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Riley Hospital Reflection

We spoke with Kristen Wikel from the Riley Hospital and she shared to us a lot of

information about her job and what goes on at the hospital. There is a school program

inside of the hospital and some would ask why is there a school program in the

hospital? But she explained to us that it is more important than you would think. If a

child is in school but is also in the hospital, Riley Hospital’s school program would help

the student with their school work. If they weren't there to help who else would be there?

The employees have to have big hearts and they have to have the will to help kids in

general. One of my questions was, what kind of mindset does she have going into work

everyday? She told me she has to be mentally prepared to see anything in the hospital.

And that made me think about how most of the time you have to love your job to keep

doing it. If there was someone who didn't like working with kids or didn’t want to see

graphic things everyday, you would question why they are working there. The last thing

that stood out to me is when she was telling us all the stories of her past and it was

interesting how positive the hospital is even when someone is going through something.

A personal strength I brought to the visit is my ability to listen and ask questions.

I feel like you can't be scared to ask questions as an educator because anytime a more

experienced educator because, 9 times out of 10 they know more than you. By listening

to what the speakers have to say I can take notes and ask questions for clarity. I was

never the person in class to hold a question in because you never know who else

around you has the same question as you.

The core value that stood out to me by sitting through her visit is The Excitement

of Teaching, Learning, and Mentoring. You have to be exciting to be a good educator

Riley Hospital Reflection

already but being a good educator working in a hospital you have to have a certain level

of excitement.

This visit connects to my future because she makes special connections with the

students at the hospital and I think if I become an educator I will share a connection with

them as well. Students will always remember the teacher that impacted them in a

positive and negative way. I hope I impact someone to do something good and I hope I

can have a big impact in someone's life.

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