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For this I will most likely be keeping the genre for this as a historical drama since I feel this would fit appropriately.

This show takes place after the Yugoslavian war in 1996, this particular episode takes place in Dvor, Croatia.

Character context:

Sarah (our main character) finds out about the recent conundrum. She, out of pity, decides to go on the Convoy of
Hope trip to document pictures as well as help the residents. She's very interested in criminology and books as well
as photography. She records her experience on the trip but at the same time slowly realises how much danger her
and others are in.

Jose is a wealthy 18 year old who isn't sure what to do next in life, but decides to join the Convoy of Hope in having
a chance to help people in need with his status. Despite being wealthy he doesn't enjoy his family life since he is
expected to be like his father who leads an oil rig company, which is the last thing he wants to do. He didn't get to
socialise allot in his youth with other kids either which leads to the origins of his trust issues but he tries to put that
behind him and see people as a person first before making a judgment.

Matthew is a more cynical but forgiving character, he joins the Convoy in hopes to help people despite having a
negative view on the world. He can be viewed as quiet or even mysterious to some of the members but slowly
opens up as the episode progresses as he feels more comfortable with everyone around him.

William is a retired Gulf war soldier, the audience doesn't know this until its revealed later on when he has a bad
dream about his experience. He is scared of losing people due to what he's been through and can become panicked
when asked about his past experiences, he tries to use dark humour to lighten negativity and can be mistaken to be
emotionless to destruction.


The episode starts off with our Convoy members sitting around at the back of a moving lorry in awkward silence,
we see our main character Sarah with her head up looking up at the wall of the lorry. Sarah asks what brought the
other members onto the Convoy. Jose responds lifting his head explaining his motives. Matthew stays silent with
his head bowed down but listens to this. The lorry pulls to a stop and the group get up quickly to glance outside,
they all see a town in rubble this is where they arrive at Dvor. The group get ready bringing in supply boxes and
sees a line of residents away with an army monitoring them, they meet up with a doctor and deliver the supplies
off. The group hear a sudden scream outside behind the hospital, they walk outside curious to see a crying Boasian
man standing still shaking, he points to his feet begging for the group to help him, they don't understand his
language but know what's up and see he's stepped on a mine (I understand this is not how mines work, but its to
add tension). He repetitively yells for help before he suddenly trips and it goes off, soldiers rush over after hearing
the explosion and drag the Convoy group away back into the hospital after trying to run over there to help him. The
group sit in complete shock on what they've just witnessed and William seems to be less disturbed to which
William breaks out in an argument towards why he was so calm. The episode ends with the group sleeping in the
hospital as William wakes up panicked from a nightmare startling Sarah who just couldn't sleep, they talk for a bit
and it is revealed that William fought in a previous war and had a nightmare based on that.

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