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Homophobia is the deliberate or
indirect act of preconception toward
those in the gay community. Often
times, homophobic people have a fear
of gays because they do not fit the
societal norm of heterosexuality. It is a
great problem which can arise in
physical or emotional abuse.

This is the sexuality that does not label
themselves as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or
anything else. They are confused, finding
themselves, and do not understand who or
what they are. They do not limit
themselves to a certain sex, preference,

What many do not know is that
everyone has pronouns. Neo-pronouns
are a way a person chooses to be
identified as. He/him decides to
conform themselves to being male.
She/her would be female. They/them
oftentimes struggle to find who they
are, what their gender is, and may
identify as non-binary.

It is important to understand how respect
is crucial when developing a relationship
with someone, or simply knowing someone.
Make sure to respect one's pronouns, or
one's identity. If a person does not know
who they are and chooses not to label
themselves, it is important to respect and
understand that as well.

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