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Communication: In this activity, we can appreciate that learners have to listen and

sing the song so they are developing an interpretive communication because they can

understand, interpret and analyze this song.

In this activity, the students focus on gaining communicative skills(interpretive

communication), by understanding and analyzing what they listen to, in order to be able to
point out what is shown in the images and finally repeat the corresponding pronunciation and

expand their vocabulary.

In the activity above, learners develop communicative skills focused on the

interpersonal side, because they have to interact with their classmates and share the

information presented. Additionally they show their reactions, feelings and give their

In the “play a game” activity, learners present all the knowledge they have already

gained in the three previous activities, in which they have learned the characters from the

story and vocabulary, and now they will have the ability to present their ideas through this

game, in this way they will develop the presentational communication skill.

Learners develop presentational communication skills throughout this activity,

because they have to listen and give their ideas, opinions and points of view according to the

previous information, so the idea is that the students become good listeners, readers and

In this activity students play an interesting game in which they have to guess who

her/his partner is describing to, with this activity students put into practice the interpretive

communication skills because when they try to guess they have to remember vocabulary,

they have to interpret and analyze the clues said by the classmate.

School and global communities: In this activity, the students have to apply all the

grammar structures, vocabulary and pronunciation skills that they acquired beyond those four

walls (classroom). In this activity, the students are performing a theater play in the school. If

we analyze the story, they are putting all the previous knowledge and expertise gained into

practice. To sum up, students can reinforce and expand their knowledge by applying it into

real life.
In this activity, students have to hear and sing a song related to the vocabulary

(characters) worked on class. Pupils should reinforce their interpretive communication skills

with this activity because it is especially focused on the development of understanding and

analyzing the texts that they read and the songs that they listen to get deeper into the topic

and vocabulary that the teacher is given to them.

This activity is focused on the development of interpersonal communication because

they have to put the correct description with each image, so they have to bring to light all the

previous vocabulary, analyze correctly where each sentence must go and also have a correct

interpretation of all these ideas

Based on the idea that the students have to guess who they are describing to, they

have to have a wide range of vocabulary also, they have to explore and examine deeper all

the descriptions to finally get the correct answer, so the idea is that they can increase their

interpretive communication skills.

The presentational communication can be given in different ways, this activity of

“draw” is one of those ways, because first, you have to read, so you have to get involved into

the topic and then try to represent an idea of what you interpret, when you express an idea

using images you are giving a representation of that information so, you are showing to the

audiences of listeners, readers, or viewers your personal interpretation of the topic.

This activity shows an interpretive communication because it matches all the

requirements for this skill, when reading, the students first have to comprehend the reading
second, they have to interpret the ideas presented in the reading and finally, they have to

analyze it, but, in the activity they just do not have to read, they see pictures that represent the

idea and also listen to the story, in this way, they are developing interpretive communication

skills that can be presented in different ways, it can be by reading, listening and visualization

(as in the activity in which we can observe that it fulfill with these three ways of


This is an interpretive communication in which the students have to put into practice

their pronunciation skills and try to understand and repeat this confusing tongue twister.
Write a reflection based on the Meaningful Learning and Teaching document to

answer the following question: how meaningful were the activities featured on each textbook

(in general)? How could I promote better communication stages for those activities that were

not consistent with the meaningfulness concepts?

Considering all the aspects given by the author and taking into account the

communicative aspects, we can conclude that these activities were very meaningful and

worthwhile due to all of them tried to promote the communicative skills throughout a variety

of topics that could have a significant meaning for the students. It is not the same teaching to

old people than to children, because children are more interested in science fiction,

superheroes and games, so we always have to look for those themes that can be interesting

for them, so we need to teach by using these relevant facts with the purpose of catching

students’ attention. It will be easier to teach a topic when the student is motivated and

interested in learning about a specific topic, in this sense, students are able to learn easier and

the learning process will be significant. If we take into consideration the other 5’Cs goals
areas, we can point out that in these activities, culture, connection and comparison were

absolutely sidelined. It is very important that teachers should also take into account these

relevant areas that would have a significant meaning in the student’s life.

We consider that in order to have a more meaningful and relevant learning process,

within level 3 some changes should be implemented, and in some way try to implement and

enforce the cultural, connection and comparison aspects due to they are important goals that

each of the students must achieve during their learning process in order to have a broad

perspective of the world they are in.

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