India,
public distribution network. In future studies, a detailed in 2015, and MTech in Environmental
model of public distribution network and food supply Engineering from the National Institute of
chain can be developed by incorporating multiple factors Foundry and Forge Technology, Ranchi, India, in 2017. His
research fields are the circular economy, E-waste, and reverse
and challenges. Furthermore, mathematical and statisti-
supply chain.
cal approaches can be adopted to deliver rigour-based
analysis to capture issues of the food supply chain, man- Manoj Kumar Tiwari (FNAE, FNASc,
FIISE) is Director, National Institute of
ufacturing of essential items, and shortages of healthcare
Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai,
equipment as future scope for the researchers of this India. He is also a Professor in the Depart-
domain to combat the pandemic concerns. ment of Industrial and Systems Engineer-
ing at the Indian Institute of Technol-
ogy, Kharagpur, India. He received BE
in Mechanical Engineering from Visves-
Disclosure statement
varaya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India, in
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors. 1986, MTech in Production Engineering from Motilal Nehru
National Institute of Technology, Prayagraj, India, in 1990, and
Ph.D. in the Department of Production Engineering from Uni-
versity of Jadavpur. He is actively involved in research relevant
Acknowledgements to the applications of optimization, modeling, decision support
We sincerely express thanks to the Editor in Chief and two systems, and data mining in the domain of logistics, supply
learned referees for providing constructive comments leading chain management, and manufacturing systems.
to quality improvement in earlier versions of the manuscript.
We also acknowledge the support from the E-Business Center
of Excellence (ECO) at Indian Institute of Technology Kharag- ORCID
pur and National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)
Administration. Ministry of Human Resource Development Sube Singh
(MHRD) is the controlling ministry of these institutes. Ramesh Kumar
Rohit Panchal
Manoj Kumar Tiwari
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