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National University of San Agustín de Arequipa

Faculty of administration
Subsidiary – Pedregal

Course: Ingles I
Teacher: Lic. Teresa Ramos Quispe
Alata Choquecota Jhon Nolberto
Andia Ramos Jerson Rubel
Chuma Maqquera Brayan Alexis
Grande Moroco Yorled Natali
Gushiken Huamani Yoshiki Hitoshi Sun
Lloclla Limache Yakelin Mercedes
Majes – Arequipa
"there is y el there are"
 There is Amanda's backpack
 There are Mauricio's notebooks
 there is my ex's boyfriend:, v
 there is Fabian's dog
 there are alicia's shoes
 there are my aunt's pearls
 there is mario's jacket
 Is there a mario jacket?
 Are there any Mario jackets?
 There are there red trucks
 There is the singer

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