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स्तनरोहित मर्म


 In Ayurvedic literature the term marma is concerned as 'Jeevasthana'. Vital

spot, vulnerable points, any secret of mystery, the care of anything etc. are
the few word meaning of the 'marma'.
 During Vedic periods knowledge of marma was known to king and warriors.
It was applied in battlefields to hit and achieve maximum fatal effect against
their enemies.
 Therefore it can assume that this science was used both in warfare and
surgery. Due to this crisis the exact meaning of the 'marma' and its applied
aspect are not fully developed or not spreaded to all generation.
 Marma are also said to be composed of above said six elements such as
soma, marutha, teja, satwa, raja, and tamas. Etymologically it is said to be
each letter of the word marma has got a significant meaning 'ma' means
prana or vayu, the repha indicates house or seat.
 Hence the word marma means seat of vayu or prana. As per marma sastra
the combination of sakthi and Jada results in life.
 As per the meaning of 'pranayatanakendra' the prana circulates more and
hence it is termed as marma. During injury to marma, the doshas are vitiated
in the surrounding areas of marma.
 The aggravated dosha, vata produces severe pain and blockage in the free
movements of prana vayu and vyana vayu. The main function of vyana vayu
is to regulate the free movements of nutrients to all the tissues of the body.
 When this is blocked all the body system suffer due to the lack of nutrition
and free flow of 'prana' leading to diseases or death.
 Acharya charaka explain that in the view of patho physiology 'Marmas' are
the centers of chaithanya (Élan vitele) hence the functional abnormality in
their centers will be, more severe when compared to other parts.
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 According to Acharya Vagbata wherever irregular pulsation and pain felt on
pressure trauma that location is called marma.
न खलु मांससिरास्नाय्वस्थिसन्धिव्यतिरे केणान्यानि मर्मणि भवन्ति
 Again Sushruta explain the Marma are a conglomeration of mamsa (muscle),
sira (arteries/vein), asthi (bones), snayu (nerves) and sandhi (joints) where
prana is specially associated.
ु मनीसिरासन्धिसमागमः |
स्यान्मर्मोति च तेनात्र सत
ु रां जीवितं स्थितम ् ||
 In the other word the Marmas are basically constituted by six vital elements
namely soma, marutha, teja, satwa, raja and tama.
 The marma sthanas are the seat of soma (Sleshma), marutha (vata), teja
(pitha) and three psychic humors (mental forces) raja, tama and satwa other
than satwa there is supreme power within the marma sthana is bhutatma this
is the force.

According to Raja Nighantu and Sharangadhara

जीव स्थानं तु मर्म स्यात ् | (राज निघण्टु)

मर्माणि जीव आधाराणि प्रायेण मुनयोः जगुः | (शारङ्गधर ५/३८)
 Marmas are the seats of Jeeva or life. This means to tell that marmas are
important points where life element exists.
 Any injury or damage would harm the life. Collective damage may have a
serious impact. Sharangadhara also mentions Marmas as Prana adharas or
sites of prana or life element.

According to Charaka

तेषामन्यतमपीडायां समधिका पीडा भवति, चेतनानिबन्धवैशेष्यात ् | (च.सि.६/३)

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 Marmas are those sites of the body wherein the sensation of pain is felt more
intensively in comparison to the other parts of the body. This occurs due to
the association of chetana or life element with these points.
 Thus, according to Charaka, Marma is any point in the body which is
associated with life element and is more sensitive to pain.

According to Vagbhata

मः प्राणः तस्य गह
ृ ं मर्म |
विषमं स्यन्दनं यत्र पीेड्यते रुक् च मर्म तत ् |
यत्र दे हे दे शे पीेड्यते सति रुक् च विषमा भवति तत ् च मर्म |
मरण सटृशदःु खदायित्वात ् वा इति मर्म शब्दस्य निर्वचनम ् | (अ.हृ.शा.४/३७)
 The split term Mah or Ma of Marma denotes Prana or life. Ma also denotes
residence. Hence, the residence of Prana is Marma. Or, the point or points of
the body in which the Prana or life element resides is called Marma.
 Marma is further defined as the place or point wherein an injury leads to
vishama syandana (irregular pulsations), peedaa (misery, physical and
mental misery) and ruk (pain). Marma is further defined as the point which
on injury would cause severe misery equal to that of death.

According to Arunadatta

मरण कारित्वात ् मर्म | (अरुणदत्त, अ.हृ.शा.४)

Arunadatta, the commentator of Ashtanga Hrudaya defines Marma as ‘that
which causes marana or death is called marma’.

According to Dalhana (commentator of Sushruta Samhita)

मारयन्ति इति मर्माणि (डल्हण)

‘The part of the body which on injury leads to death is called Marma’

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According to Sushruta

मर्माणि मांससिरास्नाय्वस्थिसन्धिसन्निपाताः ; तेषु स्वभावत एव विशेषेण

प्राणास्तिष्ठन्ति ; तस्मान्मर्मस्वभिहतास्तांस्तान ् भावानापद्यन्ते | (सु.शा.६/१५)
 Among all the definitions of Marma, Acharya Sushruta gives the most
comprehensive and complete one.‘Marma is the conglomeration (meeting
place) of the five elements of the body namely – Mamsa (muscles, flesh),
Sira (blood vessels, arteries, and veins), Snayu (ligaments, tendons, and
nerves), Asthi (bones) and Sandhi (joints).
 As a natural phenomenon, the Pranas (life element) are seated at these places
of conglomeration. Therefore, any injury to these places leads to serious
consequences depending on the structure or structures predominantly
involved in the marma.


सप्तोत्तरं मर्मशतं यदक्त

ु ं शरीरसंख्यामधिकृत्य तेभ्यः |
मर्माणि बस्तिं हृदयं शिरश्चप्रधानभूतानि वदन्ति तज्ज्ञाः ||
प्राणाश्रयात ् तानि हि पीडयन्त वातादयोડसूनापि पीडयन्ति |
ु ालनार्थं महागदानां शण
ृ ु सौम्य रक्षाम ् || (Ch.chi.26/3-4)

Among 107 marma mentioned earlier in sutrasthana, vasthi, hrudaya and siras are
give prime importance by eminent scholars. The reason behind this three marmas
are sthana for prana, and any kind of pida (injury-physically or mentally) may
cause death of the patient.

Division of Marma

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Anga Nivesh Vyapat bhedana Mana bhedana Sankya bhedana
bhedana bhedana
Shakha 44 Mamsa 11 Sadya prgnahara 19 Ardhangula 56 Ekangula 06

Koshta 03 Asthi 08 Kalanthara Ekangula 12 Dwyangula 52

pragnahara 33
Prushta 14 Sandhi 20 Dvyangula 06 Chaturangula 36
Visalyagna 03
Uras 09 Sira 41 Thryangula 04 Panchangula 05
Vaikalyakar 44
Urdanga 37 Snayu 27 Panithala-mana 29 Ashta-sankhya 08
Rujakara 08
107 107 107 107 107


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"स्तन चूचकयोः ऊर्ध्वं द्वि अङ्गुलं उभयतः स्तनरोहितौ तत्र लोहित पूर्ण कोष्ठतया (कास
श्वासाभ्यां) च म्रीयते।(सु.शा.६)"

 Name : स्तनरोहित (Stanarohita - upper region of the breast).

 Number : 2 marma points (one on each breast).
 Type :
a) मध्य शरिर गत मर्म, उरो गत मर्म (Madhya Shareera = Middle portion of the
body, trunk, Uro = chest)
b) मांस मर्म – Sthanarohita marma is predominantly made up of Mamsa dhatu.
The other elements namely Sira (blood vessels, veins), Snayu (ligaments),
Asthi (bone) and Sandhi (joints) are also present but in a lesser proportion.
c) कालान्तर प्राणहर मर्म – (Kaalantara – Gradual, Pranahara – life taking)
Sthanarohita Marma is said to produce death over a period of time,
 Size : 1/2 अङुलि (finger unit).
 Site : One-inch medial and 1/2 inch above the nipples.
 Controls : Controls muscular and nervous systems (मांसवह and मज्जवह
स्रोताम्सि), Prana and Vyana Vayus, the lungs and aids in the flow of breast
milk (Stanyavaha Srotas).
 Qualities : कालन्तर प्रानहर (Long-term Death-Causing) type marma.
 Tissue Involved Anatomical Structures :

Structures falling in the area of Sthanarohita Marma are

 Pectoralis major and minor muscles

 Some portion of the Latismus dorsi muscle
 4th rib
 Vagus nerve
 Internal mammary artery and and Internal mammary vein
 Lungs and Pleurae
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 Intercostals muscles
 Phrenic nerves
 Vagus nerves
 Superior vena cava
 Ascending aorta
 Descending aorta
 Pulmonary vessels
 Pulmonary plexus of nerves
 Bronchus
 Lymphatics around the lungs
 Lymph glands around the lungs


 The external intercostal muscles, 11 on each side, have attachments that

extend along the shafts of the ribs from the tubercles to just lateral to the
costal cartilages.
 The pectoralis major muscle is a broad, thick, triangular muscle situated at
the upper part of the chest, anterior to the axilla.
 The pectoralis minor is important clinically and as a surgical landmark, due
to the structures that lie below or deep to the muscle and its tendon.The
latissimus dorsi is a large, flat muscle on the back that stretches to the sides.

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 Reteromammary space is loose areolar tissue that separates breast from the
pectoralis major muscle.
 The retromammary space is often the site of of breast implantation due to its
location away from key nerves and structure that support the breast.


Samprapthi of Marmagata

ु धा यास्तु सिराः शरीरे प्रायेण ता मर्मसु सन्निविष्टाः |
स्नाय्वस्थिमांसानि तथैव सन्धीन ् सन्तर्प्य दे हं प्रतिपालयन्ति ||
ततः क्षते मर्मणि ताः प्रवध्ृ दः समन्ततो वायरु भिस्तण
ृ ोति |
विवर्धमानस्तु स मातरिश्वा रुजः सुतीव्राः प्रतनोति काये ||
ू ं तु ततः शरीरं प्रलीयते नश्यति चास्य संज्ञा | (Su.sha.6/21-30)

 The four kinds of siras (veins) present in the body are found situated
generally in the marma (vital spots), these sustain The body by nourishing
the ligaments, bone, muscle and joints.
 The vital points (fatal spots) are injured; vata getting aggravated covers the
siras (caused abnormalities) and produces severe pain in the body. Thus
affected by severe pain, the person suffers greatly and loses consciousness
 Hence the physician who desires to pull out the foreign body should
carefully examine the fatal spot, understand its nature first and only after
that, he should pull out the foreign body.

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सामान्य लक्षण

भ्रमः प्रलापः पतनं प्रमोहो विचेष्टनं संलयनोष्णते च |

स्रस्ताङ्गता मूर्च्छ नमर्ध्व
ू वातस्तीव्रा रुजो वातकृताश्च तास्ताः ||
मांसोदकाभं रुधिरञ्च गच्छे त ् सर्वेन्द्रियार्थोपरमस्तथैव |
दशार्ध्दसङ्ख्येष्वपि हि क्षतेषु सामान्यतो मर्मसु लिङ्गमक्त
ु म ् || (Su.Su 25/34-35)

 Giddiness, delirium, fainting, delusion, loss of activity, semi-consciousness,

increase of body temperature, weakness of limbs, fainting, increased
expirations, severe pain caused by vata, blood resembling like meat washed
fluid flowing out, cessation of activities of all sense organs. these are the
common symptoms of marmaghata (injury to vital spots).

General symptoms

 When the marma points are injured, the person rolls in bed due to severe
pain, feels as though he is entering into emptiness.
 He also feels giddiness, restlessness and has difficulty in breathing. Due to
severe debility he cannot lift his legs and hands, feels burning sensation in
heart and cannot stay in any posture for a long time and soon succumbs
stimulation. (
 When any marma gets injured, all doshas - Vata, Pitta or Kapha, are bound
to get aggravated.
 If Vata is aggravated, then there is severe pain not only at the site of marma
but in the whole body.

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 If Pitta gets aggravated, then there are symptoms like inflammations,
bleeding etc.
 When Kapha gets aggravated then there is swelling, accumulation fluid etc.

Specific symptoms

Mamsa marma vidha lakshana

यथास्वमेतानि विभावयेयुर्लिङ्गानि मर्मस्वभिताडितेषु |

स्पर्शं न जानाति विपाण्डुवर्णो यो मांसमर्मण्यभिताडितः स्यात ् || (

 When the Mamsa marma is injured lakshanas of Asthi marma and loss of
sensation, profound yellowish white colour the body, will be the symptoms.

 When Sthanarohita marma gets damaged, the effect of injury will chiefly
involve the important muscles located in the vicinity of Sthanarohita Marma
in comparison to the extent of damage caused to other tissues.
 Both fiery and watery in degree of vulnerability.
 Injury to the Pulmonary artery will cause severe haemorrhage, collapse and
death.It is kalantara pranahara type of marma.

तत्र लोहित पूर्ण कोष्ठतया (कास श्वासाभ्यां) च म्रीयते।(सु.शा.६)

 When Sthanarohita Marma is injured it leads to Lohita Poorna Koshtataa

(filling up of thoracic cavity or lungs with excessive blood, excessive
bleeding into the thoracic or chest cavity) leading to Kasa (cough), shwaasa
(dyspnoea, severe breathlessness) and gradual death.

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 The breathing and exchange of gases takes place in these organs. When there
is damage to these Marmas, excessive bleeding, accumulation of blood and
congestion occurs in the chest cavity and lungs.
 This hampers the breathing and oxygenation phenomenon as the airways are
blocked by the blood.
 The body and cells get deprived of oxygen in due course of time. This may
lead to gradual death.
 Therefore any lung pathology or disease related to organs of breathing
should not be neglected as they may involve damage to the Sthanarohita
 Injury of Sthanarohita Marma causes gradual death.

Causes for gradual death

 Excessive bleeding into the thoracic cavity or into the lungs or into pleurae
(coverings of the lungs).
 Blockage of respiratory passages and cells with blood.
 Obstruction to the breathing and gas exchange phenomenon due to excessive
blood accumulation and congestion in lungs and chest cavity and breathing
 Lung congestion with blood.
 Deficit oxygenation of blood, deficit clearance of carbon dioxide due to
blood pooling.
 A condition of systemic hypoxia i.e. less aeration to the body cells in the
form of less oxygenation.
 Oxygen deprivation of the cells and air hunger.
 Failure of tissues and organs to thrive in an environment of deficit
 Gradual organ failure and death.

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As per Ayurveda :

 स्तनरोहित मर्म controls muscular and nervous systems (Mamsavaha and

Majjavaha Srotamsi), Prana and Vyana Vayus, the lungs and aids in the flow
of breast milk (Stanyavaha Srotas).
 कस (Kasa), which involves most of the presentations of a respiratory tract
disease. In the pathogenesis of disease Kasa, vitiated Kapha obstructs the
free flow of Prana Vata in Kantha and Uras.
 स्वस (Swasa) is mainly caused by the Vata and Kapha doshas. Difficulty in
breathing or shortness of breath is termed as Swasa. It leads to recurrent
episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, tightness of chest and cough
particularly at night or early morning.
 Signs and symptoms of उरक्षत (Urakshata) are very similar to
bronchiactasis of modern medicine. The cardinal features of Urakshata are
cough with yellowish-black, foul smelling sputum and haemoptysis.
 रजयक्ष्म (Rajayakshma) is a Madhyama Rogamarga Vyadhi manifested
Shosha. Due to indulging in Sahasa, Vega sandarana, Kshaya,
Vishamashana, there is the manifestation of Ekadasha Rupa where it affects
the Tridosha and Sapta Dhatu.

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 स्तन्य दष्ठि
ु (Stanya dusti), If stanya is abnormal in colour, smell, taste,
touch and having other abnormal gunas, it will be impure. This stanya can’t
provide nourishment and good health to child.

As per Modern :

 Bronchial Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of airway. It leads to

recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, tightness of chest and cough
particularly at night or early morning.
 Angina caused by reduced blood flow to the heart. Symptoms may include
Chest pressure, Acute chest pain, Fast heart rate.
 Pneumonia, infection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs, which may
fill with fluid. Symptoms may include Sharp chest pain, Chest breathing,
Clammy skin.
 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, A group of lung diseases that
block airflow and make it difficult to breathe. Symptoms may include Chest
pain, Chest pressure, Shortness of breath.
 Myocardial infarction (Heart attack), A blockage of blood flow to the
heart muscle. Symptoms may include Chest pressure, Pain in left arm, Neck
 Bronchiectasis, A condition in which the lungs' airways become damaged,
making it hard to clear mucus. Symptoms may include Phlegm, Productive
cough, Recurrent infection.
 Muscle strain, A stretching or tearing of a muscle or a tissue connecting
muscle to bone (tendon). Symptoms may include Limited range of motion,
Muscle pain, Joint pain.
 Costochondritis, An inflammation of the cartilage that connects a rib to the
breastbone. Symptoms may include Chest pain, Pain when coughing,
 Pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the sac around the heart.
 Myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart muscle.
 Cardiomyopathy, which is a disease of the heart muscle.

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 Respiratory disease, A condition that worsens the structure or function of
the lungs. It can also affect the passage that lead to the lungs. this includes
 COVID-19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected people
will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without hospitalization.


Marma kshata samanya chikitsa (marmaghata)

विश्र्लिष्टदे हं पतितं मथितं हतमेव च |

ै पर्णा
ू यां द्रोण्यां मांसरसाशनम ् ||
अयमेव विधिः कार्यः क्षीणे मर्महते तथा | (Su.chi.2/75)

 In the case of dislocation of any part of the body caused mainly by a fall
from a tree, or in the event of having been run over or trampled down or of
being wounded by a blow etc.
 The patient should be kept immersed in a large tank (droni) of oil and the
diet should consist of the soup or essence (rasa) of meat.
 A man fatigued from the labours of journey or those who hurt at any of the
marmas should be likewise treated with the preceding measures.

मर्दन (Massage)

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 This should preferably be done by using thumb. (However knuckle, wrist,
palm and heel of the foot are also used in specific therapy).
 The movement should be clock-wise, when stimulation of internal organs or
channels or tissues has to be done. (Imagine putting clock on the body of the
patient and then follow the movement of the clock).
 When aggravated doshas are to be alleviated or the excess tissue growth is to
be reduced, the massage should be done anti clockwise.
 At least 3 to 5 minutes massage every day for 2 times, should be done. One
can use heavy oils or aromatic oils for this massage.
 It has been observed that with this massage one can control internal channels
and organs and can treat doshas also.
 Apply marma massage to the area, using a strong circular motion,
Acupressure for about five minutes.
 Acupressure works well here for calming and Aroma the emotions and
relieving emotional tension.
 The right marma Therapy connects more with the right lung, while the left
marma connects more with the left lung.
 Use sesame oil, almond oil or Ashwagandha Taila for calming Vata and
relieving anxiety.
 For Mamsavaha Srotas and Majjavaha Srotas (muscular and nervous
systems) use aromatic oils like basil, sage, valerian, myrrh, juniper or
 For relieving cough and reducing Kapha, use aromatic oils like eucalyptus,
mint or camphor, rubbing them in at this point.

ु कर्म (acupuncture)

 Sushruta in Sharira sthana 8 'Siravyadha' has advised puncturing the

channels (sira) by using needles, which are as small as 'vrihi'.(Vrihi is the
outer cover of the rice grain, which is pointed at both ends).

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 This means that the acupuncture needles should be as pointed as vrihi.
Needles now available of this caliber are of no. 26.(Sharira sthana chapter
No. 8 'Siravyadha').
 For this purpose one should use disposable needle No. 26. With this needle
the point which is tender should be punctured which is nearest to the marma.
 Suchi vedha is altogather different from Siravyadha, in which blood comes
out. Suchi vedha is done on Keshavahinya (minute capillaries) in which
there is no oozing of blood, but only pacifying effect on doshas.
 Contra indications - In those who are afraid of the procedure, skin disease
over the area of the procedure, pregnancy and immediately after delivery.
Like agnikarma therapy this should not be done on sadyha pranahara marma.
 For treating pleurisy and lung abscess, select a point 1 anguli lateral to the
flanx and nipple of breast.
 In this treatment there can be bleeding or shock from injury of the blood If
Injured vessels and nerves in the adjoining area. For this, use hemostatic
herbs like turmeric, alum or sandalwood.
 Sitopaladi powder is a good Ayurvedic remedy for cough and difficult
breathing after injury to this area.

मर्म कषाय (Marma kashaya)

 This decoction containing ten roots, root of castor oil plant, adhatoda,
vasika, mucuna prurience, comiphora mukul, rasna and withania somnifera.
 The person whose marma has been injured should take 15 to 30 ml of this
freshly made decoction 3 times a day for 7 days.
 Depending on the type of symptoms, one can easily find out which dosha is
aggravated, and then accordingly one can treat the symptoms or the disease
proper resulting out of the injury of the marma.

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 Reiki is a form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki

practitioners use a technique called palm healing or hands-on healing
through which a "universal energy" is said to be transferred through the
palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional or
physical healing.
 अनाहत (Heart chakra)
The fourth chakra is the अनाहत (Heart chakra), located in the center of your
chest around the heart area and is associated with the color green. It is
connected to the heart, the thymus, and the endocrine system. This chakra
relates to compassion, love for self and others, connection, and safety.
 Reiki in अनाहत (Heart Chakra)
 Allow Reiki to open your heart and flow out of your heart chakra.While
keeping your heart open to the Reiki, flow love and light from your
Divine Source down into your heart through your crown.
 Ground your energy through your root chakra into the Earth. Feel the
supportive Earth energy flowing up to your heart chakra helping you stay
centered in your loving power.
 Let the Reiki flow like a loving stream to the person or people near you
from your heart chakra.
 Feel the Reiki love and wisdom going from your heart to the other
person’s heart.Remember the Reiki always respects each individual’s free
will. It won’t enter someone’s energy field without their willingness to


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 A trigger point is a tight area within muscle tissue that causes pain in other
parts of the body.
 Trigger point massage therapy is specifically designed to alleviate the source
of the pain through cycles of isolated pressure and release.
 The Pectoralis Major Trigger Points that Cause Chest Pain and Breast Pain.
The Pectoralis Major muscle group is the large, flat muscles found in the
upper chest region.
 If pain flares up right after activity, use an ice pack to reduce inflammation.
 Massaging the trigger point may loosen the knot and encourage the muscle
to relax.
 Anti-inflammatories can relieve muscle pain.
 Trigger points in this muscle group tend to activate trigger points in the
upper back muscles that produce pain between the shoulder blades.
 Various sleeping positions can activate trigger points in these muscles.
Besides pain, these trigger points may produces symptoms such as breast
tenderness and cardiac arrhythmia.

Trigger Point Electrical stimulation

 Electrical stimulation at 60 Hz and at 100 Hz reduces pain and at 10 Hz

increases ROM.
 The majority of high-quality studies using trigger point dry needling showed
a measurable benefit in multiple body areas.


 Chiropractic therapy, A type of therapy in which the hands are used to

manipulate the spine or other parts of the body. Sometimes, heat and ice,
relaxation techniques, exercise, and other treatments are also used.
 Chiropractor in chest pain
 Musculoskeletal chest and rib pain in known by a number of different
names. Intercostal neuritis is one condition that may cause pain in the
chest or rib cage.
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 By finding and correcting these areas of subluxation, usually via an
adjustment, chiropractors are able to relieve pain in both the midback and
 Chiropractor in costochondritis
 Chiropractors at The Joint may be able to help relieve the symptoms of
costochondritis by adjusting subluxations, or dysfunctions, in the joints
that connect the ribs to the spine.
 These adjustments may improve joint motion, relieve joint discomfort,
improve flexibility, or decrease inflammation.


 Marma Shaareera is a part of Ayurvedic anatomy wherein many vital

points, parts and organs of the body have been mentioned, 107 to be
precise, the comprehensive knowledge of which is essential for the
physicians, especially the surgeons.
 The knowledge of these Marmas helps the surgeon to protect these parts
and conduct surgery with caution, so as to not injure them, thus
preventing the possible complications of surgery including functional and
structural damage, deformity and or death.

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