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Task 5-Blog desing

Student: Abril Vanessa Jimenez Payares

Group: 657

Teacher: Ingrid Tatis

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD)

Tema 1 – Comparisons

Luis Monroy is 19 years old and Katherinn Puerta, 20 years old, have

been classmates since high school, Luis is 1.72 and Katherinn is 1.40,

both are very attractive and dedicated to their studies; Katherinn has

long hair, tan skin color, and light brown eyes; Luis is a bit tall dark

color he wears a serious cut.

Tema 2 – Activities in progress

My family and I are from Sincerin-Bolivar, my family at this time is

talking about family issues, my mother, an aunt, my friend and my

brother are, we are very happy when we share together, my father is

doing his work .

Tema 3 – Talking about routines

Luis Yepes is my friend, he is a 19 year old young man, his daily routine

is to wake up early. Comply with a training schedule which he applied to

a young athlete. After that, he continues with his day, usually riding a

motorcycle and going to places that fill him with tranquility. He usually

talks with friends about a particular topic or project that he wants or

wants to carry out. He likes to talk to his family, share moments with

them. Eat a good meal. After that comes the moment when I usually

talk to my partner, in this case my girlfriend. I comment on my routine

in the same way she does, we share a little and thus end one of my

Tema 4 – Talking about a town

Sincerin is a district of Arjona-Bolívar, it is a town that is half an hour

from Arjona and one hour from the city of Cartagena, it is very quiet.

In this town there is a baseball stadium, a park around the stadium and

another behind the church, it has a health post that is open from 9 to 4

in the afternoon, there is a primary school, a high school and account

with approximately 2 or 3 private schools.

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