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The test that i will choose is going to be the FCE, i practiced this test when i

was in upper class and is one of the test that i most remember.

(a) Select two or three task or item types that you would use for classroom teaching
and learning. How would you use them in your classroom?

1. writing part (email)

You are keen to study English in London. Read the school advertisement and
the notes from your teacher. Then write an email to Mr Williams at the Big
Ben Language School asking for details.

2. Writing part (review)

Write 140-190 words in an appropriate style

Do you know any shows or film which promote science? Write us a review,
explaining what it is about, why you enjoy it and why it encouraged you to
learn about science. The best reviews will be published in our next issue.

I will​ use this to types of task in my class ​if i had and upper class also if i had
a intermediate class, i will use this kind of tasks because i think that are easy
but at the same time the student can develop and improve their writing level,
not only they would practice to the test but also they will see the progress that
they would have in their writing and the student could be assess in a better

(b) Select two or three task/item types that you would not use for classroom teaching
and learning.Why do you think they are unsuitable?
1. writing (answering essay question)
2. reading and use of english (word formation)

I wouldn’t use the essay question because i think that the student can be limit
at the moment of write and this could​ be a disadvantage for the students i
think that could be more helpful to do a brain storme in the essay in that way
the student could write better and can improve their writing.

i also wouldn’t u​se in a class the word formation because sometimes the
students feel so confidence and they just fill the gaps to complete the
exerci​se, in this case they don’t use their knowledge or they don’t read to
understand the exercise and how to fill the gap in a correct way to give sense
to the sentence and the reading.

➤ Do you think there are any principles that help us to distinguish between task/item 
types that would be useful in either a teaching or a testing context, but not in the 

I think that first we have to take in account that this kind of exams are made in a
particular way and as much as we want we can`t change that order or that type of
test. in this order the preparation for the test and the activities need to be the same
and we have to do it with the student that we are preparing.

what we can do is teach or use that type of task in a different way making to the
students more attractive, we can use the activities taking into account the strengths
and weaknesses of the students and that activities that we know that the students
don't like we can introduce them to the student in a different way, maybe as a
challenge. In that way the student will practice to the test, also will see their progress
and we as teacher can have a better assessment and can see the process of each

Dear partner, there are some observations emerged regarding your work: 

As  teachers,  we  shouldn’t  expect  what  is  easy  for  us,  will be for our students as well. In that 
case,  when  you  mentioned  in  item  (a)  that  these  kinds  of  tasks  are  easy,  there  must  be  a 
plan  B  or  alternative  strategy  in  case  they  find  it  hard  to  develop.  Besides,  you  pointed  out 
their  progress  in  the  writing  skill  when  using  these  writing  tasks, in which you mentioned an 
important  step  such  as  the  assessment.  Though,  we must not forget that another important 
step  that  comes  first  is  the  feedback  for  an  ordinary  class.  This, in order for them to reflect 
on  their  mistakes  and  improvements  on  that  skill.  In  that  way,  you  witness  that  process  of 
development  and  improvement  of  each  student  in  which  you,  as  teacher,  are  involved. 
Finally, the use of those writing items/tasks are not specified in the classroom context. 

Additionally,  in  point  (b),  you  considered  the  essay  question  (writing  skill)  quite  limited  for 
students,  which  is  similar  as  the  email  task  (first  task  mentioned  previously)  because, 
learners  must  develop  it  keeping  in  mind  only  the  facts  and  details  the  exercise  provides. 
Therefore,  both  tasks:  the  email  and  the  essay  question  should  be  considered  unsuitable  if 
you consider that limiting students when developing these tasks has disadvantages. 

Lastly,  for  the  third  question  you  explained  tasks  that  could  be  tedious  for  students.  I 
completely  agree  with  you.  I  consider,  as well that it’s challenging for us, but as motivational 
for  learners  and  teachers  to  change  the  strategy  to  work  on  a  specific  task.  As  a  result, the 
alternative  strategy  will  make  it  easier  for  learners  and  finally,  they  will  achieve  high  scores 
when facing those item types/tasks in tests.  

Mariana J. Londoño. 

I actually think it’s a good strategy to teach students how to write a fairly well-crafted
essay. The language classroom has been turned into some kind of circus where
students expect to be entertained at all times, but if you had an Upper-Intermediate
course, you have to provide them with something more than games and writing
e-mails tasks. Sometimes we have to embrace difficulty if we really want to see any
headway in our students’ progression in their learning of the language.

I think you did a fairly good job Nathalia, though ruling out essay-writing tasks,
because they are tough is just a little bit too lazy.

Mark: 4,5

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