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Kode/Nama Matakuliah : MKDU 4107/Bahasa Inggris

Nama Pengembang : Dr. Diana Anggraeni, S.S., M.Hum.

Masa Tutorial : 60 Menit
Nomor Soal/Tugas *) : 1-3
Skor Maks : 100

1. Bacalah paragraf pertama cerita pendek berikut ini dan tentukan apakah verba yang
ada di dalamnya itu regular dan irregular, infinitive, participle, atau auxiliary verbs.

Jack was lying in his bed wondering about what he could do tomorrow. He thought he could
go to the zoo, he thought he could go to the park to play football with his friends. Jack just
hoped that it was a sunny day so that he could do at least one of those things. In the
morning, he asked his Mum and Dad if he could go to the zoo. His parents said that they will
think about it. He asked if he could go to the park. They said for the second time that they will
think about it. And then he asked them if they could watch the weatherfor him to see if it was
going to be a sunny day. They told him to watch it himself. So he did. The weather said that it
was going to be a stormy day and for everyone to stay indoors.

2. Dapatkah anda mengidentifikasi apakah noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase,
adverbial phrase, atau prepositional phrase?

a. My best friend is Yudi.

b. My pen records its brief appearance.
c. I hated Monday mornings.
d. Little humpty liked to play all day.
e. They would rest under the shade of the big, old tree.
f. Finally, we came to a great castle with a large courtyard.
g. My great-granddad went down with the titanic.
h. On Sunday, the weather turned cold.
i. But in the darkness she heard a noise in the room.
j. The angry uncle went into the library.

3. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini dengan kata sambung yang paling tepat!
a. My father was a very wise man , .... he taught me a lot about his business.
b. My parents were old now , ... I was the only son left to inherit his business
c. It looked a bit like a hare , ... it was a different colour ... had longer legs.
d. They asked me who I was in portuguese, spainsh and french, .... I didn’t understand them.
e. I’m behind the schedule in completing my module , .... I spend my weeknd writing.
f. I made a shirt and some trousers which were big and loose, ... I would not get two warm
in them.
g. I was a carpenter, ... I was an even worse tailor.
h. Nowadays I cannot ride my motorbike ... I can drive a car.
i. You can go now .... you can stay as along as you like.
j. Before sandy tornado hits New York, I’ll stay inside ... I’ll go to a safe place.

***Good Luck***

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