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Mulla The Transfer of Property Act, 13th ed

Darpatni.–A tenure subordinate to a patni. A sub-leasehold. See Patni. Darpatnidar.–A holder of a

darpatni. Dartaluk.–A subordinate taluka or estate the holder of which pays revenue through a
superior talukdar or zemindar. Darwans.–Doorkeepers. Porters. Debutter–(A corruption of Deotar
from the Sanskrit Devatra belonging to the deity.) Land granted rent free for the support of a temple
or idol. De die in diem–(Latin). From day to day. Demise–A transfer by way of lease. Deorha.–One
and half. Used to express interest in kind at the rate of 50%. Deshgat watan.–A hereditary district
office remunerated by a cash allowance or a grant of rent free land. Dharm.–(From the Sanskrit
Dhar, to hold)- That which holds a man in the right path. Law, virtue, legal or moral duty.- Wilson’s
Glossary. Dhrista bandhaka.–(From Sanskrit “Dhristi, sight and Bandhak, a pledge). A simple
mortgage. Diggubhogyam.– (Tamil). A simple mortgage. Dowlferist or Daulferist–A rent roll. A
statement of rents demanded by zemindar from his tenants. Ejusdem generis.–(Latin). Of the same
nature. A rule of construction whereby general terms following particular ones are taken to apply to
persons and things which are of the same nature as those comprehended in the particular terms. En
ventre sa mere.–(French). In his mother’s womb. Ex-proprietary tenant.–A landlord or proprietor
who has lost his proprietary rights by alienation voluntary or involuntary and has become a tenant
with a right of occupancy in his sit land and in land which he has cultivated continuously for a
specified number of years.See The Oudh Rent Act 1886 (UP Act 22 of 1886) section 7 A; The Agra
Tenancy Act 1926, (UP Act 3 of 1926) section 14; The North West Provinces Tenancy Act 1901, (NWP
Act of 1901) section 10. See also “Sir.” Ex-proprietary tenant.–An ex-proprietary tenant is a landlord
who has lost his proprietary right but who remains a tenant with a right of occupancy of his sir or
home farm land; See The Agra Tenancy Act, UP Act 3 of 1926, sections 14 & 15; The North-West
Provinces Tenancy Act, NWP Act 2 of 1901, section 10. See also “Sir”. Fee Simple.–A term of English
real property law denoting an absolute estate. “Fee signifieth inheritance and simple is added for
that is descendible to his heirs generally that is simply without restraint to the heirs of the body or
the like. The word (simple) properly excludeth both conditions and limitations that defeat or abridge
the fee” (Co Litt 1 b: Halsb Vol 24, para 315). Fee Tail.–A term of English real property law denoting a
restricted estate or feudum talliatum or an estate tail. “To hold in fee Tail or in Tail is where a man
holdeth certain lands or tenements to him and to his heirs of his body begotten.” (Terms de la Ley;
Halsb Vol 24, para 442.) Feoffment.–A term of English real property law denoting a conveyance in
fee simple. Forehand rent.–Rent payable in advance. Gage.–A pawn or pledge. (From the same root
as the word engage.) Gahan.–(Marathi). A pledge. A mortgage.

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