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Solution of Legendre’s and Bessel’s equations by Green’s function approach

Article · January 1978


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3 authors, including:

Prof. B.D. Indu

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee


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Acta Ciencia Indira 4, No.4, 417 (1978)



P. S . Thapliyal, B. D. In du and M. D. Tiwari

Department of Matlzematics
Garhwal University, Srinagar --Garhwal, U. P. India.

Received: 8th August, 1977

Abstract: The solut ion of Legendre and Bessel equations have been soived with he
!elp of Green's fUl'lctiol1 technique. Both equatiollS have been made inhomogeneous Ivitl! the
relp of vanishing periodic fo rce . We have also established relationships betlveen Green' s fimc.tions
md legendre Polyn omials and Besselfunctions.
Introduction: Legendre and Bessel and
rquatiollS are given by [I] x2D2y+xDY+(X 2_1l2 ) y=O .•. ( 3)
(l-x 2 ) D2), -2xDY+1l (n+l)=O ... (1) or xD (xDy )+(x2-n2)= O ... (4)
~r D(l-x 2 ) DY+I.Lo 2y=O, .. .(2) where

D=djx and /-'-0 2 =11 (n+ I). cPl =Frll (11+ I)] and ~B=F[(in)2],
These equations have been solved by where
several workers for ascending and descen- 11=0, 1,2,3, ...... and
ding powers of x. The polynomial soJU!ion 1 < .pj ~ O.
for Legendre equation [1) is Here v always approaches wI such that
y=Pn (x), IZ is positive integer ... (Sa)
sin wI satisfy the Jordan's inequality
and y=Q" (X), n is negative integer .•. (5b)
more generally " Limit Sin wi 2
1 ~'Y_wt
~ --~ ­ .. .(9)
y=ALPn (x)+BLQn (x) ... (5(') 'Y ~ 7T

Similarly, the solution of Bessel equation [I] where I is the explicit function of position.
if> y=ABJn (X)+BBJn (x) .. .(60 ) Thus FAx) is always below unity and
Introducing the result approaches zero as ¢j tends to zero. But
{n (x) = -I)" I n (x ••. (6b o ~ FJ(x) < 1 ... (10)
and hence the validity of Eqs. (2) -3.nd (4) is
Eqn. (6a) becomes not altered Physically we can say that the
y= CJ" (, ), . ,.(6c) forcing term is a small perturbation of itself
here C=A lI +( -1)"Bs. such that
Here A L, BL, AD and BL all are arbitra- Lirnit .I.. ~I_o ... (11)
rily adjustable constants of integration. The \ 'Y~wl.,..j 'Y

(' ubscripts Land B represent Legendre and

The role of . such that when \ -Sin
.pj Ii wi
Bessel equations respectively. -y-

In sec. II we have introduced vanishing increases.pj decreases leaving a vanishing

periodic force and in sec. III we discussed periodicity which after a complete cycle
briefly Green's functions approach. Sec, IV gives zero.
establishes the relation between Green's
functions and the series sol ution of Legen dre
a nd Bessel equations. (a) Solution of the equatioDs: Let us
consider the close correspondance between
Vanishing Periodic Force and Inbomo-
g fo iety: T , obtain a rno e gene ral solo - the solution of Eqs, (7a) and \7b) and the
ert In Green's functions assuming that the later
substituucn5 - ", ;;o-r _ t n lho.1l satisfies the equation [3]
the equati ons re d 0 \'..nGer P r- D{(l-x 2 )DGL (x-xo)}+/-'-U2GL (x-xo)
equation [2) fo r damping vi r t1Lns. If the =-i1L (x-xo) ... (12)
right hand sides are repi .. ced b a var ishing Here 0L(X-X o) has properties of small
unit impul se F(x) at the damping vibrational perturbations applied at reference point Xu.
point of reference, then Eqs. (2) and (4) We also assume that the vibrating medium is
become of infinite leng'h. Post·multiply Eq. (7a)
D{;) _x 2 ) DY}+/-'-02y =-FL (x) ~.17a) by GL (x-xo), pre.multiply Eq. (12) by y and
and xD(xDy)+(x 2 _ -n2 )y=--Fo (x) .. (7b) substracting Eq. (12) from Eq. (7a) we get
We assume thut the fo rce F. (x) is of the type D{(} -x2 )Dy}GL (x-xo)
- -)_ Limit sin wI =yD {(1_X2) DGL(X-XO)}
F., x - ~~wt ... (8)
'Y = -h(.\)GL(x-xo)+Y OL(X-Xo). ...( 13)
wberej=L, B. Since the vibrating medium is of iJlfinite

iength integrating tbis equation from -co to Eq. (22) can be solved by infinitely ex-
+co, we have tending in den ted semicircle (contour). The
{ GL(x-.Yo ) (I-Xl) Dy-y(1-x 2) poles are at (l.L and fh where aL and f3L are the
roots of the equation,
X D GL(x-xo)} [ :
(l-x 2 ) /-L2+2ix/-L-/-L02=0 .. . (2~a)

=y- J:: FL(x)GL(x-xo)dx ... (14)

C1.L = [-ix +{/-L2 - x 2 (I_po2)} lI2] (J - X2)-1
as 8L(x-xo)dx=8c. (x, x o)= 1 ... (15) ...(23b)
For the position at infinity the oscilla- f3c.=[ix-{/-L2_ X 2 (l-/-L0 2 )}112] (l_x2)-1
tions will be infinitely damped (Vander Pol' s ..• (2;c )
equation). Under these conditions the left Operating with complex variable problems,
band side of eq. (14) vanishes leaving we have
y=C: h (x) G L (x-xo ) dx ... (16) Gc. (x-XO)=_21/~ i [exp riaL (x-x o)]
-exp [i f3c. (x-xo))] . (a.c.-f3c.)-1 ... (24)
Applying the same procedure Bessel's Applying the same procedure for Bessel

equation (7) gives the solution equation, the Green's function is given by
y;,o FB (x) GB (x-xo) dx. . .. (17) GL (x-x O)=2-1/2 i [exp [iaB (x- xo)]
-exp [if3B (x- xo)]]. (as-f3s)-l .. .(25)
(b) Greeo'sfuoctions: To evaluate
where CXD ilnd f3B are the roots of the equation
Green's functions introduced a function
m2x 2 -imx+(n 2 -x 2 )=0 ... (26)
gL (x-xo·),
1 _ .. gL (x-xo) exp
Gc. (x-x o)=2'IT
Simplifying eqs. (24) and (25) again for
retarted and advanced Green's functions, we
[i/-L (x-x o)] d/-L. ...( 18) have
Substituting G L (x-xo) in eq. (12), we have A
G L (x-xo)=2 112QL exp
-1 [x (X-xo)J
C: gL (x-xo) [D{X_ X2) D}+/-L0 2] exp
sin (OL (x-xo)] fl" (x-xo)

.. .(17a)
I f+~ exp [i/-L (-,-x )] d/-L.
(ill (x-x o J dp. = --2 o
R ~1/''''' 1
G L ( X-Xo)= L ~.:C exp
[x (x-x o
l-x ) ] 2
'IT _ ..
... (19) sin [ilc. (x-Xo)]9L (Xo-x) (27b)
Here \\e have taken the Fourier trans-
G~ (X-Xo)= _2- 1 /2 QB- 1
formation of ;; function [
exp -

Oc. (x-xo)=2- f+" exp .
'IT _ ..
[l/-L (x-Xo)] d/-L . . ..(20) sin [ilB (x-XO)]88 (x-xo) ... (27c )

For convenience .Yo is taken at the GRB (x-Xo)=-2- 1 /-• DB exp [ - (X-xo)]
2x ~
o rigin . One can get from eq. (19) sin [ilB(X -xo)] ilB ( x o-x) ••• (27d)
. ) I
gLl x - x 0 = - (2 IT )·"1/':=""7(/-L- O'="%-- /-L--z+-:--p."2x'-2--2"'"ip.x ) where
ilL=[n (11+1) (1 +X 2)]1 /2 (l-x 2)-1 ••. (28)
.•. (21 )
and hence il B =[1+4(x! _n 2)j1I Z (2X)-1 ••• (28b)

J f+-
exp [i/-L (x- xo)] d/-L
Gc. (.,;- ,"o)=-2'IT _ _ (l-x 2 ) /-L~.2ip.x-/-L'~
and 8 (x-xo) and 8 (xo-x) are Heaviside
step function [4].
... (22) Introduction of these Green's functions

into eqns. (16) and (17), the solution of With the help of eqs . (35) and (27) the fOl-
Legendre and Bessel equation can easily be cing term Fz. ex) can be obtained and eqs.
obtained. (29) and (30) give the ciose correspondance
CORRESPONDAN C E between Green's function and Leg~ndre's
(a) Greeo's function and Legendre's Polynomials.
Polynomial: Eqns. (5c) and (16) gives (b) Green's and Bessel's Functions: At
APn l X)+BQn (x)=JF~ (x ) GL(x-xo) dx ..• (29) correspondance may be deduced between
If I! is not negative integer, then Eq. (29) can Green's function ann Bessel's functions from
be treated for n ~ 0 ; so that eqs. (6c) and (17) as
P n (X) = JFL (x) Gz. (x-xo) dx .•• (30) G ( __
)=[ FB (x) _
AB+(-I)" BB
],.1 dJ"dx(x) .
differentiating with respect to x., we have
But eccentric anomaly [2] result gives
dP L (x) _
-- d- =FL (x) GL (x--xo)
x J" (X)=!J'"0
cos (nO-x sinO) de, ... (35 )
n (x)
or GL (X-~\o. ) = [FL (-)--1
X J dP--y;:- ... (31) where 11 is any integer. Now eqs. (3 4 )
and (35) give
Introducing Rodrigues formula,
I d n (X2_J)"
Pn (x)=2" III dx" ... (32)
(AB+( -1)" BB] ~
J" cos (nO-~,sinl)

in eq. (31), we get

= [: FB <x) GB (x-xo) dx ... (36)
1 d n +1 (X2_1)" From eq~. (34) and (36) either of the func-
GL (X-Xo) =2" nl [Fz. (X)]-I --;rx~
tion can be deduced if one of them i~
... (33) known.

We are very grateful to Prof. G. S. Verma, Dr. B. K. Agarwal and Dr. G. S. Pandey
for Their interest in the present work. Dr. B. S. Rajput is thanked for providing necessary
facilities and fruitfu 1 scientific interactions. We are also thankful to U. G. C. and C. S. I. R 'r
N e ~' Delhi for financial assistance.

[ l] Forsyth, 1\. R., A Treatise On Differential Equations, Chap. V, P-159& 176, Mac-millan
& Co. Ltd. (1956)
[::! j Pipes, L. A., L. R. and Harvill. Applled Mathematics For Engineers alld Physicists, Chap. 15,
p-633 and Appendix B, Mc·Graw Hill, N. Y. (1970)
[31 Wr.itren, R . C., and P. T_ Cormic.k, American 1_ Phys. 43, No.6, 541 (1975).
[4) Mahant)'. 1., T ,'e Gree n' s Fu.'1ction !'vEethods ill S ,1 lid State Physics (Affiliated East- We~ t Pres
Pvt. Ltd ., N~w Delhi, ( 197 4 ) .

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