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“ If we lived on a planet where nothing ever changed, there would be little to do.
There would be nothing to figured out . there would no impetus of science.”
(Carl Edward Sagan).

Science and Technology in Different Periods.

1. Ancient times

-In this ancient time, man has improved his way and quality of life. The caveman
in ancient period discovered how to use tools, developed a logical sequence for
activities, and evolved process that make his life easier and valuable.

Sumerian civilization.

* Sumerian civilization emerged c.3,500 BC in the southern region of mesopotamia.

* Agriculture is their primary source of living.

* Cuneiform- is the first writing system.

* “URUK CITY”- First True City in the World.

* “The Great Ziggurat of UR” was bulit in the manner that they constructed the city
of Uruk.

* They created canals and dikes to control flooding.

* The main mode of transportation was invented which is “SAILBOATS”

* The Wheel was invented but not for transportation but for farm work and food

* The Sumerians developed the first ROAD using sunbaked bricks


*Water wheels became the primary source of generating the power.

* Claypots are made in japan.

* People made wine in iran ( not just wine but wine in glass.)
* Thailand first made Bronze.
*Boat with Anchors were invented.
*A LUNAR CALENDAR Is developed in China.
*Clay pipes are use drains as pipes
*Chinese doctors begin using Acupuncture.

Egyptian’s contribution.

P-aper or papyrus
W-ater Clock/ Clepsydra

GREEK Civilization (Greek’s contribution)

A- alarm clock
W- water mill

2. Middle ages
- Medieval age is the Period between Ancient and Modern Period. It is also
called “Middle ages” time period of medieval ages 5th Century AD to 15th Century
AD. In the 5th Century AD it is the Fall of the Roman Empire, while in 15th Century it
is the beginning of Renaisance period.

*The period from 450 A.D is commonly called the Middle ages.

*This usually divided in to 5 Dark ages. From 450 A.D to 1450 A.D

*In this period. The Classical culture has died out.

*In this period. The Christianized Empire in Constantinople was the only one who
has the ability to guard the classical heritage.

*The economy in this period from the 5th Century may be described as “Feudal”.

*The economic basis of the feudal system was land marked by its Independence on
local agriculture production mostly consumed on the spot and on handicraft industry.

*The Water-mill and Windmill was invented, and became a source of general power.

*The Mechanical Clock was born.

*The Mariner’s Magnetic Compass was invented.

*The Spinning Wheel was invented in India.

*Eye Glassess made everything clear.

*Treadmill cranes made building easier.

*Various herbs were widely used.

*Printing was introduced in Europe in the middle of the 15th Century A.D spread
extraordinarily and rapidly for books.

3. Modern Ages.

The modern ages includes the early period, called the early modern period.
Which lasted from 1500+ present. The Modern period covers human history from the
creation of a more global network.

Early modern period.

*The Renaissance is a period of history of Europe which means ‘rebirth’

*The Scientific revolutions influencing the intellectual social movement known as

the Enlightenment.

*The Age of Enlightenment period of the modern philosophy. Which advocated

freedom, democracy, and reasons as the primary values of society.

Famous Scientist during the scientific Revolution:

*Galileo Galilei
*Nicolas Copernicus
*Johannes Kepler
*Sis, Isaac Newton
Historical antecedents in which social considerations changed the course of
science and technology in the Philippines.

Pre-Colonial History

-The early natives already had activities linked to science and technology even before
the colonizations came.

First technologies in the Philiipines:

*Jar (Manungguul, bulol)

*Herbs and Herbal Medicines

*fire, light, and heat

*Alibata (Writing system)

Agricultural revolution:

1.Methods in farming
2.Stones for recording purposes
3.Clay pottery and soil minerals for metallurgy
4.Barter of diffrent goods and resources.

Colonial History

*The Spanish introduced formal education and founded scientific institution,.

*Parish schools were established

*Religion, reading writing, arithmetic and music was taught.

*The study of medicine in the Philippines was given priority in spanish era.

*More advanced methods of agriculture was taught to the natives.

Post-Colonial History:

*During Ferdinand Marcos Presidency the importance given to science grew.

He also state that “Advancement of Science and Technology shall have priority in the
national government:.”

*National Science Development Board.

*Ferdinand Marcos also recognized that technology was the leading factor in
economic development.

*NSDB also established in the Philippines textile research institute.


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