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365 Inspiring Quotes

for Success




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Although every precaution has been taken to

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Day 1

―If you set your goals

ridiculously high and
it's a failure, you will
fail above everyone
else's success.‖
James Cameron
Day 2

―Try not to become a

person of success, but
rather try to become a
person of value.‖
Albert Einstein
Day 3

―Take up one idea. Make that

one idea your life--think of it,
dream of it, live on that idea.
Let the brain, muscles, nerves,
every part of your body, be full
of that idea, and just leave
every other idea alone. This is
the way to success.‖
Swami Vivekananda
Day 4

―Life is 10% what

happens to me and
90% of how
I react to it.‖
Charles Swindoll
Day 5

―Opportunities don't
happen, you create
Chris Grosser
Day 6

―The question isn‘t

who is going to let me;
it‘s who is going
to stop me.‖
Ayn Rand
Day 7

―The fastest way to

change yourself is to
hang out with people
who are already the
way you want to be.‖
Reid Hoffman
Day 8

―Show me a person
who never made a
mistake, and I will
show you a person who
never did anything.‖
William Rosenberg
Day 9

―The quality of a person‘s

life is in direct proportion to
their commitment to
excellence, regardless of
their chosen field of
Vince Lombardi
Day 10

―Champions keep
playing until they get it
Billie Jean King
Day 11

―The price of inaction

is far greater than then
cost of a mistake.‖
Meg Whitman,
Day 12

―The way to get started

is to quit talking and
begin doing.‖
Walt Disney
Day 13

―Let him who would

enjoy a good future
waste none of his
Roger Babson
Day 14

―Everything you‘ve
ever wanted is on the
other side of fear.‖
George Addair
Day 15

―You only live once,

but if you do it right,
once is enough.‖
Mae West
Day 16

―I find that when you

have a real interest in
life and a curious life,
that sleep is not the
most important thing.‖
Martha Stewart
Day 17

―Only put off until

tomorrow what you are
willing to die having
left undone.‖
Pablo Picasso
Day 18

―To be successful you

must accept all
challenges that come
your way. You can‘t
just accept the ones
you like.‖
Mike Gafka
Day 19

―If you want to make a

permanent change,
stop focusing on the
size of your problems
and start focusing on
the size of you!‖
T. Harv Eker
Day 20
―Would you like me to give you a
formula for success? It's quite simple,
really: Double your rate of failure. You
are thinking of failure as the enemy of
success. But it isn't at all. You can be
discouraged by failure or you can learn
from it, so go ahead and make mistakes.
Make all you can. Because remember
that's where you will find success.‖
Thomas J. Watson
Day 21

―Your problem isn't

the problem. Your
reaction is the
Day 22

―Be miserable. Or
motivate yourself.
Whatever has to be
done, it's always your
~Wayne Dyer
Day 23

―Don‘t wait. The time

will never be just
~Napoleon Hill
Day 24

―He who asks is a fool

for five minutes, but he
who does not ask
remains a fool
–Chinese Proverb
Day 25

―Goals aren‘t enough. You

need goals plus deadlines:
goals big enough to get excited
about and deadline to make
you run. One isn‘t much good
without the other, but together
they can be tremendous.‖
-Ben Feldman, Actor
Day 26

―Have the end in mind

and every day make
sure your working
towards it.‖
- Ryan Allis
Day 27

―It is our choices, that

show what we truly
are, far more than our
- J. K Rowling
Day 28

―It is not what you do

for your children, but
what you have taught
them to do for
themselves, that will
make them successful
human beings.‖
–Ann Landers
Day 29

―Every child is an
artist. The problem is
how to remain an artist
once he grows up.‖
–Pablo Picasso
Day 30

―The meaning of life is

to find your gift. The
purpose of life is to
give it away.‖
Day 31

―The price of success is hard

work, dedication to the job at
hand, and the determination
that whether we win or lose, we
have applied the best of
ourselves to the task at hand.‖
- Vince Lombardi
Day 32

―The distance between

insanity and genius is
measured only by
Bruce Feirstein
Day 33

―People who succeed have momentum.

The more they succeed, the more they
want to succeed, and the more they find
a way to succeed. Similarly, when
someone is failing, the tendency is to get
on a downward spiral that can even
become a self-fulfilling prophecy.‖
~Tony Robbins
Day 34

―Two roads diverged in

a wood, and I—I took
the one less traveled by,
And that has made all
the difference.‖
–Robert Frost
Day 35

―It does not matter how

slowly you go as long
as you do not stop.‖
Day 36

―Every time you state what you

want or believe, you‘re the first
to hear it. It‘s a message to
both you and others about
what you think is possible.
Don‘t put a ceiling on
- Oprah Winfrey
Day 37

―Tough times never

last, but tough people
~Dr. Robert Schuller
Day 38

―Believe in yourself! Have

faith in your abilities! Without
a humble but reasonable
confidence in your own powers
you cannot be successful or
–Norman Vincent Peale
Day 39

―I was always looking

outside myself for
strength and
confidence, but it
comes from within. It
is there all the time.‖
- Anna Freud
Day 40

―The tragedy in life

doesn‘t lie in not
reaching your goal.
The tragedy lies in
having no goal to
–Benjamin Mays
Day 41

―If you hear a voice

within you say ―you
cannot paint,‖ then by
all means paint and
that voice will be
–Vincent Van Gogh
Day 42

―Keep on going, and the

chances are that you will
stumble on something, perhaps
when you are least expecting it.
I never heard of anyone ever
stumbling on something sitting
Charles F. Kettering
Day 43

―Whenever you see a

successful person, you
only see the public
glories, never the
private sacrifices to
reach them.‖
Vaibhav Shah
Day 44

―You must expect great

things of yourself
before you can do
~Michael Jordan
Day 45

―You shouldn‘t focus on why

you can‘t do something, which
is what most people do. You
should focus on why perhaps
you can, and be one of the
- Steve Case
Day 46

―Even if you fall on

your face, you‘re still
moving forward.‖
~Victor Kiam
Day 47

―If you‘ve got an idea, start today.

There‘s no better time than now to get
going. That doesn‘t mean quit your job
and jump into your idea 100% from day
one, but there‘s always small progress
that can be made to start the
- Kevin Systrom, Instagram
Day 48

“Strength does not come from

winning. Your struggles
develop your strengths. When
you go through hardships and
decide not to surrender, that is
–Arnold Schwarzenegger
Day 49

―Keep away from people who

try to belittle your ambitions.
Small people always do that,
but the really great make you
feel that you, too, can become
- Mark Twain
Day 50

―When I stand before God at

the end of my life, I would
hope that I would not have a
single bit of talent left and
could say, I used everything
you gave me.‖
–Erma Bombeck
Day 51

―I attribute my success
to this: I never gave or
took any excuse.‖
–Florence Nightingale
Day 52

―You measure the size

of the accomplishment
by the obstacles you
had to overcome to
reach your goals.‖
~Booker T.
Day 53

―The best reason to

start an organization is
to make meaning; to
create a product or
service to make the
world a better place.‖
~Guy Kawasaki
Day 54

―Little minds are tamed

and subdued by
misfortune; but great
minds rise above it.‖
~Washington Irving
Day 55

―Whatever you can do,

or dream you can,
begin it. Boldness has
genius, power and
magic in it.‖
–Johann Wolfgang
von Goethe
Day 56

―When one door of happiness

closes, another opens, but
often we look so long at the
closed door that we do not see
the one that has been opened
for us.‖
–Helen Keller
Day 57

―Challenges are what

make life interesting
and overcoming them
is what makes life
–Joshua J. Marine
Day 58

―The person who says

it cannot be done
should not interrupt
the person who is
doing it.‖
–Chinese Proverb
Day 59

―Nothing is impossible,
the word itself says,
―I‘m possible!‖‖
–Audrey Hepburn
Day 60

―The only thing worse

than starting
something and
failing… is not starting
- Seth Godin
Day 61

―So often people are

working hard at the
wrong thing. Working
on the right thing is
probably more
important than
working hard.‖
- Caterina Fake
Day 62

―If what you are doing

is not moving you
towards your goals,
then it‘s moving you
away from your goals.‖
- Brian Tracy
Day 63

―Desire is the key to

motivation, but it‘s
determination and commitment
to an unrelenting pursuit of
your goal — a commitment to
excellence — that will enable
you to attain the success you
–Mario Andretti
Day 64

―Out of clutter, find

Simplicity. From
discord, find Harmony.
In the middle of
difficulty lies
–Albert Einstein
Day 65

―Our finest moments are most

likely to occur when we are
feeling deeply uncomfortable,
unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it
is only in such moments,
propelled by our discomfort,
that we are likely to step out of
our ruts and start searching for
different ways or truer
- M. Scott Peck
Day 66

―When the grass looks

greener on the other
side of the fence, it may
be that they take better
care of it there.‖
- Cecil Selig
Day 67


– Tim Ferriss
Day 68

―Work hard, be kind,

and amazing things
will happen.‖
-Conan O’Brien, Talk
Show Host
Day 69

―I know what I have to do, and

I‘m going to do whatever it
takes. If I do it, I‘ll come out a
winner, and it doesn‘t matter
what anyone else does.‖
--Florence Griffith Joyner
Day 70

"Try not. Do, or do

not. There is no try.‖
Day 71

―What we fear doing

most is usually what we
most need to do.‖
~Tim Ferriss
Day 72

―The most valuable

thing you can make is
a mistake – you can‘t
learn anything from
being perfect‖
- Adam Osborne
Day 73

―There are no traffic

jams along the extra
–Roger Staubach
Day 74

―Few things can help

an individual more
than to place
responsibility on him,
and to let him know
that you trust him.‖
–Booker T.
Day 75

―Definiteness of
purpose is the starting
point of all
–W. Clement Stone
Day 76

―There is no chance,
no destiny, no fate, that
can hinder or control
the firm resolve of a
determined soul.‖
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Day 77

―The function of
leadership is to
produce more leaders,
not more followers.‖
~Ralph Nader
Day 78

―No masterpiece was

ever created by a lazy
~ Anonymous
Day 79

―I owe my success to
having listened
respectfully to the very
best advice, and then
going away and doing
the exact opposite.‖
G. K. Chesterton
Day 80

―In my experience,
there is only one
motivation, and that is
desire. No reasons or
principle contain it or
stand against it.‖
Jane Smiley
Day 81

―People ask, 'What's

the best role you've
ever played?' The next
Kevin Kline
Day 82

average 3.8 failures
before final success.
What sets the
successful ones apart is
their amazing
Lisa M. Amos
Day 83

―What you do speaks

so loudly that I cannot
hear what you say.‖
~Ralph Waldo
Day 84

―Don‘t be afraid to
assert yourself, have
confidence in your
abilities and don‘t let
the bastards get you
- Michael Bloomberg
Day 85

―Don‘t limit yourself. Many

people limit themselves to what
they think they can do. You
can go as far as your mind lets
you. What you believe,
remember, you can achieve.‖
- Mary Kay Ash
Day 86

―The difference
between a successful
person and others is
not a lack of strength,
not a lack of
knowledge, but rather
a lack of will.‖
-Vince Lombardi
Day 87

―Our lives begin to end

the day we become
silent about things that
–Martin Luther King
Day 88

―The battles that count

aren‘t the ones for gold
medals. The struggles
within yourself–the
invisible battles inside
all of us–that‘s where
it‘s at.‖
–Jesse Owens
Day 89

―You can‘t fall if you

don‘t climb. But
there‘s no joy in living
your whole life on the
Day 90

―I‘ve learned that

people will forget what
you said, people will
forget what you did,
but people will never
forget how you made
them feel.‖
–Maya Angelou
Day 91

―The best time to plant

a tree was 20 years
ago. The second best
time is now.‖
–Chinese Proverb
Day 92

―A man can be as great as he

wants to be. If you believe in
yourself and have the courage,
the determination, the
dedication, the competitive
drive and if you are willing to
sacrifice the little things in life
and pay the price for the things
that are worthwhile, it can be
~Vince Lombardi


Day 93

―You've got to get up

every morning with
determination if you're
going to go to bed with
~George Lorimer
Day 94

―The number one

reason people fail in
life is because they
listen to their friends,
family, and
~Napoleon Hill
Day 95

―Thinking should
become your capital
asset, no matter
whatever ups and
downs you come across
in your life.‖
~Dr. APJ Kalam
Day 96

―What's the point of

being alive if you don't
at least try to do
Day 97

―If you don't value

your time, neither will
others. Stop giving
away your time and
talents- start charging
for it.‖
~Kim Garst
Day 98

―Just when the

caterpillar thought the
world was ending, he
turned into a
Day 99

―My tombstone? I'm

thinking something
along the lines of,
'Geez, he was just here
a minute ago.'‖
George Carlin
Day 100

―The greater the artist,

the greater the doubt.
Perfect confidence is
granted to the less
talented as a
consolation prize.‖
Robert Hughes
Day 101

―If you don't design

your own life plan,
chances are you'll fall
into someone else's
plan. And guess what
they have planned for
you? Not much.‖
Jim Rohn
Day 102

―If you want to achieve

excellence, you can get
there today. As of this
second, quit doing less-
than-excellent work.‖
Thomas J. Watson
Day 103

―Every great dream begins

with a dreamer. Always
remember, you have within you
the strength, the patience, and
the passion to reach for the
stars to change the world.‖
- Harriet Tubman
Day 104

―Fearlessness is like a
muscle. I know from
my own life that the
more I exercise it the
more natural it
becomes to not let my
fears run me.‖
- Arianna Huffington
Day 105

―Nothing in the world can take the

place of Persistence. Talent will not;
nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent. Genius
will not; unrewarded genius is almost a
proverb. Education will not; the world is
full of educated derelicts. Persistence
and determination alone are
omnipotent. The slogan ‗Press On‘ has
solved and always will solve the
problems of the human race.‖
–Calvin Coolidge
Day 106

―By recording your dreams

and goals on paper, you set in
motion the process of
becoming the person you most
want to be. Put your future in
good hands — your own.‖
–Mark Victor Hansen
Day 107

―If you do the things

that are easier first,
then you can actually
make a lot of
– Mark Zuckerberg,
Day 108

―The biggest risk is not

taking any risk… In a
world that changing
really quickly, the only
strategy that is
guaranteed to fail is
not taking risks.‖
- Mark Zuckerberg,
Day 109

– Unknown
Day 110

―I hated every minute

of training, but I said,
‗Don‘t quit. Suffer now
and live the rest of your
life as a champion.‘‖
-Muhammad Ali,
Boxing Champion
Day 111

―I‘ve also learned that

the biggest lessons
came from my biggest
– Gurbaksh Chahal,
Day 112

―If we did all the

things we are capable
of, we would astound
–Thomas Edison
Day 113

―If you are hurt, whether in

mind or body, don‘t nurse your
bruises. Get up and light-
heartedly, courageously, good
temperedly get ready for the
next encounter. This is the
only way to take life – this is
also ‗playing‘ the game!‖
–Emily Post
Day 114

―Success consists of
going from failure to
failure without loss of
–Winston Churchill
Day 115

―The difference
between ordinary and
extraordinary is that
little extra.‖
~Jimmy Johnson
Day 116

―The most dangerous

poison is the feeling of
achievement. The
antidote is to every
evening think what can
be done better
- Ingvar Kamprad
Day 117

―If you don‘t design

your own life plan,
chances are you‘ll fall
into someone else‘s
plan. And guess what
they have planned for
you? Not much.‖
- Jim Rohn
Day 118

―It‘s not the years in

your life that count.
It‘s the life in your
–Abraham Lincoln
Day 119

―Limitations live only

in our minds. But if
we use our
imaginations, our
possibilities become
–Jamie Paolinetti
Day 120

―Ask and it will be

given to you; search,
and you will find;
knock and the door will
be opened for you.‖
Day 121

―Your time is limited,

so don‘t waste it living
someone else‘s life.‖
–Steve Jobs
Day 122
―I‘ve missed more than 9000
shots in my career. I‘ve lost
almost 300 games. 26 times
I‘ve been trusted to take the
game winning shot and missed.
I‘ve failed over and over and
over again in my life. And that
is why I succeed.‖
–Michael Jordan
Day 123

―We can easily forgive

a child who is afraid of
the dark; the real
tragedy of life is when
men are afraid of the
Day 124

―We must believe that

we are gifted for
something, and that
this thing, at whatever
cost, must be attained.‖
–Marie Curie
Day 125

―In order to succeed,

your desire for success
should be greater than
your fear of failure.‖
–Bill Cosby
Day 126

―It‘s your place in the

world; it‘s your life. Go
on and do all you can
with it, and make it the
life you want to live.‖
–Mae Jemison
Day 127

―Here‘s to the crazy ones. The misfits.

The rebels. The troublemakers. The
round pegs in the square holes. The
ones who see things differently. They‘re
not fond of rules. And they have no
respect for the status quo. You can
quote them, disagree with them, glorify
or vilify them. About the only thing you
can‘t do is ignore them. Because they
change things. They push the human
race forward. And while some may see
them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy
enough to think they can change the
world, are the ones who do.‖
- Steve Jobs
Day 128

―When you find an

idea that you just can‘t
stop thinking about,
that‘s probably a good
one to pursue.‖
- Josh James
Day 129

―Empower yourself and realize

the importance of contributing
to the world by living your
talent. Work on what you love.
You are responsible for the
talent that has been entrusted
to you.‖
- Catharina Bruns
Day 130

―Most great people

have attained their
greatest success just
one step beyond their
greatest failure.‖
- Napoleon Hill
Day 131

―Even if you‘re on the

right track, you‘ll get
run over if you just sit
~Will Rogers
Day 132

―Very often a change

of self is needed more
than a change of
~Arthur Christopher
Day 133

―It‘s not whether you

get knocked down, it‘s
whether you get up.‖
~Vince Lombardi
Day 134

―Enter every activity without

giving mental recognition to
the possibility of defeat.
Concentrate on your strengths,
instead of your weaknesses…
on your powers, instead of
your problems.‖
–Paul J. Meyer
Day 135

―It is a paradoxical but

profoundly true and important
principle of life that the most
likely way to reach a goal is to
be aiming not at that goal itself
but at some more ambitious
goal beyond it.‖
–Arnold Toynbee
Day 136

―If you can imagine it,

you can achieve it; if
you can dream it, you
can become it.‖
–William Arthur
Day 137

―Study while others are

sleeping; work while
others are loafing;
prepare while others
are playing; and dream
while others are
–William Arthur
Day 138

―If you‘re not making

mistakes, then you‘re
not making decisions.‖
– Catherine Cook,
Day 139

―The future belongs to

those who believe in
the beauty of their
- Eleanor Roosevelt
Day 140

―If you have time to

judge other people, you
have way too much
time on your hands.
Get off your ass and do
- Shane Gibson
Day 141


– Napoleon Hill
Day 142

―Today I will do what

others won‘t, so
tomorrow I can
accomplish what others
-Jerry Rice,
Legendary Wide
Receiver for the San
Francisco 49ers
Day 143

―If you are willing to

do more than you are
paid to do, eventually
you will be paid to do
more than you do.‖
Day 144

―A successful man is
one who can lay a firm
foundation with the
bricks others have
thrown at him.‖
David Brinkley
Day 145

―The whole secret of a

successful life is to find
out what is one's
destiny to do, and then
do it.‖
Henry Ford
Day 146

―There are two types of people

who will tell you that you
cannot make a difference in
this world: those who are
afraid to try and those who are
afraid you will succeed.‖
Ray Goforth
Day 147

―I don't know the key

to success, but the key
to failure is trying to
please everyone.‖
Bill Cosby
Day 148

―The successful
warrior is the average
man, with laser-like
Bruce Lee
Day 149

―I don't want to get to

the end of my life and
find that I lived just the
length of it. I want to
have lived the width of
it as well.‖
Diane Ackerman
Day 150

―Successful and
unsuccessful people do
not vary greatly in their
abilities. They vary in
their desires to reach
their potential.‖
John Maxwell
Day 151

―Good things come to

people who wait, but
better things come to
those who go out and
get them.‖
Day 152

―Never tell your

problems to anyone …
20 percent don‘t care
and the other 80
percent are glad you
have them.‖
-Lou Holtz, Football
Day 153

―If something is
important enough,
even if the odds are
against you, you
should still do it.‖
» Elon Musk
Day 154

―The hardest part

about being an
entrepreneur is that
you‘ll fail ten times for
every success.‖
– Adam Horwitz,
Mobile Monopoly
Day 155

―I suffer from the delusion that

every product of my
imagination is not only
possible, but always on the
cusp of becoming real.‖
– Sean Parker, Napster
Day 156

―What lies behind us

and what lies before us
are tiny matters
compared to what lies
within us.‖
–Ralph Waldo
Day 157

―Wear your learning,

like your watch, in a
private pocket: and do
not pull it out and
strike it, merely to show
that you have one.‖
–Philip Stanhope, 4th
Earl of Chesterfield
Day 158

―My attitude is that if

you push me towards
something that you
think is a weakness,
then I will turn that
perceived weakness
into a strength.‖
–Michael Jordan
Day 159

―Give yourself an even greater

challenge than the one you are
trying to master and you will
develop the powers necessary
to overcome the original
–William J. Bennett – The
Book of Virtues
Day 160

―If you have everything

under control, you‘re
not moving fast
~Mario Andretti
Day 161

―The dreamers are the

saviors of the world.‖
~James Allen
Day 162

―Everything you‘ve
ever wanted is on the
other side of fear.‖
~George Addair
Day 163

―Believe and act as if it

were impossible to
~Charles Kettering
Day 164

―Associate yourself
with people of good
quality, for it is better
to be alone than in bad
- Booker T.
Day 165
―Failure is simply the
opportunity to begin again, this
time more intelligently… A
business absolutely devoted to
service will have only one
worry about profits. They will
be embarrassingly large.‖
- Henry Ford
Day 166
―The critical ingredient is
getting off your butt and doing
something. It‘s as simple as
that. A lot of people have ideas,
but there are few who decide to
do something about them now.
Not tomorrow. Not next week.
But today. The true
entrepreneur is a doer not a
- Nolan Bushnell
Day 167

―There‘s lots of bad

reasons to start a
company. But there‘s
only one good,
legitimate reason, and
I think you know what
it is: it‘s to change the
- Phil Libin
Day 168
―Embrace what you don‘t
know, especially in the
beginning, because what you
don‘t know can become your
greatest asset. It ensures that
you will absolutely be doing
things different from everybody
- Sara Blakely
Day 169

―Don‘t let the fear of

losing be greater than
the excitement of
- Robert Kiyosaki
Day 170

―Success is about
creating benefit for all
and enjoying the
process. If you focus
on this & adopt this
definition, success is
- Kelly Kim
Day 171

―If you look at what

you have in life, you‘ll
always have more. If
you look at what you
don‘t have in life,
you‘ll never have
–Oprah Winfrey
Day 172

―I would rather die of

passion than of
–Vincent van Gogh
Day 173

First, have a definite, clear

practical ideal; a goal, an
objective. Second, have the
necessary means to achieve
your ends; wisdom, money,
materials, and methods. Third,
adjust all your means to that
Day 174

―The only person you

are destined to become
is the person you
decide to be.‖
–Ralph Waldo
Day 175

―Whether you think

you can or you think
you can‘t, you‘re
–Henry Ford
Day 176

―Life isn‘t about

getting and having, it‘s
about giving and
–Kevin Kruse
Day 177

―Real difficulties can

be overcome; it is only
the imaginary ones
that are
~Theodore N. Vail
Day 178

―Develop success from

Discouragement and
failure are two of the
surest stepping stones
to success.‖
~Dale Carnegie
Day 179

―As we look ahead into

the next century,
leaders will be those
who empower others.‖
~Bill Gates
Day 180

―Nothing in the world

is more common than
unsuccessful people
with talent.‖
Day 181

―Blessed are those who

can give without
remembering and take
without forgetting.‖
Day 182

entrepreneurs are
givers and not takers of
positive energy.‖
Day 183

―Success is just a war of

attrition. Sure, there's an
element of talent you should
probably possess. But if you
just stick around long enough,
eventually something is going
to happen.‖
Dax Shepard


Day 184

―You may have to fight

a battle more than once
to win it.‖
~Margaret Thatcher
Day 185

―Our greatest fear

should not be of failure
... but of succeeding at
things in life that don't
really matter.‖
Francis Chan
Day 186

“ You can't connect the dots looking

forward; you can only connect them
looking backward. So you have to trust
that the dots will somehow connect in
your future. You have to trust in
something--your gut, destiny, life,
karma, whatever. This approach has
never let me down, and it has made all
the difference in my life.‖
Steve Jobs
Day 187

―The first step toward

success is taken when
you refuse to be a
captive of the
environment in which
you first find yourself.‖
Mark Caine
Day 188

―You may only succeed

if you desire
succeeding; you may
only fail if you do not
mind failing.‖
Day 189

―Happiness is a
butterfly, which when
pursued, is always
beyond your grasp, but
which, if you will sit
down quietly, may
alight upon you.‖
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Day 190

―Great minds discuss

ideas; average minds
discuss events; small
minds discuss people.‖
Eleanor Roosevelt
Day 191

―All our dreams can

come true if we have
the courage to pursue
Walt Disney
Day 192

―Once you say you‘re

going to settle for
second, that‘s what
happens to you in life.‖
- John F. Kennedy
Day 193
―The important thing is not
being afraid to take a chance.
Remember, the greatest failure
is to not try. Once you find
something you love to do, be
the best at doing it.‖
- Debbi Fields
Day 194

―When I‘m old and

dying, I plan to look
back on my life and say
‗wow, that was an
adventure,‘ not ‗wow, I
sure felt safe.‘"
- Tom Preston-
Day 195

―My biggest motivation? Just

to keep challenging myself. I
see life almost like one long
University education that I
never had — everyday I‘m
learning something new.‖
- Richard Branson
Day 196

―The only way to do

great work is to love
what you do.‖
–Steve Jobs
Day 197

―Either write
something worth
reading or do
something worth
–Benjamin Franklin
Day 198

―I have learned over

the years that when
one‘s mind is made up,
this diminishes fear.‖
–Rosa Parks
Day 199

―What‘s money? A
man is a success if he
gets up in the morning
and goes to bed at
night and in between
does what he wants to
–Bob Dylan
Day 200

―Teach thy tongue to

say, ―I do not know,‖
and thous shalt
Day 201

―Certain things catch

your eye, but pursue
only those that capture
the heart.‖
– Ancient Indian
Day 202

Go confidently in the

direction of your
dreams. Live the life
you have imagined.‖
–Henry David
Day 203

―The two most

important days in your
life are the day you are
born and the day you
find out why.‖
–Mark Twain
Day 204

―I am not a product of
my circumstances. I
am a product of my
–Stephen Covey
Day 205

―The most difficult

thing is the decision to
act, the rest is merely
–Amelia Earhart
Day 206

―Whatever the mind of

man can conceive and
believe, it can achieve.‖
–Napoleon Hill
Day 207

―It is better to fail in

originality than to
succeed in imitation.‖
~Herman Melville
Day 208

―Most of the important

things in the world
have been
accomplished by people
who have kept on
trying when there
seemed to be no help at
~Dale Carnegie
Day 209

―The reason most people never

reach their goals is that they
don't define them, or ever
seriously consider them as
believable or achievable.
Winners can tell you where
they are going, what they plan
to do along the way, and who
will be sharing the adventure
with them.‖
~Denis Watiley
Day 210

―Success is liking
yourself, liking what
you do, and liking how
you do it.‖
~Maya Angelou
Day 211

distinguishes between a
leader and a follower.‖
~Steve Jobs
Day 212

―Success usually
comes to those who are
too busy to be looking
for it.‖
Henry David Thoreau
Day 213

―Success? I don't know what

that word means. I'm happy.
But success, that goes back to
what in somebody's eyes
success means. For me,
success is inner peace. That's a
good day for me.‖
Denzel Washington
Day 214

―The best revenge is

massive success.‖
Frank Sinatra
Day 215

―The only place where

success comes before
work is in the
Vidal Sassoon
Day 216

―What seems to us as
bitter trials are often
blessings in disguise.‖
Oscar Wilde
Day 217

―Don't be afraid to give

up the good to go for
the great.‖
John D. Rockefeller
Day 218

―Success is the sum of

small efforts, repeated
day-in and day-out.‖
Robert Collier
Day 219

―We become what we

think about most of the
time, and that's the
strangest secret.‖
Earl Nightingale
Day 220

―The starting point of

all achievement is
Napoleon Hill
Day 221

―If you can't explain it

simply, you don't
understand it well
Albert Einstein
Day 222

―All progress takes

place outside the
comfort zone.‖
Michael John Bobak
Day 223

―I find that the harder

I work, the more luck I
seem to have.‖
Thomas Jefferson
Day 224

―Courage is resistance
to fear, mastery of fear-
-not absence of fear.‖
Mark Twain
Day 225

―Start where you are.

Use what you have. Do
what you can.‖
Arthur Ashe
Day 226

―Trust because you are

willing to accept the
risk, not because it's
safe or certain.‖
Day 227

―Do one thing every

day that scares you.‖
Day 228

―Life is not about

finding yourself. Life is
about creating
~Lolly Daskal
Day 229

―Whenever you see a

successful person you
only see the public
glories, never the
private sacrifices to
reach them.‖
~Vaibhav Shah
Day 230

―When you stop

chasing the wrong
things you give the
right things a chance
to catch you.‖
~Lolly Daskal
Day 231

“The ones who are

crazy enough to think
they can change the
world, are the ones
that do.”
Day 232

―If you are not willing

to risk the usual you
will have to settle for
the ordinary.‖
~Jim Rohn
Day 233

―Don't raise your

voice, improve your
Day 234

―If you do what you

always did, you will get
what you always got.‖
Day 235

―You can never cross

the ocean until you
have the courage to
lose sight of the
Day 236

―The most common

way people give up
their power is by
thinking they don‘t
have any.‖
–Alice Walker
Day 237

―Either you run the

day, or the day runs
–Jim Rohn
Day 238

―Eighty percent of
success is showing up.‖
–Woody Allen
Day 239

―Winning isn‘t
everything, but
wanting to win is.‖
–Vince Lombardi
Day 240

―An unexamined life is

not worth living.‖
Day 241

―Life shrinks or
expands in proportion
to one‘s courage.‖
–Anais Nin
Day 242

―There is only one way

to avoid criticism: do
nothing, say nothing,
and be nothing.‖
Day 243

―Really it comes down

to your philosophy. Do
you want to play it safe
and be good or do you
want to take a chance
and be great?‖
- Jimmy J
Day 244

―When everything
seems to be going
against you, remember
that the airplane takes
off against the wind,
not with it.‖
–Henry Ford
Day 245

―Change your thoughts

and you change your
–Norman Vincent
Day 246

―You may be
disappointed if you fail,
but you are doomed if
you don‘t try.‖
–Beverly Sills
Day 247

―Success is about
creating benefit for all
and enjoying the
process. If you focus
on this & adopt this
definition, success is
- Kelly Kim
Day 248

―You have to learn the

rules of the game. And
then you have to play
better than anyone
- Albert Einstein
Day 249

―Live as if you were to

die tomorrow. Learn as
if you were to live
- Mahatma Gandhi
Day 250

―I knew that if I failed

I wouldn‘t regret that,
but I knew the one
thing I might regret is
not trying.‖
- Jeff Bezos
Day 251

―In the end, a vision

without the ability to
execute it is probably a
- Steve Case
Day 252

―When times are bad is

when the real
- Robert Kiyosaki
Day 253

―If you‘re passionate

about something and
you work hard, then I
think you will be
- Pierre Omidyar
Day 254

―I've learned that

mistakes can often be
as good a teacher as
- Jack Welch
Day 255

―The great successful men of

the world have used their
imagination. They think ahead
and create their mental picture
in all its details, filling in here,
adding a little there, altering
this a bit and that a bit, but
steadily building – steadily
–Robert Collier
Day 256

―If you are going to

achieve excellence in
big things, you develop
the habit in little
matters. Excellence is
not an exception, it is a
prevailing attitude.‖
–Charles R. Swindoll
Day 257

―An invincible
determination can
accomplish almost
anything and in this
lies the great
distinction between
great men and little
–Thomas Fuller
Day 258

―The secret of joy in

work is contained in
one word – excellence.
To know how to do
something well is to
enjoy it.‖
–Pearl Buck
Day 259

―Knowing trees, I
understand the
meaning of patience.
Knowing grass, I can
--Hal Borland
Day 260

―Pain is temporary. It may last

a minute, or an hour, or a day,
or a year, but eventually it will
subside and something else will
take its place. If I quit,
however, it lasts forever.‖
–Lance Armstrong
Day 261

―We must train from the inside

out. Using our strengths to
attack and nullify any
weaknesses. It‘s not about
denying a weakness may exist
but about denying its right to
--Vince McConnell
Day 262

―Every time you stay out late;

every time you sleep in; every
time you miss a workout; every
time you don‘t give 100% –
You make it that much easier
for me to beat you.‖
Day 263


– Wallace Wattles
Day 264

―The future depends

on what you do today.‖
- Mahatma Gandhi
Day 265

―Never give up, for that

is just the place and
time that the tide will
- Harriet Beecher
Day 266

―A mind troubled by
doubt cannot focus on
the course to victory.‖
- Arthur Golden
Day 267

―If it scares you, it

might be a good thing
to try.‖
- Seth Godin
Day 268

―The harder I practice,

the luckier I get.‖
- Gary Player
Day 269

– Chris Garrett
Day 270

―Act as if what you do

makes a difference. It
- William James
Day 271

―If Plan A doesn‘t

work, the alphabet has
35 more letters.‖
-Claire Cook, Author
Day 272

"Failure is not about

insecurity, it‘s about
lack of execution.‖
- Jeffery Gitomer
Day 273

―A year from now you

may wish you had
started today.‖
~Karen Lamb
Day 274

―You must be the

change you wish to see
in the world.‖


Day 275

―Believe you can and

you‘re halfway there.‖
~Theodore Roosevelt
Day 276

―The journey of a
thousand miles begins
with one step.‖
~Lao Tzu
Day 277

―If there is no struggle,

there is no progress.‖
~Frederick Douglass
Day 278

―The best way out is

always through.‖
~Robert Frost
Day 279

―When you come to a

roadblock, take a
~Mary Kay Ash |
Day 280

―It wasn‘t raining

when Noah built the
~Howard Ruff
Day 281

―If you can‘t outplay

them, outwork them.‖
~Ben Hogan
Day 282

―Never let your

memories be greater
than your dreams.‖
~Doug Ivester
Day 283

―Your imagination is
your preview of life‘s
coming attractions.‖
~Albert Einstein
Day 284

―Choosing a goal and

sticking to it changes
~Scott Reed
Day 285

―If you aren‘t going all

the way, why go at
~Joe Namath
Day 286

―There are no short

cuts to any place worth
~Beverly Sills
Day 287

―The best way to

predict the future is to
invent it.‖
~ Alan Kay
Day 288

―Everything started as
- Ben Weissenstein
Day 289

―Don‘t worry about

failure; you only have
to be right once.‖
- Drew Houston
Day 290

―I never took a day off

in my twenties. Not
- Bill Gates
Day 291

―Success is getting
what you want.
Happiness is wanting
what you get.‖
- Dale Carnegie
Day 292

―It is always the start

that requires the
greatest effort.‖
- James Cash Penney
Day 293

―Fail often so you can

succeed sooner.‖
- Tom Kelley
Day 294

―You don‘t learn to

walk by following
rules. You learn by
doing and falling
- Richard Branson
Day 295

―High expectations are

the key to everything.‖
- Sam Walton
Day 296

―It‘s not about ideas.

It‘s about making ideas
- Scott Belsky
Day 297

―Risk more than others

think is safe. Dream
more than others think
is practical.‖
- Howard Schultz
Day 298

―If the wind will not

serve, take to the oars.‖
–Latin Proverb
Day 299

―A truly rich man is

one whose children
run into his arms when
his hands are empty.‖
Day 300

―I didn‘t fail the test. I

just found 100 ways to
do it wrong.‖
–Benjamin Franklin
Day 301

―A person who never

made a mistake never
tried anything new.‖
– Albert Einstein
Day 302

―Too many of us are

not living our dreams
because we are living
our fears.‖
–Les Brown
Day 303

―It is never too late to

be what you might
have been.‖
–George Eliot
Day 304

―Build your own

dreams, or someone
else will hire you to
build theirs.‖
–Farrah Gray
Day 305

―Dreaming, after all, is

a form of planning.‖
–Gloria Steinem
Day 306

―Education costs
money. But then so
does ignorance.‖
–Sir Claus Moser
Day 307

―Books can be
dangerous. The best
ones should be labeled
‗This could change
your life‘.‖
–Helen Exley
Day 308

―To any entrepreneur:

if you want to do it, do
it now. If you don‘t,
you‘re going to regret
- Catherine Cook,
Day 309

―I find it best to dive

right in and learn the
hard way.‖
– Pete Cashmore,
Day 310

―A hard thing is done

by figuring out how to
Rand Fishkin,
Day 311

―Yesterday is not ours

to recover, but
tomorrow is ours to
win or lose.‖
–Lyndon Johnson
Day 312

―Nobody can go back

and start a new
beginning, but anyone
can start today and
make a new ending.‖
–Maria Robinson
Day 313

―If Google teaches you

anything, it‘s that
small ideas can be
Ben Silbermann,
Day 314

―Don‘t make decisions

based on fear.‖
– Jake Nickell,
Day 315

―Screw it, let‘s do it.‖

-Richard Branson,
Founder of Virgin
Day 316

―Age is something that

doesn‘t matter, unless
you are a cheese.‖
-Billie Burke, Actress
Day 317

―Things work out best

for those who make the
best of how things
work out.‖
John Wooden
Day 318

―It is not the strongest

of the species that
survive, nor the most
intelligent, but the one
most responsive to
Charles Darwin
Day 319

―I have not failed. I've

just found 10,000 ways
that won't work.‖
Thomas Edison
Day 320

―If you are not willing

to risk the usual, you
will have to settle for
the ordinary.‖
Jim Rohn
Day 321

―Opportunities don't
happen. You create
Chris Grosser
Day 322

―Stop chasing the

money and start
chasing the passion.‖
Tony Hsieh
Day 323

―Success is walking
from failure to failure
with no loss of
Winston Churchill
Day 324

―No one can make you

feel inferior without
your consent.‖
Eleanor Roosevelt
Day 325

―If you're going

through hell, keep
Winston Churchill
Day 326

―Motivation is what
gets you started. Habit
is what keeps you
Jim Ryun
Day 327

―Rarely have I seen a

situation where doing
less than the other guy
is a good strategy.‖
Jimmy Spithill
Day 328

―Twenty years from now you

will be more disappointed by
the things that you didn't do
than by the ones you did do. So
throw off the bowlines. Sail
away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your
sails. Explore. Dream.
Mark Twain
Day 329

―Whenever you find

yourself on the side of
the majority, it is time
to pause and reflect.‖
Mark Twain
Day 330

―Though no one can

go back and make a
brand-new start,
anyone can start from
now and make a
brand-new ending.‖
Carl Bard
Day 331

―The No. 1 reason

people fail in life is
because they listen to
their friends, family,
and neighbours.‖
Napoleon Hill
Day 332

―If you genuinely want

something, don't wait
for it--teach yourself to
be impatient.‖
Gurbaksh Chahal
Day 333

―Successful people do
what unsuccessful
people are not willing
to do. Don't wish it
were easier; wish you
were better.‖
Jim Rohn
Day 334

―Success does not

consist in never
making mistakes but in
never making the same
one a second time.‖
George Bernard
Day 335

―Nobody ever wrote

down a plan to be
broke, fat, lazy, or
stupid. Those things
are what happen when
you don't have a plan.‖
Larry Winget
Day 336

―To live a creative life,

we must lose our fear
of being wrong.‖
Day 337

―Many of life's failures

are people who did not
realize how close they
were to success when
they gave up.‖
Thomas A. Edison
Day 338

―Always bear in mind

that your own
resolution to success is
more important than
any other one thing.‖
Abraham Lincoln
Day 339

―Be patient with

yourself. Self-growth is
tender; it's holy
ground. There's no
greater investment.‖
Stephen Covey
Day 340

―If you want to achieve

greatness stop asking
for permission.‖
Day 341

―What would you

attempt to do if you
knew you would not
Robert Schuller
Day 342

―Logic will get you

from A to B.
Imagination will take
you everywhere.‖
Albert Einstein
Day 343

―Be content to act, and

leave the talking to
Day 344

―Life is about making

an impact, not making
an income.‖
–Kevin Kruse
Day 345

“Knowledge is being
aware of what you can
do. Wisdom is
knowing when not to
do it.”
Day 346

―The road to success

and the road to failure
are almost exactly the
~Colin R. Davis
Day 347

―People often say that

motivation doesn't last.
Well, neither does
bathing - that's why we
recommend it daily.‖
~Zig Ziglar
Day 348

―A real entrepreneur is
somebody who has no
safety net underneath
~Henry Kravis
Day 349

―It's not what you look

at that matters, it's
what you see.‖
Day 350

―You can do anything,

but not everything.‖
Day 351

―When I dare to be
powerful - to use my
strength in the service
of my vision, then it
becomes less and less
important whether I
am afraid.‖
~Audre Lorde
Day 352

―Don't let the fear of

losing be greater than
the excitement of
~Robert Kiyosaki
Day 353

―People rarely succeed

unless they have fun in
what they are doing.‖
~Dale Carnegie
Day 354

―Failure is the
condiment that gives
success its flavor.‖
~Truman Capote
Day 355

―Strive not to be a
success, but rather to
be of value.‖
–Albert Einstein
Day 356

―Success is...knowing
your purpose in life,
growing to reach your
maximum potential,
and sowing seeds that
benefit others.‖
~ John C. Maxwell
Day 357

―Don't let what you

cannot do interfere
with what you can do.‖
~John R. Wooden
Day 358

―To accomplish great

things, we must not
only act, but also
dream, not only plan,
but also believe.‖
~ Anatole France
Day 359

―Fortune sides with

him who dares.‖
Day 360

―You miss 100% of the

shots you don‘t take.‖
–Wayne Gretzky
Day 361

―Life is what happens

to you while you‘re
busy making other
–John Lennon
Day 362

―Every strike brings me

closer to the next home
–Babe Ruth
Day 363

―Believe you can and

you‘re halfway there.‖
–Theodore Roosevelt
Day 364

―Fall seven times and

stand up eight.‖
–Japanese Proverb
Day 365

distinguishes between a
leader and a follower.‖
-Steve Jobs

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