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Five useful methods to detox your body

We Indians love our country a lot and our food too. Many of us (approx 90% of
Indians) are so obsessed for Indian food that we seek where ever we go all over
the world. Can we ever think that the Indian foods are just not tasty but healthy
too. Yes you heard right, the food which we eat, the great Indian foods is as
healthy as it tastes which also helps weight reduction .

Our ancestors have combined foods in such a way that keeps the body fit by
consuming adequate amount of carbohydrate, proteins, vitamins and fat. Also
they used to work so hard that the food they eat gets digested properly and gets
converted into energy. But nowadays people are working long hours on work
stations , there is no physical activity for straight 10 to 12 hours which directly
effects the digestive system and makes it really difficult for one consume required
minerals from the food rather it changes into fat which is a great hurdles to
weight loss.

All of us are very fond of losing weight and because of that we have tried many
foreign diets. Have you ever heard about keto-diet. This diet wants you to eat
only fats, confused? Like you, all People are perplexed to know how can one
reduce weight while eating foods with high fat. Also one of the renowned diet is
GM diet (aka: General Motor diet ). Trust me all the reviews following GM diet are
regretting and after quitting , body weight accelerates even faster

The myths about diet on weight loss

A diet is just not about weight loss. Weight loss is just one of the many wonderful
side effects of changing your lifestyle or adapting a healthy lifestyle. Dieting that’s
only primary goal is weight loss is a failure even before you go on it. It’s like going
on some camp you , starve your-self at death , and come back leaner . You are
glad to be back again home; and within a week of coming back home you gained
the lost fat again. The challenge which you kept up with the routine at the boot
camp is okay for some time but when it comes to the regular life it is impossible
to maintain the discipline as before such as your activities, sleeping hours,
responsibilities, practical issues. Dieting is not about going on a diet that starves

I strongly believe that diet is the representation of your lifestyle and what you will
be eating your entire life. The diet you eat should represent your genes, your
likes, dislike, your work life and your whole day activities and only it will have the
full chance of working appropriately .can you eat boiled vegetable and juices rest
of your life? If your answer is no then do not go on that diet. Diet is not starving

The compensation diet: weight loss as a punishment

Have you ever heard of the compensation diet? It is the basic formula
compensating of food when one is going to a party or overeating during your
PMS. Simply if you are going to a party tonight you are not allowed to eat for the
whole day before and the next day party. The main concept of this diet is to
compensate the fat we ate during the party by not eating through-out the day
hence, no change in weight. But I call it as a punishment diet. Just like criminals
are getting punished of the crime we are getting punished over eating

Our body did not discriminate the diet we eat in the morning and evening if we
are overeating for once our body will react for that at the same time so its okay if
we overeat for once we should get to the normal diet from the next day. We
should not carry the extra baggage forever just eat it, shut it and forget it. Be on
the regular diet from the next day.

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