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Drug Classification Notes


Slows down the Central Nervous System (CNS).

Brain and body function reaction time lowered.

Alcohol- .08 legally drunk.

Intoxication​- State in which a person's mental/physical abilities are impaired by alcohol

or another substance.

Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)​ - The amount of alcohol in a person's body,

expressed as a percentage.

Factors that affect BAC:

Rate of consumption- how liver breaks down.

Sex – Males liver better at metabolizing.

Body size- smaller people feel it more.

Amount of food in the stomach-empty stomach increases the rate of absorption

in the bloodstream.

Stimulant​: Speed up CNS.

Tobacco- Nicotine:​ insecticide, highly addictive chemical in tobacco products.

Short term effects:​ increased heart rate and blood pressure. Changes in the brain.

Addiction:​ tolerance, body needs more.

Chemicals found in tobacco products:​ tar, carbon monoxide, acetone and arsenic.

Harm to the body:​ stained teeth, bad breath and receding gums and tooth decay.

Legal and Illegal Drugs

Legal drugs;​ given with a doctors consent. Can be abused and against the law if used


Illegal drugs:​ chemical substances that people manufacture, possess, sell or buy,

against the law.

OTC-Over the counter: ​Can be bought without a prescription from a doctor. Cause harm

due to not following the label directions/overdose.

Big problem among middle/high school teens.

Prescription drugs:​ need a doctor's order and are regulated by the government.

Tolerance-​ condition that results when repeated use of a drug causes it to have less of

an effect on the brain.

Other drugs

Hallucinogens:​ distort perception, thought and mood. Ex. PCP, LSD, Acid and


Marijuana:​ From Hemp plant, distorts perception and loss of motor skills. Known as the

“gateway drug”.

Club Drugs:

Inhalants-Breathable chemical vapors-can cause instant death.

Anabolic Steroids- similar to male hormone testosterone. Long term dangerous

effects-brain, aggressive behavior and breast growth in males and hair growth in


Ecstasy (X) and Ketamine; Made popular in the clubs.

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