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Lectia 3

 Few, little, a few, a little

A few - cativa, cateva

A few are o nuanta de optimism.
We still have a few customers - Avem inca cativa clienti

few - cativa, cateva

Subliniaza faptul ca e un numar mic, aproape deloc.

We have few customers - Avem (doar) cativa cumparatori

Asa cum se vede, a few si few folosesc substantive aflate la plural.

Si se folosesc in cazuri de multimi numarabile
In celelalte cazuri, de multimi nenumarabile, se foloseste a little respectiv little

A little sunlight - Putin soare

A few sunny days - Cateva zile insorite.

A little inseamna putin
Se foloseste in cazul unor multimi nenumarabile, si in sens pozitiv.

We have a little suger left, help yourself! - Mai avem putin zahar, serveste-te!

We have a few crackers left, help yourself! - Mai avem cativa biscuiti, serveste-te!
Little inseamna putin
Se foloseste in cazul unor multimi nenumarabile, si in sens negativ.
Poate insemna si mic 

We have little time left before the tornado is here - Mai avem foarte putin timp
pana sa ajunga tornada aici.

You are so little.- Tu esti asa mic.

 Both, none, all

Both - amandoi, amandoua

Both runners finished the race - Amandoi alergatorii au terminat cursa
They were both exhausted - Erau amandoi epuizati

None - niciunul, niciuna

Este echivalentul lui neither cand se refera la mai mult de doua substantive
Cand se refera la mai mult de doua substantive nu poate fi folosit in combinatia

None of my friends called - Nici unul dintre prietenii mei nu a sunat.

All - tot, toata, toti, toate, tuturor

all the time sau always care inseamna intotdeauna

All this land is the farmer's - Tot acest pamant este al fermierului.

A nation that provides liberty and justice for all - O tara care ofera libertate si
dreptate pentru toti.

I told all, to leave. - Le-am spus tuturor sa plece.

All is well that ends well - Totu-i bine cand se termina cu bine .

“'You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the
people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.' - Poti sa-i
pacalesti pe toti oameni cateodata, poti chiar sa-i pacalesti pe unii oamenii
totdeauna, dar nu poti sa-i pacalesti pe toti oamenii totdeauna”. - Abraham

some of the people = some people

some of the time = sometimes
all of the people = all the people

 Another, other, others, the other, the others

Other  - alt, alta, alti, alte

Other nearticulat daca sta pe langa un substantiv acesta e la plural

I also have other ideas - Am si alte idei

Other cars are faster - Alte masini sunt mai iuti.

The other  - celalalt, cealalta, ceilalti, celelalte.

The other daca sta pe langa un substantiv acesta poate fi si la singular si la plural.

I took the other coat. - Am luat haina cealalta.

dar si
I took my other coat - Mi-am luat haina cealalta
The other coats I have are too warm - Celelalte haine pe care le am sunt prea

Daca the other nu sta pe langa un substantiv se pune cuvantul "one" optional.

The other wallpaper is brown - Celalalt tapet e maron

The other one is brown - Celalalt (decat cel despre care e vorba) e maro.
The other is brown.

Another  - un alt, o alta

I want another book - Vreau o alta carte

I want the other book - Vreau cartea cealalta
I want other books - Vreau alte carti
I want the other books - Vreau celelalte carti

Others  - altii, the others  – ceilalti

Others e NUMAI pronume, adica nu poate fi urmat de un substantiv,  de aceea are

un s, ca sa indice pluralul, in lipsa subtantivului.

Others want this piece of pie, I don't. - Altii vor bucata asta de placinta, nu eu.
I hope the others liked it too - Sper ca si celorlalti le-a placut

In limba romana spunem: Eu te vad pe tine.

S-au folosit doua pronume la acuzativ: te si pe tine.

In limba engleza nu e necesar sa se puna doua pronume la acuzativ

Propozitia de mai sus in engleza ar fi:

Eu vad pe tine adica I see you. 

Tu vezi pe mine - You see me
tot asa

Eu le vreau pe celelalte se transforma in Eu vreau celelalte - I want the others

one another  - unul pe altul

unul cu altul, unul pe celalalt, unul celuilalt, unii pe altii

They help one another a lot - Se ajuta mult unul pe altul

They talk to one another - Vorbesc unul cu altul
They often see one another - Deseori se viziteaza (se intalnesc, se vad) unul pe
Let us help one another - Sa ne ajutam unii pe altii.

each other  inseamna one another

Amandoua au acelasi inteles totusi cand este vorba de doua persoane each other
poate fi preferat 

They listened to each other speak - S-au ascultat unul pe altul vorbind
They always had respect for each other - Totdeauna s-au respectat unul pe
They always had respect for one another
1. Alcatuiti fraze cu urmatoarele cuvinte:
*Fraza-“ Unitate sintactică alcătuită din două sau mai multe propoziții, care se află în raport
de coordonare sau de subordonare, exprimând una sau mai multe judecăți”- Dex

 Few, little, a few, a little

 Both, none, all
 Another, other, others, the other, the others

 some of the people = some people

some of the time = sometimes
all of the people = all the people

2. Scrieti un text pe baza afirmatiei (minim 10 randuri):

“People should not spend billions on exploring the space.”

3.Alcatuiti 2 texte de maxim 5-6 randuri folosind aleatoriu cuvinte din lectie.

4. Traduceti :

Jean and her family recently traveled to Boston, Massachusetts, one of America’s oldest
colonial cities. Boston is rich in history and local personality. During their visit, Jean and her
family appreciated learning about Boston’s role during the American Revolution.
In the city, Jean and her family followed the famous Freedom Trail. This is a 2.5-mile route
that tourists can explore in order to visit 16 different historical landmarks located throughout
the city. Famous sites on this trail include the Paul Revere House, King’s Chapel, and the
Bunker Hill Memorial. Jean and her family received a map to navigate the Freedom Trail.
The roads were clearly marked by red lines, and there were signs throughout the city to
keep Jean’s family and other tourists from getting lost.
As part of the Freedom Trail, Jean and her family spent a lot of time in Boston’s North End.
This is one of the oldest residential neighborhoods in the entire country. Here, Jean and her
family were able to visit Boston Harbor, which is the site of the historical Boston Tea Party.
This event sent a strong message to the British leading up to the American Revolution.
The end of the Freedom Trail led Jean and her Family to the Boston Common, the oldest
urban park in the nation. The park is filled with plenty of lush greenery, but it also serves as
a burial ground for heroes of the American Revolution.
Because of their walk along the historical Freedom Trail, Jean and her family left Boston
with a thorough understanding of early American history.

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