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The Greatest Challenge Facing


Michaela Thibodeaux | Beginning Computing | 8 October 2020

Business Complications Due to COVID-19
Since the coronavirus pandemic began, many people have faced difficulties. However, the
business world likely took the hardest hit. In March, people all over the country were
required to go into lockdown at home, to quarantine with their families. As a result,
people no longer went to the coffee shops, restaurants, stores, and other businesses that
they usually would. These businesses lost a ton of money and suffered much damage from
states being shut down for so long.

For many weeks, and even months, businesses were not sure what to do. They watched as
bills stacked up and no money came in. For many restaurants and stores food went to
waste with no one to sell it to. So much was lost. If one were to walk down the streets of
any city in America at the time, it would have seemed dead. With hardly any traffic on the
roads, no pedestrians walking on the sidewalks, and all the former flourishing businesses
looking black and lifeless, the whole world seemed to be dying.

Some businesses have bounced back since that time. Many have gotten creative with ways
to do more take out, online orders, drive through, and deliveries. However, some
businesses were utterly crushed during the pandemic and have closed down completely or
at least will never be the same again. The loss these businesses experienced was
devastating and there is no hope of a solution for them.

The business world never saw 2020 coming. Since the coronavirus hit, businesses are
struggling and dying every day. While some are able to find solutions, others are not so
fortunate. Businesses have not experienced hopeless times like these in a long time. Each
day is a fight for some sort of profit, a battle to make ends meet. It is unexpected disasters
and unprecedented times like these, that prove to be the greatest challenge a business can


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