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Think Aloud Planning Sheet

Directions for Full Credit: Use the think aloud strategy planning sheet below to plan your strategy instruction. Please submit
this completed template to Canvas with the reflection.

Name: Rocky Manzanet

Strategy: Semantic Map
Content Area and ELA Standards: HS.H4.2 Explain how artistic, philosophical, and scientific ideas have
developed and shaped society and institutions.

9-10.SL.5 Make strategic use of digital media in presentations to enhance understanding of findings,
reasoning, and evidence and to add interest.
Objective: Students will identify the root reason for three initial thoughts of a historical comedic
source using a Semantic Map.
:*You may use bullet points if desired in the blue sections below*

Strategy Awareness & Explanation (Purpose for selecting the strategy)

How will provide students with a clear picture of the why and how?

● Necessity to learn about context in history

● Collecting skills of analyzing comedy in different historical periods and how it
affects us today
● Visualizing fact from opinion helps you present clear and evidential arguments

Strategy Demonstration & Modeling (Think Aloud)

How will you model, explain, practice, and reinforce the rules or procedures of the strategy?

What the Text Says What I Say What Comprehension Strategy

I Model

“A new leader came into power in “This part makes me ask all sorts of Asking questions
1933. He was head of the National questions. Was Hitler elected the
Socialist, or Nazi party. head, like we elect presidents? Or was
he born into a family of leaders like a
king and queen.”

Vocab word “Minstrel” I’m looking it up and I see two Analyzing context by relevance
different definitions

Vocab word “Jubilee” I have an idea of what this Comparison

means but I will double check
Vocab word “Monologue” We should know this from our Activating prior knowledge
drama classes, so I know that
it’s ____

Initial thought: It’s Why is it uncomfortable? Well, Finding the root cause, working
uncomfortable blackface today is not accepted backward

Initial thought: It’s racist Why is it racist, it is using ‘’Same as above

mockery to make fun of black
people at their expense

Initial thought: It’s Why is it disrespectful? It is ‘’Same as above

disrespectful highly stereotypical.

Guided Practice
How will you have students practice the strategy with support?

They will have access to my mind map and will have access to the image to refer back

Strategy Application
How will students apply the strategy independently?

I will give them three new pieces of information and ask them to separate what is the
root of their initial thoughts, having prior knowledge. They can use this strategy in their
debate later in order to give strong arguments when debating.
Reflection Write a 2-3 paragraph detailed reflection about your teaching experience based off your
own self-assessment.
● How did the structure (awareness & explanation, demonstration & modeling, guided practice,
application) help support your instruction and student learning?
● How does this strategy support learning in your discipline specifically?
● What were your strengths, and areas for growth (please consider both your planning and your
instruction of the strategy).

I appreciate how a think-aloud can be more effective than a modeling activity. I liked the use of a visual
aid to guide me through the direct lesson plans. I feel very comfortable in presentation scenarios so I
think I handled the wording and importance of the image in relation to the PBL as a whole. I liked that I
was able to connect parts of the text to the drama portion by mentioning certain drama-world words
and scenarios that should be familiar to them.

What I did not like however, was having to map this out in this format. I feel like it was more distracting
to the natural flow of what a think-aloud should be. In addition, in history we constant talk about
teaching the students how to think for themselves, and I found it metacognitive in a bad way to have
my natural instinct to ask them questions in my own mindmapping. Overall, I can see how it is helpful
but I do not think I would do this for a specific text assignment like this. I can find this very useful in
demonstrating how to use a graphic organizer or debate protocol.

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