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Essay 17

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Get Rid of The first thing to do is create a mask. √ Consider revising

Acne in a Many materials that can be made in
Simple masks, such as fruit jicama, tomatoes,
Way coffee powder, lime and others. But
jicama mask is the most recommended
mask to get rid of acne. Why should
jicama? because jicama contain a lot of
water content, vitamin C and B,
flavonoids, saponins, phenolic
substances, and others. Jicama mask can
help moisurize the skin, brighten facial
skin, relieve acne, prevent premature
aging, and that definitely keep skin
To know how to get rid of acne in simple
way, need to understand how to make a
mask and how the process of use. To
make a jicama mask, fruit jicama need to
be washed first so that no more dirt on
the fruit. Then grate the jicama by using a
small scar so that the shape of the
√ Consider revising
jicama will later become like waste.
After shredded, jicama fruit ready to be
used as a mask. But during the process of
making a mask, it is necessary to always
clean. because if the state of dirty fruit,
the germs will stick on the face later and
cause acne will multiply.
The fifth or final stage is to
wash your face again. After doing the
treatment, is required to rinse face with
soap again. Because while doing the
steam process, any dirt that is in the
skin will be lifted to the skin surface. √ Consider revising
So to clean the dirt we have to wash
the face back for the dirt is lost and not
re-enter into the skin of the face

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