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CL 301 Tutorial 9 (Crystallization)

Date : 8 Nov Submission date : 11 Nov

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1. A crystallizer of 5 m3 working volume produces crystals of mass average particle size 1.0
mm. If the product stream is withdrawn at a rate of 4 m3/h, Calculate the crystal growth
rate and the rate of secondary nucleation, B0 . The magma density is 150 kg/m3 , and the
true density of the crystal is 1900 kg/ m3 . The volume shape factor is 0.6
Suspension density is given as MT  6v c no  G 

[10 marks]

2. Crystals of an average size of 1.1 mm have to be produced in a batch evaporative

crystallizer at a rate of 500 kg per batch. The following data and information are given:
solubility, Cs = 275 kg/mᶾ solvent; crystal density, ρc = 1750kg/mᶾ; volume shape factor,
φv = 0.95; maximum allowable growth rate, G = 6 × 10ˉ⁸ m/s; seed size, Ls = 70 μm;
average density of the solution = 1150 kg/mᶾ; maximum allowable suspension density =
180 kg/mᶾ solution. Determine (a) the batch time, (b) the evaporation profile, and (c) the
initial and final evaporation rates.

[10 marks]

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