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English 8

Topic: Noun
Assignment # 1 (30 points)

General Directions:
 Encode your answer in MS Word.
 Use Arial as your font and 12 as your font size.
 Use only 1 page for your answer.
 Upload in Google classroom.

A. Underline the nouns in each sentence. (30 points)

1. Alfred is the president of our committee.

2. The navy sailed two ships into the harbor.

3. A large group went swimming at the stream.

4. My classmate gave the best speech.

5. Her dog had five puppies.

6. There were many birds at the park.

7. He pulled the doorknob to open the door.

8. The teacher, together with the principal, entered the classroom.

9. A large cat, as well as an old dog, slept in front of the fireplace.

10. The man was known for his honesty and courtesy.

11. Bert and Merry went to the supermarket and bought ham, eggs and cheese.
12. The blade of the knife is so sharp, so it is easy to cut through the meat.

13. I believe that it is a privilege to own an automobile, not a right, so people should use their
cars responsibly.

14. The sidewalk is slowly cracking because of the roots of the big trees growing next to it.

15. I don't like to ride my bicycle in heavy traffic because it's too dangerous.

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