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A great trip

A normal day, the same as every day equal to every day the students that make up
the Los A.P.S team: Simón Vergara, Emanuel Muñoz, Kevin Orrego, Samuel
Rodriguez and Chong Blanco they were planning a trip but did not know that
something impressive was going to happen, while organizing the trip they began to
wonder where they wanted to go, Emanuel wanted to go to San Francisco in the
United States, Simón wanted to go to Washington D.C and the rest just wanted to go
somewhere nice, among themselves they voted to decide which place to visit and
San Francisco won by majority vote and made the trip.

Once there, the first thing they wanted to do was see the Golden Gate Bridge, so
they went there and got a huge surprise and that is that some of their favorite actors
were also there. Well-known actors such as Will Smith, Adam Samdler and Keanu
Reeves were there and our little protagonists could not believe it, they were very
excited, went to where they were and greeted them receiving a greeting back, they
started talking with them and they were there for a long time talking. and laughing,
then at nightfall our little protagonists had to leave but they will never forget that
wonderful day.
From one moment to another started to rain One day I was in soccer training and
from one moment to another the water ran away, we followed the normal training
because we thought it was a simple rain, and it turned out that it was not a tornado
(very heavy rain) and now we go out and We were going to go to our houses but it
was not possible because the streets seemed like very fast rivers, we had to wait for
it to clear but not before it got worse, we could not leave and we had to wait about 3
hours, when it half escaped we ran, but with Be careful why we might fall, we got to
the house and they gave us something warm so we wouldn't get hypothermic. End

Y ahora para terminar

Los invitamos a hacer el ejercicio de dibujar su cara sin ver y sin pensar que lo
pueden estar haciendo mal. les dejo unos ejemplos de algunos de los integrantes de
nuestro equipo.

Esta es la de nuestro líder simón esta es la Kevin

Esta es la de Emanuel
esta es de Chong

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