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Suci Anggriani


Course: writing III

Instructor: Eki Saputra, M.pd

Date: November, 25th 2015


Thesis statement: Bullying is a big problem that should be analyzed, prevented, and banned among
student and society because it will give the negative effect to us especially students.

I. Bullying analysis

a. What is bullying?
b. What is the sign and effect of bullyng?

II. Bullying: Background and prevent

a. Is bullying start from home?

b. Characteristics of family, environtment and the relationship with bullying

III. Problem solving

a. The strategy to solve this problem

b. Anti-bullying program
c. Intervention and solve from parents, school and the other sides

Have you ever feel something like you in bad condition because of your friends or someone
disturb you and that’s make you uncomfortable, shy, angry or maybe you cry because many person
see it and its happened continously? It’s mean that you in experience something we say as bullying, as
we know that bullying ever become a trending topic among people in society during for about 2 years
passed, not only among teenegers and adult people, but also among younger in elementary school, its
so serious problem that must be banned until the roots of this, bullying happend when there is
powerless person or they probably never resist if there is somebody disturb mock or maybe kick
she/he and this act happend in continouly. not only parents and common people, but also government
have to see that this problem is a serious problem because it can damage individual characteristics
depretion or maybe drop out from school, impressing they self from society. The result demonstrated
that one from three person or children in this world said that they have experience as a object bullying
in their life, and the same as that, one from three person or children have experience as a subject of
bullying in their life. so what’s more, Bullying is a big problem that should be analyzed, prevented,
and banned among student and society because it will give the negative effect to us especially

Bullying is the repeated and continously action that intentionally by person to their victim, it’s
not only failure but also the real intetionally action, based on the different power among them. Andri
priyatna (2010). And Andri says too that bullying is aproblem that the impact of it must be guaranteed
by all sides, not only the subject, and object of bullying, but also they that present at that action.

Bullying is intolerable because it is cruel and repeated oppression by the powerful over the
powerless, without any justification at all. It is gratuitous violence, physical or psychological. We will
not tolerate it between adults. We are appalled at the domestic tyranny of husbands who abuse their
wives and of parents who abuse their children. Yet for so long we have stood by and watched (or not
watched) stronger children abusing weaker children. Ken Rigby (2007)

Bullying is a problem that can derail a child’s schooling, social life, and, most importantly,
their emotional well being. It’s also an issue that has been made even more pressing in recent years
because of the increased use among children of the Internet, cell phones, and other means of
communication as tools to harass each other. Adults may have a tendency to ignore bullying, to write
it off as a normal part of life that all kids have to go through. However, it’s a real problem with
dangerous consequences, and it should be dealt with accordingly. Elijah wolfson (2014).

The result study says that olweus (1993) identified two sub-type of bullying that’s direct
bullying such as physical fight, usually do by boys than girls and indirect bullying such as slipped
away social way, and indirect bullying usually do by girs than boys. Trisna rudi (2010).

From that statement we can get main part, that is Bullying is the repeated actions or threats of
action directed toward a person by one or more people who powerless and easy to be sad, so that who
do this act have something like name from the other people and the person as a object become sad,
and afraid, and maybe drop out from school or pull their self from society. We also ever heard or saw
at television or something like that and there is bullying among people, students, or cyberbullying at
social media among teenegers or the users, and maybe this can until cyber crime among them.

We also ever know the story about Cipong, (level 1 elementary school) that he ever locked
by his friend at school toilet. Chanchan, (level 5 elementary school) that she lately know and aware
when she wanna change her clothes at home on her cloth back there is a paper said that “ beautiful
grandmother”. Andri Priyatna (2010). Nandatul faradila,(level 4 elemetary school) that she is a new
student in her school , Babatan, Sukaraja, Suoth bengkulu. When she was in the first time school, she
already got some problem with her friends who tried to pinch her finger in the door, to flatted her
bycycle tire, mocked her nickname and so many else problem, but, nanda is typical strong person that
will requeted when somebody disturb her.

From this case we needs to know too that, this is problem that must quickly to solve by the
specialist or parents and also government. From that cases maybe we ever feel and our children ever
in condition comething like that too. Bullying give the serious effect for children especially if they in
elementary school they will still remember that problem until adult because that moment is a gold-
memorized from young children.

The effect of bullying is become serious if all parent want to know, because the study result
from o’connor and allysor R, on their book “ Bullying Prevention and Intervention in School
Systems” says like this:

It’s really sure problem if we know that the effect of that become like that and of course it
will disturb the academic process and about they relation interaction in society, and also govenmet
have to know to about this problem. The other negative effect from bullying who as a victim are
uncomfortable with some situation, lonely, hard to make a friend, depression, gloomy, suicide, have a
trouble when wanna go to school and when back from school. And also that situation will never felt
by person who do this act to someone else, they will be over confident, always wound in fight, smoke,
chriminal cases, steal act, become disobedient person and so on. As a parents must sensitive and care
with this situation if happend with our children, and find out the cause and solution quickly about this

To know if the children was become a object or subject bullying, we need to look at the sign
something like this, if children have a trouble if wanna go to school and when back from school their
clothes is become so dirty not like usual, don’t cofident to mix with the children same age with them
amd they will feel comfort if mix with the children more younger than it, become gloomy person and
that is not like usual too, and we must suspicious if the sign like that come to our child. As a subject
from bullying or the perso who do this act have the sign too, such as: over confident, arrogant, lack of
empathy with who that need help, like with criminal cases that they look at the television, arround
them, or something like that or maybe there is somebody or from their school give the report that their
child was disturb his or her friend until cry or something like that, if like that we must give
explanation with him or her that is wrong way or we can get their belongings at the sometime.

Bullying is not have to come from society maybe, but from home it will begin, because why
speechless that when we look at the brother get mad with her sister about something thats small
problem such as to fight for one things, but there is just one thing, and it will make child to social
interaction that strong relation or can make children become bad behavior , agressif, especially if there
is parent that not to much care with they children do, it’s not impossible if that behavior bring
children in bad habits, and maybe make children become familiar with this act so they do this with
someone else

The study show that there is significant corelation between bullying among brother and sister,
bullying in school, where the children usual as a executor of bullying or victim of that in home, at
school disposed toward as aexecuter or victim of bullying, so, the main of this is bullying start when
children still young, or may be until the end, but dont think so, the maximal expedient need to do
againts or prevent this discent growing at home and then continue to school or society

The parents that has temperament individual style that can come up the big effects that appear
in their children temprament, design behavior of parent can bring a big influence to choldren behavior
too, so parent must take care to do something that is front of children

The character of family as dramatic way give the variation influence to children that as a
victim of bullying, for example: their mother give form overprotective, overcontrolling, and lack of
care from father and their father always give the critisism to he or she, the parents fail to give a good
example, and their mother don’t care with them. Parent that more enjoy with their business, usually
have time to heard they children just when they find some problem, in the other hand when children
have emotional, sometime need something like caring from their parents that it can make their parents
alwayn in besides them, moreover in the real fact children need to learn about manything from their
parents and their caretaker. Don Fleming and Mark Ritts (2007).

Andri priyatna present the idea that there are four stretegy to stop bullying among people, the
first one is request to the person who do bullying act to stop his/her action but don’t forget about
welfare, the second is to help every friend that become a victim, the third is don’t give the atention to
the person who do this act, and the last is tell or report abour bullying ghest to teachers, parents, or the
people who more old than us.

Elijah wolfson (2014) says in the different step too about the strategy how to prevent bullying
act, The first thing to do if you notice something’s wrong with your child is to talk to them. The most
important thing you can do for a bullied child is to validate the situation. Pay attention to the child’s
feelings and let him or her know you care. You may not be able to solve all the problems for your
child right away. It’s essential is that you let them know that you’re supportive. Get Educated
Continual training and education is essential if bullying is to be stopped in our communities. The U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services “Stop Bullying Now” campaign suggests that schools set
aside 20 or 30 minutes of class time a week to discuss bullying with students. This gives teachers time
to talk openly to students about bullying and to get a feel for what the bullying climate is in the
school. It will also help children understand what behaviors are considered bullying. School-wide
assemblies on the subject can also be helpful in bringing the issue out into the open.

According to Katherine Lee, on her article “How to Prevent and Stop Bullying in School”,
says thatthe step that can be use by parent to prevent and stop bullying in school are Stay connected
with your child, Explain to your child what bullying is, Tell her what to do in case she experiences or
witnesses bullying, Teach a child the importance of empathy, Set a good example, Look for warning
signs that your child may be the victim of bullying, Talk to your school about what teachers can do
and about effective programs that are being used by schools to deter bullying.

From that statement we ca get some reason too about how to prevent that act if we see ttere is
something like bullying action don’t just see it but do some measure too for help the victim and to
stop bullying act among them, this action will be give a good impact to the person who do this act, so
that the people who do this act will stop his act directly, so, before this virus spread widely if anybody
see this act so lets do some measure to stop this act happend in long time and continue

And nowdays there is the institution about bullying UU No. 35 Th. 2014 tentang Perubahan
atas UU No. 23 Th. 2002 about children protection, pasal 1 ayat 2 :

children protection is a all activity for guaranted and protect children and their right so that they can
live, growup, and to optimal participation according to the dignity, and get the protection from
disctimination and something like that.

pasal 9, ayat 1 and 1a says that:

1. Every children have a right to get education and learning in scheme to growing up their self
and intelegent level according their wish and talent

1(A). A. Every children have a right to get protection in school from sexual crime, sickness that
do by teacher, education employee, among student, and/or the other side

From that, as a indonesia people we must aware that we have constitution and strong laws, so let’s
save each other so that we can disline bullying action.

In the other hand, the way that can we get to solve bullying problem is is children gone to far
as a victim or person who do bullying action , so the step that can do by parents is give the
treatment to them, maybe some punishment that can bring thei to a positive way, as we know that
to solve this problem is not easy at all, so, its need to attention from parents such as a good
education with young children, make they in a good confident, avoid the overprotective design to
children, the design tend that is outhoritative is not good too because it will make children
become lazy person when they come to school but its not mean that we must always permisive,
because it will disturb the grow up our children, so, let’s give a good education its not problem if
we give non physical punishment somethime to children as a treatment

Nowdays some school in indonesia already have program anti-bullying something like race
program that the member is all of student and teachers that the purpose is to implementation anti-
bullying program in the school, to build interpersonal relationship that is positive, etc. To open the
teathre program is a affective way to disline bullying act. So, many positive activity may do by
people without hurt the other person with bullying.

Bullying is a agressive behavior and this is an intentional action that do by subject to the object of
bullying, is not like careless, but it’s real intentionally action, bullying happend to person who don’t
have friend, easy become sad, and this action repeated over time, and involves an imbalance of power
or strength. A child who is being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself, so as their
parent must sensitive and care with that is bullying experienced, and nowdays so many program about
bullying such as anti-bullying, etc, and maybe parent that don’t have background or don’t know how
to solve if there is children in experienced bullying can search about that programs, for children,
student, etc, lets build confidence from our self and it’s can bridle emotion, avoid rebellious person, if
there is bullying action don’t just watch, but report it to the old person and stop it as well as it is

Priyatna. andri. (2010). Let’s End Bullying. Jakarta: Ptelex media komputindo

Fleming.D & Ritts.M. (2007). To surpass the children negative behavior. Jogjakarta: think

Faradila. Nandatul, interviewed 20/11/15 at muhammadiyah university of bengkulu. Clear interview,

Bengkulu, 10.30 A.M

Rigby. Ken.(2007). Bullying in schools: and what to do about it. First published 2007
by ACER Press.

Rudi. Trisna. (2010). Information about bullying. First published 2007 by indonesia anti-bullying

Constitution Republic Indonesia Number 23, 2002 about children protection

Wolfson. Elijah. (2014). How to stop bullying in schools. First published august 28th 2014 by
healthline: Medically Reviewed by Monica Gross

Lee, kathrine (2015). How to Prevent and Stop Bullying in School. School-Age Children Expert

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