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Vol 440|2 March 2006|doi:10.


Episodic outgassing as the origin of atmospheric
methane on Titan
Gabriel Tobie1,2, Jonathan I. Lunine2,3 & Christophe Sotin1

Saturn’s largest satellite, Titan, has a massive nitrogen atmosphere involved in the Earth’s hydrothermal systems15. Whatever its origin,
containing up to 5 per cent methane near its surface. Photo- laboratory experiments16,17 show that methane under the temperature–
chemistry in the stratosphere would remove the present-day pressure conditions of Titan’s cold, undifferentiated proto-core
atmospheric methane in a few tens of millions of years1. Before would rapidly combine with water molecules to form methane
the Cassini-Huygens mission arrived at Saturn, widespread liquid clathrate hydrate17. Owing to its low density (see Supplementary
methane or mixed hydrocarbon seas hundreds of metres in Information 1.1), any methane clathrate released during the overturn
thickness were proposed as reservoirs from which methane that formed a discrete rock core12 would ascend to the top of the
could be resupplied to the atmosphere over geologic time2. Titan outer liquid layer without being dissociated because of its high
fly-by observations3–5 and ground-based observations6 rule out the stability18 (see Supplementary Information 1.2).
presence of extensive bodies of liquid hydrocarbons at present, Subsequent to core overturn, methane outgassing would have
which means that methane must be derived from another source occurred only when the conditions required to dissociate methane
over Titan’s history. Here we show that episodic outgassing of clathrate were reached within the icy mantle of Titan’s interior. We
methane stored as clathrate hydrates within an icy shell above an use a coupled thermal-orbital model19 to determine the conditions
ammonia-enriched water ocean is the most likely explanation for and timing of clathrate dissociation. Although some of the latest
Titan’s atmospheric methane. The other possible explanations all interior models18,20 indicate that methane clathrate dissociation
fail because they cannot explain the absence of surface liquid within Titan’s interior is very difficult, it must be noted that those
reservoirs and/or the low dissipative state of the interior. On the models included neither the coupling between Titan’s interior and its
basis of our models, we predict that future fly-bys should reveal orbit nor the low thermal conductivity17 and high viscosity21 of
the existence of both a subsurface water ocean and a rocky core, methane clathrate as compared with water ice. Here we show that the
and should detect more cryovolcanic edifices. incorporation of those effects strongly influences the cooling rate of
The presence of methane within the atmosphere and the interior Titan’s interior and leads to episodic outgassings of methane. Our
is primarily determined by the nature of the materials from which
Titan was built, and the bulk density of Titan indicates that the
body is roughly 0.5–0.7 by mass silicate (for a silicate density of
3,000–4,000 kg m23) and the remainder is mostly water ice7,8. Even
though external sources of methane derived from cometary impact
may have been significant in a far past, they cannot explain its current
abundance9. Furthermore, direct sampling of Titan’s atmosphere by
the mass spectrometers on board the Orbiter10 and Probe11 provide
circumstantial evidence that ammonia (NH3) is the primordial
source of Titan’s atmospheric molecular nitrogen9. For ammonia
to be the source of the nitrogen, the hydrogen must have been
removed by atmospheric photochemistry, charged particle chemistry
or impacts, so that part of the ammonia brought by the accreted
materials should have been devolatilized during or soon after Titan’s
formation. This is consistent with previous formation models12–14,
and a consistent post-accretional internal structure comprises an
inner homogeneous core made of a mixture of rock and icy materials, Figure 1 | Global heat power provided by the rocky core. Three different
overlain by a silicate layer and a water layer enriched with liquid mineral compositions, reflecting different hydration states, have been
ammonia12 (see Fig. 2c). used to estimate the possible evolution of the silicate core over a reasonable
At the end of accretion, only the inner undifferentiated portion of range: 1, r sil ¼ 3,000 kg m23, H 0 ¼ 3 £ 10211 W kg21, T i ¼ 1,400 K;
Titan’s interior was able to hold methane. As most of the region 2, r sil ¼ 3,300 kg m23, H 0 ¼ 4 £ 10211 W kg21, T i ¼ 1,500 K;
outward of this proto-core was warm liquid water, in which methane 3, r sil ¼ 4,000 kg m23, H 0 ¼ 5 £ 10211 W kg21, T i ¼ 1,600 K, where r sil is
the silicate density, H 0 is the initial radiogenic heating rate and T i is the
has very low solubility, potentially very large amounts of methane
interior temperature required to trigger thermal convection in the silicate
ended up in the primitive atmosphere and on the surface. Methane in core. Evolution of the silicate core is characterized by a diffusive stage
the inner core could have been incorporated there during accretion, following the differentiation and a convective stage once the interior is
reflecting its presence in the planetesimal building blocks of Titan, or sufficiently hot. Depending on the composition of the silicate core, we
it might have come from the conversion of CO2 through ‘serpenti- estimate an onset time of convection of between 1.8 and 2.8 Gyr (see
nization’ in the silicate-rich core in a way similar to the process Supplementary Information 2.1).
Laboratoire de Planétologie et Géodynamique, UMR-CNRS 6112, Université de Nantes, 44322 Nantes cedex 03, France. 2Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Arizona 85721, USA. 3Instituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario, INAF, Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100, 00133 Roma, Italia.

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LETTERS NATURE|Vol 440|2 March 2006

model includes heat transfer through the outer layer, clathrate silicate core is sufficiently hot for thermal convection to initiate.
dissociation and crystallization of the liquid layer, thermal evolution The heat flux at the surface of the core increases, which leads to a
of the silicate core, and tidal dissipation and its effect on orbital thinner outer clathrate-rich layer. Methane accumulates at the base of
eccentricity decay (see Supplementary Information 2). the outer layer because the ocean is saturated. The methane can
Titan shows an orbit with an eccentricity of 3%, which cannot be ascend along buoyancy-driven cracks12. Afterwards, the silicate core
explained by orbital resonance. Titan’s current free eccentricity is starts cooling down. The third and last episode is a natural conse-
probably the fossil of a higher primordial eccentricity19. We therefore quence of both the interior cooling and the crystallization of the
consider a wide range of initial eccentricity values (5–30%), and we liquid layer. Once the ice I layer that crystallizes below the clathrate
retain only models that reproduce the current value. We also explore layer becomes unstable against thermal convection (at 3.9 gigayears
different interior compositions with varying rheological assumptions (Gyr) in Fig. 2), hot thermal plumes, favoured by tidal dissipation22,
and different concentrations of radiogenic elements. Figure 1 shows a penetrate the clathrate layer and induce clathrate dissociation. As
reasonable range of global heat power coming out of the silicate core, shown by Figs 2a and 3, the final outgassing episode is more than
assuming silicate minerals with different compositions. enough to maintain the atmospheric abundance at or above the
A typical example of interior evolution and methane outgassing is current level of 5% (ref. 11), and indeed to saturate the atmosphere
shown in Fig. 2. Three major episodes of outgassing are predicted and and hence soak the surface in extensive methane rainfall—evidence of
result from, first, internal differentiation (silicate core formation); which is seen in the data4,23. Our calculations show that the final
second, onset of convection in the silicate core; and third, late episode must have started relatively late (after 3.5 Gyr), to explain the
subsequent cooling and crystallization of the outer layer. The first high value of orbital eccentricity19 and to induce a sufficiently high
episode follows the overturn of the undifferentiated proto-core with outgassing rate (Fig. 3).
the silicate carapace and the simultaneous formation of the methane Our numerical results provide an explanation for the appearance of
clathrate layer above the ocean. The clathrate accumulation near the flow features and volcanic edifices, as suggested by both infrared3 and
surface results in an increase in the ocean temperature, owing to the radar4 observations, and circumstantial evidence of shallow subsurface
low conductivity and the high viscosity of the methane clathrate, and reservoirs of methane4,11,23. Although methane outgassing could have
hence release of methane. The second episode occurs when the occurred in the past (before 2.5 Gyr), only recent outgassing can

Figure 2 | The evolution of the interior and the outgassing rate of methane The third and last episode is triggered by upwelling icy plumes, whose
over Titan’s history. In the simulation shown, we use composition 2 in typical temperature (,250 K) is close to the dissociation temperature of
Fig. 1 for evolution of the silicate core and we assume an ammonia fraction methane clathrate hydrate at a depth of 1 km. The maximum outgassing rate
of 5% and a value of 1014 Pa s for the viscosity of ice close to its melting point. is expected just after the onset of convection (,4 Gyr), when the surface heat
Furthermore, the initial eccentricity is set to 13.5% to fit the current value. flow is maximal. Then, the methane release rate is expected to diminish as
We start the evolution at time, t ¼ 0.5 Gyr once the formation of the silicate tidal dissipation decreases owing to eccentricity decay and as the outer layer
core is achieved12 and once the energy contribution from meteoritic and the conductive lid thicken. Panel a shows a representative methane
bombardment can be safely neglected. The methane release rate, normalized outgassing rate from 3.9 to 4.55 Gyr, assuming the decomposition of
by the current loss rate (1.25 £ 1010 cm22 s21; a), is controlled by the 10–50% of the clathrate mass remaining in the crust before the onset of
interior evolution (c) and especially the outer region evolution (b) and is convection. Arrows indicate the possible onset time of outgassing obtained
characterized by three major outgassing episodes. The amount of methane for varying internal composition and rheology. We note that, for the large
outgassed during the two first episodes is determined mainly by the initial range of parameter values explored, the three episodes of outgassing may
amount of methane in the proto-core, the time and duration of the core differ only in duration and vigour.
overturn (,0.2–1 Gyr), and the efficiency of convection in the silicate core.
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NATURE|Vol 440|2 March 2006 LETTERS

Future fly-by observations will provide pertinent tests of our ideas.

If a subsurface ammonia–water ocean and a rocky core are present, as
predicted by our model, Titan’s tidal secondary potential Love
number k 2 should be higher than 0.3 (ref. 28) and its moment of
inertia factor C/MR 2 should be lower than 0.33; these quantities
should be measured by the Radio Science Subsystem later in the
mission29. Our model predicts that a major outgassing event
occurred about 2 billion years ago, followed by cessation of methane
injection and associated cryovolcanic activity until a smaller episode
in the recent past. This has two testable consequences.
First, the cratering record should show a surface age neither
significantly more nor significantly less than 2 billion years. Since
the two impact craters found so far4 imply a slightly smaller age if
no further such structures exist, we predict that several more large
Figure 3 | Thickness of the available methane clathrate reservoir when the (50–100 km) impact craters—intact or partially eroded/buried—will
final episode initiates. The beginning of the third episode is related to the
be found by the Orbiter. Moreover, depletion of methane before the
onset time (t onset) of thermal convection in the outer layer, and depends
mainly on the ammonia fraction x NH3 and the viscosity of ice I near its final outgassing episode may have cooled and thinned the atmos-
melting point h m. Filled symbols, x NH3 ¼ 5%; open symbols, x NH3 ¼ 0%. phere30, augmenting the number of smaller impact craters relative to
Labels 1, 2 and 3 refer to the three different schemes for evolution of what is expected with the screening effects of today’s atmosphere.
the silicate core shown in Fig. 1. The two dotted lines represent the Second, the two first episodes would have been widespread and able
reservoir thickness required to counterbalance the methane loss rate to put a large amount of liquid methane on the surface for extended
(1.25 £ 1010 cm22 s21), assuming that 10 or 50% of the clathrate reservoir periods of time, whereas the recent one would be more localized and
has been outgassed since the onset of the last episode. We show that the controlled by the activity of hot ice plumes. Evidence for modifi-
thickness of the available reservoir (b clath) is determined mainly by the cation of large areas of the surface by the action of liquid methane
evolution of the silicate core and that the duration and vigour of the last seems to be present in the radar data in the form of widespread fluvial
episode depends on the ammonia fraction x NH3 and the ice viscosity at the
melting point h m. Even though a third outgassing episode starting as early as
channels and relatively featureless (sediment-filled?) basins4 ;
3–3.5 Gyr is possible for some internal parameters, it requires either initial additional remote sensing observations and crater-density statistics
eccentricities .20%, which is difficult to explain in view of the proximity of should reveal geological differences between terrains formed during
Hyperion19, or a high-viscosity value (5 £ 1014 Pa s) and an ammonia the ancient widespread episodes and recently modified terrains
fraction of 5%, which leads to low surface heat flow (,10 mWm22) and associated with cryovolcanic edifices.
hence a very low outgassing rate. Nevertheless, our calculations show that
models with some fraction of ammonia and a relatively low concentration of Received 22 June; accepted 28 November 2005.
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27. Dyadin, Y. A., Larionov, E. G., Mirinski, D. S., Mikina, T. V. & Starostina, L. I. addressed to G.T. (

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