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Station #1 Self-Expression

Situation:​ You’re at your partners family dinner and politics came up. Your
partner's parents have opposing opinions of yours and strongly stand by their opinions.
You feel the need to stand by yours. ​How do you express your opinions and views

Situation Continued:​ Now that you’ve expressed your opinion, they don’t want you and
your partner to continue your relationship. ​How do you express your thoughts and

Situation:​ One of your best friends is mad that you haven’t spoken much. You haven’t
meant to, you’ve just been extremely busy and stressed lately. Homework is never
ending, you’ve started a new job, the nation is in a pandemic, your childhood pet was
just put down, and you just wanted some sleep. ​As the neglected friend, how will you
communicate your feelings? As the stressed friend, how do you communicate
your needs?

Station #2 Refusal

Situation​: you and your partner want to have sex. Your partner refuses to wear
protection or get STD tested after being with a handful of seniors from different schools.
You think it would be responsible to wear protection or get tested, especially after
hearing a rumor that one of the previous sex partners has an STD.​ ​Your partner is now
threatening to end things if you don’t put out soon. ​How do you stand up for yourself
and refuse despite knowing your partner may end things?

Situation:​ You didn’t study for your final. Your friend in class didn’t either, but found a
really subtle and creative way to cheat. They offer to help you out and make a cheat
sheet for you too. You’ve never cheated on a test before, but your anxiety is rising and
your scared you might fail the class if you don’t get a good test grade. ​How do you
refuse in such a state of panic? What are your other options?
Station #3 Conflict Resolution

Situation​: Your parents are forcing you to get a job. You’re already taking AP
classes and the homework has been increased during the pandemic. You’re also on the
school soccer team, practice is everyday. You barely have time to hang out with your
friends. You’re already stressed out, getting more and more frustrated with your parents
for pressuring you. ​How will you resolve this conflict using the communication skill

Situation​: You're having a ‘thing’ or ‘fling’ with a college student. It’s nothing too
serious. They haven't been messaging you lately, you’re feeling a bit neglecting. It’s
starting to seem as though they’re ghosting you. You finally decided to text them asking
to talk, they said later that day would be good. They expressed how they’ve been really
busy, but hopes you two continue seeing each other. ​How are you going to resolve
the conflict of communicating better and feeling neglected?

Alternative:​ You finally decided to text them asking them to talk, they don’t
respond until a week later. ​How are you going to resolve the conflict?

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