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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

Name: Garcia, Jairus Aztrid M. Date: Nov. 7, 2020

Group: 4
Instructor/Evaluator: Sir Jaymar E. Rogado Position: RN, MAN
Essential Intrapartum Newborn Checklist (EINC
Procedure Rationale


Ensure that the mother is in her position This helps to allow the mother to achieve
of choice while in labor. her greatest comfort during labor.
Ask mother if she wishes to eat/drink or -It is not advisable for a mother in labor to
void. eat or drink prior to the delivery because she
will just eliminate those during the delivery.
-Voiding is okay as it helps the mother
achieve comfort prior to delivery.
Communicate with the mother and inform This helps the mother to be informed of her
her progress of labor, and give status, and make her relax. Thus, ensuring
reassurance and encouragement safe parturition.


Check temperature in the DR area to be  -The air conditioner is turned off at
25-28℃(ideal temperature in the D.R. for the time of delivery.
newborn) and eliminate air draft.  -To check for air draft, hold a piece of
tissue up and observe its movement.
If it falls straight to the ground, then
there is no air draft. But, if the tissue
sways upon falling to the ground then
there is an air draft. Immediately
check and close the windows or door.
 -Eliminating air draft is important as it
prevents the newborn to lose heat by
convection when air currents carry
heat away from the baby’s body
Ask woman if she is comfortable in the This helps to allow the mother to achieve her
semi-upright position (the default position greatest comfort during delivery.
of the delivery table.)
Ensure the woman’s privacy. Close the door or curtains to provide privacy
Remove all jewelries, then wash hands This is done to prevent disruption upon the
thoroughly by observing the WHO’s 1-2- delivery, as well as to reduce the
3-4-5 procedure. transmission of microorganisms.
Prepare a clear clean newborn This is done to place the set of equipment
resuscitation area and check the needed for the delivery, to ensure safe
equipment if it’s clean, functional, and progress of delivery, and to provide the best
within easy reach. way of delivering a baby.
Arrange the material supplies in a linear This is done to easily identify and use the
sequence: instruments and supplies upon the delivery.
Gloves, 2 dry linen, bonnet, oxytocin
injection, plastic clamp, Kelly clamp,
mayo scissors, 2 kidney basins.
In a separate sequence, for after the first
Eye ointment(erythromycin), (stethoscope
to symbolize PE), vit. K, hepatitis B and
BCG vaccines (plus cotton balls, etc.)
Clean the perineum with antiseptic This is done to reduce microorganisms.
Wash hands and don 2 pairs of sterile -This is done to reduce the transmission of
gloves microorganisms.
-Double gloving is done if you’re going to
handle both perineum and cord.


Encourage the woman to push as This helps the mother to push down the best
desired. she can.
Drape a clean, dry linen over the mother’s This serves as the area for the newborn to be
abdomen placed, and prepare for the drying of the
Apply perineal support and control of This is done to safely handle the newborn
delivery of the head. once it comes out of the birth canal and
Call out time of birth and sex of baby. This is done to inform the health care
provider who is assigned to document the
Inform the mother of outcome. This is done for the mother to be informed
about the sex and status of her baby.

Thoroughly dry the baby for at least 30  -This is done to stimulate the baby to
seconds starting from the face and head, breathe and prevent hypothermia.
going down to the trunk and extremities  -Do not wipe off the vernix caseosa as
while performing a quick check for it continues to provide a natural
breathing and applying APGAR scoring protective cover for the baby, against
infection, as well as it helps to
insulate the baby, and thus
preventing hypothermia
 -Do not wash the baby within the first
6 hours because washing can lead to
hypothermia and infection.
 - To identify the baby’s appearance,
pulse, grimace, activity, and
respiration whether if extra medical
care or emergency care is needed.


Remove the wet cloth As it is already wet and dirtied, and to
prevent the baby from getting cold.
Place the baby in a skin-to-skin contact This helps to achieve success in
on the mother’s abdomen or chest in a breastfeeding, lymphoid tissue system
prone position. stimulation, exposure to maternal skin flora,
protection from hypoglycemia,
thermoregulation, and last but not the least,
promotion of the mother-child bonding.
Cover the baby’s back with a dry linen To provide warmth and comfort
and the baby’s head with the bonnet
Exclude a second baby by palpating the This is done to determine if there is a second
abdomen in preparation for giving baby. If there is one, do not give the oxytocin
oxytocin. now, and reassess for the delivery of the
second baby.
Use the wet cloth to wipe the soiled -This is done to remove the debris from the
gloves. gloves
Then. give 10 IU oxytocin IV within 1 -Oxytocin is given IM or IV to prevent uterine
minute of baby’s birth. atony, a condition in which the uterus fails to
contract after the delivery of the baby and it
can lead to a potentially life-threatening
condition known as postpartum hemorrhage

-as it is already wet and dirtied.

Dispose of wet cloth properly.
Remove the first pair of gloves and This is done to disinfect the used gloves as a
decontaminate them in a 0.5% chlorine 0.5% chlorine solution is an antiseptic one,
solution for at least 10 minutes thus removing bacteria and other
microorganisms and preventing infection
Palpate the umbilical cord for 1 to 3 This is done to check for cord pulsations.
After the cord pulsations have stopped. Not cutting the cord immediately gives
Clamp the umbilical cord with a sterile benefits, such as it helps to prevent anemia
plastic clamp at 2 cm from the base. and protects preterm(s) from intraventricular
Then, use the Kelly clamp to clamp the
cord at 5 cm from the base

Cut the cord by using a mayo scissor

near the plastic clamp
Perform controlled cord traction -This is done to deliver the placenta
by placing the Kelly clamp near the
woman’s perineum to make CCT easier.
Then, hold the cord near to the perineum
using the Kelly clamp.
Place the palm of the other hand on the
lower abdomen just above the woman’s
pubic symphysis to assess for uterine
contractions. (If a clamp is not available,
CCT can be applied by encircling the cord
around the hand)
When there is a contraction, apply
external pressure on the uterus in an
upward direction with the hand just above
the pubic symphysis. At the same time
with your other hand, pull with firm,
steady tension on the cord in a downward -Avoid jerky or forceful pulling. Do not
direction release support on the uterus until the
placenta is visible at the vulva. Deliver the
placenta slowly and support it with both

As the placenta is delivered, hold and

gently turn it with both hands until the
membranes are twisted. Slowly pull to
complete the delivery. Gently move
membranes up and down until delivered.
Massage the uterus after the delivery of This is done to promote uterine contractions.
the placenta until it is firm Thus, reducing PPH
Inspect the lower vagina and perineum This is done to determine if repairs are
for lacerations/tears needed, and thus preventing PPH
Examine the placenta for completeness This is done to determine that no part of the
and abnormalities placenta have been retained as this may
result in a PPH
Clean the mother, by flushing the This is done to remove debris, such as blood,
perineum and apply perineal wastes, or secretions.
Check the baby’s color and breathing; This is to done to determine if the baby is
cyanotic or not, and if necessary,
interventions are needed, such as ventilation
and such.

Check if the mother is comfortable, and -This is done to make it is firm.

palpate the uterus every 15 minutes for 2
Dispose the placenta in a leak-proof This is done to prevent infection.
container or plastic bag.
Decontaminate instruments before This is done to disinfect the used gloves as a
cleaning (soak in 0.5% chlorine solution, 0.5% chlorine solution is an antiseptic one,
thus removing bacteria and other
Decontaminate 2nd pair of gloves before microorganisms and preventing infection
disposal stating that decontamination
lasts for at least 10 minutes.
Advise mother to maintain skin-to-skin This helps to achieve success in
contact. Baby should be prone on breastfeeding, lymphoid tissue system
mother’s chest/in between the breasts stimulation, exposure to maternal skin flora,
with head turned to one side. protection from hypoglycemia,
thermoregulation, and last but not the least,
promotion of the mother-child bonding.


Advise mother to observe for feeding It means that the baby is ready to breastfeed
cues and cite examples of feeding cues.
Instruct her and support on positioning These are important interventions that are
and attachment. correct and safe for both mother and baby.
Wait for FULL BREASTFEED to be Because after that, the administration of
complete vaccines is accomplished
After a complete breastfeed, do Crede’s -Eye ointment(erythromycin) is given for the
prophylaxis, administer eye ointment, prevention of eye infections like Ophthalmia
neonatorum, conjunctivitis in newborns that
occurs within the first 30 days of life. It is
caught during birth by contact with the
mother's birth canal that is infected with an

Thoroughly examine the baby, get the weight,  To determine if the baby is Small for
anthropometrics measurement and check Gestational Age (less than 2.5 kg) or
patency of the anus through rectal Large for Gestational Age (more than
temperature and record. 4 kg) or normal (2.5 to 3.5)
 The baby’s head circumference must
be 34-35 cm. if more than 33,
suggests occipitofrontal
 The baby’s chest circumference must
be 32-33 cm
 The baby’s length must be 46-50 cm
 The baby’s abdominal circumference
must be 29-33 cm
 Rectal temperature is done to
determine if there is an imperforated
 The baby’s temperature must be 37.2

then inject Vit K 1 mg IM at left vastus -Vitamin K helps the blood to clot and
lateralis, prevent serious bleeding. In newborns, they
have low levels of vitamin K that’s
why vitamin K injections are given to prevent
a bleeding disorder called 'hemorrhagic
disease of the newborn' (HDN).

-to prevent liver disease and cancer from

Next, Hepatitis B .5 mg IM at right vastus hepatitis b virus
-to prevent severe TB in infants, which can
affect the lungs and the brain.
and Bacillus Calmette Guerin injections .
05 ml at deltoid region
Advise OPTIONAL/DELAYED bathing of Because washing is usually done after 6 hours
baby to prevent hypothermia
Cord Care, put nothing on the stump and  Because there are no such studies
keep it loosely covered with clean and dry that binding a baby’s umbilicus can
improve the removal of the stump.
 To provide warmth and comfort
Dress the baby by folding diaper below  To allow the baby to void and
stump. defecate inside of it, and thus
preventing leakage and wetting of the
Attach and secure name tag on the lower leg  To easily identify the baby
or upper foot
Swaddle the baby with a towel  To provide warmth and comfort
Advise breastfeeding per demand of the Because breastfeeding allows the baby to be
baby satisfied with his hunger and get enough milk
for nutrition and immunity. It also benefits
the development of emotional and cognitive
In the first hour; check baby’s breathing -This is to done to determine if the baby is
and color and checked mother’s vital cyanotic or not, and if necessary,
signs interventions are needed, such as ventilation
and such. And to determine the mother’s
and massaged uterus every 15 minutes. -This is done to make it is firm.
In the second hour; check mother-baby To ensure safety and effective care
dyad every 30 minutes to 1 hour.
But after the first 90
Keep the newborn in the room with her  To promote maternal-child dyad
mother. Do not separate them and Because breastfeeding allows the baby to be
support exclusive breastfeeding on satisfied with his hunger and get enough milk
demand day and night for nutrition and immunity. It also benefits
the development of emotional and cognitive
Complete all RECORDS. For baseline data and future references

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