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Jono : what do you think about our examination?

Joni : I dont know, but I think if we study hard, we will pass the
Jono : By the way, what will you do if you pass the examination?
Joni : I don’t know exactly. I think I will attend to study at
haluoleo university if I pass the examination. What about
Jono : I will try to get a job. I will go to the college if I have
enough money next year.

Jannah : “Look at this! Someone has just won one billion rupiahs
in Who Wants to be a Millionaire. How a lucky man! I have
never won any quiz yet”.
Inggrid : “Well, what would you do if you won it?
Jannah : “Me? Well, if I won one billion rupiahs, I’d buy
expensive bags and shoes.
Inggrid : “Hmmm, If I were you, I would go to Korea.

Firah : “Did you see the concert last night?
Fakhrul : “No, I didn’t. I stayed at home because I was asleep”.
Firah : “Too bad! You should have met Jessica if you had been
Fakhrul : “Yeach...I wasn’t lucky. Actually, I should have come to
the concert if I had not been asleep.”

The Conditional Sentence Type 1

It is used to express the idea in the future, so the clause is the combination between simple future tense
and simple present tense. In this type, something that someone wants to happen in the future will happen
if the condition is fulfilled, but it will not happen if the condition is not fulfilled.


a.     Main clause(simple future tense) + if clause (simple present tense)

Subject + will/shall+infinitive+... + if + subject +verb(s/es) +....
b.     if clause (simple present tense) + Main clause(simple future tense)
if + subject +verb(s/es) +.... + Subject + will/shall+infinitive+...
1. when the if clause is written in front of the sentence, we use a comma at the end of the clause
2. when the main clause is written in the front of the sentence, we dont use a comma at the end of the
1. I will go to your house if you cook me coto Makassar
2. If you are lazy, you will fail in national examination
Conditional Sentence Type 2.
The second type of conditional sentence is used to imagine that something would happen, but it would
not happen because the condition in the if clause is not fulfilled. It happens at present, so both statements
in the main clause and in the if clause don't match and never happen. It is important to remember that the
fact of the conditional sentence type 2 is simple present tense.
The patterns of Conditional Sentence Type 2
1. Subject + would/should + infinitive +... if + S + verb 2+...
Main clause/ future past if clause/simple past
2. if + S + verb 2+... Subject + would/should + infinitive +...
if clause/simple past Main clause/ future past
3. if +S +Were + noun/adv Subject + would/should + infinitive +...
if clause/simple past Main clause/ future past
- to be in the if clause is always “were” because the fact is not true or it doesn’t match to the fact
Study these examples!
1. If I were a bird, I would fly
Fact: I’m not a bird, so I don’t fly
2. If he were here, I would talk to him about the matter
He is not here so I don’t talk to him
Conditional Sentence Type 3
The function of the conditional sentence type 3 is to show the regret of the speaker. Here, the if clause
tells about a condition which could have happened in the past time. This can not be possible because the
event already happened in the past. On the other hand, we can say that the condition in the if clause was
not fulfilled, and it was in the past, so the event itself wouldn’t be fulfilled.


1. S + would/should + have + v3 if + S + had + V3

Main clause/future past perfect If clause/past perfect

2. if + S + had + V3 , S + would/should + have + v3

If clause/past perfect Main clause/future past perfect

1. He wouldn’t have got an accident if he had been careful
Fact: He got an accident because he wasn’t careful
dialogue 1
Jessy : Well it’s an amazing Sunday, isn’t it?
Justin : Yeahh it’s true, and this weekend will be our last amazing weekend.
Jessy : Why?
Justin : Because next week we gonna have a final exam. Haa. I am afraid if I can’t pass the exam.
Jessy : No, you will. If you study with all of your effort, you will definitely pass the exam.
Justin : hahaha yaah I know, but feel lazy to study that hard.
Jessy : Then if you do so, you know the answer.
Justin : (Bubbling)…. I won’t pass the exam if don’t study hard.
Jessy : There you got it.
Justin : Ok, I’ll do my best. Because I will have a big party if I pass the exam.
Jessy : Waoww don’t forget to invite me, huh!
dialogue 2
Janet : Have you ever imagined living abroad?
Dessy : That is one of my goal of my life.
Janet : Which country do you want to live?
Dessy : If I can speak English better, I will go to England.
Janet : But you can speak English, can’t you?
Dessy : I can but I need a lot of improvement to prepare my IELTS score.
Janet : How many score that you have to achieve?
Dessy : 7.0. If I get that score, I will go to England.
Janet : Terrific! Awesome!
Dessy : How about you Jane? What is your plan?
Janet : I have dream to live in Japan.
Dessy : Do you also need IELTS to go there?
Janet : Nope, I just need to learn Japanese language and do some other requirement. I will go to
Japan if I speak Japanese well.
Dessy : Yayyy, do better for our brighter future.
Billy : Hi look at the sky! It is so clear and compatible.
Ruth : Yeah,, so lovely and i can inhale with a very fresh air. If I had a lot of money, I would
move to Bali. There, i could feel the fresh air. Bill, Bill, wake up!
Billy : OOpps sorry I fall asleep. Whatta chill and relax here. I’m listening to you though. Yepp,
I’ll say.
Ruth : If you lived in another country, where would you go?
Billy : Ahahahaa is it kind of dreaming? I would choose Japan because i like the culture, cuisine,
traditional palace.
Ruth : Yepp, I have one interesting question for you.
Billy : It’s interesting for you but is it interesting for me?
Ruth : If you could change a part of your body, what would it be
Billy : hahaha what sort of question is that? Well because i have fair skin so i would change the
colour of my skin. I like a bit darker. How bout you?
Ruth : Hahahha ok it would be my nose. See! I don’t have nose as sharp-edge as you.
Billy : hhahaa   anyway.. whatta day. Love it so much.
Exercise 1
Joe : Hey, Alex, what's up?
Alex : Nothing... you know, I really like this girl, and I want to ask her out.
Joe : So, what's the problem?
Alex : Well, what if I _____________ her and she said no? (ask)
Joe : Why would she say no?
Alex : Well, maybe if I _____________ in a band, she'd go out with me. Do you want to start a
band? (be)
Joe : No. You don't even play an instrument. That's crazy.
Alex : Yeah. Well, I think her last boyfriend had a really cool car. Maybe if I _____________ a
nicer car, she'd say yes. (have)
Joe : You're lucky to have a car.
Alex : I don't know. She's really pretty. If I _____________ better-looking, she might say yes.
Joe : You look fine. You can't worry about that.
Alex : Well, if I _____________ more money, I could take her to a really nice restaurant. Hey,
could I borrow some money? (have)
Joe : No way, then she'd expect you to take her to nice restaurants all the time.
Alex : Yeah, you're right.
Joe : Look, maybe if you _____________ so nervous about it, she'd say yes. Just be yourself and
ask her out. If she _____________ you, she'll go out with you. (be, like)
Alex : Yeah, you're right. I'll call her and ask her out.
Joe : Great. I'll see you later. Let me know what happens.
Alex : Okay... Wait Joe. Wait. What if she _____________ yes, but she really doesn't like me?
Joe? Joe? (say)

Exercise 2

YOU : I need a good digital camera to take pictures urgently. My friend told me that SONY 550 is
a good one. It has 7.1 megapixels and a 3.1 optical zoom.

SHOP ASSISTANT: We don’t have any right now but if you ........... (be) in such a hurry, it ............
(be) difficult to find that model in a small shop like this, you should go to a specialized
shop. Why don’t you go to the new technology shop in the shopping centre in the next

YOU : Well, I don´t know because If I ............. (go) to a specialized shop, the camera .............
(be) more expensive and I ............ (have) to save more money.

SHOP ASSISTANT: If I .............. (be) you and I ........... (not have) enough money, I ........... (go) to
the auctions on the internet. Some people say it is cheaper.

YOU : How can I buy a camera there?

SHOP ASSISTANT: If I ............ (know) how, I ............. (tell) you, but unfortunately I don´t,
YOU : Thanks anyway. What a pity! If I .......... (know) digital cameras are better to buy in the
internet, I ............. (not waste) my time coming to the centre of town.

Exercise 3

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